Look at what I didn't get today/QQ Bad luck thread
This happened to me again. And to add insult to injury I didn't even get a gold from the chest, I got 2 Onyx.
Rushin Roulette
Normally I get a ton of alcohol from Nicholas gifts. Now that I've decided I'm going to get Drunkard, I haven't gotten a single ale from him.
I know what you mean. I was going for the sweet, drunkard and party titles... what do I get from the presents? non-spamable junk and no rare item apart from the Ascalon Razor every now and then.
Now that Ive maxed all 3 titles finally... I dont even get the Razor any more... only spamable Sweet, drunkard and party items....
The same was true for the Skillhunter and wisdom titles. Not a single Elite tome ever dropped for me.... that was until I finished the damn Skillhunter title.... the very last boss actually dropped an Elite tome after I had killed him (obviously)... since then Im going for the Wisdom title and Im getting loads of Elite tomes from chests....
I sometimes think Anet have managed to program irony into the code for Guild Wars

Doing the Deep today I saw someone get an Elite Rit tome from a chest. In the very next chest they got TWO more. Three Elite Rit tomes in a matter of minutes. I got a crappy grape and regular Ranger tome from those chests.

Ghull Ka
Charr kits only drop for my teammate, never for me. It's hard-coded into the game. QQ
Kung Foo Man Choo
Farming to get this item: http://www.guildwiki.org/Hanaku%27s_Focus. I have spent at least 5 straight playing hours to getting it, has yet to drop. I am aware I can create it via collectors, but I want the green
Ghull Ka
Farming to get this item: http://www.guildwiki.org/Hanaku%27s_Focus. I have spent at least 5 straight playing hours to getting it, has yet to drop. I am aware I can create it via collectors, but I want the green
I know, you want the green, I feel you. Bling is important! Just putting it out there for ya, tho mate. Good luck!


Almost but not quite...
Bright Star Shine
This one made me QQ... I freaking collect them, and when I finally get one of my own, it's imperf.. :'(
Over 400 z-keys used and no CC, how's that?
May sound a little crazy, but I have 10 toons, one for each class. Three of them get all my lucky drops, the rest never get anything worth while. Don't know if its random or what class they are. My three lucky ones are monk, ele, and necro.
Let's do the math
Monk : 10 runs in FoW SC : 2 Obby's
Assassin : 100+ runs in FoW SC : nothing
Necro : 1 run in FoW NM netted me 10 Shards
So yeah think there is so problem too :P
That's just it, strange drop code :P
SoS farming in UW.
17 runs, 1 ecto. Raging cause I usually do 10 runs, 8-9 ectos.
17 runs, 1 ecto. Raging cause I usually do 10 runs, 8-9 ectos.
Same here, expect I only have 8, and my monk and necro are the ones who gots all the great drops
Let's do the math Monk : 10 runs in FoW SC : 2 Obby's Assassin : 100+ runs in FoW SC : nothing Necro : 1 run in FoW NM netted me 10 Shards So yeah think there is so problem too :P That's just it, strange drop code :P |
I stopped using Zkeys around 2 yrs ago, I got r7 and had nothing worth more then 10k from the chest, and I know people who got 2 EL tonics before they even hit r3. Stupid RNG!!!
Bright Star Shine
It's called RNG. I done 1500+ UWSC's on my sin before all the changes to SF/UW and I got 3 eternal blades, all in less then 1 week. I just hate how RNG often determines how rich a person is in a MMO.
I stopped using Zkeys around 2 yrs ago, I got r7 and had nothing worth more then 10k from the chest, and I know people who got 2 EL tonics before they even hit r3. Stupid RNG!!! |
Around 3 stacks of wik gifts, weekly travellers gifts on 1 or sometimes 2 accounts, never a green bday mini, no gold or better mini's during the same year it came out, no celestials (besides piggy).... No mini luck, but it's CNY right!
the Puppeteer
~500 fortunes no dragons

