I am just so shocked at my Guild / Alliance...
So I told someone I was farming...and the most...I dunno, it was so odd.
All of a sudden people started bashing me. Said that "farming was greedy"
And that to prove I wasn't greedy, I should donate all my stuff to noobs.
Now, you think this was in jest,
But they really started making reasons
"You don't NEED Elite Armor, or a rare skin"
I honestly am having trouble believing this, but it seems a good portion of my Alliance believes that farming somehow is being greedy, and hurting the game. Now, I Raptor farm, and 95% of the stuff I find is Merch food, or I sell 10 Unids for 5k(Alot less expensive than others) So that people can get their title.
What is your opinion? I am having trouble accepting people actually believe this...? I mean some of these are Veterans, with 1300+ hours, and Obby armor / Chaos Gloves, and I just don't get it. I doubt an entire alliance would form some kind joke brigade just to mess with me, when I'm not even that well known in it?
All of a sudden people started bashing me. Said that "farming was greedy"
And that to prove I wasn't greedy, I should donate all my stuff to noobs.
Now, you think this was in jest,
But they really started making reasons
"You don't NEED Elite Armor, or a rare skin"
I honestly am having trouble believing this, but it seems a good portion of my Alliance believes that farming somehow is being greedy, and hurting the game. Now, I Raptor farm, and 95% of the stuff I find is Merch food, or I sell 10 Unids for 5k(Alot less expensive than others) So that people can get their title.
What is your opinion? I am having trouble accepting people actually believe this...? I mean some of these are Veterans, with 1300+ hours, and Obby armor / Chaos Gloves, and I just don't get it. I doubt an entire alliance would form some kind joke brigade just to mess with me, when I'm not even that well known in it?
Bob Slydell
If your Guild/Alliance says it's greedy to do something that basically everyone does to get some cash in this game, kiss them goodbye before the elitism passes on to you.
The "you don't need X" part can basically be re-interpreted as "You aren't allowed to get your money's worth of this game"
Drop em. Especially for them bashing you, that's more disrespectful than their imaginary "farming is greedy" bullshit.
The "you don't need X" part can basically be re-interpreted as "You aren't allowed to get your money's worth of this game"
Drop em. Especially for them bashing you, that's more disrespectful than their imaginary "farming is greedy" bullshit.
c r e s t
Fools, the lot of them.
Did they ask you to participate in something that they where doing?
Some people get so wrapped up in farming or being title bitches they never do anything with the guild/allience they're in.
If they was just rude for no reason... then thats sad...
Some people get so wrapped up in farming or being title bitches they never do anything with the guild/allience they're in.
If they was just rude for no reason... then thats sad...
No, they didn't ask me for anything. Someone said "What's everyone up too?"
You know, as in general, he was bored so wanted to see what people were doing
I just said
"Nothing interesting, farming"
You know, as in general, he was bored so wanted to see what people were doing
I just said
"Nothing interesting, farming"
Yes, you've found quite the group of idiots!
Sell me some of those unids.
Sold out right now, done farming for the night lol, maybe add me; Caliga Aduro and we'll see.
I think 10 for 5k is very fair, 500g each, 100-200g more than merching gives me.
I think 10 for 5k is very fair, 500g each, 100-200g more than merching gives me.
You should join a guild of like-minded individuals. You like farming, they don't. You aren't like-minded. It's time to leave.
The only people I know who don't do farming of some sort are those very new to the game.
I'm not quite sure why you need to be validated in this. GW is a game. Play it the way that suits you. If you like farming, then farm. If you don't, then don't. Whether it is greedy or not isn't relevant. I personally don't think it is. I know people who farm non-stop but are very active on vent. Their input into the guild is great. If they farmed all the time and never said a word I don't know why they'd want to be in a guild.
While I don't agree with your guild's approach to making everyone act in the same way, it doesn't necessarily make them idiots. Helping out new players and not getting caught up in bling wars may be a good thing. Forcing others to play like that, though, does seem a bit stupid. You might want to be a little more discerning in your search for the next guild.
The only people I know who don't do farming of some sort are those very new to the game.
I'm not quite sure why you need to be validated in this. GW is a game. Play it the way that suits you. If you like farming, then farm. If you don't, then don't. Whether it is greedy or not isn't relevant. I personally don't think it is. I know people who farm non-stop but are very active on vent. Their input into the guild is great. If they farmed all the time and never said a word I don't know why they'd want to be in a guild.
While I don't agree with your guild's approach to making everyone act in the same way, it doesn't necessarily make them idiots. Helping out new players and not getting caught up in bling wars may be a good thing. Forcing others to play like that, though, does seem a bit stupid. You might want to be a little more discerning in your search for the next guild.
Stranger The Ranger
Looks like you should join another Guild

I think it's great that people make guilds filling it up with idiots, rude people and the like. It means there might be slight less of them in other guilds

Find a better alliance imo.
