What ever happened to Sorrow's Furnace
Last night I was thinking about skill capping for the title in Prophecies when on my map I saw, Sorrow's Furnace!!!
I spend tones of time there.. once.
Does anyone do that anymore?
I spend tones of time there.. once.
Does anyone do that anymore?
Every once in a while when I fancy a new Drago's

at first it was fun...but now people want rewards for there work and its a big place for nothing in return....same as TOtPK...best u get is a green....guildwars players (not all but most)...want the chance of something of value for the effort...BDS EBlade Obby edge etc...they are still a nice reward so people will play them alot.
at first it was fun...but now people want rewards for there work and its a big place for nothing in return....same as TOtPK...best u get is a green....guildwars players (not all but most)...want the chance of something of value for the effort...BDS EBlade Obby edge etc...they are still a nice reward so people will play them alot.

To Chicken To Die
Takes back time when sorrow furnace was added to the game.
Yup good old days
Yup good old days
Basically, the dwarves got owned by Bladed Aatxes.
It basically was the berth of the "green" weapon. At that time, most of the greens that came out of the furnace were decent to good.
Well obviously through the additions of factions, nightfall, and Eotn...these sorrows furnace greens became obsolete.
Think about it, even finishing the questing in sorrows didnt do anything for you. It became strictly for the farm.
Dont forget, Sorrows furnace was the place to be for the great days of the true human Minion Master. Certain areas in Sorrows gave you all the bodies you needed to control 30, 40, or 50+ minions with relative ease. When they nerfed the max to 10 minions, sorrows furnace took a big hit.
Obviously its dead as a doornail. An end chest would bring some draw back to with some additions of maybe new gold weapons. Keep the weapons UNINSCRIBABLE for some draw of truly unique weapons. Up the foe patrols maybe to help make it more interesting.
Considering with all people working on gw2, it wouldnt take much to update Sorrows to bring some draw back to it.
Well obviously through the additions of factions, nightfall, and Eotn...these sorrows furnace greens became obsolete.
Think about it, even finishing the questing in sorrows didnt do anything for you. It became strictly for the farm.
Dont forget, Sorrows furnace was the place to be for the great days of the true human Minion Master. Certain areas in Sorrows gave you all the bodies you needed to control 30, 40, or 50+ minions with relative ease. When they nerfed the max to 10 minions, sorrows furnace took a big hit.
Obviously its dead as a doornail. An end chest would bring some draw back to with some additions of maybe new gold weapons. Keep the weapons UNINSCRIBABLE for some draw of truly unique weapons. Up the foe patrols maybe to help make it more interesting.
Considering with all people working on gw2, it wouldnt take much to update Sorrows to bring some draw back to it.
I can remember being dead and a Green dropped with my name on it and everyone was, "Don't res him!!!" So, no one res'd me and the fight issued of who will get the drop.
That was my first introduction to all for one and everyone for themselves in GW.
That was my first introduction to all for one and everyone for themselves in GW.
Markus Clouser
I still do it. I like it. I do some events with my guild there, not to mention Moa Chick.
Divine Ashes
I can remember being dead and a Green dropped with my name on it and everyone was, "Don't res him!!!" So, no one res'd me and the fight issued of who will get the drop.
That was my first introduction to all for one and everyone for themselves in GW. |