750 Fortunes........NO DRAGGY.
That is no the worst part thought. My girlfriend told me to just sell the tokens and then buy the mini because I will not get one myself. I told her that it is much better opening it yourself and she can do what she wants and I will do what I want. She sells all of her tokens and buys the draggy and I open 750 and no draggy.
Now I have to listen to her forever -TOLD YOU SO- grrrrr
That is no the worst part thought. My girlfriend told me to just sell the tokens and then buy the mini because I will not get one myself. I told her that it is much better opening it yourself and she can do what she wants and I will do what I want. She sells all of her tokens and buys the draggy and I open 750 and no draggy.
Now I have to listen to her forever -TOLD YOU SO- grrrrr
Came to post nearly identical story Pervatorian, I am sitting around 650 fortunes opened. I just keep saying "ok just 25 more..." and it never happens. Could have sold my stacks and bought 5 dragons.
Tom Swift
750 Fortunes........NO DRAGGY.
That is no the worst part thought. My girlfriend told me to just sell the tokens and then buy the mini because I will not get one myself. I told her that it is much better opening it yourself and she can do what she wants and I will do what I want. She sells all of her tokens and buys the draggy and I open 750 and no draggy. Now I have to listen to her forever -TOLD YOU SO- grrrrr |
Silent The Gray
I think anet has pegged certain accounts that actually do something and don't sit around because I farmed fissure of woe religiously for almost 8 months straight. I would get on do 5 or 6 runs a night for 8 straight months. I finally got an obby edge after 10 months of farming that. My account is horridly pegged with some vicious plague that anet swears does not exist, ( yes I have sent emails asking). I can open 1 billion lunar fortunes and get nothing yet some guy just starting the game will get 50 dragons with the first 50 fortunes he opens. There is no incentive for me to farm with the new drop rate system they have, all it gives you is gold unidentified items. I don't want those I want money. I'd like tomes, ectos, shards. I have been doing fowsc runs lately and noticed that not only do I not get anything now, neither does anyone else. Everyone in the party gets a combined total of 20 unidentified items, but only 1 obsidian shard drops the whole run. How is that even possible anet? You have completely discouraged people from doing any type of farming. You discourage them from playing the game, why? Albeit my horrible luck I at least would always get a few shards in fow, nowadays they changed it with the ele update. It's completely changed. You were able to farm feathers, if you went slow and took your time (45 minutes to do the whole run) EVERY SINGLE ENEMY would drop an item. Now, you can take 45 minutes to do a run and get 20 feathers and a crap load of white items. What is going on? Please explain why you all the sudden don't want people in your game farming? If I have to put a work weeks worth of work into a game and get absolutely nothing out of it then what's the point?
Well, this didn't happen today, but seeing this thread made me re-live some of the pain of it.
... ... ...
Now that I'm back at the keyboard after a quick seizure and huddling in the fetal position while sucking my thumb, I have to say that the only thing I ever truly wanted to pick-up from a quest was the Miniature Polar Bear. Year after year she has eluded me.
I'm going back to the fetal position now. Peace.
... ... ...
Now that I'm back at the keyboard after a quick seizure and huddling in the fetal position while sucking my thumb, I have to say that the only thing I ever truly wanted to pick-up from a quest was the Miniature Polar Bear. Year after year she has eluded me.
I'm going back to the fetal position now. Peace.
Just broke open my 1,500th fortune and no dragon. I WILL GET ONE; I refuse to buy. I want to experience the happiness of opening one and seeing it pop out on the ground.
I barely get fireworks too, all I ever get is the damn buffs and 100 gold. Doing some quick math, I've wasted ~145e worth of fortunes. I've made like 10k from them... lol
I barely get fireworks too, all I ever get is the damn buffs and 100 gold. Doing some quick math, I've wasted ~145e worth of fortunes. I've made like 10k from them... lol
With my luck, I just spent the money and bought the dragon. Yeah I opened over 500 fortunes so far, and what do I have to show for it? About 50 more party points and a total of about 3K...
Mr Dinkleberg
I opened 83 fortunes and got only 1 dragon

the Puppeteer
I opened a chest and somehow the item dropped behind a wall making it impossible to pick up

Chaos Theory Pvp
Just completed 12 out of 18 dungeons 120+ foes per level x3 or more and the best drop so far is a purple reinforced buckler, everything else has been a couple of blues rest whites... is this normal???? I know I have heros but jeez I gave up on chests just a waste of money such a shame because the game is so cool.
Just completed 12 out of 18 dungeons 120+ foes per level x3 or more and the best drop so far is a purple reinforced buckler, everything else has been a couple of blues rest whites... is this normal???? I know I have heros but jeez I gave up on chests just a waste of money such a shame because the game is so cool.
Missing HB
That's how its supposed to be. The only reason the market is flooded with the rare end chest stuff is because of speed clears. When you take the time to actually do the dungeons the way they are meant to be done you will feel like your time has been completely wasted. You can thank speed clears for that.
If you can here still say these dungeons are still fun, trust me after doing vloxen excavations or slavers exile and getting on average one onyx and one gold item worth what's written below it, it's not really getting fun anymore..( it's actually in addition frustrating when you have to rage before the end because you made mobs bug and you cannot lure anymore)..
But well, speed clears are quite responsible.. You aren't really supposed to have some ectos/shards and a bunch of items in half the time you would take for a dungeon. The problem here are the guaranteed items( shards/ectos for fow/uw , gemstones from DoA).. Be sure, if chests did drop gold items in DoA( or greens) there would probably be noone there..
Kiki Go Boom
This is what happens when I try to farm Sephis Axes.

