Originally Posted by mage767
Some people might end up hurting themselves or others due to frustration. ANET might end up with legal problems and lawsuits very soon. Remember, not everyone who got banned are kids. Adults losing their way can be very dangerous. I just hope this does not happen.
I don't mean to be disrespectful when I say this, but PvE'ers often get laughed at for being Care Bears (and often enough, rightly so) but this takes the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing cake... Botters, the new Uber Care Bears... don't call them names, don't judge them for cheating and whatever you do... don't RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing ban them... they might just go nuts and self harm, or go postal in a highschool near you!
Guns don't kill people, banned botters do!
Edit: This is just nuts... could you imagine the repercussions if this was actually the case? Gaming companies like NCsoft would no longer just lock down your account and send you a brief message explaining why they took action, no that would be reckless and a danger to the community... instead they'd have to contact your local authorities and have a couple of armed Law Enforcement officers deal with the situation, providing access to grief counselling if required or meeting a violent outburst with an armed response.
I'd love to see "Kid gets WoW banned and goes nuts" on Cops...
Bad bots, bad bots... what you gonna do, what you gonna do when they come for you...