please kill the Dishonorable penalty already!
it don't work, I should not get a penalty if I leave and all my team is dead and the other team has 4 live players...........NO WONDER THIS GAME IS DEAD!!
Still Number One
If you get rid of the dishonorable penalty more and more people will quit every time they don't get a monk (which is about 90% for me). It would make RA even more unplayable than it already is.
Leave the instant the countdown to town timer comes up.
were you not here pre-dishoner penalty....? 7/10 time in RA a player would leave before the match started because he or she wasn't satisfied with the random team. Adding a 5 min penalty makes people play the random team out.
Terrible Surgeon
Dishonorable penalty is a deterrent for leechers and leavers. Without it the game would be worse off. If you suffer DH then you probably deserve it LMAOROFLXDopter.
/not signed
/not signed
Don Juan
It works fine. Its called leave when the timer starts and everyone else gets to. If you leave the game early, you definitely deserve the penalty. Its called Random Arenas for a reason. Also, I assure you people didn't quit the game cause "Oh man, I got dishonorable. Guess its time to find new game to play"
I hate it how you get dishonorable points when you get reported for leeching, even when you're not leeching..
Regulus X
were you not here pre-dishoner penalty....? 7/10 time in RA a player would leave before the match started because he or she wasn't satisfied with the random team. Adding a 5 min penalty makes people play the random team out.
The only fix I see is enabling the /resign function to cause balth faction to be negated, and in turn nullifying all /reports for leeching [which is known to be abused by all players in RA]. That, and forcing one monk into every random team to offer hope for every team.
Axel Zinfandel
I hate it how you get dishonorable points when you get reported for leeching, even when you're not leeching..
The dishonorable system is a very broken one, but as people have said, it was probably worse before.
Shayne Hawke
The system we have now is better than no system at all. Removal is not an option. Unless you have a suggestion for how it can be improved, there's nothing here to discuss that hasn't already been talked or raged about to death in the past.
Sounds to me like you deserve the dishonor points. You should have rushed the other team's healer and died like the rest of the team at the very least.
Regulus X
because asshats never resign. Resign Denial equals Abuse in RA. Don't resign, force time wasted, and pressure other players to leave prematurely to suffer the D.Hex. I also add salt and lemon juice to the cut by mapping out at the 00:00 marked every. single. time!
Just run in and suicide, leave as soon as it says Defeat or Victory.
Might as well remove dishonorable. After the removal of TA, RA is just:
See if you have a monk
If yes then stay
If no then go back to step 1.
And you can't blame people for doing this, why stay and win that 1 round for a pitiful amount of balth.
Might as well remove dishonorable. After the removal of TA, RA is just:
See if you have a monk
If yes then stay
If no then go back to step 1.
And you can't blame people for doing this, why stay and win that 1 round for a pitiful amount of balth.
This thread is just acid. Please lock.
Twin Blade Warriror
Lycan Nibbler
*yawn* another whiner coz he thinks the rules should be written around him...
People that leave if they have no monk, are just plain bad. I have gotten countless gladiator points with no monk or healers at all.
Neo Atomisk
it needs to be fixed, not removed
Orange Milk
No idea what your talking about. I've never gotten dishonorable Hex and I play plenty of RA, JQ and AB. And I ALWAYS report leachers and botters.
You must be some kind of douche or something that can't figure out how to play by the rules so you decide to whine about it instead.
You must be some kind of douche or something that can't figure out how to play by the rules so you decide to whine about it instead.
Yelling @ Cats
Just run in and suicide, leave as soon as it says Defeat or Victory.
Might as well remove dishonorable. After the removal of TA, RA is just: Enter See if you have a monk If yes then stay If no then go back to step 1. And you can't blame people for doing this, why stay and win that 1 round for a pitiful amount of balth. |
RA has always been plagued by the necessity of a monk. Honestly, monks are far, far overpowered in PvP settings. Of course, they are that way so that ANet can maintain the type of quasi-tactical battle system we currently have...but it doesn't work at all with randomly assigned teams.