Seriously, though, back when SF was added were the really good old days of Guild Wars. Back then, 100k was A LOT of money, and getting one of Bortak's Greens or Rago's Flame Staff drop for you was cause for a coronary infarction. Also, no minion cap, so 30-40 minions on screen owning everything in sight was amazing.
To answer the OP, no...nobody really does it anymore aside from the occasional Black Moa trip. This is mainly due to the drastic decrease in the value of Greens when inscriptions came out.
Like so many things it's not worth it. The novelty of doing it with just a pary of 4 or 5 and occasionally getting a green wears off.
I went there a long time ago. Then I went back to get a statue and a black chick.
Then I forgot about the place.
Most uniques there can be replicated with better and moddable stuff, and the couple of nice skins you may find around there can be found inscribed in the North, from the other stone summit dwarves.
So there is no motivation to go there other than fun.
It's still fun, though, but not as fun as other things I may do.
It's a place to go with people. With H/H is not so fun.
Then I forgot about the place.
Most uniques there can be replicated with better and moddable stuff, and the couple of nice skins you may find around there can be found inscribed in the North, from the other stone summit dwarves.
So there is no motivation to go there other than fun.
It's still fun, though, but not as fun as other things I may do.
It's a place to go with people. With H/H is not so fun.
Ppl forgetting the Uber Killroy chest dropping Purple Magmas, Crystallines, Dwarvens Etc!
its someting to go for still even now!
its someting to go for still even now!
The purchase and possession of my Miniature Dredge Brute, is my personal way of showing my love for the place.
The quests were awesome, the drops were cool, and the place was just amazing. Not to mention the Dredge are cute being rebellious and communists and all :3
The quests were awesome, the drops were cool, and the place was just amazing. Not to mention the Dredge are cute being rebellious and communists and all :3
Back in 2005 it was great fun unmatched by anything else PvE had to offer in all the history of GW. And it was very rewarding.
I really miss that kind of gameplay, it's a big shame they didn't try to revive that experience, even EotN despite promises did nothing to bring that back.
It's even bigger shame they completely ruined the rewards by horrible game design decisions: first by giving quality green drops to easily accessible bosses in explorables, possible to be easily overfarmed solo, and then by doing the single worst thing that has happened to PvE - introducing the inscription system, which among all the bad things it did also made (most) greens obsoleted by random common drops.
Thanks to the occassional Z-Quest the fun can be revived once per a few months and PuGs are really forming on that day. And a couple greens which aren't just obsoleted by random insc crap are still among the most valuable greens in game, oh, and the occassional purple Crystalline drops from chests are nice too.
I really miss that kind of gameplay, it's a big shame they didn't try to revive that experience, even EotN despite promises did nothing to bring that back.
It's even bigger shame they completely ruined the rewards by horrible game design decisions: first by giving quality green drops to easily accessible bosses in explorables, possible to be easily overfarmed solo, and then by doing the single worst thing that has happened to PvE - introducing the inscription system, which among all the bad things it did also made (most) greens obsoleted by random common drops.
Thanks to the occassional Z-Quest the fun can be revived once per a few months and PuGs are really forming on that day. And a couple greens which aren't just obsoleted by random insc crap are still among the most valuable greens in game, oh, and the occassional purple Crystalline drops from chests are nice too.
Cool Down
I still love Sorrow's Furnace, and go there often just because it's my fav "elite" area
Its a great place and fun to go. Too bad a-net has not updated it since the early 70's