Excessive farming is greedy though, just my 2 cents
Nice that we can see who on here are all farmers by their defence of OP lol
Nice that we can see who on here are all farmers by their defence of OP lol
seems like your alliance is a cross gene of two breeds of carebear. the self-righteous obnoxious carebear, while possessing strong traits of the middle-aged forever newbie carebear. interesting, interesting indeed.
i am the darwin of guild wars and i shall log this in my records book.
i am the darwin of guild wars and i shall log this in my records book.
You farm and get money.
They say you don't need expensive armor or weapons.
They say you should give money away.
What would the people you gave the money use the money for then I wonder?
They say you don't need expensive armor or weapons.
They say you should give money away.
What would the people you gave the money use the money for then I wonder?
Sankt Hallvard
Well, they were right about one thing. You ARE a retard for farming raptors. You even said it yourself when they asked what you were up to: "Nothing interesting. Farming."
So start doing something interesting.
So start doing something interesting.
I am farming to get money to do interesting things.
Also, excessive farming? What is excessive? If I want Elite armor, that's usually 100k with mats included, so I have to farm around that much;
I can't really imagine what excessive farming is.
The thing is, the Alliance is as old as 2006 in some cases, and some of the people in it are really good at the game, rich as heck, too, like 700-800e's(That's rich to me!)
So yeah. I just find it hard to believe that an entire Alliance decided to troll me, a nobody, I've been in it a month, rarely talk or am involved in much(They mainly do UW runs & DTSC, which I don't find that fun.)
And just do this to me. I'm not sure what to make of it. Also the way they talked about it was just amazing, it was like zealous religious zeal.
They told me I must be quite stupid to not realize how farming is being greedy, and that I should just play the game without farming and be grateful for what drops...
Listen, if I didn't farm, I couldn't get anything! Everyone farms something. Faction, Greens, ect. According to them though, farming faction isn't really farming...? lol
Also this one guy said he killed a boss to get his green, I called him out and said that was farming as you specifically killed a boss to obtain an item he doesn't drop 100% of the time. He told me though, that he got it his first try, therefore, it wasn't farming.
I then asked him if it didn't drop the first time, if he would have tried again and he said yes. He claims that it is not farming, and I am retarded for believing it to be.
He also claims that farming hurts the economy of GW. That's a tough issue, but in the end, farming has made it so many players can afford items they wanted, but previously were incredibly rare that only a handful had them. I think the game is better for allowing everyone to obtain what they want, as long as they're putting some effort in. GW was always meant to be casual, ArenaNet has said before, and farming has helped do that immensely in this game.
They also told me that letting people Leech off me while farming was hurting the game, and that I should max my Titles in EoTN by VQ area's and doing quests.
So I asked them if they thought SpeedBooking was "Ok" and they said it was not, that it ruined the game.
They claimed that any build that can exploit the game is wrong to use. They then said that Runners were another problem with the game, and that people who get runs are complete noobs.
Add onto this, they all shared a cheer hoping that in Guild Wars 2, nothing like in Guild Wars would happen. They said they didn't want any creative builds like GW.
I don't get it, in my opinion the people who created 55 Monks, and all those other farming builds, running builds, or general build that work immensely well were just being creative, and that's a good thing, and very few games allow such creativity to produce something as it does in Guild Wars.
I then brought up that their UW runs use specific builds to exploit the games mechanics and they just said it was completely different.
I honestly don't know what to make of it. It's very...odd. Some of these people have been playing since Day one, from what I can see.
I mean if it was a giant troll, that'd make sense, but again, why did suddenly an entire Alliance decide to troll someone that no one even really knew?:P
Also, excessive farming? What is excessive? If I want Elite armor, that's usually 100k with mats included, so I have to farm around that much;
I can't really imagine what excessive farming is.
The thing is, the Alliance is as old as 2006 in some cases, and some of the people in it are really good at the game, rich as heck, too, like 700-800e's(That's rich to me!)
So yeah. I just find it hard to believe that an entire Alliance decided to troll me, a nobody, I've been in it a month, rarely talk or am involved in much(They mainly do UW runs & DTSC, which I don't find that fun.)
And just do this to me. I'm not sure what to make of it. Also the way they talked about it was just amazing, it was like zealous religious zeal.
They told me I must be quite stupid to not realize how farming is being greedy, and that I should just play the game without farming and be grateful for what drops...
Listen, if I didn't farm, I couldn't get anything! Everyone farms something. Faction, Greens, ect. According to them though, farming faction isn't really farming...? lol
Also this one guy said he killed a boss to get his green, I called him out and said that was farming as you specifically killed a boss to obtain an item he doesn't drop 100% of the time. He told me though, that he got it his first try, therefore, it wasn't farming.