The Drunkard
it don't work, I should not get a penalty if I leave and all my team is dead and the other team has 4 live players...........NO WONDER THIS GAME IS DEAD!!
sSince you offer no insight as to how you would change dishonorable other than to "kill it", I'm just going to assume that this is a QQ thread.
/request lock
Pretty much.
RA has always been plagued by the necessity of a monk. Honestly, monks are far, far overpowered in PvP settings. Of course, they are that way so that ANet can maintain the type of quasi-tactical battle system we currently have...but it doesn't work at all with randomly assigned teams. |
Agreed, the only problem I have is when one remaining party member is alive and runs away for the duration of the match. I'd sooner take the dishonour points but would prefer it if I wasn't penalised at all for leaving in such a situation.
Regulus X
Whenever you roll a bad group, do what I do: suicide, leave at 00:01, resurrect whoever resurrected you [just to be an asshole], and alternate between multiple accounts. It's as if there was no such thing as the d-hex! "Report-[Ab]users" will continue abusing the leech-report function, so there's no point in sweating Qqers. Just be sure you never talk in chat; it just makes reporting you alot easier. Also, name your toons something difficult to type so that abusing you isn't as easy [i.e.: lll ll l l ll lll l (aka: barcodes)]. Do everything in your power to screw everyone over because they're guaranteed to screw YOU over anyhow. It's called "an eye for an eye".
Whenever you roll a bad group, do what I do: suicide, leave at 00:01, resurrect whoever resurrected you [just to be an asshole], and alternate between multiple accounts. It's as if there was no such thing as the d-hex! "Report-[Ab]users" will continue abusing the leech-report function, so there's no point in sweating Qqers. Just be sure you never talk in chat; it just makes reporting you alot easier. Also, name your toons something difficult to type so that abusing you isn't as easy [i.e.: lll ll l l ll lll l (aka: barcodes)]. Do everything in your power to screw everyone over because they're guaranteed to screw YOU over anyhow. It's called "an eye for an eye".
F T W ! |
shadows of hob
People like you should be able to understand sarcasme.
Rocky Raccoon
Well this thread has devolved into another name calling affair. To the OP who started the whole thing play by the rules or don't play.
if every other player on your team is dead couldn't you /resign your way out?
Select the player (in party window for example) and type /report. No need to type /report <name>.
pumpkin pie
it only happens if you repeatedly abandoned your team should not be a problem.
no need for it to go away. not like you leave once and immediately get dishonorable penalty. you must have been ditching a lot to get it. hence deserving to get the penalty
Also if ArenaNet would please add Dishonorable penalty to those who commit multiple suicide, just so they could leave a match they don't like. thanks.
no need for it to go away. not like you leave once and immediately get dishonorable penalty. you must have been ditching a lot to get it. hence deserving to get the penalty
Also if ArenaNet would please add Dishonorable penalty to those who commit multiple suicide, just so they could leave a match they don't like. thanks.
Pony Slaystation
A problem with removing the dishonorable system is that pre-dishonorable, some people would start a game, and leave just to be assholes.
Killed u man
Dishonorable is the only thing preventing me from playing RA more than 5 minutes each day.
People posting in this thread need to understand a couple of things before they post, though:
1) Playing without a Monk (Or healer in general, some rits do fairly well) IS pointless. Just because you CAN get 25 cons, or 5 cons for that matter, doesn't mean you should.
2) Playing WITH a monk gives you a major advantage over teams without a Monk. I would almost go as far as saying teams with a Monk have a 99% chance of winning against non-Monk (Or again healer in general) teams, given that the Monk has got a basic clue what he's doing OR the non-Monk team has an incredibly lucky team set-up. (VoR for shutdown and then 3 straightforward damage dealers who know what they're doing for example)
The chances of getting 25 consecutives (Which is the ultimate goal in "PvP", to win as much as you can) are next to non-existent. The fact people say: "I've once gotten 25 cons without a Monk" pretty much explain how rare of an occasion it is. Just because you can get 25 cons without a Monk once every 100 runs doesn't mean it's a feasable way of playing.
