All creatures tamable
So I thought about this idea today. I'll probably get flamed for this but I might as well pitch it to you all anyway.
I think it would be pretty cool if instead of having a limited set of tamable creatures found in the wild, any of the non-human (or dwarf, asura, charr, margonite, mursaat, or any other "intelligent" species) creasures in the game could be tamed. Personally, I think it would be pretty cool to have a Bladed Termite or a roaring ether as a pet rather than a generic "tiger" or "lion". Obviously, powerful creatures in elite areas (like bladed aaxte) should not be tamable but normal creatures like generic plant, insect, elemental, or mandragor enemies could be tamed. A lower level cap (15 or 16 maybe?, maybe lower?) would have to be imposed to prevent these "pets" from being too overpowered and maybe a limit placed on the skills available to them (their elite skill + two others of the owner's choice?) but I think this would be a cool way for players to further individualize themselves, choosing their favorite creature in game to be their pet. "Pet attacks" could be nerfed or changed. Other changes could also be made to balance these pets.
Needless to say, this suggestion is for PvE only. I don't know, nor do I care, how this would effect PvP. One idea might be when a character equips charm animal in a PvP area, they have to choose one of the current creatures to be their pet.
Well there's my idea. Flame away.
I think it would be pretty cool if instead of having a limited set of tamable creatures found in the wild, any of the non-human (or dwarf, asura, charr, margonite, mursaat, or any other "intelligent" species) creasures in the game could be tamed. Personally, I think it would be pretty cool to have a Bladed Termite or a roaring ether as a pet rather than a generic "tiger" or "lion". Obviously, powerful creatures in elite areas (like bladed aaxte) should not be tamable but normal creatures like generic plant, insect, elemental, or mandragor enemies could be tamed. A lower level cap (15 or 16 maybe?, maybe lower?) would have to be imposed to prevent these "pets" from being too overpowered and maybe a limit placed on the skills available to them (their elite skill + two others of the owner's choice?) but I think this would be a cool way for players to further individualize themselves, choosing their favorite creature in game to be their pet. "Pet attacks" could be nerfed or changed. Other changes could also be made to balance these pets.
Needless to say, this suggestion is for PvE only. I don't know, nor do I care, how this would effect PvP. One idea might be when a character equips charm animal in a PvP area, they have to choose one of the current creatures to be their pet.
Well there's my idea. Flame away.
Why can't i own a dwarf slave (lol midget discrimination?) or a charr pet? Might as well. *shrugs*
I think that would be a neat idea. I'd love to have an afflicted bull as a pet, lol.
Lord Dagon
this is acctually an idea im waiting for(but preety much given up on) to be implied by anet so i can be bothered to make/play a ranger.
I'D be great to have like your own siege devourer or some other erally cool creature in the game(can anyone spell having like the raptor boss/boss t-rex guy for a pet?)
so id /sign this idea, but sadly anet really cant do this b/c id require adn update(8~9montsh at least) of all pet skills, alot of coding that is probably beyond them, and just the sheer will to do it.
I think this might have been a cool thing to impliment earlier in the game(when ppl were preety much tossing ideas right and left and anet was acctually listening,gaile grey anyone? So to sum it all up id say this is a great wish list item, but it more then likely wont happen
I'D be great to have like your own siege devourer or some other erally cool creature in the game(can anyone spell having like the raptor boss/boss t-rex guy for a pet?)
so id /sign this idea, but sadly anet really cant do this b/c id require adn update(8~9montsh at least) of all pet skills, alot of coding that is probably beyond them, and just the sheer will to do it.
I think this might have been a cool thing to impliment earlier in the game(when ppl were preety much tossing ideas right and left and anet was acctually listening,gaile grey anyone? So to sum it all up id say this is a great wish list item, but it more then likely wont happen

