HB was a pretty shitty format to begin with given the atrocious AI of the heroes. If it were possible to command stuff like "go there, protect yourself on the way" and if the player could switch between heroes/his own character as if he was taking full control of it, it would become like a mini-RTS, which I think would be pretty sweet. Not that it's ever going to happen, but I'd play that.
what you do not realize is that high lvl hb gameplay IS/WAS like a mini rts. i know very good players who can micro 10-20+ skills. by that i mean disabling them on the hero skill and manually select it to be used everytime, even when out of radar (this is accomplished by pressing tab or self target once before microing, depending on ally or foe). it takes a lot of skill and practise to achieve this. in addition to microing skills, sometimes it also requires microing positioning and movement, etc.
however, that being said, i do agree that by the later period in hb alot of meta builds do not require as much micro as it used to in the earlier days, which is probably why you think it is so "shitty". this problem can be addressed by doing some changes with the skills themselves. namely, r/p and ss. back then the hb community had tonnes of suggestions for this, but evidently anet did not investigate much effort into it.
Because the hero AI was so crappy and because they react really poorly to player commands, the things you could do with them were very limited. It led to rather shallow gameplay. Full control over Heroes would lead to far more interesting gameplay...
...which is what differs the good players from bad players:
good player-proper timing+anticipation+pre prot+good microing=heros survive
bad player-no timing+no anticipation whatsoever+no micro="omg heros got owned stupid ai is dumb hb is dumb"
in evry format when noobs get owned they will complain about something other than themselves, gg.
"That can be easily fixed." - Let's assume this is true.
it IS true
Anet has yet to see fit to grant heroes the power to not stand in AoE. Do you really think Anet is going to give them the power of variability in behavior?
in case you havent been keeping up with game updates, anet DID code the ai to run from aoe.
even if they didnt, its nothing to worry about because a good player will micro them to position anyways. when you see aoe micro hero1 hero2 hero3 individually to spread out, and there you go. just because certain ppl cant micro does not mean the format is bad.
As long as heroes are predictable, HB-type gameplay will always be degenerate. Therefore, if we assume that degenerate play is bad, then logically, HB must also be bad. This is why it was removed. Removing exploits will not remove the fundamental problems that created the exploits in the first place.
the problem here is that your premises are not necessarily true, and, even if they are, do not lead to your conclusion.
as stated above in this post, what separates the skilled from the non skilled is the fact that good players can control their heroes better. this means that, as long as their heroes are being microed properly, they are NOT predictable. even if they run the same builds, there are many different ways a game can be played.
if we assume degenerative play is bad, then not only hb is bad, but the entire game is bad. plz name me one format in gw that does NOT have degenerative play. according to your "logic", we might as well all delete gw cuz its so bad.
true, exploits are not the fundamental problem.
the fundamental problem is that anet completely ignored the format and has left it to rot on its own. which is a poor excuse of a maintenance job. srsly, can you imagine how bad gvg or ha would be if no there were no updates for it for 2 or 3 yrs? any format that received the same neglect as hb did will end up as a shitty format.
HB was fun when players played it....for lack of a better word, "honorably". Of course, that's not how you play to win, and since it's not like GvG (where you'll never get an match invite if you're an arse to play) no "honorway" was ever established.
lol, honor in gw. gvg is honorable? looool
Actually, having played it to rank two commander, i can say it was pretty garbage. Only reason i even played it that much was because i didn't have to wait for people, or bullshit around pugging and zero prep time.
you lable the format as bad, yet you name the primary reasons why the format is good, nice.
I'd take Codex over HB+TA any day.
want to find out what the majority of others think about that? /sign this thread!
None of which address the fundamental problem of heroes being predictable, thereby causing the most effective builds to always be the same ones that exploit this predictability better than the others. As long as this exists, HB will always be a bad concept for a format.
the fundamental problem is not predictability, nor is a properly played game of hb predictable. every format has its own effective builds for its own purpose, its just the way this game is designed. but this does not mean these formats themselves are bad. you are only employing a typical double standard if you single out hb for that as a fault.
since in my last post i forgot to sign, i will /sign now.