I then asked him if it didn't drop the first time, if he would have tried again and he said yes. He claims that it is not farming, and I am retarded for believing it to be.
He also claims that farming hurts the economy of GW. That's a tough issue, but in the end, farming has made it so many players can afford items they wanted, but previously were incredibly rare that only a handful had them. I think the game is better for allowing everyone to obtain what they want, as long as they're putting some effort in. GW was always meant to be casual, ArenaNet has said before, and farming has helped do that immensely in this game.
They also told me that letting people Leech off me while farming was hurting the game, and that I should max my Titles in EoTN by VQ area's and doing quests.
So I asked them if they thought SpeedBooking was "Ok" and they said it was not, that it ruined the game.
They claimed that any build that can exploit the game is wrong to use. They then said that Runners were another problem with the game, and that people who get runs are complete noobs.
Add onto this, they all shared a cheer hoping that in Guild Wars 2, nothing like in Guild Wars would happen. They said they didn't want any creative builds like GW.
I don't get it, in my opinion the people who created 55 Monks, and all those other farming builds, running builds, or general build that work immensely well were just being creative, and that's a good thing, and very few games allow such creativity to produce something as it does in Guild Wars.
I then brought up that their UW runs use specific builds to exploit the games mechanics and they just said it was completely different.
I honestly don't know what to make of it. It's very...odd. Some of these people have been playing since Day one, from what I can see.
I mean if it was a giant troll, that'd make sense, but again, why did suddenly an entire Alliance decide to troll someone that no one even really knew?:P
To Chicken To Die
People saying what you have to do, must do, what is not cool, what is l33t?
WHY THE HELL are you playing the game for. Not for fun if you listen to buttholes. Not for fun if you do what buttholes tell you to do. If you wanne farm then farm it's you freaking game.
WHY THE HELL are you playing the game for. Not for fun if you listen to buttholes. Not for fun if you do what buttholes tell you to do. If you wanne farm then farm it's you freaking game.
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black :/ I would go find another guild/alliance.
I'm surprised you cared so much about what they have to say...
I farm but i dont make huge amounts of cash , when im not farming im usually chatting in alliance or helping guildies.A while back i was farming outside Sorrows and weirdly i got all greens but the staff off the monk - and what did i do with the stockpile of greens ?
Did i sell them - nope as i gave them away to ppl in my alliance.
Now if we go by the ops guild it was fine to give greens away but bad to farm them - figure that out.
Small time farmers do jack towards ruining gw as we dont flood the market , bigtme farmers have an effect .
We play gw how we want to play and not be dictated by others - specially those who have no understanding of exactly what farming is.
Btw quick question - if farming is regarded as killing foes ( or all foes ) on a map then doesnt vanquishing come under farming as to me its "farming rep" in some places as its a reward and also goes toward a title ? :P
Did i sell them - nope as i gave them away to ppl in my alliance.
Now if we go by the ops guild it was fine to give greens away but bad to farm them - figure that out.
Small time farmers do jack towards ruining gw as we dont flood the market , bigtme farmers have an effect .
We play gw how we want to play and not be dictated by others - specially those who have no understanding of exactly what farming is.
Btw quick question - if farming is regarded as killing foes ( or all foes ) on a map then doesnt vanquishing come under farming as to me its "farming rep" in some places as its a reward and also goes toward a title ? :P
This one takes the prize! A guild-alliance full of wooden heads!
Eragon Zarroc
You need to find an alliance with less retarded people. That or they are trying to trick you into giving them your stuff. Find a new guild that enjoys farming the same way you do. Once you do everything else in this game, farming is only one of the viable options left to continue enjoying it.
snowman relic
Farming is greedy? my gosh i guess the four years spent in this game working my ass off for gold has been completly greedy i guess i should just give it to the people begging in kama and Shing jea because thats just like real life were the hardworkers get shit and the lazy people get it all </sarcasm>
If you work for the mony and spend time on it its not greed its getting your due i dont see people in real life giving money away instead of buying something unneded and this is a game nothing is really needed tell your carebears err guild they need to quit gw and u should leave the guild
If you work for the mony and spend time on it its not greed its getting your due i dont see people in real life giving money away instead of buying something unneded and this is a game nothing is really needed tell your carebears err guild they need to quit gw and u should leave the guild
How is farming greedy? It is not like we have a set amount of gold in game and people are taking more than their share.
Anyone and everyone can earn gold, if someone decides to play the game in order to farm then that is their prerogative. It is their game as much as yours, mine or anyone else and no one has a right to tell them how to play.
Most people agree with what I have said judging by the responses, few are idiotic enough to think differently. By the way OP, leave your alliance, find one that is not filled with morons.
Anyone and everyone can earn gold, if someone decides to play the game in order to farm then that is their prerogative. It is their game as much as yours, mine or anyone else and no one has a right to tell them how to play.