I wouldn't mind some of the other creature being tameable but not the ones considered intelligent.
Intelligent as in tool using civilisation building skill using etc, that would invite the logical progression that if I can tame a Dwarf permanently then why cannot a Dwarf ranger permanently tame me, oops there goes 4 years work time to roll a new character.
They seem to have divided the "Animal" species in the world into at least 2 groups and it may be just chance that those tameable are those that are similar to earth creatures.
So we tame Lion Tiger Eagle Rat etc but not Mandragors or Bladed Termite, some of those we tame are social creatures while others we cannot.
That's why I figure the two groups, "Normal" under the influence of Melandru and others under the influence of some other god.
Personally I would like to see all "normal creatures tameable and for those creatures to have a real difference between the species.
Please in future anet don't give us flying creatures that don't fly or those that should have poison to not be after we tame them.
It would be reasonable for one of the classes "possibly Mesmer" to have the ability to control any creature for a limited duration and that duration to depend on the creatures Power and Intelligence.
It would also be reasonable for Rangers to be able to have a limited ability to tame other creatures but for it to again have a short duration depending on power and how far from the norm that creature falls.
I see a ranger with max points in beast mastery taming a Juvenile Bladed Termite for maybe 30 seconds While a more powerful creature only for a few seconds.
Not going to happen in GW of course but maybe they have had a rethink on animal companions for the sequel.
Intelligent as in tool using civilisation building skill using etc, that would invite the logical progression that if I can tame a Dwarf permanently then why cannot a Dwarf ranger permanently tame me, oops there goes 4 years work time to roll a new character.
They seem to have divided the "Animal" species in the world into at least 2 groups and it may be just chance that those tameable are those that are similar to earth creatures.
So we tame Lion Tiger Eagle Rat etc but not Mandragors or Bladed Termite, some of those we tame are social creatures while others we cannot.
That's why I figure the two groups, "Normal" under the influence of Melandru and others under the influence of some other god.
Personally I would like to see all "normal creatures tameable and for those creatures to have a real difference between the species.
Please in future anet don't give us flying creatures that don't fly or those that should have poison to not be after we tame them.
It would be reasonable for one of the classes "possibly Mesmer" to have the ability to control any creature for a limited duration and that duration to depend on the creatures Power and Intelligence.
It would also be reasonable for Rangers to be able to have a limited ability to tame other creatures but for it to again have a short duration depending on power and how far from the norm that creature falls.
I see a ranger with max points in beast mastery taming a Juvenile Bladed Termite for maybe 30 seconds While a more powerful creature only for a few seconds.
Not going to happen in GW of course but maybe they have had a rethink on animal companions for the sequel.
it would be lols but no anet's not gonna do this
I'd love to have Molotov Rocktail as my pet

Tame a cute little rabbit.
Only to find out it's the most evil being in whole Guild Wars.
I like the sound of that.
Only to find out it's the most evil being in whole Guild Wars.
I like the sound of that.
I want to tame Abaddaon or Mallyx.
Obviously there would have to be some restrictions (eg no bosses...) but it'd be pretty cool. It'd be even more awesome if they still had their traits, like earth elementals are resistant to physical, ice elementals are resistant to ice etc.
(Go go pokemon)
(Go go pokemon)
Dewshine Wildclaw
interesting idea... with certain limitations could be fine yes... but... you say they could have skills and such... well then better give the animals already there for taming the same possibilty... don't dare nerf my Kitten just because others wants fancier pets!!!
Bob Slydell
Back in the Pre Searing days I tried to tame one of those Moss Spiders. "Not an Animal" but oh thats fine you can charm some glowing magical spider from the UW no prob.
Tamable female Norn
I'm pretty sure that having a tamed glint would be a bit OP.
Eragon Zarroc
perhaps as long as they don't retain their skills when they are capped
who wants to cap a saltspray dragon?

