Update - Thursday, June 3, 2010
Lots of Superior ID kits and scrolls. Don't think I'll be getting anymore royal gifts.
Well, I found the quest a great step in the right direction. I still hate those stupid Ether Seals, as they're more annoying to deal with than difficult. Still, as masochistic as it sounds, I enjoy fighting some mobs I can't just blow through.
End boss was pretty disappointing, I was expecting some dialogue or, well, something. But the instance was fun.
End boss was pretty disappointing, I was expecting some dialogue or, well, something. But the instance was fun.
Good update is good. I got my first Mantle green here ^ ^
I like fighting the new PK/WM too, and 5 Gifts & a Medal of Honor isn't too bad either.
I've checked it and YES, speed booking with hero doesnt work anymore. Heros spawn groups of mobs.
Thanks ANet, what else you will destroy to make this game more borring?
Thanks ANet, what else you will destroy to make this game more borring?
I didnt even kill everything in the mission I was supposed to (only got 2 bosses before the ether seal and the final boss--NONE of the keys--never found those bosses)....5 royal gifts=4 scrolls and one medal of honor....I think I am not going to bother with my other characters.
If anyone does finish it in HM do you get more rewards? Speaking of those, I got 2 lockpicks and 4 scrolls, 1 gold, 3 blue. I think I'll be saving up the rest of my gifts as well. The picks are nice, but the 700 gold for the other 4 was a little...well, little.
Say what you will about new quests, lore and items. It's little touches like these that have impressed me the most.
Say what you will about new quests, lore and items. It's little touches like these that have impressed me the most.
How hard is to fight a few more groups? It's still superior than grinding out points else where. (for speedbooking)
Anyways, like the new mission, shame no HM reward, but yeah fun stuff. I'm just gonna stock pile the gifts/supplies/medals , see what happens.
Anyways, like the new mission, shame no HM reward, but yeah fun stuff. I'm just gonna stock pile the gifts/supplies/medals , see what happens.
Kumu Honua
I've checked it and YES, speed booking with hero doesnt work anymore. Heros spawn groups of mobs.
Thanks ANet, what else you will destroy to make this game more borring? |
It doesn't take that much longer to just do the effing quests. It's not like they are difficult.
Perfected Shadow
QQ I should've looked at this thread before completing it in HM when the rewards were the same in NM.
QQ I should've looked at this thread before completing it in HM when the rewards were the same in NM.
well hope they dont split the reward again... or, if they do it, that they INCREASE the HM reward and NOT RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOIN NERF the actual reward of NM
i'll try this new quest + reward tonight
Riot Narita
I see that now thanks! Riverside Assassination 10K xp 2K gold 5 gifts 1 MOH
I wonder if we'll see a use for Medals of Honor soon - this quest pretty much ensures that everybody doing WiK stuff will have at least one.
Has anyone else noticed the heroes and henchmen lately are completely lobotomized? They used to be tolerable, but on MORE than 10 accounts during this last quest they have stood in AoE without moving, ran into groups from 40 feet away to res or just dont attack what you ping.
Or am I just crazy? |
dancing gnome
i love how all the way through the mission alesia spends more time on her face than healing.
Even if they used the HM code to make all henchmen level 20 when entering Kyrtan areas during the WiK (or using the buff that players get during Journey to the North or in the Consulate Docks mission) the henchmen still wouldn't be infused.
I found it funny that the Shining Blade and Ebon Falcons are not infused and die the moment the Jade constructs look at them. Some elite squad they are.
I was also disappointed they didn't give us an ally during the mission.
Live Team needs to accept that for as long as heroes exist, people will not want to PuG.
Personally I did this mission with three heroes, no henchmen. Less dead weight that way.
Ohhhh not fair, I am at work and can't play
Mintha Syl
Uuuh sweet news! I'll have to infuse my brand new armor now
Funny thing the alesia+stefan comic, how true! Guess henchies won't stand a chance to take a place in the party for this mission, hope I can do it with someone else, other way just me+heroes.
And, happy the speedbooking glitch has been fixed.
Funny thing the alesia+stefan comic, how true! Guess henchies won't stand a chance to take a place in the party for this mission, hope I can do it with someone else, other way just me+heroes.
And, happy the speedbooking glitch has been fixed.
Sorry if this is old but I haven't noticed it before - Jiaju Tai has a new option when you talk to her and she can now send you into D'Alessio Seaboard explorable.
