Your Hall of Monuments Rewards!!! | ArenaNet
Shadowspawn X
Sweet, overall not a bad way of dealing with the issue. After a few hours of horsetrading I got my 50/50. Seems like all issues were resolved successfully. perma-pre LDoA never got a back door to the HoM, but with this system it really isn't necessary, but would still be nice. Anet actually did a good job with the HoM.
Do these accomplishments need to be displayed to be counted? So for example you need several characters to fill 50/50?
No, they just need to be recorded in your HoM - on any character.
I got:
Eternal Skillz
activeEternal Gladiator
activeEternal Protector of Tyria
activeEternal Savior of the Luxons
activeEternal Protector of Elona
activeEternal Legendary Skill Hunter
activeEternal Survivor
activeEternal Hero of Cantha
activeEternal Hero of Elona
activeEternal Conqueror of Sorrow's Furnace
activeEternal Conqueror of the Deep
activeEternal Conqueror of Urgoz's Warren
activeEternal Conqueror of the Fissure of Woe
13 titles
I definitely have a lot more. What's up with this?
Have you gone to the HoM with the character who has achieved the Cartography titles and recorded them? The game does not automatically add titles to your HoM. You have to manually tell the HoM that you want it displayed.
Anyone has an idea of how recent the elite area completion must be so that it could be added to the HoM achievements?
I remember doing Urgoz, Deep and DoA (yes, killed Mallyx) back then before EotN was released. Now when I returned and completed EotN and went to the HoM in order to add my achievements there, the game doesn't recognize me having done those things. It does recognize all other things of course, just those elite areas are uncounted.
I remember doing Urgoz, Deep and DoA (yes, killed Mallyx) back then before EotN was released. Now when I returned and completed EotN and went to the HoM in order to add my achievements there, the game doesn't recognize me having done those things. It does recognize all other things of course, just those elite areas are uncounted.
They have to have been completed since the EoTN was released.
V??na R??nd??ttir
I won a mini panda once in an art contest. I've never been able to afford to buy such a rare pet, though people seeing him assume I'm rich. So while I kind of like that the ridiculously high prices may not be maintained for rare pets in GW1, (so that I may hope to buy more for my collection) I'm also quite disappointed that I won't be able to take my panda along to GW2 with me. I held off dedicating him to see what the GW2 rewards might be like, but now I think he may have the same monetary value in GW1 whether I dedicate him or not. Actually, I don't really care about his monetary value, but it seems odd that a rare pet like a panda won in a contest should have the same value in terms of GW2 rewards as a mini Shiro bought in game for 25K gold.
So I'm now hoping that like a "God Walking" title, my panda might become a GW2 reward separate from the points system. Or perhaps that people like me who won pets, rather than bought them (since gold sources are sometimes suspicious), get some recognition for that achievement in GW2.
So I'm now hoping that like a "God Walking" title, my panda might become a GW2 reward separate from the points system. Or perhaps that people like me who won pets, rather than bought them (since gold sources are sometimes suspicious), get some recognition for that achievement in GW2.
Charlie Dayman
Now that I'm looking at the rest of the titles, I'm starting to wonder if they'll allow you to select the earlier titles even though you've reached the full 30/30 points. I really wouldn't mind keeping that "Rift Warden" title.
You can, according to the HoM Calc FAQ, use any of the titles you have earned. So someone with 50 points will get access to 10 titles inherited from the HoM at the start of GW2.
Charlie Dayman
Oh awesome! I didn't realize there was a faq on the main page. Thanks a lot for the info. That Rift Warden title is sounding pretty good to me right now.
7/50. i clearly don't title grind like the rest of you

Kosar The Cruel
I must say I love this HoM Calculator. Gave me something to do the past couple days and will probably continue to give me something to do for a bit. ^.^
I love the way Anet did the rewards. Nice to see they put some thought into the rewards and have a nice balance(?) for the rewards for the casual and hardcore gamers.
