Suli's Scythe 3k
jimbo's WTS - Please buy my junk!
Nicey Spachos
q9 Suntouched Staff (Divine Favor): 12k
q9 Crescent Staff (Death Magic): 12k
The Mindstealer (Illusion Magic Staff, unique skin): 8k
Please and Thank You
IGN: Taijutsu Master
q9 Crescent Staff (Death Magic): 12k
The Mindstealer (Illusion Magic Staff, unique skin): 8k
Please and Thank You

IGN: Taijutsu Master
I wish to buy it:
q9 Platinum Wand (Energy Storage): 5k
IGN: Hinja Sape.
q9 Platinum Wand (Energy Storage): 5k
IGN: Hinja Sape.
I'll take a q9 Voltaic Wand (Energy Storage): 2k
IGN: Kyris Gray
IGN: Kyris Gray
q9 Holy Vial (Protection Prayers): 4k
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
Nikki Wikki
q9 Razorclaw Scythe: 2k, if it's still there.
IGN: Amanda Buskowitz.
IGN: Amanda Buskowitz.
Fatally Flaw
q9 Iridescent Prism (Energy Storage): 2k
q9 Bleached Skull (Soul Reaping): 2k
ign--fatally flaw
q9 Bleached Skull (Soul Reaping): 2k
ign--fatally flaw
q9 Holy Vial (Protection Prayers): 4k
ign: Horus Teh Monk
ign: Horus Teh Monk
i'd like to buy the Droknar's Knives: 5k
contact me ig or here to set up a time
IGN slene udun
contact me ig or here to set up a time
IGN slene udun