Favorite Resurrection Skill?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010

Romance and War


I've been searching around for something like this, but haven't found anything. So, i ask you, what is your favorite resurrection skill?

As for me, I have always had favorites for different situations. On a frontliner, like my dervish or assassin, in an easy normal mode or hard mode mission I like to use the Monk skill Rebirth. I've found that if i time it right and kite right before the rest of my group wipes, I have been able to bring back up the entire team, use some DP remover and get back to whatever we were doing.
Now, if i am using playing as my monk, or maybe my mesmer in an elite area i might use Rebirth as well, for the same reason. But, if i have Unyielding Aura i use that as my res.
If I'm playing as some kind of midliner I like to bring Flesh of my Flesh because its fast, with no recharge time.

The way i see it, Resurrections are one of the most importiant part of a team, And they need to be exicuted right or it can end badly for the team. Everyone messes up, and need to be resurrected.

So, what do you think? Thoughts, Comments, Opinions? All of them are valued.

X Dr Pepper X

X Dr Pepper X

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2008

The Mirror of Reason [SNOW]


Put Res Signet on anything without Unyielding Aura.

You don't want death pact signet or flesh of my flesh because heroes AI is awful. Monk res skills take a long time to use and heroes will use it at very bad times.

On humans, half the res skills are ok, but for heroes lack of AI, Res Sig, UA, Res Chant is good stuff.




Join Date: May 2005



In PvE res chant and rebirth depending on the circumstances.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2008

USA - W.Coast



For PvE characters (non-hero)... "We Shall Return" on my prot monk and Restore Life on my heal monk.

Life Bringing

Life Bringing

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2008

Fissure of Woe



I only bring 1 rez when i h/h, and thats usually DPS. WSR has it's moments on a nec or para, but on everything else it's cost is too high. Restore life is bad because it's a touch rez. Rez chant is alright, but if you're choosing your secondary purely for a rez, fomf/dps is a better option



Frost Gate Guardian

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Originally Posted by X Dr Pepper X View Post
Put Res Signet on anything without Unyielding Aura.

You don't want death pact signet or flesh of my flesh because heroes AI is awful. Monk res skills take a long time to use and heroes will use it at very bad times.

On humans, half the res skills are ok, but for heroes lack of AI, Res Sig, UA, Res Chant is good stuff.
Death pact signet: Don't even bother because if they died before in the fight they're ALOT more likely to die again and bring you with them which just makes a bad situation worse. my advice is to NEVER use this skill.
Light of Dwayna: This skills is just an underpowered we shall return with half the range and far less advantages, but if you don't have access to WSR this can be a viable skill, but i still don't recommend it because you're not very likely to use it to it's full potential, just use flesh of my flesh or res chant.
Restore life: Touch Range.... bad ALTHOUGH mid-lines can use it very effectively and so can the frontlines, avoid at all costs on your backlines
Renew life: esstentially a restore life with a party heal mixed it, use it on frontlines and midlines , avoid on backlines
Flesh of my Flesh: awesome skills no recharge means capable of being spammed by 1 or 2 of your party members keeping you alive in fights works GREAT on backlines and decent for midlines avoid for frontlines
Rebirth: great for holy cocking shite partywipe recovery, and rangers or necro's as they're out of the fight and can compensate for the energyloss
Ressurection Chant: great skills AMAZING! for mesmers, as they can bring the time cost down from 6seconds to 3-4seconds with fast casting which when coupled with the power of it is just amazing you can have a fully functional player or hero back on their feet doing as good as new without having to heal them first mid-fight.
Ressurection Signet: 1 use is the drawback here... otherwise it's probably the best so far, its fast, requires no attribute spread, no secondary profession or primary required, maxed health good energy back amazing but lacks multi-use
Sunspear Ressurection signet: a Res signet on steriods still drawback is, 1 use only.
We Shall Return-> possibly the BEST skills available, it's powerful, instant cast, MULTI-USE not only in the sense of 1 or 2 uses out of it but multiple revives multiple times, downside ...it costs

Verdict: for frontliners-> renew or restore life are the greatest options, Midliners-> reschant or flesh of my flesh, Backliners-> none, flesh of my flesh, or res signet (sunspear optional), Rangers & necros-> Res chant, Flesh of my Flesh or rebirth, Paragons ->WSR or the leaship paragon signet (i don't recall the name atm)
Originally Posted by Bobby2 View Post
Signet of Return, because Paragon heroes are awesome THATS THE BITCH!