37/50 - Soon to be 40/50
Love ya Anet. lol
I love the way Anet did the rewards. Nice to see they put some thought into the rewards and have a nice balance(?) for the rewards for the casual and hardcore gamers.
37/50 - Soon to be 40/50
Love ya Anet. lol
... Extreme achievements like high pvp rank or GWAMM are completely ignored which is pretty typical of ANET. They should not put stuff in the game that they refuse to recognize imo...
But how can we blame anet? it all for the money, innit, and it's the mob that pays not the dedicated players

Ninja Ninja
I got 50/50 woot
the Puppeteer
hah just came back after 9 months of not playing and saw this update 
im at 27/50 with 0 minis in the hom area xD
opened my 4th year present and bam eye of janthir ^^
only 1 gold mini for the magic 30 :P
btw - the prices for that vabbi armor are ridiculous
- now who's laughing for getting one when they were ugly 
and - does anyone know if the armor rewards from HOM will scale with level in GW2? or are they only for the lower lvls
im at 27/50 with 0 minis in the hom area xD
opened my 4th year present and bam eye of janthir ^^
only 1 gold mini for the magic 30 :P
btw - the prices for that vabbi armor are ridiculous

and - does anyone know if the armor rewards from HOM will scale with level in GW2? or are they only for the lower lvls
Populism FTW. Anet always goes forward to please the majority, but no rewards for dedicating Asian minis is just a spit in the face of those more dedicated gamers imo.
But how can we blame anet? it all for the money, innit, and it's the mob that pays not the dedicated players ![]() |
Get lucky
Grind like a crazy bitch and/or obtain via some sort of expoilt
From a game contest
You've recieved your reward, you got the mini.
I'd rather anet not spend time making an item in gw2 that a person can only obtain via dedicating one of these asian mini's or any other rare mini.
On a side note i'm amazed how more active my allience and others has become now people arn't speding all their time alone being title bitches. They actually want to do stuff with the guild now instead of +1'in a title
I completed DoA and Urgoz, but i think it was done before GWeN was released so it didn't count for my HoM.
What dedication? Correct me if i'm wrong but to get an asian mini you have to:
Get lucky Grind like a crazy bitch and/or obtain via some sort of expoilt From a game contest You've recieved your reward, you got the mini. |
I don't think ArenaNet wants to reward power-trading, therefore these rare miniatures do not have any special value associated to them in the HoM.
Well I'm sure I'll get flame over this opinion but I find the HoM too easy to 50/50, I'd sorta like to increase to cap, and add more non title rewards on upper end of the spectrum at more spaced out intervals. Plus I feel a lot of the Monuments are lacking.
Honor: IMO best implemented of the 5 requiring 40/52 titles, ~75% completion needed in the monument feels right. Would like to see added achievements for multiple pvp titles, possibly add 1 points each for having 2 and 3 pvp titles. This would also making it so people actually have to pvp to get full points.
Valor: 15/33 possible weapons, <50% completion getting 100% reward. add a point each for 20 and 25 weapons.
Resilience: 7/20 possible armors, again with valor but lower % completion. I would add a point for having 11 and 15 armors
Fellowship: 100% completion for 100% reward, perfect.
Devotion: 50/108 and growing minis available(next May it will at least 123 total). I'd like to see it a little higher to get it closer to the honors 76% completion than Valors 49% completion. add an extra point for having 60 and 70 minis each.
But even with this criticism I find they way they implemented the system is really good.
Honor: IMO best implemented of the 5 requiring 40/52 titles, ~75% completion needed in the monument feels right. Would like to see added achievements for multiple pvp titles, possibly add 1 points each for having 2 and 3 pvp titles. This would also making it so people actually have to pvp to get full points.
Valor: 15/33 possible weapons, <50% completion getting 100% reward. add a point each for 20 and 25 weapons.
