Post your 5th year mini's
still waiting on my mini livia... though the ventari will keep me happy for a lil while...
Overall, a pretty cool new wave. But Mox? Really..?
shard wolf n marley minis top my list out of all of em.
Lycan Nibbler
What I see from this thread is ... that Marley is going to be most in demand! hehe
Mini pet epic fail. As if we needed more proof that Anet doesn't care about the customer. Way to throw together a list of minis that no one wants. Wonder how long that took. This game desperately needs to be pay to play so they actually try to be a real video game company. But thats a whole other topic
Some of these do seem a little strange though. Zhu Hanuku is cool but random. Still don't know wth mox is supposed to be, as I haven't bought Eotn.
Summit Giant, King Adelbern, Shard Wolf, Seer and Fire Drake are all really good ones though. I would really like to see an undead Rurik mini

The only two that bother me are Oola and Siege Devourer.
It's hard for me to believe Mergoyle, Azure Shadow and Pinesoul couldn't have been done.
It's hard for me to believe Mergoyle, Azure Shadow and Pinesoul couldn't have been done.
Voodoo Rage
Trader of Secrets
Only mini that i actually want is candysmith, rest are just to collect
Mini pet epic fail. As if we needed more proof that Anet doesn't care about the customer. Way to throw together a list of minis that no one wants. Wonder how long that took. This game desperately needs to be pay to play so they actually try to be a real video game company. But thats a whole other topic
Either way, what would be a better idea to release for the fifth year? It's a tradition for minis to be released every year and I don't see a problem with this. Since minipets =/= pay, I don't see how your concept holds up.
So, what would the consumer like? More summoning stones?
Garreth MacLeod
I'm not disappointed in the list at all. There's several I would like to get/receive for b-day. The MOX is interesting, especially given the fact that it appears in the dat file multiple times.
I just got a mini ventari (purple)
So they are out in France, when is U.S. supposed to get em?
was part of beta and still shows 59 for me

I didn't take part of the beta, but I preordered prophecies. So I played during the "prophecies 24h head start", and made my character 1 day before the official street date.
Shadowkiller Seth
Mini pet epic fail. As if we needed more proof that Anet doesn't care about the customer. Way to throw together a list of minis that no one wants. Wonder how long that took. This game desperately needs to be pay to play so they actually try to be a real video game company. But thats a whole other topic
Deviant Angel
My friend made his character as soon as the game went live and got his today. That's how it works...
I must admit that I'm not super excited about the minis this year, but there are a few I like. Turn them into cash if you don't like them. People with more dollars than sense are definitely buying.
I must admit that I'm not super excited about the minis this year, but there are a few I like. Turn them into cash if you don't like them. People with more dollars than sense are definitely buying.

Not much of a point in turning them into cash when there's nothing new to buy but... other minis.
Would love a Ventari (since I can't afford a Zhed. XD).
Zhu Hanuku, Scourge Manta, Siege Devourer, King Adelbern are fun too.
They could have added something cooler than the candy lady...meh.
Zhu Hanuku, Scourge Manta, Siege Devourer, King Adelbern are fun too.
They could have added something cooler than the candy lady...meh.
hum 6 pages and only 1 post of a picture... more to come i hope
I got a summit giant herder. Not taking a screen... it's just a summit herder about the size of your boot like every other mini. Minis ftl.
Voodoo Rage
I got Ventari and Shard Wolf. Sorry I unloaded them so fast while they were hot, so I didn't take a screeny.
Deviant Angel
I would have taken a screenshot of the fire drake, but the sneaky little guy transformed into a pile of ectos before I could. 
It was average sized and didn't really stand out. Felt like the hydra of the 5th year minis.

It was average sized and didn't really stand out. Felt like the hydra of the 5th year minis.
lol, 3 pages and ONE screenshot so far.
Seen the scourge manta, fire drake and summit herder. Didn't take pics of the summit herder though.
Anyone got the Seer? I'm curious about inventory icon.
If there is any or is just the Under Construction Dude:
If there is any or is just the Under Construction Dude:

Not mine. My settings were pretty low.
Shayne Hawke
oh keep these screens coming (some of us have to wait a bit for our 5th bdays)....some of these are beginning to grow on me
Fire Hiro

Not mine, but thought I'd show.
June Bug
Spotted in LA. Like some others here, not my Marley. But I'm posting the pic, because Marley is <3333
LoKi Foxfire
I got a Shard Wolf. It's ok I guess - knew it was going to be another white. Hopefully my other 5th year character will get one of the more nifty ones....
DBMan account is 5 years old, but my oldest character is at like 50 something months...
Deviant Angel
Do any of these make sounds?
I didn't hear the fire drake making any when I took it outside. Then again I'm half deaf and didn't have my headset plugged in...
I didn't hear the fire drake making any when I took it outside. Then again I'm half deaf and didn't have my headset plugged in...