Furnace Stoker

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Signet of Return, because Paragon heroes are awesome



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2008

USA - W.Coast



It comes down to how good your monks are, as with good monks (and competent other players) there should not be too many deaths if any.

WSR is high en requirement but it is seldom used in combat. Usually, I find it useful when it's a near wipe or several players are down during combat. My prot monk doesnt have an en problem, so the 25en requirement isnt an issue. One thing i will note is that i hate the recharge time on this skill.

Restore Life is touch-based rez yes, but it is also a rez that can bring someone up to near-full en during combat. This benefit of this is that it is very useful when a spellcaster is down and you want to bring them up and have them ready for action immediately.

Masacru Ak

Masacru Ak

Wilds Pathfinder

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If you have Hb build on your monks you can use Ressurection Chant . In combination with Hb ( elite ) is very fast

Zidane Ortef

Zidane Ortef

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You all must be seeing the great side of death pact sig it's by for one of the best rez skills for heros.


Fast cast time.
No energy use.
Area where its common to take a few different tries to get through the mobs Proph southern shiverpeaks comes to my head for this one larger then normal summit groups.
Death by DPS doesn't result in DP.
Rez with full/ majority of your hp and a large portion of your energy.


for me none



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2010


For players, rebirth. For AI, res chant. UA is good in any case.

Life Bringing

Life Bringing

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2008

Fissure of Woe



Players shouldnt carry a rez(in a hero setup). Waste of a skillslot



Grotto Attendant

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Terrible Surgeon

Terrible Surgeon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2009



DPS...it is so pro its sick.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

When I put together hero teams for my Warrior, the only rezzes that see the light of day are the Rit ones. Maybe an occasional Res Chant on the MB, though. I don't put a rez of any kind on my bar in a H/H situation.

Riot Narita

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2007

In PvE, team members rarely die. If they do, you're doing something wrong - fix it.

Carrying a rez skill says "I expect this team to fail". There's so much info available on wiki, that there is no reason to go out unprepared and with the expectation of failing. And therefore no reason to take a rez skill.

If sh*t happens... run away, then come back when aggro gone and use a Rez scroll (only if the party is going to get kicked out of the area on a wipe)

Otherwise... just let the party wipe, rez at shrine... then either use DP-removal cons and carry on (but this time don't do the same stupid thing that got the party wiped)... or restart and change to builds more appropriate to the area.

Rez = wasted skill slot

But if I had to choose, it would be the Sunspear signet.



Tea Powered

Join Date: May 2008



Death Pact Signet or even Res Signet if I'm confident I won't be dying much. In that case I'm generally happy with what the henchmen bring.

Can't say I have a favourite res though, several have uses depending on the situation.
Flesh of my Flesh, DPS or Restore Life on any midliners to use in combat. Res Chant if the midliner's job isn't very important (at least, not important enough so you won't fail if he stops doing anything for 6 seconds).
Rebirth if you think there's a chance of a wipe and there are no res shrines.
Signet of Return is nice, but I seldom bother with Paragon primaries or secondaries.
We Shall Return is far too expensive at 25e. The effect isn't strong enough for a combat res and there are better ways to recover from a wipe.

And let us not forget Vengeance; that's always good for a laugh in PuGs.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by Xeno
. Res Chant if the midliner's job isn't very important (at least, not important enough so you won't fail if he stops doing anything for 6 seconds). Ahh the mesmers res :P

Personal options pretty much mirror Xeno's..soo....



Lion's Arch Merchant

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I like Paragon Resurections also
Expessially the shout one... Idk what its called but its so fun



Krytan Explorer

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Originally Posted by Riot Narita
View Post
In PvE, team members rarely die. If they do, you're doing something wrong - fix it.

Carrying a rez skill says "I expect this team to fail". There's so much info available on wiki, that there is no reason to go out unprepared and with the expectation of failing. And therefore no reason to take a rez skill.