Resilience: 7/20 possible armors, again with valor but lower % completion. I would add a point for having 11 and 15 armors
Fellowship: 100% completion for 100% reward, perfect.
Devotion: 50/108 and growing minis available(next May it will at least 123 total). I'd like to see it a little higher to get it closer to the honors 76% completion than Valors 49% completion. add an extra point for having 60 and 70 minis each.
But even with this criticism I find they way they implemented the system is really good.
Why spend dev time on rewards that less than 0.1% of the players will ever see/obtain?
Well I'm sure I'll get flame over this opinion but I find the HoM too easy to 50/50, I'd sorta like to increase to cap, and add more non title rewards on upper end of the spectrum at more spaced out intervals. Plus I feel a lot of the Monuments are lacking.
Honor: IMO best implemented of the 5 requiring 40/52 titles, ~75% completion needed in the monument feels right. Would like to see added achievements for multiple pvp titles, possibly add 1 points each for having 2 and 3 pvp titles. This would also making it so people actually have to pvp to get full points. Valor: 15/33 possible weapons, <50% completion getting 100% reward. add a point each for 20 and 25 weapons. Resilience: 7/20 possible armors, again with valor but lower % completion. I would add a point for having 11 and 15 armors Fellowship: 100% completion for 100% reward, perfect. Devotion: 50/108 and growing minis available(next May it will at least 123 total). I'd like to see it a little higher to get it closer to the honors 76% completion than Valors 49% completion. add an extra point for having 60 and 70 minis each. But even with this criticism I find they way they implemented the system is really good. |
AS there is still more content to come, I;m wondering how this will affect the HoM/rewards. WIll there just be more options added with the new weapons/minis, or will they add a few more requirements to the HoM?
50/50 isn't very difficult at all. ANyone playing GW1 for the past few years can easily achieve it.
What annoys me most is the way ANET handled GWAMM title progression in GW2. For more on that, go to this thread:
What annoys me most is the way ANET handled GWAMM title progression in GW2. For more on that, go to this thread:
I think there is a flaw in some people's perspectives here.
Getting 50 points is no small achievement by any means. It takes hundreds upon hundreds of hours of purposeful gameplay, more time than most GW players ever spend playing the game. You cannot get 50 points without either playing for years, or sacrificing a large chunk of time to play GW each day over the course of months.
I don't think most people who have achieved 50 points understand the amount of work it took them, ironically. Maybe because they got all of their points at once, when the website was released a few days ago.
Getting 50 points is no small achievement by any means. It takes hundreds upon hundreds of hours of purposeful gameplay, more time than most GW players ever spend playing the game. You cannot get 50 points without either playing for years, or sacrificing a large chunk of time to play GW each day over the course of months.
I don't think most people who have achieved 50 points understand the amount of work it took them, ironically. Maybe because they got all of their points at once, when the website was released a few days ago.
Killed u man
So wait, all the people who duped and are amongst the lucky few who are able to buy the super expensive minipets won't get rewards in GW2?
Finally something Anet has done right.... (no sarcasm)
The one reason I was always scared of HoM was that it would privilege those who duped and were the only ones able to purchase every minipet. Good to see that the game doesn't draw lines between the different minipets, because offering rewards for GW1 gameplay, and offering rewards for having abused certain mechanics or exploits in GW1 are 2 different things.
Money in GW1 should not be the base for rewards in GW2, looks like Anet did it right.
Finally something Anet has done right.... (no sarcasm)
The one reason I was always scared of HoM was that it would privilege those who duped and were the only ones able to purchase every minipet. Good to see that the game doesn't draw lines between the different minipets, because offering rewards for GW1 gameplay, and offering rewards for having abused certain mechanics or exploits in GW1 are 2 different things.
Money in GW1 should not be the base for rewards in GW2, looks like Anet did it right.