I guess getting 4 gold dead bows in one run (the top one is from another mob) is a good thing. But why did the Sephis have to be white . . .

I guess getting 4 gold dead bows in one run (the top one is from another mob) is a good thing. But why did the Sephis have to be white . . .

Yesterday I did some Underworld with a balanced party.
Not a single ecto for anyone in the party.
Not a single ecto for anyone in the party.
Probability has nothing to do with averaging out. If you have a 1% chance and you fail, your chance is still 1%. There is no fluctuation with your chances, or any averaging out. 1% remains 1% no matter how many times you fail.
And then I got to thinking and thats never good. It's just math and if you open enough of something it should average out. With 2 accounts and 13 characters the best mini I got was a yr 2 gold in yr 4. Best bday mini I got right when they came out was a purple freezie. Not one green so far. I haven't got anything good off either the z-chest or good ole nick. I blew over a million on keys a wk or 2 before they gave you credit on them for the z-title so didn't even get pts. No el tonics etc. Did another few hundred k after and nothing. I gave up and decided to sell everything instead of gambling.
Bought guild wars for a friend, and was playing the early prophecies missions with them. On Fort Ranik, they looted not one but TWO black dyes during the mission.
FoW run = 1 shard. From the chest. The second best thing from the run was the obsidian key that also came from the chest.

CE Devilman
all I got from the chest is a crapy bow..Q.Q
Probability has nothing to do with averaging out. If you have a 1% chance and you fail, your chance is still 1%. There is no fluctuation with your chances, or any averaging out. 1% remains 1% no matter how many times you fail.

Back to reality.
Those QQ'ing feel free to read from page one and see other hard luck stories. Besides the obvious trolling, the legit cases are abundant. It makes it feel ess personal. Sometimes you just aren't going to get something. I gave up on wik minis, but since I broke the curse, I got a mini Xun Rao in the 1st 11 I opened. Hmm maybe I should start another stack of wiks? NO!
Yup, if you throw a coin you always have 50/50 chance of heads or tails. Even if by any freak of nature you get heads 10 times straight the probability of each individual attempt was 50/50 and the 11th will still be 50/50.
Now the probability of having head 10 times in a row would not be described by the 50/50 chance but by the binomial distribution function. This function relates the probability of each singular event (50/50) to the number of attempts that result in the probability of the whole experiment. P(outcome)=f(P(individual attempt), #attempts) With drops it's exactly the same way. Regarding chance you could get the desired drop in the 1st attempt or never get it. If i'm not mistaken only when the attempts tend to infinity the probability of outcome tend to 100%. (Any correction to my math are welcome, i don't think i did any major mistake but then again i don't work much on this kinds of problems anymore) |
Even with a coin... Side A: Panda Lic. Side B: Ice Tea.
1 roll is 50/50. 10 rolls is 50/50 overall, but what are the chances that you will roll Side A or Side B 10 times in a row. You said it's pretty improbable.
This would be more like a 100 sided dice (100%) with many numbers assigned consumables, some assigned to greens, and less assigned to panda lic and minis. Your over all chance of getting one of the rare items is affected by how many attempts you make. Otherwise people would only try these things one time. You don't know if you will get it on 1st or 3rd or the 148th time or never/whenever you give up or don't attempt it.
To simplify it. You have one box. I have 1,000,000 boxes. We both want a panda license. Who is more likely to get it? The % stays the same. The results change the more times you attempt it.
Opened 10 Imp Strong Boxes and I got 5 Ganshu's Record, 3 Phoenix's Retribution and 2 Ice Teas... WTF!!!
San Arios
more fowruns than i can count.... 2 q9 vs, but no fckin edge for me -.-
So you are telling us that opening something 100 times nets you the same exact same chance as opening it one time?
Now the probability of having head 10 times in a row would not be described by the 50/50 chance but by the binomial distribution function. This function relates the probability of each singular event (50/50) to the number of attempts that result in the probability of the whole experiment.
P(outcome)=f(P(individual attempt), #attempts)
With drops it's exactly the same way.
Regarding chance you could get the desired drop in the 1st attempt or never get it. If i'm not mistaken only when the attempts tend to infinity the probability of outcome tend to 100%.
(Any correction to my math are welcome, i don't think i did any major mistake but then again i don't work much on this kinds of problems anymore)
Back to topic
from 22 imperial guard lockboxes
40 lockpicks
weird green weapons
some sugar/party items
Where's my minis and panda

I got a q8 Echovald Shield drop...but wiped before I could pick it up because I thought I'd used a candycane to get myself off -60 but it hadn't actually been used. It was also the last 3 enemies to kill before Morostav was completely vanquished so I not only lost my shield I lost 15k bonus Kurzick points.
I ****ing hate Wardens of Earth
I ****ing hate Wardens of Earth

Kiki Go Boom
Was that a gold Echovald Shield?