Factions ruined greens because Every boss drops one and it also birthed the begining of "end game greens" Which Ive always thought were stupid, I loved hunting down bosses and grinding to kill em, now I just have to finish the game, lol.
Would be nice if these dead areas could be revamped for more playablity.
tyrant rex
no good rewards=no incentive to waste time in a easy area
Just did the whole thing with my guildy, he vever finished his quests and wanted the statue for his hall.
Running around in there brought back some good memories.
Tombs needs a statue too!!!!
Running around in there brought back some good memories.
Tombs needs a statue too!!!!
I agree tombs needs a statue too..... and I wish sarrows would just add an end chest... with 1 good item.... cause then people would go back there again....
The only really good greens in the game that people really still ask for are totem axe.... which thanks to 600 going away, nobody really needs one of those anymore... and Draccos....which I love btw.... but people don't form teams just to get a 12k green, unfortunatly
The only really good greens in the game that people really still ask for are totem axe.... which thanks to 600 going away, nobody really needs one of those anymore... and Draccos....which I love btw.... but people don't form teams just to get a 12k green, unfortunatly
This quote made me smile.
How about an end chest that awards Bell Bottom Pants, Leisure Suits, big Afro Hair, skate boards, and wide collar polyester shirts. Far out, can't you dig it!
How about an end chest that awards Bell Bottom Pants, Leisure Suits, big Afro Hair, skate boards, and wide collar polyester shirts. Far out, can't you dig it!
Ahhh... Sorrow's Furnace... The memories of getting so excited when Drago would spawn and shouting "YES! IT'S DRAGO!!"
lol.. xD
lol.. xD
Pandora's box
With the experience of Eye of the Norht dungeon design Sorrows Furnace could easily be revived. Better rewards is the clue, along with some extra challenges, e.g. better bosses walking around. Would take no more than a few hours of programming...
If they could somehow randomize what chests drop in areas then old places like SF could become popular again. Let's face it most players are going to play where the valueable drops are andnot in the crappy drop areas like SF now. This has been an issue in most mmorpgs as well.
There are only a couple of MMORPG's that allow any area to have some quality loot and you don't have to be level 50+ to get them. One is Star Wars Galaxies. I could farm the loons in that game for Light Sabre parts and make a nice income doing so. Then in Anarchy online you can be level 10 and farm Concrete Pillows and also make a nice income from them from high level players.
The above is what GW and all MMO/MMORPG need. Give the low level player something to farm without having to grind to level 50+ that high levels will buy from them. Move high level items around and don't have them in the same chests in the same dungeons everyday all the time.
Some of the best drops now aren't in the high level areas they are in the endgame areas like Droknars. I personally like the +5E +60hp +20% spell recharge staves myself. I also like the 20/20 recharge/cast +60hp staves and both of these types can be found outside of the high end areas. Many in Factions and then those at the end of Prophecies now. Melee weapons +15^50 +20% +30hp are also a dime a dozen outside of the high end areas.
They really need to make a single type of high end area group of weapons for PVE that go beyond the standard +15^50 +20% +30hp model. I'd love to see +20^50 +25% +45hp (without being enchanted) weapons drop ONLY in the HIGH END dungeons and ONLY if you play it in HARD MODE. Thus separating the high end game from the regular game and giving some quality drops to go for instead of just a SKIN which is worthless to me.
There are only a couple of MMORPG's that allow any area to have some quality loot and you don't have to be level 50+ to get them. One is Star Wars Galaxies. I could farm the loons in that game for Light Sabre parts and make a nice income doing so. Then in Anarchy online you can be level 10 and farm Concrete Pillows and also make a nice income from them from high level players.
The above is what GW and all MMO/MMORPG need. Give the low level player something to farm without having to grind to level 50+ that high levels will buy from them. Move high level items around and don't have them in the same chests in the same dungeons everyday all the time.
Some of the best drops now aren't in the high level areas they are in the endgame areas like Droknars. I personally like the +5E +60hp +20% spell recharge staves myself. I also like the 20/20 recharge/cast +60hp staves and both of these types can be found outside of the high end areas. Many in Factions and then those at the end of Prophecies now. Melee weapons +15^50 +20% +30hp are also a dime a dozen outside of the high end areas.
They really need to make a single type of high end area group of weapons for PVE that go beyond the standard +15^50 +20% +30hp model. I'd love to see +20^50 +25% +45hp (without being enchanted) weapons drop ONLY in the HIGH END dungeons and ONLY if you play it in HARD MODE. Thus separating the high end game from the regular game and giving some quality drops to go for instead of just a SKIN which is worthless to me.
They really need to make a single type of high end area group of weapons for PVE that go beyond the standard +15^50 +20% +30hp model. I'd love to see +20^50 +25% +45hp (without being enchanted) weapons drop ONLY in the HIGH END dungeons and ONLY if you play it in HARD MODE. Thus separating the high end game from the regular game and giving some quality drops to go for instead of just a SKIN which is worthless to me.
No offense, but there are only certain kinds of people I can think of that would have a problem with that and they are mostly the kind of gamers that need to play a more remedial gear based RPG like WoW. The things you said you want aren't much but if any heed was paid to that then there would be people who would want even more of a handicap situation.
Went back shortly after the wiki said that there was a HoM statue for it. Got it and my black moa done on the one trip and haven't been back since. A lot of bosses inside and out and they all have pretty good drop rates for greens if you need a couple. But nothing of any real value there.
The Scorpion Knight
Mostly probably done for the Conqueror trophy, do you still get it if you do it in NM?
I last went there about 6 months ago for the Black Moa chick.
I didn't know about the statue until I read this thread, is it a (semi-)recent thing?
Haven't really played since I got the Moa.
I didn't know about the statue until I read this thread, is it a (semi-)recent thing?
Haven't really played since I got the Moa.
The Scorpion Knight
I last went there about 6 months ago for the Black Moa chick.
I didn't know about the statue until I read this thread, is it a (semi-)recent thing? Haven't really played since I got the Moa. |
Wiki has them all listed.
Wow, I've read that article a good half dozen times, can't believe I missed it!
Better get back down the furnace then
Better get back down the furnace then

Neo Atomisk
wtb Sorrow's Furnace revamp to make it the toughest area in the game. - it's what this game needs, harder challenges that can't be beaten with sf
No, it's exactly the same - it's just that our skillsets are drastically stronger than they were 4½ years ago ^__^
I went there a long time ago. Then I went back to get a statue and a black chick.
Then I forgot about the place. Most uniques there can be replicated with better and moddable stuff, and the couple of nice skins you may find around there can be found inscribed in the North, from the other stone summit dwarves. So there is no motivation to go there other than fun. It's still fun, though, but not as fun as other things I may do. It's a place to go with people. With H/H is not so fun. |
No offense, but there are only certain kinds of people I can think of that would have a problem with that and they are mostly the kind of gamers that need to play a more remedial gear based RPG like WoW.
Anyway, game has other rewards than just skins. But ...
Will playing SF give me sweet points? No ...
Will playing SF give me drunk points? No ...
Will playing SF give me party points? No ...
Will playing SF give me ... well, you get it.
SF reward system is simply irrelevant to current game where people mostly only care about finishing up those grindy titles.
SF only gives you items (kudos for those weird interesting stats) which sadly noone wants (boo for hordes and hordes of 20/20 15^50 +30 weapons.), statue and minipet (kudos for minipet; aya for staure), but statue and minipet are both one-time thing (which you can do at same time, no less).
And then, you of course can get drops, gold and open chests and whanot, but you can get that everywhere in much more effective way.
Purely from reward pov, SF could use retrofit: Make Killroy chests have chance on dropping kegs of ale at least. Add interesting collectors for Dredge Manifestos / Enslavement Stones. Something.