Guild Wars Game Update Notes Update - Thursday, April 1, 2010 Skill Updates & Additions Assassin * No changes for Assassins. Dervish * Mysticism: this attribute now returns 1 Energy for every rank of Mysticism. * Avatar of Grenth: now removes an enchantment with every attack. * Balthazar's Rage, Grenth's Fingers, and Staggering Force now deal their damage when removed. Elementalist * Added friendly fire to all Elementalist area-of-effect attacks. * Conjures now work regardless of the weapon's elemental mod and can stack. * Deep Freeze, Earthquake, Lightning Storm, and Rodgort's Invocation now affect foes within radar range. Mesmer * Blackout: now a ranged skill; doesn't blackout the caster. * Distortion: added the following functionality: "You have +10 to your Politics and Reporting attributes." * Diversion: spell duration is now infinite; effect on target foe is increased to 120 seconds. * Price of Pride: now deals 5...40 damage for each title track the target foe has maxed. * Sympathetic Visage: changed functionality to: "While you have this skill equipped, pick-up groups must let you join." Monk * Amity (PvP): increased casting time to 60 seconds. If this spell completes, the match ends in a draw. * Banish: changed functionality to: "Target foe may not return to this map for 1...8...10 years." * Pacifism: changed functionality to: "For 8...18...20 seconds, target foe cannot play Guild Wars. It has 'war' in the name." * Smiter's Boon (PvP): increased casting time to 5 seconds. * Spirit Bond: removed restriction on the maximum number of hits. * Supportive Spirit: changed functionality to: "Create a level 1...12...15 Supportive Spirit. Whenever an ally in range has a skill fail, the Supportive Spirit casts Words of Comfort on that ally." * Words of Comfort: now heals for 15...51...60, and removes Anguish. Necromancer * All vampiric skills, when equipped, now cause your character to sparkle in sunlight. * Rigor Mortis: added the following functionality: "Must target a dead foe." * Rising Bile: added the following functionality: "Any effects from consumables are negated." Paragon * Chants and Shouts can now be activated by voice command. * Echoes can now be cast on Ritualist spirits. Ranger * When using a pet skill, your character will now shout out what skill the pet should use. For example, if your pet is named Moachu, and you use Bestial Pounce, your character will shout, "Moachu! Use Bestial Pounce!" * Apply Poison: this skill no longer works on bow attacks. * Fertile Season: changed functionality to: "If two or more animals of the same type, level 5 or higher, are adjacent to each other, a level 1 animal of that type is created." * Nature's Renewal: this skill can now be used only when standing near flowers. * Otyugh's Cry: added the following functionality: "All nearby neutral pets attack the target foe." * Point Blank Shot: reduced to touch range. * Sloth Hunter's Shot: added the following functionality: "+10...25 damage vs. sloths." Ritualist * Weapon spells can now be cast on spirits. * Disenchantment: all skills used by players in its area of effect automatically fail. * Mighty Was Vorizun: changed functionality to: "While you hold the Ashes of Vorizun, you have 50% more 3G coverage, but you cannot use the item you really want to." * Vengeful Was Khanhei: changed functionality to: "While you hold Khanhei's ashes, skills used on you are interrupted, but are allowed to finish when you drop his ashes. This skill is the best item spell of all time. OF ALL TIME." Warrior * Changed base armor to be 100, but -60 against lightning damage. * "For Great Justice!": added the following functionality: "Every zig takes off." * Disarm: now causes target foe to drop any currently equipped weapon to the ground. * Griffon's Sweep: changed functionality to: "Summons a Griffon ally to your location. This ally fights for you for 30 seconds. You may have more than one Griffon ally at one time." * Healing Signet: now usable by all professions. * Leviathan's Sweep: changed functionality to: "Summons a Leviathan ally to your location. This ally fights for you for 30 seconds. You may have more than one Leviathan ally at one time." Classic Skills By popular demand, the Guild Wars Classic Skill Pack has been added to the Guild Wars In-Game Store. Now, players can relive the days of yore with this exciting selection of skills that function as they did when they were released. The Classic Skill Pack includes the following: * "I Will Avenge You!" * Aegis * Mantra of Recovery * Order of the Vampire * Shadow Form * Signet of Ghostly Might * Smiter's Boon * Ursan Blessing * And many more! Heroes * The Great Betrayer Shiro Tagachi now joins your party as the third Assassin hero. He's been killed twice already, but he got better! Durability * Weapons and armor now have durability. Durability decreases whenever you take damage or use a skill. When the durability for an item reaches 0, that item is destroyed. Repair Kits (100 uses) are available from the Guild Wars In-Game Store. PvP Added support in the PvP character-creation process for the following playable races: * Centaurs * Charr * Elves * Forgotten * Orcs * Tengu * Titans Hard Mode Adjustments * Now called Hard-Core Mode. * All player deaths in Hard-Core Mode are permanent. * Permanently dead characters can still log in, but they may only visit the Underworld map and cannot trade, access account storage, or interact with merchants. Creature AI Updates A number of refinements have been made to more closely simulate PvP play: * Monsters now intelligently