Why isn't Drunkard more like Sweet Tooth and Party Animal?
Like Hawk said : if you want something then you do what is needed to obtain it.
Every title has a challenge. The challenge for titles like sweet/party/zaishen is to be rich enough to buy what is needed.
Well the challenge for drunkard is to spend time drunk, whether you waste your time or you play the game is your choice. And drunkard isn't nearly as expensive as the two other : candies and party items cost two to three times more than booze.
Every title has a challenge. The challenge for titles like sweet/party/zaishen is to be rich enough to buy what is needed.
Well the challenge for drunkard is to spend time drunk, whether you waste your time or you play the game is your choice. And drunkard isn't nearly as expensive as the two other : candies and party items cost two to three times more than booze.
I dont know why everyone says you have to be rich to have those titles. I have all three and farmed it all myself. Sure, it took about 3-4 years of playing to complete, but I did it w/o buying anything. But, now im rich because everything I farm I can sell now. 
There will be a wintersday in July this weekend, thats an excellent time to farm for stuff. Veattirs and Raptors are quite lucrative for that sort of thing. Also try farming Snowball dominance in eotn if its available. good luck!

There will be a wintersday in July this weekend, thats an excellent time to farm for stuff. Veattirs and Raptors are quite lucrative for that sort of thing. Also try farming Snowball dominance in eotn if its available. good luck!
Sirius Bsns
Like Hawk said : if you want something then you do what is needed to obtain it.
Every title has a challenge. The challenge for titles like sweet/party/zaishen is to be rich enough to buy what is needed. Well the challenge for drunkard is to spend time drunk, whether you waste your time or you play the game is your choice. And drunkard isn't nearly as expensive as the two other : candies and party items cost two to three times more than booze. |

Well, MithranArkanere said all that really needed to be said to this topic.
It can be done by three line script in ahk. Much better than any human player to boot. So much for challege...
Really ... no matter how you wrap it, clicking something every three minutes is pretty damn insulting "challenge".
Well the challenge for drunkard is to spend time drunk, whether you waste your time or you play the game is your choice.
Really ... no matter how you wrap it, clicking something every three minutes is pretty damn insulting "challenge".
@Sirius, I laughed xD.
@zwei, well it's not the only insulting challenge in this game (lucky/unlucky ?).
Anyway this title is so useless, you need a lot of motivation if you really want it the cheapest way possible (timing your drinks). But I wonder if changing how it works will cause the price of booze to increase since more people will want to do it as an alternative to sweet/party.
@zwei, well it's not the only insulting challenge in this game (lucky/unlucky ?).
Anyway this title is so useless, you need a lot of motivation if you really want it the cheapest way possible (timing your drinks). But I wonder if changing how it works will cause the price of booze to increase since more people will want to do it as an alternative to sweet/party.
Well, MithranArkanere said all that really needed to be said to this topic.
It can be done by three line script in ahk. Much better than any human player to boot. So much for challege... Really ... no matter how you wrap it, clicking something every three minutes is pretty damn insulting "challenge". |
After I finish getting my Sweet, Party, and Kurzick titles, I plan on just getting drunk and playing my DS. Although, it is really tempting to just sit alone in my Guild Hall and leave on AHK while doing a stack of Alcohol a night.
To Chicken To Die
Dear Anet,
Pleas convert drunkard minutes to points. And while your at it make GWAMM able to display when a person has 1 max title and let everyone who won a single battle in HA use r3, r6, r9, r12 and r15 emotes and give us the same with zaichen. These things just cost to much time spending year in HA for a title is just to much and despite all whiners this will be a good update because I am to lazy to put some time in something that resembles my prestige in the game.
Thank you.
Pleas convert drunkard minutes to points. And while your at it make GWAMM able to display when a person has 1 max title and let everyone who won a single battle in HA use r3, r6, r9, r12 and r15 emotes and give us the same with zaichen. These things just cost to much time spending year in HA for a title is just to much and despite all whiners this will be a good update because I am to lazy to put some time in something that resembles my prestige in the game.
Thank you.
Drunkard on the other hand is either extremely boring or extremely annoying, boring if you are just sitting there double-clicking an icon every 3 minutes or annoying because you have to check all the time to see is 3 minutes passed.
This assumes that you aren't doing anything while drinking...and it's not anets fault if you can't figure out how to do other things while double clicking every couple minutes...just ya know... taking what a ton of other people have said and using it to invalidate your point...no where does it say you have to be doing nothing else but clicking to max the title
I agree it is boring if you are just sitting there doing nothing just clicking...but...its your own fault if you are...
