We are aware of the bug, and it will be corrected on Monday.
Apologies to those eager to vanquish this weekend.
Thank you.

Regina Buenaobra
Zodiac Meteor
Sir Baddock
CE Devilman
Jedi Battousai
Rocky Raccoon
I know right, and said group of people should have to vanquish every single zone, kill every single monster, and complete every single quest, just in case there is a bug. Amirite?
Lycan Nibbler
I would sex up every anet staff member if they did skill balances more often and did updates free of obvious bugs....
Yes this is a game breaking bug, but if you ever wrote code you be more understanding. You could be changing code on "A", that as no relation what so ever to another "B" and all of a sudden "B" code won't function. Then you have to go through line by line trying to figure out the conflicts/issues.
A game like Guild Wars as untold amount of lines of code, predicting something like this Hard Mode bug in the one area would be nice but, not realistic. |
I don't know if the "Test Krewe" only test skill updates, or everything but if the group of volunteers are involved in this not doing a good job in helping Anet out then. That's if Anet gave them the job to test the area. Just saying this because it's their job to spend hours on end playing/testing the game for Anet. |
Konig Des Todes
It'd be epic to get together a group of people who test out updates...So that obvious errors don't happen...
scratch that I'm copyrighting this idea... |
Lord Sojar
Shayne Hawke
That would likely explain the vanquisher bug. You're not vanquishing Talmark Wilderness. You're vanquishing the new Talmark Wilderness, one that isn't necessarily considered a part of Tyria and doesn't count towards the Vanquisher track.
The TK was left out of the addition of the SB camp to avoid spoilers leaking and so that it'll be a surprise to those of us who follow the viral campaign going on. It was just the QA who tested it, and apparently they didn't test HM - because, I'm guessing, they didn't think it would affect vanquisher because... well... it doesn't affect HM! Except in a bug. >.>
People test the stuff, but not everything can be tested in time. And even then, the people who test the stuff can't think of everything to test. That's physically impossible. Not to mention there are times when there are no bugs in the stage server but there are in the live server (like when zcoins were first released - no one could put them into the storage, but that was possible in the stage server). |
Remember: Even if the bug is huge, the problem may be as small as putting a comma instead of a period, or switching two characters around. |
Karate Jesus
The TK was left out of the addition of the SB camp to avoid spoilers leaking and so that it'll be a surprise to those of us who follow the viral campaign going on. It was just the QA who tested it, and apparently they didn't test HM - because, I'm guessing, they didn't think it would affect vanquisher because... well... it doesn't affect HM! Except in a bug. >.>
People test the stuff, but not everything can be tested in time. And even then, the people who test the stuff can't think of everything to test. That's physically impossible. Not to mention there are times when there are no bugs in the stage server but there are in the live server (like when zcoins were first released - no one could put them into the storage, but that was possible in the stage server).
Remember: Even if the bug is huge, the problem may be as small as putting a comma instead of a period, or switching two characters around.
Skyy High
Karate Jesus
Lycan Nibbler
The TK was left out of the addition of the SB camp to avoid spoilers leaking and so that it'll be a surprise to those of us who follow the viral campaign going on.
People test the stuff, but not everything can be tested in time. And even then, the people who test the stuff can't think of everything to test. That's physically impossible. |
Remember: Even if the bug is huge, the problem may be as small as putting a comma instead of a period, or switching two characters around. |
Karate Jesus
Lord Sojar
You guys should start a game development company, seeing as how you clearly know everything there is to know, and are better than everyone else.
![]() |
And so what if a small section of this large update is micro transaction for something that doesn't affect gameplay? Is it a crime for ANET to make some money while they continue to develop for GW1 while simultaneously developing GW2 (which is costing them a lot of money most likely)? You are getting new content on a game that you don't pay a monthly fee for, that is getting quite old at this point, and that is well on its way to evolving into a new game that promises a lot more. QQ more, please. |
Lycan Nibbler