Originally Posted by Crimson Robes
Learn to read the 1st post 
1) I was referring to the debate between me and Age about Monks vs. ER.
2) I believe the OP wants seperate 'bests' for PvE and PvE.
Originally Posted by Age
I didn't say anything about team when talking about 600 SB or 55 but if they can spam 2 e spells so can any other Monk keeping a team alive.
Is it not clear we're comparing which is better at keeping the team alive? Solo builds have no relevance here, nor can they keep a team alive. Show me screenshots of you beating, say, Duncan in HM without cons (definitely possible) where the backline consists purely of 55monks. When you do that I'll agree.
I am sure an Ele can't do this or any other class and I don't have vid camera.We can out heal them.
A MONK CANNOT OUT HEAL AN ER! How many times must I write this before it gets through? You seem to be unable to see this yourself, so I'll give you a proper comparison.
ER: Infuse Health - no energy cost with ER, no health cost with ER*, no recharge, 250 health sacrifice x 1.22 (
[email protected]) = 300+health.
*Health will level out somewhere near halfway. It makes no difference as they can cover themselves with Prot Spirit/Spirit Bond/whatever whenever they want to.
The Monk needs to find something that can surpass this and be maintainable. Lets look at some of the options (assuming a 12+1+1/10+1/8+1 split between heal/prot/divine here).
WoH: Assuming you cast it on someone below 50% each time (which doesn't happen) you get 232 health every 4 seconds (not counting aftercast). That's 58 health per second. Not even remotely close.
HB+Heal Other: 284 health every 4 seconds, not counting aftercast. 71 health per second. Again, not even remotely close.
HB+DKiss: Let's be stupid and assume the target has 20, yes, 20 enchants/hexes. All up that would be 761 health. On a 4 second recast rate, it still only results in 190 health per second. It's better than the other two, but please don't try to convince me it's normal to have 20 enchants and hexes on you (not to mention we're not even 2/3 of the way to 300 health/second). Also, given that no normal player will have 761 health, that 190 will be much less because of over healing.
I would say most ER are bad as they are keeping terrible players alive which is why most good Monks have left the game for greener pasture.
So player x is bad because the rest of the people in their team is? Um... no. While it is true that it is easy for an ER player to just mash buttons randomly and win (unlike Monks), a good ER can employ the same tricks a Monk uses to make them good. Watching the field and such.
I do to it is just you don't want to listen.
No, you're just whining and saying 'omg thats not true thats not true!!'. I've requested you somehow show me that SoJ is good damage, how Monks can heal 300 health per second, etc, but all of your arguments don't relate to anything that matters or actually explain or prove anything, like I have been doing.
Yes I have seen roJ work fine for me and I ma talking about Monks in PvP as they out do Eles and ER wouldn't work
Maybe you should actually clarify which skill we're referring to here? RoJ is a decent damage skill. SoJ (whichever we're talking about) is not. Let me say this again. We are comparing which of the Monk or ER is better at keeping the team alive. Smite bars and solo builds should not come up in this discussion.
No you haven't been playing longer than I have and yes your board reg. date say 2006 mine is 2005.This isn't the only GW board I am on and and was given tip and help.We also advocated for UAS changes to sprint or frenzy no other board did this except that one.
i have been playing longer stated Monking in the Halls.
I've come to the conclusion you're by far the worst player I've ever argued with. Just because you started earlier (which you didn't) doesn't make you a better player, and given the crap you've been spouting in this thread and the other one we debated in, you're almost definitely not.
I given you a few but you haven't given any yourself
See above.
Yeah that is because most pve players today are terrible and want to rush everything.
No, people want to get things done quicker because it means they can do more things in less time. You may be aware that many people use cars to get around rather than walking. This is because it gets them to what they want quicker. Why should the same not apply to GW?
I am not wrong though and what does the second sentence mean no free speech around here I guess.
It's a piece of advice indicating you might want to stop posting so people don't classify you as an immature fool or other less family-friendly things.
Sins can also use swords and axes to.
And...? Wars are better at it.
No I am not but think about the recharge of FGJ 45 sec.
100B will kill a mob before FGJ runs out. Recharge isn't particularly relevant in that situation. It was only one example anyway. I've seen teams using "To the Limit" in 100B builds as well. That's only on a 15 second recharge.
PS. If you think Monks are bad and make terrible healers why not just delete them as well as the Monk forum.I see a lot of Monk hate here and on the Guru2.This is plain evidence of why there should be a Monks in GW2 as well going back to the old party system.It is because there a lot of hate on the Gurus of Monks which to me as Monk main player is insulting.It is is no wonder Monk the good players left this game and won't return even for GW2.
I never said I hated Monks or that they are useless. I believe I actually mentioned this in one of my previous posts. I like Monks. I would much prefer that ER couldn't be abused the way it is and the art of Monking was still in place. Things move on however, and you need to accept it.