Most people agree with what I have said judging by the responses, few are idiotic enough to think differently. By the way OP, leave your alliance, find one that is not filled with morons.
your guild has moar trolls that guru does. i like it.
I honestly am having trouble believing this, but it seems a good portion of my Alliance believes that farming somehow is being greedy, and hurting the game.
Join one which doesn't try to dictate how you should play the game.
Camel Sausage
Interesting, GW has always been about doing things how you want for me.
You can do things with heros/hench or a team of PuGs/allies with a relatively disorganised team build, or you can take the ideal skills and tactics for the task at hand (SCs, solo farming/etc) and taking full advantage of things like the skeles skills being ranged attacks in UW is part of the tactics.
The former you can get most stuff done in NM, at the same rate a well thought out/practised team can do things in HM.
And not needing elite armors.. you don't, but if you're vain and don't want to look like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards, then you obviously do! (one of my allies has 15 elite sets on one character
Do what you want, how you want, and when you want! (obviously excluding botting/intentional exploitation of bugs in the game code)
You can do things with heros/hench or a team of PuGs/allies with a relatively disorganised team build, or you can take the ideal skills and tactics for the task at hand (SCs, solo farming/etc) and taking full advantage of things like the skeles skills being ranged attacks in UW is part of the tactics.
The former you can get most stuff done in NM, at the same rate a well thought out/practised team can do things in HM.
And not needing elite armors.. you don't, but if you're vain and don't want to look like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards, then you obviously do! (one of my allies has 15 elite sets on one character

Do what you want, how you want, and when you want! (obviously excluding botting/intentional exploitation of bugs in the game code)
All of a sudden people started bashing me. Said that "farming was greedy"
a good portion of my Alliance believes that farming somehow is being greedy, and hurting the game. |
Essence Snow
S00per Dave
The GW economy is totally based upon supply and demand. If someone is willing to purchase a stack of a particular item for a reasonable price, then you damn well better expect people to farm those items so they get paid. As long as the time they spend farming is worth the price they get.
If then it gets to a point where there are so many people farming a particular item (ie, feathers), the market becomes saturated, the price *surprise surprise* drops and doesn't become worth the time to farm anymore.
Moral of the story: farming is necessary if people are able to get the things they want.
Find a new guild/alliance not filled with as many blockheads...
*steps down from the soap box*
If then it gets to a point where there are so many people farming a particular item (ie, feathers), the market becomes saturated, the price *surprise surprise* drops and doesn't become worth the time to farm anymore.
Moral of the story: farming is necessary if people are able to get the things they want.
Find a new guild/alliance not filled with as many blockheads...
*steps down from the soap box*
Lord Dagon
meh they sound like they arent all there. id drop them join a guild that likes farming and move past them.(and if they pm u and be rude tell them to say hi to the DnD button or ignore list.)
Lycan Nibbler
Tell them you will share as soon as you receive some ectos from the rich guys in the alliance....^.^
Greed: a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed
Selfish: concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself
Ergo, by being concerned exclusively with yourself for more of something than is needed.
You are being selfish.
Your guild is right. Listen to their pearls of wisdom and donate all your money to bad players.
Selfish: concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself
Ergo, by being concerned exclusively with yourself for more of something than is needed.
You are being selfish.
Your guild is right. Listen to their pearls of wisdom and donate all your money to bad players.
Fear The Apocalypse
I would for sure leave that alliance. There are PLENTY of other ones out there who enjoy farming AND helping people.
LOL at Cosy remark. She makes a valid point
LOL at Cosy remark. She makes a valid point
I take it your alliance is not kurzick or luxon as I know of very few ways to get faction without farming-----
Your guild/alliance are idiots. Find a better one not filled with RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing morons
oh and sell your unids for [email protected] if they are inscribable.Its fairly easy to max the Wisdom title and make a profit doing it by buying inscribable unids so don't sell yourself short if you need cash
oh and sell your unids for [email protected] if they are inscribable.Its fairly easy to max the Wisdom title and make a profit doing it by buying inscribable unids so don't sell yourself short if you need cash

Sounds like you got some GW Guru members in your guild.

Shadowspawn X
Seems that you are in a adventurer type guild. Elite missions all day and hard core title chasing old school style. If you can't relate to that you need to join a farmers guild. But if I read your post correctly you are pretty neutral yourself and don't really care either way. I would join in on the elite missions with your allies and your loot will pile up just as fast if not faster than farming raptors.
I don't think farming is greedy...unless you're doing it for the reason you wanna be richer than other person or have to have every single shiny thing to show off. 
I myself farm when I am in need of money or just bored and need a break from other things.
People play the game differently. No one should be belittled for wanting to farm or not farm.

I myself farm when I am in need of money or just bored and need a break from other things.
People play the game differently. No one should be belittled for wanting to farm or not farm.