pre-kite opponents. * Monsters now retreat when hurt. * Monsters with shields will now swap shields based on player damage type. * Monsters sometimes cancel spells when fighting Mesmers and Rangers to draw out interrupts. * Many monsters now copy their builds from a wiki. * Monsters now have a chance to resign if they do not have a monk. * Several new monster-only shouts have been added. o "Lolwut!?": used after an ally dies. o "Noob!": used after killing any foe. o "That's imba!": used after dying at the hands of any foe. Miscellaneous * Enlarged the world to provide greater opportunity for exploration. * Playable characters can now swim. * Reset all players' Cartographer titles due to new world size and accessibility. * Updated Alliance Battles in Factions so the battle line is now affected by a third supportable faction: Ninjas. * Integrated some features of the Guild Wars 2 graphics engine to enhance gameplay experience: o Updated grass texture. o Tightened up the graphics on level 3. o Added support to the Hall of Monuments to teleport Guild Wars characters into Guild Wars 2. |
Update - Thursday, April 1st, 2010
Update notes from Wiki:
Overall a very good update, particularly the voice command support so I don't have to mash my 4 key down spamming SY! But it comes at a high cost - namely repair kits from the store. Some people wanted to pay subscription for better support, seems they got their way. As for the rest of us that won't be nickled and dimed to death, at least we can play our old characters again when GW2 comes around.
Added support in the PvP character-creation process for the following playable races:
* Centaurs
* Charr
* Elves
* Forgotten
* Orcs
* Tengu
* Titans
Buying a PVP slot right now .....
* Centaurs
* Charr
* Elves
* Forgotten
* Orcs
* Tengu
* Titans
Buying a PVP slot right now .....
Deviant Angel
Yayyyyyyy! Friendly fire!
brb nuking my party...
brb nuking my party...
rofl tooo funny. i will laugh if anyone falls for it. oh wait one did! my guildie. xD
"Vengeful Was Khanhei: changed functionality to: "While you hold Khanhei's ashes, skills used on you are interrupted, but are allowed to finish when you drop his ashes. This skill is the best item spell of all time. OF ALL TIME."
Smiter's Boon (PvP): increased casting time to 5 seconds.
finaly balanced
finaly balanced
Classic Skills By popular demand, the Guild Wars Classic Skill Pack has been added to the Guild Wars In-Game Store. Now, players can relive the days of yore with this exciting selection of skills that function as they did when they were released. The Classic Skill Pack includes the following: * "I Will Avenge You!" * Aegis * Mantra of Recovery * Order of the Vampire * Shadow Form * Signet of Ghostly Might * Smiter's Boon * Ursan Blessing * And many more! |
shadows of hob
* Fertile Season: changed functionality to: "If two or more animals of the same type, level 5 or higher, are adjacent to each other, a level 1 animal of that type is created."
And even better
* Many monsters now copy their builds from a wiki.
* Monsters now have a chance to resign if they do not have a monk.
You, sir, have just gained the honor to be our guilds new jester.
* Fertile Season: changed functionality to: "If two or more animals of the same type, level 5 or higher, are adjacent to each other, a level 1 animal of that type is created."
And even better
* Many monsters now copy their builds from a wiki.
* Monsters now have a chance to resign if they do not have a monk.
You, sir, have just gained the honor to be our guilds new jester.
* the great betrayer shiro tagachi now joins your party as the third assassin hero. He's been killed twice already, but he got better! |
many monsters now copy their builds from a wiki |
Monsters now have a chance to resign if they do not have a monk. |
Neo Nugget
Updated Alliance Battles in Factions so the battle line is now affected by a third supportable faction: Ninjas. |
Sloth Hunter's Shot: added the following functionality: "+10...25 damage vs. sloths." |
* All vampiric skills, when equipped, now cause your character to sparkle in sunlight. |
.........../fail life
I loled.
It's sad these weren't added in for real.
Elementalist * Added friendly fire to all Elementalist area-of-effect attacks. * Conjures now work regardless of the weapon's elemental mod and can stack. * Deep Freeze, Earthquake, Lightning Storm, and Rodgort's Invocation now affect foes within radar range. Mesmer * Price of Pride: now deals 5...40 damage for each title track the target foe has maxed. Warrior * Griffon's Sweep: changed functionality to: "Summons a Griffon ally to your location. This ally fights for you for 30 seconds. You may have more than one Griffon ally at one time." * Leviathan's Sweep: changed functionality to: "Summons a Leviathan ally to your location. This ally fights for you for 30 seconds. You may have more than one Leviathan ally at one time." PvP Added support in the PvP character-creation process for the following playable races: * Centaurs * Charr * Elves * Forgotten * Orcs * Tengu * Titans Creature AI Updates A number of refinements have been made to more closely simulate PvP play: * Monsters now intelligently pre-kite opponents. * Monsters now retreat when hurt. * Monsters with shields will now swap shields based on player damage type. * Monsters sometimes cancel spells when fighting Mesmers and Rangers to draw out interrupts. * Many monsters now copy their builds from a wiki. * Monsters now have a chance to resign if they do not have a monk. |

Kanye West / Taylor Swift incident ftw!
