No, what I'm saying is that with warriors also using adrenaline, most W/P builds outclass what a paragon can run because the warriors are gaining adrenaline too, using the para chants and doing massive damage at the same time. The issue comes down to what makes a Paragon so special that anyone would play it over a warrior?
Repeating this, but the main problem with Paragons is that they are the latest professions to the game along with dervish, and have highly conditional, or otherwise unwanted skills. Being that the class itself has a lot LESS skills than other professions, their skills must be more general and usable in nature to actually match other classes
Dervishes do this a lot better than paragons, even though they are outclassed by Warriors and Assassins. sure, mysticism is a bit lacking, but there aren't nearly as many worthless lines and skills as the Paragon. Earth Prayers is an amazing line for defense and quirky things, Wind Prayers a bit less so, but rocking for energy managment (the rest of the line falls short though)
There aren't many choices for Paragons, even if you completely ignore imbagon-type builds. Theres offensive support, and defensive support, which tend to lean towards the Command line (not many elites synergize with it, as all the Command elites are pretty bad in functionality), and Song of Purification (Motivation itself, and a lot of other elite skills in the line, suck.)
Fix that, you fix paragons