Truthfully I am no wheres near maxxing drunkard specifically because I dun really want it.... the name just doesn't appeal to me...close friend of mine has pretty much maxed it while doing his vanq title...he told me he didn't even relies he had that many points and that it seemed like nothing :\
Kosar The Cruel
Not saying that drunkard should be put into points and not minutes. But, If you use, for example, a rock candy you get a timer telling you the duration of it. If they have an icon for Grog I don't see why they can't add it for all alcohol.
Sirius Bsns
Dear Anet,
Pleas convert drunkard minutes to points. And while your at it make GWAMM able to display when a person has 1 max title and let everyone who won a single battle in HA use r3, r6, r9, r12 and r15 emotes and give us the same with zaichen. These things just cost to much time spending year in HA for a title is just to much and despite all whiners this will be a good update because I am to lazy to put some time in something that resembles my prestige in the game. Thank you. |
This assumes that you aren't doing anything while drinking...and it's not anets fault if you can't figure out how to do other things while double clicking every couple minutes...just ya know... taking what a ton of other people have said and using it to invalidate your point...no where does it say you have to be doing nothing else but clicking to max the title
I agree it is boring if you are just sitting there doing nothing just clicking...but...its your own fault if you are... |
Perhaps you have missed the part of the post that you quoted where I say that Drunkard is either extremely boring or extremely annoying.
if it is that much of an annoyance to double click every few minutes...then there is something seriously wrong...
not like you have to check...there are plenty of downloaded-able timers on the Internet...and a ton more drunkard timer...I think theres one in the community works section on this site...
I still find it funny how I can counter half your argument while drunk and the other part takes like 30 seconds to counter later
edit: It also realllly wouldn't take that long to write in Java either I spose... but again no reason not to use smurfs
Oh no, why aren't all titles the same? QQ, make all the same, and while at it fix Treasure Hunter to be like Zaishen title - let us open any one chest as many times as we want as long as we got lockpicks, all that running takes so many hours, QQ.
Lamers. You just don't deserve this title - a real Drunkard can drink and play with all the effects on AND doesn't need any timers because he can feel when it's the time to drink another one from just those effects! Ha!
Lamers. You just don't deserve this title - a real Drunkard can drink and play with all the effects on AND doesn't need any timers because he can feel when it's the time to drink another one from just those effects! Ha!
Mintha Syl
dancing gnome
Drunk is not a title. It's something that existed in the game since the beginning. Alcohol was just a past time activity people could choose to do, but it didn't do anything aside from make your screen blurry.
Like with most titles, when they were introduced they were shoe-horned into the game to fit already existing mechanics, which usually meant terribad design and implementation (like explorer and wall scraping). They weren't designed to be fun, just something that could be done that wouldn't break the game - and in typical GW style - with monumental grind.
I doubt the Live Team would even consider changing Drunk so far into the title's existence. They make a habit of making bad decisions and sticking to them.
Like with most titles, when they were introduced they were shoe-horned into the game to fit already existing mechanics, which usually meant terribad design and implementation (like explorer and wall scraping). They weren't designed to be fun, just something that could be done that wouldn't break the game - and in typical GW style - with monumental grind.
I doubt the Live Team would even consider changing Drunk so far into the title's existence. They make a habit of making bad decisions and sticking to them.
Skyy High
Dear Anet,
Pleas convert drunkard minutes to points. And while your at it make GWAMM able to display when a person has 1 max title and let everyone who won a single battle in HA use r3, r6, r9, r12 and r15 emotes and give us the same with zaichen. These things just cost to much time spending year in HA for a title is just to much and despite all whiners this will be a good update because I am to lazy to put some time in something that resembles my prestige in the game. Thank you. |
I'm definitely going to use that timer though, thanks for posting it JonnieBoi. I've been meaning to code myself one for a while now.
and I argue that its neither
if it is that much of an annoyance to double click every few minutes...then there is something seriously wrong... not like you have to check...there are plenty of downloaded-able timers on the Internet...and a ton more drunkard timer...I think theres one in the community works section on this site... I still find it funny how I can counter half your argument while drunk and the other part takes like 30 seconds to counter later edit: It also realllly wouldn't take that long to write in Java either I spose... but again no reason not to use smurfs |
You wouldn't find that just a little bit annoying?
So let's say that for 4 days your wristwatch start beeping every 3 minutes and you have to press a button each time to make it stop.
You wouldn't find that just a little bit annoying? |
In my opinion, there really is no reason to change this title. It can be done while doing anything else in the game with no significant inconvenience.
Sirius Bsns
If I ever did the Drunkard title, I'd use the Drunkard bot because I'm just not willing to endure the pain of doing it manually while going through the trouble of using an alarm, stop watch, etc... but I'm never going to put myself through it, so OH WELL.
I just feel sorry for those of you that wasted all your time that you'll never get back for a title that has the same value as that of the CoC/LotP tier when it comes to striving for maxed titles rank.
I just feel sorry for those of you that wasted all your time that you'll never get back for a title that has the same value as that of the CoC/LotP tier when it comes to striving for maxed titles rank.