Edit: quick run-through (not everything) didn't seem to show anything interesting, aside from the fact that the place is absolutely loaded with white mantle and those villagers from riverside province/divinity coast explorables. A new quest here seems likely.
Edit: quick run-through (not everything) didn't seem to show anything interesting, aside from the fact that the place is absolutely loaded with white mantle and those villagers from riverside province/divinity coast explorables. A new quest here seems likely.
king of erebor
Just did the riverside thing, funny, but Alesia and Stefan were not much help in the keep. One should infuse henchies for things like that.
Got a War Horn out of the gifts and an id-kit. Can't see the medals any more though. Got one through quest and 3 out of gifts. Hopefully useful.
Got a War Horn out of the gifts and an id-kit. Can't see the medals any more though. Got one through quest and 3 out of gifts. Hopefully useful.
Did anyone notice that in HM your spirits would sometimes attack the jade cloaks in the towers and sometimes wouldn't ever if they're the only foe there?
Also sometimes my henchies just stood there and looked around in hm while my heroes and me were working hard not to die. It's odd because they've never behaved this way before. It's probably due to the fact that that instance is rather new and is kinda glitchy. But whatevs it's not a huge deal since nm and hm rewards are the same and nm is a cakewalk.
Also sometimes my henchies just stood there and looked around in hm while my heroes and me were working hard not to die. It's odd because they've never behaved this way before. It's probably due to the fact that that instance is rather new and is kinda glitchy. But whatevs it's not a huge deal since nm and hm rewards are the same and nm is a cakewalk.
Did it with a couple of guildies in HM only. Spirits can't hit the Cloaks on the towers. We eventually just started going around them. Went all the way to the other side of the map to get the keys (the location is shown on the mission map) then back around thru the gate. Didn't matter much though. We still ended up having to kill everything around the Ether Seal. Couple of Pain Inverters, Ebon Vanguard Assassin Supports, 2 spirit spammers, 1 minion bomber, 2 RoJ monks and 1 healer. Pretty much blew thru it after we stop bothering with the towers. I really hope to see more of these. Didn't notice that the rewards were the same in HM. That sux.
dancing gnome
Did it with a couple of guildies in HM only. Spirits can't hit the Cloaks on the towers. We eventually just started going around them. Went all the way to the other side of the map to get the keys (the location is shown on the mission map) then back around thru the gate. Didn't matter much though. We still ended up having to kill everything around the Ether Seal. Couple of Pain Inverters, Ebon Vanguard Assassin Supports, 2 spirit spammers, 1 minion bomber, 2 RoJ monks and 1 healer. Pretty much blew thru it after we stop bothering with the towers. I really hope to see more of these. Didn't notice that the rewards were the same in HM. That sux.
The only incentive a player should need for playing in Hard Mode is because they think they will enjoy the experience better.
There are plenty of players who dislike playing in HM and would rather player in Normal Mode except all of the rewards for things are being severely cut for NM making it a very unattractive alternative.
People need to stop complaining about rewards in HM. HM was introduced to the game to give people who wanted more of a challenge something to do. It wasn't introduced to the game to force players into playing it if they wanted better rewards.
The only incentive a player should need for playing in Hard Mode is because they think they will enjoy the experience better. There are plenty of players who dislike playing in HM and would rather player in Normal Mode except all of the rewards for things are being severely cut for NM making it a very unattractive alternative. |
Can you give us an example of NM rewards being severely cut?
Mintha Syl
dancing gnome
Really? I was thinking the exact opposite... No need to work harder for the same rewards.. I'm not sure I understand your logic. Some people prefer to work harder because it's more enjoyable?!?!? Do you expect us to buy that? Maybe I've been doing things wrong all my life. I think I'll go ask my boss for more hours or a pay-cut. lol
Can you give us an example of NM rewards being severely cut? |
It's a game, you play it for fun. If you don't enjoy HM more than NM then the game shouldn't be shoe horning you into playing it. Why would you want to play something you enjoy less?
Really? For every person I see complaining it's too easy I see three people complaining they don't like HM and wish NM had better rewards. The Courier Falken thread alone shoes how many people hate you have to do HM to get any value out of it when they preferred NM.
