Originally Posted by Voodoo Rage
That's a myth. I tracked nearly a 1000 raptor farm runs and there is no statistical variance in the quality of the drops over multiple runs.
Really? You get the same number of Saurian Bones the 5th, 10th, 15th+ run as you did on your first two? Golds, Greens, Tomes, Scrolls, and Dyes are all exempt from loot scaling, so yes you should get roughly equivalent drops across all 1000; however, the number of white drops and gold coin drops probably decreased. Or so has been my experience raptor farming, that usually after the 2nd or 3rd run the white quality drops/gold coin drops tend to decline at least until I give it a rest for a day or so.
Originally Posted by Fay Vert
Actually it's partly correrct and mostly misleading and incorrect.
Insofar as loot scaling is concerned yes, you are right it has little if nothing to do with it.
Originally Posted by Fay Vert
The worrying thing about sync entry is that nobody has ever been able to reproduce it after the initial post of it. I myself tried a lot.
There is actually a thread floating around somewhere on guru with several screenshots of it being reproduced. The creator of the thread did this several times with his brother, and I've personally done it with a friend of mine though I didn't bother taking screenies; was more to satisfy our own curiosity than anything else.
If you have trouble doing it, all I can suggest is make sure your pings are both similar and try starting well away from the exit. Use a voice chat to sync and run for the portal at the same time. Starting as far away as possible that still allows for a straight run at the exit, lets you make sure your characters are right on top of each other, and that they will zone out at the exact same time. Also keep in mind that the first several mobs have reduced chance to drop, and that you should both be using similar builds as the time between kills also affects drop rate, which could throw off your results.
I'll search around for the thread, I know its old and I only stumbled across it about a month ago, didn't think to bookmark it though. If I find it I'll link it here.
Found it...
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/drop-rates-soj-vs-sv-t10225077.html?t=10225077&highlight=timestamp+drop s
It's from November 2007 so some of the images are no longer hosted, but enough of them are still there to show the point. Read it and judge for yourself I guess, I've personally had similar results but I've no desire to "prove" it myself, as ultimately I don't think it makes any difference one way or the other how the loot assignment algorithm works.
Synching drops isn't profitable unless you actually happen to get a map that has a lot of good drops in it. If you were farming with a partner it would probably be better to get as many different maps as possible to increase your odds of getting a rare drop.
Just my 2¢ believe what you will
EDIT: I see you actually posted in that thread. I feel I should clarify my experience. My friend and I only did it once to see if it worked, we never repeated it to see if we could keep replicating it nor did we mess with time between kills (both of us ran spirit spam).