So let's say that for 4 days your wristwatch start beeping every 3 minutes and you have to press a button each time to make it stop.
You wouldn't find that just a little bit annoying? |
and if you can't properly program your wrist watch theres something wrong...especially since if you have it going off every 3 minutes without turning it off while your not playing..your also doing something wrong...but ill let you continue to try and grasp for a feasible argument.
please...it's funneh
pumpkin pie
I often ask the very same question.
Or atleast make alcohol has "better" more "productive" use like candy canes, canied apples etc.
Or atleast make alcohol has "better" more "productive" use like candy canes, canied apples etc.
What is the big deal about turning your watch's alarm on for every three minutes when you play the game? how is that annoying? i don't see how that would be that big of a deal...
please ignore the rest about one you can setup on your comp...funny coming from the guy who bitched at me for missing part of his while I was drunk xD
and if you can't properly program your wrist watch theres something wrong...especially since if you have it going off every 3 minutes without turning it off while your not playing..your also doing something wrong...but ill let you continue to try and grasp for a feasible argument. please...it's funneh |
If you would then you should be able to understand why I find completing Drunkard annoying.
P.S.: I did not miss the part about seting one on my computer nor did I mean to suggest that using a wristwatch to tell me when to use alcohol would be a problem.
I like the fact that it requires you to literally click an icon every 3 minutes just to farm a title. Makes you hate grinding that much more.
Sucky title to grind, anyway.
Sucky title to grind, anyway.
To be honest, I think that people who bot for this title should not get a permanent ban right off of the bat. Seeing as the title doesn't cause any damage to other players, it is not the same as using a bot to go out and farm items.
However, I do believe that those caught botting the drunkard title should get a temporary week or month ban, along with an investigation of any other botting activities on the account which could lead to a permanent ban. Hell, I've seen the team let people off for worse. Someone I knew bought ectos from a gold seller, got banned for two days, and came back with the ectos still on his account.
Has anyone here actually ever been perma-banned from exclusive drunkard botting and no other illegal activity?
However, I do believe that those caught botting the drunkard title should get a temporary week or month ban, along with an investigation of any other botting activities on the account which could lead to a permanent ban. Hell, I've seen the team let people off for worse. Someone I knew bought ectos from a gold seller, got banned for two days, and came back with the ectos still on his account.
Has anyone here actually ever been perma-banned from exclusive drunkard botting and no other illegal activity?
Answer the question I asked - would you find the event I described annoying?
If you would then you should be able to understand why I find completing Drunkard annoying. P.S.: I did not miss the part about seting one on my computer nor did I mean to suggest that using a wristwatch to tell me when to use alcohol would be a problem. |
Mintha Syl
So just do a different title if you find this one annoying or put up with *gasp* an alarm beeping every three minutes telling you to drink some more.

Ok a bit of an extreme situation but it crossed my ill mind.
I hope someone doesn't end up, if he also has an alarm for medicines, drinking in game when he should be taking some medicine in real
![]() Ok a bit of an extreme situation but it crossed my ill mind. |

Answer the question I asked - would you find the event I described annoying?
If you would then you should be able to understand why I find completing Drunkard annoying. P.S.: I did not miss the part about seting one on my computer nor did I mean to suggest that using a wristwatch to tell me when to use alcohol would be a problem. |
but please...feel free to continue grasping...ill keep an eye out for a real argument
I hope someone doesn't end up, if he also has an alarm for medicines, drinking in game when he should be taking some medicine in real
![]() Ok a bit of an extreme situation but it crossed my ill mind. |
btw just for the argument that its similar to other titles...I could say that since zaishen and the allegiance share most of the same names...we should change it so that you can max the allegiance ranks to be maxed at 100k points?
I just use the level 5 ones and since I have a clock right over my line of sight top of my monitor I try to start on a number (like 5 after, 10 after) and when I see the minute hand over the next number I click again, yes I have missed some, but with level 5 it doesnt matter.
If I have a bunch of level 1's to go with it I will usually use them when I am waiting (see zaishen missions:PUG).....since I can have the H control panel up while standing around...
so unless you want every single title to be exactly the same (lets have all the mission be exactly the same too while we are at it), I see no reason why this one CAN'T be different.
If I have a bunch of level 1's to go with it I will usually use them when I am waiting (see zaishen missions:PUG).....since I can have the H control panel up while standing around...
so unless you want every single title to be exactly the same (lets have all the mission be exactly the same too while we are at it), I see no reason why this one CAN'T be different.
To Chicken To Die
PvP related titles are a challenge, the drunkard title is a waste of time [not a challenge!]. BIG DIFFERENCE.
Why is this threat still open anyway are the mods asleep? Normally a thread that has been made once a week gets closed.
