jimbo's WTS - Please buy my junk!
****Closed for now****
(My apologies to those who've posted recently - I haven't played in ages)
(My apologies to those who've posted recently - I haven't played in ages)
11 warrior tomes
= 5500
ign - katsuro nagasaki
= 5500
ign - katsuro nagasaki
Lolana Darkeyes
q10 Blessed Chalice (Healing Prayers): 2k
IGN > Laurie Buns
Thank you for the Quick Trade! =)
IGN > Laurie Buns
Thank you for the Quick Trade! =)
Unknown Duli
take both elite ranger tomes please...
IGN- Lord Diviner
IGN- Lord Diviner
divine staff please
IGN - Kuchiki itsygo

IGN - Kuchiki itsygo
Charlie Dayman
q9 Kaineng Axe (15^50 oldschool): 15k
IGN: Iron Butted Warrior
IGN: Iron Butted Warrior
I'll take the master of my domain inscrip.
IGN: Faith The Trickster
IGN: Faith The Trickster
Fatally Flaw
q9 Chrysocola Staff (Inspiration Magic): 45k
Spear Grip of Spear Mastery 20%: 500g
ign--fatally flaw
Spear Grip of Spear Mastery 20%: 500g
ign--fatally flaw
"Don't Think Twice" (HCT of all spells 10%): 500g (3)
q10 Holy Staff (Divine Favor): 1k
I'll take those
IGN: Miss Dervissh
q10 Holy Staff (Divine Favor): 1k
I'll take those
IGN: Miss Dervissh

Dervish Kid
10 sin tomes
ign: i monk in nikes
ign: i monk in nikes
never mind, found one cheaper in game.
The q9 Crude Daggers if its a gold item
And 1 Guided by Faith inscription
IGN: Kiro Dellingr
And 1 Guided by Faith inscription
IGN: Kiro Dellingr
Wrath of the Styx
I'll take Bogroot Focus
q9 15^50 oldschool Salient Daggers: 90k
IGN: Mordiska Tikari
IGN: Mordiska Tikari
Q10 Kournan defender (strength) 1k
Q10 Tall Shield (tactics) 1k
IGN Law Ra
Q10 Tall Shield (tactics) 1k
IGN Law Ra
Luck of the Draw Inscription B/O
IGN: Megumi Nakashima
IGN: Megumi Nakashima
Gabriel of Ravn
B/O on the following
Sheltered By Faith
Seized the day (x2)
Shield Handle of Devotion
IGN: Gabrielus The Brave
Sheltered By Faith
Seized the day (x2)
Shield Handle of Devotion
IGN: Gabrielus The Brave
BO on following items:
Ssyn's Staff 5k
Siege Turtle 1k
+ maybe a couple of more items. I'll check when I get back from work
IGN: Rubber Ghost
Ssyn's Staff 5k
Siege Turtle 1k
+ maybe a couple of more items. I'll check when I get back from work

IGN: Rubber Ghost
q9 Greater Highlander Blade 3k
x9 Regular Monk Tomes 8.1K
IGN: Sapasucha Of Akanif
x9 Regular Monk Tomes 8.1K
IGN: Sapasucha Of Akanif
I would like the Traveller's Walking Stick - 8k please
IGN : Artemus Three
IGN : Artemus Three
B/O R9 Fuchsia Staff IGN: Helion Silventus
pixie the monk
b/o q11 Holy Branch (Divine Favor, 20/20 Divine oldschool): 3k
ign: Pixie The Monk
ign: Pixie The Monk
q9 Fire Wand (Fire Magic): 2k
I'll take if it is this skin
IGN: Kiro Dellingr
I'll take if it is this skin
IGN: Kiro Dellingr
I'll take the shield handle of endurance
IGN: It Fires Arrows Lol
IGN: It Fires Arrows Lol
Oblique Extinction
q9 Strength Shield of the Lion: 5k
ign Aime Eskimo
ign Aime Eskimo
Srry, can I retract my both of my bids.
Ign: Monk of Rez
Ign: Monk of Rez
I'll take the Soul Spire q9 Soul Reaping.
IGN: Aiian Qais.
IGN: Aiian Qais.
b/o q10 Command Vabbian Defender: 2k
ign Ryozo Takamori
ign Ryozo Takamori
q9 Solemn Spear: 2k please 
FEEDBACK: Very fast, took 2-3 minutes when I whispered him and transaction, A+++++

FEEDBACK: Very fast, took 2-3 minutes when I whispered him and transaction, A+++++
b/o aureate daggers
IGN: Kiera Charms
IGN: Kiera Charms
Boko the Chocobo
could I get the vampiric sword hilt please, 1k b/o
ign: miss nesbit
ign: miss nesbit
Ebon scythe Mod please 2k
IGN Divine Calibur
IGN Divine Calibur
Zealous Spearhead 1k
IGN: Assassins Construct
IGN: Assassins Construct
Kedlai Everwinter
B/O on the following items:
The Maneater
Destructive Focus
Golden Boar Scepter
Straw Effigy (Restoration)
IGN: Kedlai Everwinter.
The Maneater
Destructive Focus
Golden Boar Scepter
Straw Effigy (Restoration)
IGN: Kedlai Everwinter.
Channeling Straw Effigy
IGN:King Kewl
IGN:King Kewl
Hey it's me again I would Like to buy the fellblade for 3k please
IGN Divine Calibur
IGN Divine Calibur
Snuggles Galore
q9 Tetsubo Hammer: 30k
IGN: Snuggles Galore
IGN: Snuggles Galore
Bladed Tribble
One of:
"I Can See Clearly Now" (Reduce Blind 20%): 2k
IGN: Mistress of Rodgort
I'm on most of the day periodically between 7AM-6PM Eastern Time.
EDIT: Thanks for the quick trade
"I Can See Clearly Now" (Reduce Blind 20%): 2k
IGN: Mistress of Rodgort
I'm on most of the day periodically between 7AM-6PM Eastern Time.
EDIT: Thanks for the quick trade

"I Can See Clearly Now" - 2K
got in game
got in game