Axe, how come you were always able to remember your NCsoft/PlayNC password, but not your game password?
And yes I log in to the Master even less than GW, so I would forget that 99% of the time.
Axe, how come you were always able to remember your NCsoft/PlayNC password, but not your game password?
Riot Narita
Because it is linked to my email, so I would click, forgot playNC master, they send me an email, I log in, change the Master, change the game acct pass.
And yes I log in to the Master even less than GW, so I would forget that 99% of the time. |
Ah, of course.
You know, I'd much rather they did something like that for GW passwords, than simply allow a new password to be set without knowing the old one. eg. go to NCsoft master account, click "reset GW password", receive new password by email. If your email address is dead, THEN you have to enter old password to set a new one. If your email address is dead AND you don't remember old password... well, you'll still end up going to support. But it would still be better for people in your situation, and I'd find it preferable to what they just did. |
Bryant Again
Karate Jesus
Jk Arrow
You may get a response from an Anet staff person, but I have never seen or heard of an NCSoft employee using these forums. They are separate entities, and I see no reason for NCSoft to be using a GW Fan site. Would be nice to have Anet comment on it, but it wouldn't be 'official'. If you want something official, try contacting NCSoft or using their companies forums (if they have them, never looked into it).
My character names have nothing to do with my email OR password. If you're dumb enough to have [email protected] frediscool & Fred the Warrior, you probably deserve to lose your account. I truly fail to see the connection between my character names and email/password. :|
With that said, you should use a different password for you GW account as well as an email. |
Riot Narita
My character names have nothing to do with my email OR password. If you're dumb enough to have [email protected] frediscool & Fred the Warrior, you probably deserve to lose your account. I truly fail to see the connection between my character names and email/password. :|
With that said, you should use a different password for you GW account as well as an email. |
Shayne Hawke
The problem is, if it's still possible to glitch into somebody else's NCsoft master account...
...then what NCsoft just did, is once again make your character name into your ONLY protection against random GW account theft. That and luck. Because if they glitch into your master account, they'll see your GW login (email), and they can change your GW password without knowing the old one. All that's left, is to find a character name.
So unless you feel lucky, you should protect your character names. Don't make it easy to trace your IGN through forum posts - especially if you used the same email for GW and for forums. (bear in mind, they may already know your email address from compromised forum sites)
Master account -> GW email -> Forum email -> forum name -> your IGN if you posted it -> you get raped. |
Riot Narita
afaik that was solved when they updated their site. You're free to try it though.
In addition to adding the character name they updated their site.
Again. If you're dumb enough to use the same email/name/password for everything you probably deserve to get your account compromised.
There's also a flaw in your chart. In your User CP you can adjust who can see what in your profile. You can also hide your email address from everyone but admins. I highly doubt someone is going to magically guess any of my info when none of it is related to each other.
Bob Slydell
My character names have nothing to do with my email OR password. If you're dumb enough to have [email protected] frediscool & Fred the Warrior, you probably deserve to lose your account. I truly fail to see the connection between my character names and email/password. :|
With that said, you should use a different password for you GW account as well as an email. |
Martin Alvito
I think there IS a problem with NC security, but that does NOT by ANY means dismiss the problem that people still make mistakes on their parts, which makes it looks really bad when a few people get hacked "for no reason" and some people get hacked "for a reason", and it inflates. As I said, I still think there is a problem, but that fact still does not dismiss that some people are at fault for losing their own accounts.
Lord Sojar
Martin Kerstein
Riot Narita
Shanaeri Rynale