Dervish * Mysticism: this attribute now returns 1 Energy for every rank of Mysticism. |
* Fertile Season: changed functionality to: "If two or more animals of the same type, level 5 or higher, are adjacent to each other, a level 1 animal of that type is created." |
* Mighty Was Vorizun: changed functionality to: "While you hold the Ashes of Vorizun, you have 50% more 3G coverage, but you cannot use the item you really want to." |
Added support in the PvP character-creation process for the following playable races: * Centaurs * Charr * Elves * Forgotten * Orcs * Tengu * Titans |
Anka Yirannes
It's sad. Half the changes would be utterly awesome. Make the game cool in the eyes of the people again.
Ya hear that A-Net? Your humor is the cause of, and solution to all of life's problems.
Ya hear that A-Net? Your humor is the cause of, and solution to all of life's problems.

Zahr Dalsk
I smiled at the sparkling part.
But I'm sad too, because some of these changes would actually be good for the game, and that Anet would consider them a joke indicates how out of touch they are.
But I'm sad too, because some of these changes would actually be good for the game, and that Anet would consider them a joke indicates how out of touch they are.
Charlie Dayman
Heroes * The Great Betrayer Shiro Tagachi now joins your party as the third Assassin hero. He's been killed twice already, but he got better! |
dr love
good laughs, very classy
Mighty Was Vorizun: changed functionality to: "While you hold the Ashes of Vorizun, you have 50% more 3G coverage, but you cannot use the item you really want to." |
Haha, I JUST got that.
i think its old, they alrdy did this........
Added support to the Hall of Monuments to teleport Guild Wars characters into Guild Wars 2.
Classic Skills By popular demand, the Guild Wars Classic Skill Pack has been added to the Guild Wars In-Game Store. Now, players can relive the days of yore with this exciting selection of skills that function as they did when they were released. The Classic Skill Pack includes the following: * "I Will Avenge You!" * Aegis * Mantra of Recovery * Order of the Vampire * Shadow Form * Signet of Ghostly Might * Smiter's Boon * Ursan Blessing * And many more!. |
Levothar Kingdom
They do realize half of these changes would make the game so much awesomer
It's sad. Half the changes would be utterly awesome. Make the game cool in the eyes of the people again.
"Assassin has no changes" Oh I think the team would have a field day if they posted any ideas on assassins skills.
Oh Anet, we may bitch and whine, carp and crow and winge and moan, we might huff and puff, and tell you to stuff your buffs up your chuff, we may complain and exclaim and claim its all in vain, even refrain from playing your game.
But you can still make us smile. Once in a while.
But you can still make us smile. Once in a while.
Supportive Spirit: changed functionality to: "Create a level 1...12...15 Supportive Spirit. Whenever an ally in range has a skill fail, the Supportive Spirit casts Words of Comfort on that ally." |
Axel Zinfandel
"The Great Betrayer Shiro Tagachi now joins your party as the third Assassin hero. He's been killed twice already, but he got better!"
Frak you, Chelio-... err Tagachi!
Frak you, Chelio-... err Tagachi!
The Great Betrayer Shiro Tagachi now joins your party as the third Assassin hero. He's been killed twice already, but he got better! |
Also It'd be nice if the AI could really do that.
The new Amity is awesome with Glyph of Concentration. Just gotta watch out for those knockdowns.
Woo Hoo! MESMERS UNITE!!! Massive rally in ToA - be sure to equip Sympathetic Visage!
Smiters boon was pretty damn hilarious.
Best skill of all time, of all time
Lord Sojar
If they ever reverted skills to release form.... *shivers at the thought of Sand Shards...* OH DEAR GOD THE HORROR.... *shudders*
"The Great Betrayer Shiro Tagachi now joins your party as the third Assassin hero. He's been killed twice already, but he got better!"
Frak you, Chelio-... err Tagachi! |
*deposits two quarters for this post*
Shayne Hawke
Skill changes to Smiter's Boon, Distortion, Sympathetic Visage, Chants and Shouts, and the Ritualist ashes skills were my favorites. Also,
Good stuff.
* Monsters sometimes cancel spells when fighting Mesmers and Rangers to draw out interrupts. * Many monsters now copy their builds from a wiki. * Monsters now have a chance to resign if they do not have a monk. * Updated Alliance Battles in Factions so the battle line is now affected by a third supportable faction: Ninjas. |