Update - Thursday, June 3, 2010
Mintha Syl
Kumu Honua
Really? For every person I see complaining it's too easy I see three people complaining they don't like HM and wish NM had better rewards. The Courier Falken thread alone shoes how many people hate you have to do HM to get any value out of it when they preferred NM.
People hate that doing the courier in EITHER mode isn't worth the effort.
Owik Gall
Has anyone noticed the White Mantle warriors and paragons wielding a unique shield skin, one that hasn't been seen around in GW ever? The one that looks like the .dat file icon pic someone found?
Has anyone noticed the White Mantle warriors and paragons wielding a unique shield skin, one that hasn't been seen around in GW ever? The one that looks like the .dat file icon pic someone found?
Yeah, they've been wielding those for awhile now...now when do WE get to get them and how many medals of honor do they take?
Now this is what I was looking forward to. Revamping of old areas in proph and made enjoyable again. Nm was so easy even not being infused, so I'm not sure what the problem is people are having. Just follow the same ole, same ole rule about pulling and not overagrroing and you're good. My character was not infused so i finished with 60% dp, but my heroes kicked some serious butt.
BTW, is it just me or are you crazy to not stockpile medals...i'm turning all provisions into medals...I just have a feeling they will be used for something good. Good job Anet, keep this trend going..revamp seaboard or divinity coast mission next.
BTW, is it just me or are you crazy to not stockpile medals...i'm turning all provisions into medals...I just have a feeling they will be used for something good. Good job Anet, keep this trend going..revamp seaboard or divinity coast mission next.
Now this is what I was looking forward to. Revamping of old areas in proph and made enjoyable again. Nm was so easy even not being infused, so I'm not sure what the problem is people are having. Just follow the same ole, same ole rule about pulling and not overagrroing and you're good. My character was not infused so i finished with 60% dp, but my heroes kicked some serious butt.
BTW, is it just me or are you crazy to not stockpile medals...i'm turning all provisions into medals...I just have a feeling they will be used for something good. Good job Anet, keep this trend going..revamp seaboard or divinity coast mission next. |
Anyways I am pretty much done with doing the quest/missions till they balance the war in kryta areas and hench. just spent over an hour getting the key only to find out what a waste of time because I still had to fight fricking everything in the court yard. And caster h/h running into battle it just spoiled the fun.
I see posts like this being nothing but a troll....
------------------------------------------------ Anyways I am pretty much done with doing the quest/missions till they balance the war in kryta areas and hench. just spent over an hour getting the key only to find out what a waste of time because I still had to fight fricking everything in the court yard. And caster h/h running into battle it just spoiled the fun. |
BTW, is it just me or are you crazy to not stockpile medals...i'm turning all provisions into medals...I just have a feeling they will be used for something good. Good job Anet, keep this trend going..revamp seaboard or divinity coast mission next.
I'd be shocked if anet finally gave a reward for this that was worth more than what you could sell provisions/gifts for. New armor or a nice selection of weapons might make em worth a small fortune initially, but after a couple of months...
Now this is what I was looking forward to. Revamping of old areas in proph and made enjoyable again. Nm was so easy even not being infused, so I'm not sure what the problem is people are having. Just follow the same ole, same ole rule about pulling and not overagrroing and you're good. My character was not infused so i finished with 60% dp, but my heroes kicked some serious butt.
BTW, is it just me or are you crazy to not stockpile medals...i'm turning all provisions into medals...I just have a feeling they will be used for something good. Good job Anet, keep this trend going..revamp seaboard or divinity coast mission next. |
I'd say to not spend your war supplies on anything, personally 
Medals could be junk, or they could be super-special-awesome. We gotta wait and see what is better.
Medals could be junk, or they could be super-special-awesome. We gotta wait and see what is better.
Loving all these new quests. Can also help over my laziness mapping out Prophecies for title..
kudos anet
kudos anet
Yup. Stockpiling War Supplies is easily the smartest thing you can do right now. Only problem is if they become a gigantic consumer of space. My guess: 15 Medals for whatever we're saving them for. That's a stack and a half of Supplies, which it seems like will be what the SBB rewards will sum up to by the time they put the Medal collector in game.
Black Metal
Exactly. It seems rather obvious to me that I shouldn't take an irreversible decision (trading war supplies for either medals or gifts) when one of the items is a total wild card. I'm sure we'll know soon enough what medals are used for, and their relative value. But there's something to be said for taking the gamble of opening gifts and hoping for a lucky mini streak -> profit. I've seen enough posts of ppl getting jack, and I have very little inventory space to waste on sup salv kits, and making a little gold off scrolls is meaningless for me.
Fay Vert
Update 6th June All War Supplies collectors have left Kryta |
Trade 5 medals for 1 Krytan Ale. lol j/k As many White Mantle Emblems and Badges dropping, I can't help but wonder if they might be used to trade for something soon though. So there's been no info on when info might be released?
Im saving my War Supplies for now. I've also been saving my White Mantle Badges/Emblems more recently. At the very least the Traveler might want them soon.
White mantle emblems are collected during the Mad King's Festival, so it's worth holding on to them. I'm not sure if Nick has asked for white mantle badges yet.