Mr. G
Yes please
Seriously though, while this would be awesome, the sheer amount of work it would take along with the amount of ways to abuse this is just too much to handle.
Seriously though, while this would be awesome, the sheer amount of work it would take along with the amount of ways to abuse this is just too much to handle.
Perhaps an expansion of tamable pets, but not everything tamable.
Aatxe, anyone?
Aatxe, anyone?
I would say yes just for creatures that are green, but untamable at this point. Would love to have one of those reindeer i see running outside drakkar lake.
Vlad S
Perhaps an expansion of tamable pets, but not everything tamable.
Aatxe, anyone? |
Don't get me wrong, I mean I'd love the idea to have my own pet aataxe murdering everyone who pisses me off, but really, it would be too much.
Instead make creatures such as devourers tameable
Old Mac has a pet devourer, therefore he must be a haxxor.
on topic: if they were scaled down to the size of regular pets and not retain their monster skillbars it wouldn't be OP. (except for semi intelligent races such as heket/naga/etc which should remain off limits.) Not going to happen of course but I can always pretend I have a pet dinosaur. =)
on topic: if they were scaled down to the size of regular pets and not retain their monster skillbars it wouldn't be OP. (except for semi intelligent races such as heket/naga/etc which should remain off limits.) Not going to happen of course but I can always pretend I have a pet dinosaur. =)
All the pets are animals. None are 'monsters'. Although some of the monsters can be fit into an animal definition, there aren't many, and most of those are sentient. Sure, it would be neat, but it doesn't fit with the idea of what the pet is.
spirit of defeat
taming Kuunavang. For the full team.
Or letting MOX taming an other Golem....
And the double centaur
A MM with a Stygian Underlord
And of course a seige worm
Idea is nice but still
/not signed
Or letting MOX taming an other Golem....
And the double centaur
A MM with a Stygian Underlord
And of course a seige worm
Idea is nice but still
/not signed
Old Mac has a pet devourer, therefore he must be a haxxor.
on topic: if they were scaled down to the size of regular pets and not retain their monster skillbars it wouldn't be OP. (except for semi intelligent races such as heket/naga/etc which should remain off limits.) Not going to happen of course but I can always pretend I have a pet dinosaur. =) |
Seem to remember you have to get a devourer egg for Mac in pre and then when you get to the shiver peaks he has his pet devourer that he lends you for a mission.
It's similar to how you get the black moa chick minipet I guess.
Be nice if they had the time to do the programming and added more animal companions we could obtain that way.
If its not ott in power there isn't really a reason not to allow players more variety.
I might be able to understand taming them as a pet, but they should have no skills, and simply act the way any other pet would.
Be good to have a devourer.
Seem to remember you have to get a devourer egg for Mac in pre and then when you get to the shiver peaks he has his pet devourer that he lends you for a mission. |

You find him also in the Breach (ascalon post searing), for the mission "Army Life" iirc., with his pet devourer. You have to save him from the charrs nearby.
Would be fun to fill our Zaishen Menagerie............
7 E/Rs with Savanah Heat and a Flame Djinn pet each
1 E/Mo Infuser
Goodbye PvE.
1 E/Mo Infuser
Goodbye PvE.
Rushin Roulette
All I have to say for that is "LFG to tame Rotscale". As people have stated that Bosses are excluded... Rotscale isnt one

This suggestion made me lol.
Mintha Syl
All I have to say for that is "LFG to tame Rotscale". As people have stated that Bosses are excluded... Rotscale isnt one
![]() |
/not signed
How is everyone running */R fun?
fun is subjective. To me, being able to tame a roaring ether for my mesmer or a diamond djinn for my para would be really fun but if you think that many people having the same secondary profession would not be fun... then whatever, its your opinion i suppose.
I would also like to point out that in the OP, I mentioned that powerful beasts would not be tameable (or tamable? I think i misspelled it in the title...). This would include such creatures as bosses, aaxtes, rotscale, kuunevang, etc. Also, I could see how it having SF eles tame a flame djinn could be problematic in a team setting. I mentioned as a possible limit in the main post that creatures could be limited to one elite skill and a normal skill of the owner's choosing but I now think that it would be better if the creature were just limited to a single non-elite of the owner's choosing (a skill that belonged to that creature that is). And of course, as I said in the OP, creatures could be leveled downward to stop them from being "overpowered."
I would also like to point out that in the OP, I mentioned that powerful beasts would not be tameable (or tamable? I think i misspelled it in the title...). This would include such creatures as bosses, aaxtes, rotscale, kuunevang, etc. Also, I could see how it having SF eles tame a flame djinn could be problematic in a team setting. I mentioned as a possible limit in the main post that creatures could be limited to one elite skill and a normal skill of the owner's choosing but I now think that it would be better if the creature were just limited to a single non-elite of the owner's choosing (a skill that belonged to that creature that is). And of course, as I said in the OP, creatures could be leveled downward to stop them from being "overpowered."
Eowin Of Rohan
/sign if the tamed creature doesn't have it's skill bar anymore, but just behave as a normal pet would.
So we can have any cool-looking pet, but no abuse, and anet doesn't have to change everything in the game.
So we can have any cool-looking pet, but no abuse, and anet doesn't have to change everything in the game.
I'd rather see myself having 2 pets instead of one. Or even also one that could attack from a distance.
Vlad S
I just thought of the idea of having a pet bone dragon....
reaper with no name
I would tame Dhuum.
Raven Wing
It could be cool to have a tamed wurm or djinn or ice elemental or terrorweb dryder or even a maguuma spider, but where is the logic? All of these are hostile, some even sentient, why would they be willing to be tamed? The tamable animals are all neutral by default and just go minding their own business. They only fight if you attack them, and then struggle a bit against the taming itself.