tl;dr is in bold
It's not a question of wanting it back or not wanting it back. It's a question of how long will it take former HB players and HB abusers (there's a distinction to be made there) to realize that it's not coming back.
maybe it really isnt coming back, but that is solid proof, amongst MANY other things, of anets incompetence. having been a long time hb player myself, i can tell you this was one of the most serious; 2 entire gw communities, hb&ta, were backstabbed by anets fail decision.
i have played over 8k games in 2009, and i have friends who played just as much, one of them over 20k games that yr alone. since we were tankers, we played pretty much at every rank, anywhere from 600 rating to 2000. when we were not playing rated we synced and played unrated for fun. i can tell you myself i have never seen ppl getting on with rr before the end of august 2009 (announcement of hb/ta removal), nor have i heard my friends do any of them. sure ppl were talking about this idea of red resign, hence your "proof", but nobody actually got around doing it. there is a difference between forum threads and the real game, you know.
I can't speak for the others. But as for me, I've got nothng against HBs. My opinion is that it's gone and not coming back and the issue needs to be laid to rest.
many of my friends who did hb and ta quit for good after the removal, and im not someone who cares much anymore. but honestly its really disappointing to see all the ignorant posts on guru (even 1yr after the fact), by ppl who never took hb srsly, misattributing all kinds of vices to the format when they have no idea what happend. its ridiculous and unfair to those players who honestly cared for the format and lobbied for changes.
And if Anet does decide to focus on Anet, I would rather them focus on fixing codex rather than adding back HB.
as of now, 2010, do you really think that anet will care to do anything with codex, fixing it? the only reason codex was untouched because nobody even plays it; at least hb/ta had some sort of community, and there were ppl who actually cared.
If they bring HB back, they'll also be bringing back /roll 100, red-resigns, shadow-stepping abusages, etc.. There's nothing fun about that. People did it to build their Commander titles and flaunt it.
the same old fallacious argument ppl used against hb.
/roll-was removed after 4th yr anniversary. if it took more than 2yrs to remove it, doesnt that show how bad anet is at maintaining their game? wtf does that have to do with hb if that is the case? since it was alrdy removed, how can it possibly be abused?
2. rr-as stated by several ppl(who actually took hb srsly and played it for a sufficient amount of time),
rr was only a problem when anet announced to remove hb.
3. shadowstepping/ai/skill abuses-tbh, abuses on this calibre has existed in pretty much every pvp format. remember signet of ghostly might abuse? it took several hrs to be fixed. now look at shadowstepping and r/p abuse in hb, it is exactly the same kind of skill abuse, in that only a few skills were involved, but when was it fixed? never.
if the (even the long range ones)shadowstepping skills were fixed(properly), the game play in hb would improve significantly, though not perfect but still. unfortuneately, it never happend-
anet never cared to listen to any of the advices of competent hb players.
and the thing about commander title, lol. if this argument applies then we might as well remove hero title and emote, cuz thats the most flaunted title in game.
When 90% of the players in the monthly tournament were named "fix crossing plz" or some variant, you know the system is broken.
There were what, four monthly finals that people threw just to make a statement? How competitive can that be?
they did that because they CARED about the format. when ppl do things like that, you can tell right away how desperate they are in trying to get anet to listen. yet ppl with ulterior motives still misrepresent these actions by labeling them as the reason of the broken format. the reason ppl played joke builds in finals and change their name to "fix xxx" was
because they care about the format.
the days where the devs are in touch with pvp are long gone.
its up to the players to give proper advice that would help the game rather than take in whatever fail decision that has been made.
I'm not seeing any sort of "bring hb back" momentum on guru or in-game.
whenver i see some post with a decent amount of hb discussion in it, most often the mods would try to suppress it. ive seen tonnes of threads deleted this way. idk if this one will suffer the same fate. but just because you dont see them does not mean they do not exist
Also called "exploiting the AI". Seriously, any PvE scrub can do that. Ooooh, what skill.
its called micro, back in the early days of hb this was a srs skill. i can guarantee you a decent hb player will beat any "pve scrub" who "exploits the AI".
it's not like balance in HB was sooOOOOooo perfect that it wouldn't require various skill and AI adjustments.
well, if you did play hb srsly(which i assume not), you would know that there really isnt much to fix. as i have said before, only major problem was the shadowsteps, which isnt much tbh. in addition, name me a "perfect" format in regular gw pvp right now, gvg? ha? codex? ab? loooooool. dball cb rbr or snowball doesnt count btw, these were made back when the game was good(and remained largely unchanged).
Everything I've seen everyone say here about bringing it back is the same stuff that was spouted off back when the arena was shut down. ANet didn't make a move to bring it back then, so I doubt that the same story is going to convince them to do it now.
im sry, but your argument isnt even slightly convincing.
ppl with legit complaints, comments, and advices should be able to post them regardless of the authorities decisions. why is it legit? for all the reasons ive stated above and several posts made in this thread. the fact that there was the same stuff spouted off since it was shut down means that
hb does have a dedicated community, and anet made a bad move deleting the format. yet you manipulate your argument as if it is the case otherwise.
it humors me to see ppl who nvr really cared about hb back then lobbying for implementation of codex, thinking that it is a pro format. more still are the same ppl now, even after seeing what they got with codex, are criticizing hb as if codex is any better. maybe hb wont be brought back, it is very likely that would be the case. but if so, im sure those who are intelligent enough will see how bad anet is running their game. as of now, i have lost much enthusiasm for gw2 just because of this.