If sh*t happens... run away, then come back when aggro gone and use a Rez scroll (only if the party is going to get kicked out of the area on a wipe)

Otherwise... just let the party wipe, rez at shrine... then either use DP-removal cons and carry on (but this time don't do the same stupid thing that got the party wiped)... or restart and change to builds more appropriate to the area.

Rez = wasted skill slot

But if I had to choose, it would be the Sunspear signet. As far as being a monk. Are you saying that if party members die it's the monks fault? all too often i've been in parties where the players and even the AI are being stupid and run to either a mob we don't have to kill (such as happened last night in the ring of fire mission) or the AI all of a sudden decides it has a mind of it's own. You can't help those people. And there are other times as a monk where the party has done an amazing job allowing me to monk very very well, the only death being me because i decided i wanted the gold and set off some traps in the UW =/ my bad . No one else died in that run. So if one or two people especially the monks carry the rez it should be one that is for that area. Either Rebirth on one monk for those far away rezzes and a different rez on the other monk. Flesh of my flesh on another character. I like renew life also.



Forge Runner

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Monks never carry a res, ever.

The 5 seconds (rebirth, res chant, whatever) they spend reviving someone should be spent protting/keeping others alive.

Frontliners should rarely res due to them dealing msot damage.

Midliners bring we shall return/signet if paragon, otherwise flesh/DPS only.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2008


One in Guild Wars


Monks and others should not be rezzing in the middle of heavy battle. duh!


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by IronSheik
Monks never carry a res, ever. Thats why i bring a bag of scrolls with I NEVER combat res, cos im busy...

and if i need to bail for a wipe..scrolls res in a big aoe and tele. win + win = win

and they are cheap....

*wait, i dont wanna start the monk res vs no res argument! carry on about your day kids!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2008


We Shall Return is perfect for a necromancer if they can go N/P.

Renew Life would be my favorite for its quick recharge and casting time, but it depends on the energy management of a build.

I don't understand the "monks shouldn't have a res skill thing" since most monks are all heal and little or no protection/damage reduction. Silly to have 6-8 skills that all do the same basic thing.

I generally save up for res scrolls.



Jungle Guide

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My Rangers carry Rebirth. Usually the last to be targeted, so in a wipe situation, send the Ranger running. Come back and pull out the bodies. Rest of the heroes carry Res Chant. 90% of the time, my character carries no res.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2007

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Some times things happen [Death Pact signet] makes boo boos go away



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008



I love how nobody's even mentioned Resurrect and yet it's the res of choice for at least half of the ZM pugs out there. I really wish more of the general GW populace would read forums every now and then! It's quite painful trying to have this sort of discussion in a team where everyone wants to gogogo.

My preferences: UA for prot monk, reschant for HB monk or mes, signet of return for paras, flesh for midliners whose secondary isn't already fixed, res sig or sunspear sig for frontline or midliners with fixed secondary. I tend to forget that the other resses exist - I probably should reconsider some of what I do, eg taking we shall return on paras instead.

Devil Luca

Devil Luca

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On my char (no monk) i prefer Rebirth, on monk hero salmody and on ritualist hero flesh
Quote: Originally Posted by BLOODGOAT View Post I enjoy my 300-heal from Patient Spirit/Dkiss/Cure Hex, 150 from Heal Party, and spammable full health/energy rez. Thats why. Its a total OP skill that destroys what being a monk should be about, keeping people alive, not spamming heal party and easily rezing people when they die and then using DP removal

Quote: Originally Posted by JDRyder View Post
UA is total OP and the only reason its popular is its fast rezing ability that supports monks staying bad and using DP removal instead of actually healing people and playing monk as it should be played (not a rez bot). UA is OP to monks in the same since as if Ebon vanguard sniper support had 100% chance of success for DPS classes, its a iWin button for lesser players that just want to rush everything without actually playing. It shouldn't of even existed. HB is the same only not quite as bad, though it supports all around bad monking as well. imo they should look more like

Unyielding Aura, Enchantment, for 30 secs, your Prot and divine enchantments last for 25% longer, and Prot and divine skills heal for 25% more

Healer's boon, enchantment, for 30 secs, spell, your healing spells heal for 30% more, and cast 30% faster, you lose 1 energy for every 5 energy you spend per spell.