No company is honest. Unless a non-profit organisation, but other than that the general rule of the thumb is: if there's money involved, people will do anything to get as much of it as possible.
As a matter of fact, part of a PR's job is to either hide, bend or break the truth so that you try and keep the masses quiet/pleased/informed. Not saying Anet is a company trying to steal our money (altough with banned acounts, they have been known to steal people's money after they got banned by allowing them to make a new acount, only to ban it a few hours later), but they're still a company trying to make money. If they had to choose between making money, or keeping loyal to their community, they will choose for the money. They have shown this time and time again. |
Planned Outage - August 11, 2010
Killed u man
The fact that people are corrupt and money obsessed doesn't invalidate my arguement.
My point was that Anet is a company trying to make money. And unless a company is non-profit organized, it "only" cares about profit. Obviously customer satisfaction is something alot of companies thrive for, but the reason why they want is, is to make more profit. (happy customers = more profit)
But I'm sorry, you guys are right:
Anet is a loving company, that has customers service that will come tuck you in at night, and even make you a nice coco before you go to bed. They will give you a sweet, warm kiss on your cheek as they slowly put the warm bed cheet over your sleepy body. Then they will slowly walk out of the room, gently looking at you, hoping you'll have a nice dream, and that you love them as much as they love you. All that's left for them to do now, is to go downstairs, and start working on a 7 course breakfast prepared with the best of ingredients and alot of love.
God bless Anet, may they live forever!
If you want to live under the illusion companies don't care about profit, but rather about their customers, go ahead. However, anyone with the least bit of education and common sense knows how the world works.
If Anet is moving their servers, it's not because they want to provide a better service for us, it's because they can save more money.
Now, I'm not saying that the server quality will be shit afterwards, no. What I'm saying is that Anet is trying to save money. For all I know, they have found a cheaper, higher quality location. But the fact still remains that money is primary goal for these actions, not customer satisfaction. If that was the goal, as you clearly claim by ridiculing my posts, there would be far more obvious actions to take:
-Fix PvP
-Faster, higher quality updates
-Give PvE'ers what they asked for a long time ago: better gold sink, 7 hero teams, SF nerf, more rewards for elite areas which won't be able to be solod anymore, etc.
All of these would be alot cheaper than to buy better servers/location as you claim. Why would they go out of the way of the easy solution, to go for a lesser effective, more expensive solution?
Hey, I gues Anet is just as mad as me...
The fact that people are corrupt and money obsessed doesn't invalidate my arguement.
My point was that Anet is a company trying to make money. And unless a company is non-profit organized, it "only" cares about profit. Obviously customer satisfaction is something alot of companies thrive for, but the reason why they want is, is to make more profit. (happy customers = more profit)
But I'm sorry, you guys are right:
Anet is a loving company, that has customers service that will come tuck you in at night, and even make you a nice coco before you go to bed. They will give you a sweet, warm kiss on your cheek as they slowly put the warm bed cheet over your sleepy body. Then they will slowly walk out of the room, gently looking at you, hoping you'll have a nice dream, and that you love them as much as they love you. All that's left for them to do now, is to go downstairs, and start working on a 7 course breakfast prepared with the best of ingredients and alot of love.
God bless Anet, may they live forever!
If you want to live under the illusion companies don't care about profit, but rather about their customers, go ahead. However, anyone with the least bit of education and common sense knows how the world works.
If Anet is moving their servers, it's not because they want to provide a better service for us, it's because they can save more money.
Now, I'm not saying that the server quality will be shit afterwards, no. What I'm saying is that Anet is trying to save money. For all I know, they have found a cheaper, higher quality location. But the fact still remains that money is primary goal for these actions, not customer satisfaction. If that was the goal, as you clearly claim by ridiculing my posts, there would be far more obvious actions to take:
-Fix PvP
-Faster, higher quality updates
-Give PvE'ers what they asked for a long time ago: better gold sink, 7 hero teams, SF nerf, more rewards for elite areas which won't be able to be solod anymore, etc.
All of these would be alot cheaper than to buy better servers/location as you claim. Why would they go out of the way of the easy solution, to go for a lesser effective, more expensive solution?
Hey, I gues Anet is just as mad as me...
I would speculate that the servers have found a new home next to the Aion servers which were moved to Texas last week.
Pure speculation though.
Pure speculation though.
To Chicken To Die
Anyone considerd the fact that the downtime probbaly is can be most likely is the only thing we shall ever notice about the data center movement?
Jatari Thundercloud
Well there goes my Oni Claw Farm for today.... 100 k a day farm.. I hope they get up sooner then 24 hours. lol
Gill Halendt
Over already?
I logged in no problem just a few minutes ago.
I logged in no problem just a few minutes ago.
Jatari Thundercloud
Jatari Thundercloud
Guild Wars is back up.. WOOT !
Puddin Cheeks
Yup, I'm in , 12 characters
Essence Snow
ll Jamie ll
Well umm our guild rerolled new cape + gh like 2 days ago. But we're back to the old gh + cape lol.
Rocky Raccoon
What do you know the sky didn't fall.
To Chicken To Die
So there was a rollback? Bummer. I was hoping that an actual database backup would be part of the maintenance period. Can anyone confirm/refute? I played all day yesterday to get my fix, and it'd suck to lose all that progress, lol.
Mintha Syl
Already???That was fast!! I suppose they just moved it on the other side of the street or something like that!!
Doesn't seem to be a rollback for me.. I still have everything I last logged off with...
Mike Zadorojny
The game is back up. Thank you for your patience.
Jatari Thundercloud
Gill Halendt
Same for me, no rollback.
Can't login anymore tough (040s), so they're likely not done yet.
Great job regardless, that was pretty quick anyway.
Can't login anymore tough (040s), so they're likely not done yet.
Great job regardless, that was pretty quick anyway.
Rocky Raccoon
Hey Tullz your past is showing, lol.
Mike Zadorojny
Well umm our guild rerolled new cape + gh like 2 days ago. But we're back to the old gh + cape lol.
EDIT: If you are still seeing a problem please contact support. Thanks!
Killed u man
Gotta give Anet props on the fast switch tough, I can already play again, and my ping hasn't changed at all compared to yesterday.
Then again, I didn't expect my ping to get any worse (as I said, cheaper servers doesn't necesarily mean worse servers).
I am, however, amused by the frozen ladder. Random guilds stealing ladder, go!
Then again, I didn't expect my ping to get any worse (as I said, cheaper servers doesn't necesarily mean worse servers).
I am, however, amused by the frozen ladder. Random guilds stealing ladder, go!

