Why is the price of an Armbrace of Truth falling so much?
Is there a new farm out or something? They're dropping like crazy.
Kumu Honua
You can thank "Destructive was Glaive"
Also people are unwilling to give in to constant ecto prices for tormented items/armbraces (ie the price actually change with the ecto prices), unlike a lot of high end gear. The general opinion is 'meh,tormented what now?'.
The game is over 5 years old. That's why. Who DOESN'T have tormented shield by now?
That, and DwG pwns.
That, and DwG pwns.
Prices will hopefully continue to fall until Anet fixes the clipping issues with the Tormented Weapons.
Emperor Bush
dwg now allows mediocre players to go into doa, mash their keyboards, and magically receive gems.
Uhhh, isn't it like that for EVERY team build in Guild Wars? I mean, once the "Puzzle" had been already solved, what else is there to do in Guild Wars besides mash keyboards? DwG is no exception.
Lol@ some of these comments. DWG and Ecto price adjustments lead to where Armbraces are now. Count is as a screw up on the development side.
Killed u man
own age myname
Because normal people are doing DoA in NM. It's a good thing to, now people can get some nice tormented weapons for their HoM at a cheaper price

Grape Bird
dem dwg naabs go 123 headroll
dem dwg naabs go 123 headroll
Because normal people are doing DoA in NM. It's a good thing to, now people can get some nice tormented weapons for their HoM at a cheaper price
![]() |
While yeah filling out the hall is good and should be semi acheiveable by people...thats what destroyer weapons is for.
Tormented Weapons were intended to be a luxury that were hard to attain...what this is doing is...making it worthless and pointless...
removing the reward for those who worked hard to get one...
I did a DwG run yesterday, it was ridiculously easy. We had like 3 noob DwG, one guy who didnt even speak english (and no, not everyone was r8), and we just steamrolled it. Like 1hr 40 minutes.
Im not claiming thats a good time, just for a pug, thats almost ursan speeds. In fact, in some areas it was better then ursan (such as beginning of veil).
Im not claiming thats a good time, just for a pug, thats almost ursan speeds. In fact, in some areas it was better then ursan (such as beginning of veil).
In these situations typically, a vocal few will whine about the issue until Anet responds, in his case DwG gets nerfed.
Enjoy it while you can.
Enjoy it while you can.
If Anet intended them to be luxurious, they wouldn't be a collectible. Anyone could obtain just by doing DoA multiple times. 15 gems weren't hard even before SF.
Pony Slaystation
Lord Dagon
ive also heard(from my DoA crazy friend) that they made a build9may be exsuclive to his guild) that uses mesmers to clear DoA HM in around 50mins~hr. now i havent seen the builds been invited to a run myself(im too "noob' i havent done over 300 DoA runs) so i cant justify/prove this... but hes made 300e+ in the last day or so.. so i wouldnt rule it out.
between that... and DwG.. yea DoA has become steamroller able
between that... and DwG.. yea DoA has become steamroller able

Exactly. The only people that I can see being really upset about the drop in price would be power-traders who have stacks of ecto invested in arms. And to be perfectly honest, I'm not likely to shed any tears over their misfortune.
Still took more effort, as it is an Elite Area. At this point, the stuff is being made to be more common, which is good for individual HOM fullfillment, but terrible for a game thats endgame turns into "dress up." Being 5 years old I stopped caring about the economy so much, but when everything becomes so easy to get, the now PVE centric game is being driven by new players and old players who will get gear and quit playing. Shame.
Its funny that everyone blames DwG, when any caster spike could do the same. You still need two Monks and a Para. I think it has something to do with all the people that made Rts after the SoS buff. They knew how easy a spirit spammer was, steamrolled through NF, and its the only toon they have in DoA. So its more the fault of SoS than DwG. But I could be wrong.
Lol, well, sure. SoS is a problem of its own, but I only say so because it doesnt make the rit a stronger class to play, it just makes any class be able to use the same mundane build with close tot he same efficiency. Reminds me of another. Spirit buff is relevant though.
Still took more effort, as it is an Elite Area. At this point, the stuff is being made to be more common, which is good for individual HOM fullfillment, but terrible for a game thats endgame turns into "dress up." Being 5 years old I stopped caring about the economy so much, but when everything becomes so easy to get, the now PVE centric game is being driven by new players and old players who will get gear and quit playing. Shame.
- People crying because of the easy of getting certain high-end items.
- People crying because there fake money sink is losing value. wont somebody think of the fake economy.
- People complaining about gimmicky builds in PvE........wait that is kind of original; surprised it hasn't received a retarded -way name by now. buttonmashway DwGway, Acmeway; seriously don't these noobs know that gimmicky builds are only meant for PvP and Halls.
Q Q less
- People crying because of the easy of getting certain high-end items.
- People crying because there fake money sink is losing value. wont somebody think of the fake economy.
- People complaining about gimmicky builds in PvE........wait that is kind of original; surprised it hasn't received a retarded -way name by now. buttonmashway DwGway, Acmeway; seriously don't these noobs know that gimmicky builds are only meant for PvP and Halls.
Q Q less
guild wars has always been a "dress up" game. That's why collectors have max weapons r9. The only thing to go after in gw is "dress up" items.
P.S. Jidai, yous trollin.
this had been happening for months, and you just realize it now? haha. But yeah, if you nerf DwG, someone will put up another caster spike 'way' on pvx with 2 monks, a para, and same thing will repeat. Arms will still keep going down cause people wanna cash in fast,and so casuals are owning you neckbeards hard.
u mad?
u mad?
Essence Snow
~This...Spot on.......remember its in NM with full cons...any aoe will work...nerfing dwg will only change the meta to another aoe. SF would work just as well in NM using full cons. It's basically just that PUGs now realize that AoE+NM+cons=braces....not necessarily DwG.
Tormented Weapons were intended to be a luxury that were hard to attain...what this is doing is...making it worthless and pointless...
removing the reward for those who worked hard to get one... |
Three riders of doom: Inflation & Mudflation & Powercreep.
Makes me wonder why I should even get them, since they don't have very good stats to begin with? Never got one so not sure there.
dwg now allows mediocre players to go into doa, mash their keyboards, and magically receive gems.

But its not DWG which is probably not only used by what some say
mediocore players but also by players who get them self
playing by farming elite area's just to keep them self busy after 5 years.
And maybe DGW is used also by people who doesn't have much time to play
but still want to go with the few pugs which are obviously using DWG
which you can't join if you don't have DWG.... and so on.
But as it is.. GW is over 5 years old... who cares about sky high prices.
That doesn't give me more fun ...
Prices will hopefully continue to fall until Anet fixes the clipping issues with the Tormented Weapons.
but back on point, they'll just keep dropping until a nerf... which will be followed by a small 2-3 ecto spike in their prices followed by the new meta followed by cheaper armbraces, its a fun chain to watch in the already RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOed up economy

own age myname
no its not (edit: a good thing) :\
While yeah filling out the hall is good and should be semi acheiveable by people...thats what destroyer weapons is for. Tormented Weapons were intended to be a luxury that were hard to attain...what this is doing is...making it worthless and pointless... removing the reward for those who worked hard to get one... |
Anet can nerf dwg, they probably will.
But the ambrace price will keep falling. The dam is broke, people realized that gems are not that hard to get.
But the ambrace price will keep falling. The dam is broke, people realized that gems are not that hard to get.
What's the point in hoarding currency in a game anyway?
Easy to farm & Noneone needs/wants tormy weps anymore..
Because everyone knows, he who dies with the most toys wins!

Next rhetorical question.