Err, no, I would not find listening to an alarm go off every three minutes and then double clicking an icon to be annoying...
I did not mean to say that I would set a clock to start beeping every 3 minutes while i was playing.
I was trying to show how annoying it is would be to be interrupted every 3 minutes with you are doing something (anything).
and even if i did find i to be that way, it isn't like you are being forced to get this title.
your attempt at salvaging your argument sucks... the answer is no though which was ofc implied in my response...but I suppose you have no reading comprehension...now that you are grasping at straws your no longer fun to argue with cause you have no salvagable point...sooo....I probably won't respond unless you come up with one
but please...feel free to continue grasping...ill keep an eye out for a real argument |
so unless you want every single title to be exactly the same (lets have all the mission be exactly the same too while we are at it), I see no reason why this one CAN'T be different.
Why shouldn't one them be different then the other two?
Why not make it so that in Tyria you have to find and kill every hidden spawn in order to vanquish an area?
LMAO at anyone who tries to defend this stupid title and it's mechanics. It's not the cost cuz whats 1 mil or so nowadays. It's not the energy cuz it doesn't really take much energy or intellect to complete. Look at my avatar. It's that it requires you either do click the mouse repetitiously and to check it each minute or every 3 minutes for 10000 minutes. You could play the game with the effects off for 10k minutes + setting up and getting out to wherever to play in drunk mode. Probably take a couple of weeks. The key is with the effects off so you're not even in game drunk lol.
I think the devs came up with the drunk title for 2 reasons:
1) To see how much they could RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO with the people who play this game.
2) To keep spamadan looking full.
They probably bet on how stupid GW players were. One of them probably said this is stupid and got fired for being sensible. Another dev said lets see how stupid they are. He's probably been promoted several times since.
I have the party title cuz I bought/farmed spamable points for cheap and used it all on the double weekend. I still use sweets so I don't need to push that, but will probably binge through that too when gw2 is close or they have a double sweets weekend. Hopefully it will be both.
I will never go after the drunken title unless there is some kind of speed up that still works. I rather play the game or just as good, not play at all than click... 1 one hundred... two one hundred.... click... 1 one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... click... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred............ oh crap that's less than 1%!!!
I think the devs came up with the drunk title for 2 reasons:
1) To see how much they could RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO with the people who play this game.
2) To keep spamadan looking full.
They probably bet on how stupid GW players were. One of them probably said this is stupid and got fired for being sensible. Another dev said lets see how stupid they are. He's probably been promoted several times since.
I have the party title cuz I bought/farmed spamable points for cheap and used it all on the double weekend. I still use sweets so I don't need to push that, but will probably binge through that too when gw2 is close or they have a double sweets weekend. Hopefully it will be both.
I will never go after the drunken title unless there is some kind of speed up that still works. I rather play the game or just as good, not play at all than click... 1 one hundred... two one hundred.... click... 1 one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... click... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred... one hundred... two one hundred... click 1 one hundred... two one hundred............ oh crap that's less than 1%!!!
If I am indeed grasping at straws why are you the one who is using personal attacks for the second post in a row insted of answering the question I asked?
I see no reason though to not post personal attacks if the argument is also being destroyed
Please reread what I wrote...the answer to your silly question is in there...and as for why the personal attacks...ehh there wouldn't be any if I had a real argument to disprove...but you have nothing...you continue to cling to your nothingness and since theres no argument to attack I am left with you.
I see no reason though to not post personal attacks if the argument is also being destroyed |
As far as personal attacks goes the reason a normal person does not use them in a debate is because the only thing that they show is the inability of the person using them to come up with a real argument which forces him/her to resort to insults.
But if using them amuses you feel free to continue using them.
The only thing in your posts that I see (besides personal attacks and random rambling of how good you are) is the suggestion that I should setup a Drunkard timer on my computer which does not answer would the situation I described annoy you.
Originally Posted by Myself
the answer is no though which was ofc implied in my response
As far as personal attacks goes the reason a normal person does not use them in a debate is because the only thing that they show is the inability of the person using them to come up with a real argument which forces him/her to resort to insults. But if using them amuses you feel free to continue using them. |
You know...I'm all for thinking that it'd be unfair to people who've already maxed it
And don't say "those were bugs that were fixed" because that doesn't explain holding to a poor design decision on the grounds that "other people had to do it the 'hard' way."
Voodoo Rage
Minimally I think it would be reasonable add a status icon showing your drunk status. If you have having a sugar rush you get an icon, why not drunk too?
The only thing missing with this title. It should stay as it is right now, but an indication would be nice.
Miss Puddles
Minimally I think it would be reasonable add a status icon showing your drunk status. If you have having a sugar rush you get an icon, why not drunk too?
Other than that , its cheap enough and easy enough to click ingame when playing to max it without too much hassle