Apparently some guilds had their information reverted to an earlier backup that we had done. We just refreshed the data with the backup we did at the start of the maintenance.
Thanks for getting it done so quickly, now to get the ZM and complete Riverside several times...
My point was that Anet is a company trying to make money. And unless a company is non-profit organized, it "only" cares about profit.
If Anet is moving their servers, it's not because they want to provide a better service for us, it's because they can save more money. |
All I'm going to say is, have a go at definining the words 'company' and 'profit' for yourself. Think about them, write them down on a piece of paper, so you are absolutely certain on your definition on them. Only then are you allowed to go to Wikipedia and to compare the difference. I'll give you a hint already: 'companies' have to make a 'profit', in order for them to still exist in next 5-10 years. That's why the people in the company work for their cause, because otherwise they are going to lose their jobs. This also goes for ArenaNET, who just doesn't have the luxury of being handed a big fat government cheque every month. As a result, they have every reason to be as efficient as possible, hence why they are probably moving to a new data center.
If you wish that things would be different, that Anet could afford the luxury of blowing loads of money on expensive data centers and skill updates that don't see any form of return, then you should be the one writing that cheque for them.
As a player and a GW fan, sure, it's frustrating that the game you love gets less and less care. As a customer, I call 1500+ hours of gaming pleasure for around 100 euros a great deal, with no reason to complain. As a Business Economics student, I call it sensible business management.
Companies aren't evil by definition you know. Unless they deal in like, biochemical weapons to Saddam Hussein or something lol

Thanks for the quick and successful (at least for me) maintenance, ANet! No rollback, no problems with guild hall like a few people have reported. The ping is pretty much how it's always been before: average around 500, usually around 150 but with occasional 5-20k lag spikes.
To Chicken To Die
That whole thing was relatively painless. Good Job.
I actually slept thru the whole thing 
If they had not told me I would not have known....that is to say everything is just about the same as it was, not noticing any significant difference.
there was NOTHING TO WORRY can give your tinfoil hat a rest (and wash your hair).
If they had not told me I would not have known....that is to say everything is just about the same as it was, not noticing any significant difference.
there was NOTHING TO WORRY can give your tinfoil hat a rest (and wash your hair).

cant connect to my main account (keeps err=007). however if i login in any other account (tryed 3 different ones) all of them work. Even in the same place.
Any experiencing the same problem?
Any experiencing the same problem?
I had to redownload the game again through -image and am getting an average of 450-500KB/s up from the usual 35-60KB/s from the old data center. I really hope the move is related to my faster speeds. I can't want to see how I'll ping average in-game.
in randoms, so far getting multiple 007s, despite there being absolutly nothing wrong with my connection, 040s and 004s, slightly annoying, but not a surprise
over the last two or so hours
over the last two or so hours
So far, mine has been working fine - I've been on and off since around 3pm est. A few in the guild have had some dc's though.
Can we expect this new server situation to pick up after an initial teething period, or is this what we can come to expect? Because if not, good luck with gw2.
Came on this evening, played 5 GvG's of which 1 game had all our team load, 1 DC on the other team. Every other game both teams had 2+ no loads.
Oddly it's the same people most of the time, but they have never had issues loading into games before the server change. Could this be a trafficking issue?
In addition these matches were all in euro servers (206), could be completely wrong but it seems only american data center was moved as euro ip's have stayed the same?
A good example of this stupid situation on obs atm, is [Team] vs [afk]. Both teams 5, 7 & 8 don't load in.
Came on this evening, played 5 GvG's of which 1 game had all our team load, 1 DC on the other team. Every other game both teams had 2+ no loads.
Oddly it's the same people most of the time, but they have never had issues loading into games before the server change. Could this be a trafficking issue?
In addition these matches were all in euro servers (206), could be completely wrong but it seems only american data center was moved as euro ip's have stayed the same?
A good example of this stupid situation on obs atm, is [Team] vs [afk]. Both teams 5, 7 & 8 don't load in.