Which concludes me to my last point:
3) Refusing to resign without a Monk is forcing your teammates to play a game in which the chance of winning (getting consecutives) is below any value worth playing, and thus can be concidered griefing.
Dishonorable is a retarded system that so far, has only backfired. I try to run frontline, but I get shutdown 24/7 due to lack of a healer, so I simply /resign and stop playing from there on. My teammates reported me for leeching, and I got dishonorable.
I play healer and I get matched up with 2 other Monks. I kindly ask them to resign, and when I saw the enemy team had 1 Monk aswell, I refused to play any further, sat down and resigned. They reported me for leeching, because I didn't feel like bashing some buttons for 5 minutes only to draw in the end.
Dishonorable is something that works in AB, where people can easily leech it, and where people were leeching it.
In doesn't belong in RA however, where it is rather the game design that flaws, than the people. Believe me when I say: I don't want to give up 9/10 matches due to not getting matched up with a Monk, or getting matched up with too many Monks, but I have to. Since only 1 map provides a NPC healer, which only has a shitty heal for that matter, you simply have no other alternative than to resign.
Dishonorable doesn't fix the problem, it punishes people trying to fix the problem. It was a dumb idea, one of the many in GW, that failed to do what it was supposed to do (atleast in RA), and only annoyed the people who took the format the least bit serious. (And by that I mean simply trying to win)
People posting in this thread need to understand a couple of things before they post, though:
1) Playing without a Monk (Or healer in general, some rits do fairly well) IS pointless. Just because you CAN get 25 cons, or 5 cons for that matter, doesn't mean you should.
2) Playing WITH a monk gives you a major advantage over teams without a Monk. I would almost go as far as saying teams with a Monk have a 99% chance of winning against non-Monk (Or again healer in general) teams, given that the Monk has got a basic clue what he's doing OR the non-Monk team has an incredibly lucky team set-up. (VoR for shutdown and then 3 straightforward damage dealers who know what they're doing for example)
The chances of getting 25 consecutives (Which is the ultimate goal in "PvP", to win as much as you can) are next to non-existent. The fact people say: "I've once gotten 25 cons without a Monk" pretty much explain how rare of an occasion it is. Just because you can get 25 cons without a Monk once every 100 runs doesn't mean it's a feasable way of playing.
Which concludes me to my last point:
3) Refusing to resign without a Monk is forcing your teammates to play a game in which the chance of winning (getting consecutives) is below any value worth playing, and thus can be concidered griefing.
Dishonorable is a retarded system that so far, has only backfired. I try to run frontline, but I get shutdown 24/7 due to lack of a healer, so I simply /resign and stop playing from there on. My teammates reported me for leeching, and I got dishonorable.
I play healer and I get matched up with 2 other Monks. I kindly ask them to resign, and when I saw the enemy team had 1 Monk aswell, I refused to play any further, sat down and resigned. They reported me for leeching, because I didn't feel like bashing some buttons for 5 minutes only to draw in the end.
Dishonorable is something that works in AB, where people can easily leech it, and where people were leeching it.
In doesn't belong in RA however, where it is rather the game design that flaws, than the people. Believe me when I say: I don't want to give up 9/10 matches due to not getting matched up with a Monk, or getting matched up with too many Monks, but I have to. Since only 1 map provides a NPC healer, which only has a shitty heal for that matter, you simply have no other alternative than to resign.
Dishonorable doesn't fix the problem, it punishes people trying to fix the problem. It was a dumb idea, one of the many in GW, that failed to do what it was supposed to do (atleast in RA), and only annoyed the people who took the format the least bit serious. (And by that I mean simply trying to win)