Yup. I think that's where the major disconnect here is... The majority of people on this forum is not a good indicator of the majority of people playing GW. But I still think the exact opposite. Greater rewards are the main incentive to doing HM for pretty much everyone I've played with. Although, I personally find some areas easier to do in HM. But yeah... if HM rewards are gonna be the same as NM, I'll not bother with HM. Am I alone here? lol
shadows of hob
Did the quest in HM with 3 hero's and 2 random PUG which I kindly asked to run a decent bar after they pinged theirs. It was pretty easy, the groups were easy to lure and pretty small and the 'end boss' was a complete joke. Nevertheless, I found the mini mission really enjoyable and I am looking forward for more!
Please infuse henchmen.
Courier Falken. End dungeon chests reward half as much in NM from what they do in HM.
It's a game, you play it for fun. If you don't enjoy HM more than NM then the game shouldn't be shoe horning you into playing it. Why would you want to play something you enjoy less?
Really? For every person I see complaining it's too easy I see three people complaining they don't like HM and wish NM had better rewards. The Courier Falken thread alone shoes how many people hate you have to do HM to get any value out of it when they preferred NM.
Me and 2 guildies (one of which has only been playing for a few months) and 3 heroes went in HM immediately after the update last night. It wasn't super easy but it wasn't super hard either. We didn't use any cons or exploited builds and we made it with no problems. I was really shocked to see that there were so many people having problems with it.
I feel that if some people end the quest with DP but I end the quest with a 10% morale boost then something is wrong with them... not the game. Maybe that "3 to 1" ratio you mentioned has something to do with it... Maybe 3 out of 4 GW players think they're better than they really are and are upset that they can't get the rewards that better players can in HM.
I never thought I'd be defending A-Net since the XTH crumbled. Thanks again A-Net! You're restoring my faith in you again.
Also sometimes my henchies just stood there and looked around in hm while my heroes and me were working hard not to die. It's odd because they've never behaved this way before. It's probably due to the fact that that instance is rather new and is kinda glitchy. But whatevs it's not a huge deal since nm and hm rewards are the same and nm is a cakewalk. |
anywho at least the new quests are fun, much easier to get gifts now ^^
yeah i kinad noticed this too, earlier in a bounty stefan moved 2/3 of the radar away from the group before turning back. minions seemed to be set to aggresive and aggroed a group that hadn't yet engaged us. just the usual henchmen stuff really. maybe all henchies have been set onto aggresive+1? like devona.
anywho at least the new quests are fun, much easier to get gifts now ^^ |
Whilst 10 minions are a useful addition to your team despite this, a melee henchmen is not. Kick Stefan.
Mintha Syl
Just did the riverside thing. Though I did it in NM it's proven some difficulties. I was with h/h and i have to agree they are dumber then ever (and I didn't think proph henchies could be dumber!!), especially alesia who was in love with jades. And i'm pretty sure if I would have done it with at least another human it would have really been a walk in the park. And...how comes a mursaat got so much health? He did no damage but it took ages to kill him....funny thing anyway
Solar Light
Texmod isnt working for the cartography package at all for me after this update, theres no map overlay.
Did Anet decide to kill using texmod for Cartography?
Did Anet decide to kill using texmod for Cartography?
Skyy High
Courier Falken. End dungeon chests reward half as much in NM from what they do in HM.
It's a game, you play it for fun. If you don't enjoy HM more than NM then the game shouldn't be shoe horning you into playing it. Why would you want to play something you enjoy less? |
Phoenix Denfer
Okay, I know I have played this game a long time, but I thought if the live player was infused, the heroes, henchmen and pets were also infused?
Didn't they do that like years ago when we all complained about the henchies and pets not being infused?
Now I could see when playing in normal mode, the henchies being too low a level so their damage is greater then for a hero. I thought that is why so many were preferring HM in those lower areas so that the henchies would at least be level 20.
I mapped in the southern shiverpeaks with hero/hench teams and I don't remember infusion issues with either.
Didn't they do that like years ago when we all complained about the henchies and pets not being infused?
Now I could see when playing in normal mode, the henchies being too low a level so their damage is greater then for a hero. I thought that is why so many were preferring HM in those lower areas so that the henchies would at least be level 20.
I mapped in the southern shiverpeaks with hero/hench teams and I don't remember infusion issues with either.
Okay, I know I have played this game a long time, but I thought if the live player was infused, the heroes, henchmen and pets were also infused?
Didn't they do that like years ago when we all complained about the henchies and pets not being infused? Now I could see when playing in normal mode, the henchies being too low a level so their damage is greater then for a hero. I thought that is why so many were preferring HM in those lower areas so that the henchies would at least be level 20. I mapped in the southern shiverpeaks with hero/hench teams and I don't remember infusion issues with either. |