Deviant Angel
Originally Posted by Vàna Rúndóttir
So I'm now hoping that like a "God Walking" title, my panda might become a GW2 reward separate from the points system. Or perhaps that people like me who won pets, rather than bought them (since gold sources are sometimes suspicious), get some recognition for that achievement in GW2.
Rare minis in GW2 should be earned through GW2 contests or promotions.
Originally Posted by Adul
I think there is a flaw in some people's perspectives here.
Getting 50 points is no small achievement by any means. It takes hundreds upon hundreds of hours of purposeful gameplay, more time than most GW players ever spend playing the game. You cannot get 50 points without either playing for years, or sacrificing a large chunk of time to play GW each day over the course of months. I don't think most people who have achieved 50 points understand the amount of work it took them, ironically. Maybe because they got all of their points at once, when the website was released a few days ago. |
I often forget how much time I spent on my monk when I was working on GWAMM. I also forget how much money I blew on countless sets of armor, consumables for the titles, and other stuff. It's really is easy to say 50/50 is a walk in the park when you logged on the other day to see that you don't have to worry about it!
That being said, I don't think it's going to be hard for people to get 30 or even 50 points if they actually want the rewards.

What makes you think they were designed to be hard?
Uh, what did they do wrong? |
The way ANET implemented GWAMM carryover is like this:
If you have one GWAMM character in GW1, then you can display GWAMM on ALL your characters in GW2
The way it should have been implemented is as follows:
If you have one GWAMM character in GW1, then you can display GWAMM on only ONE chosen character in GW2. Thus, people with multiple GWAMMs can display on more characters in GW2. More work done in GW1 should carryover equally in GW2. It has nothing to do with money!
^they introduced gwamm in the first place. thats what they did wrong.
There is one thing I wish they would have use as reward that wasn't there, Divine Aura. I can only hope this would be added latter, perhaps as a 50/50 reward.
No, no, no, no divine aura for HoM
That will probably either not be there at all (art direction decision) or be a thing obtained by the collector's edition (you know, like in GW1).
Less throwbacks to a six-year old game please. GW2 is a fresh wind, these HoM things are really sweet but lets not overdo it.
If you want to show off in outposts do it in GW1 imo.
That will probably either not be there at all (art direction decision) or be a thing obtained by the collector's edition (you know, like in GW1).
Less throwbacks to a six-year old game please. GW2 is a fresh wind, these HoM things are really sweet but lets not overdo it.
If you want to show off in outposts do it in GW1 imo.
No, no, no, no divine aura for HoM
That will probably either not be there at all (art direction decision) or be a thing obtained by the collector's edition (you know, like in GW1). Less throwbacks to a six-year old game please. GW2 is a fresh wind, these HoM things are really sweet but lets not overdo it. If you want to show off in outposts do it in GW1 imo. |
Deviant Angel
Originally Posted by mage767
The way I think it should have been implemented is as follows:
If you have one GWAMM character in GW1, then you can display GWAMM on only ONE chosen character in GW2. Thus, people with multiple GWAMMs can display on more characters in GW2. More work done in GW1 should carryover equally in GW2. It has nothing to do with money! |
Every title they have told us about so far is account wide... and you're complaining? Seriously? Nobody forced you or anybody else to get more than one GWAMM. That was your choice.
I wish people would stop feeling like they are entitled to additional perks because they have a 15 inch e-peen.
Originally Posted by Adul
I agree. Promotional items should definitely not be carried over to GW2. Promotions are rewards in themselves, they do not need to be further rewarded in a circular manner.

50/50 isn't very difficult at all. ANyone playing GW1 for the past few years can easily achieve it.
I've played pretty much since the start (off and on) and NEVER owned an ecto.
The way ANET implemented GWAMM carryover is like this: If you have one GWAMM character in GW1, then you can display GWAMM on ALL your characters in GW2 The way it should have been implemented is as follows: |
How amusing. I'm eager to hear what makes your version better than ANet's other than "because I say so, durr".
Oh, and other than "because i've wasted so much time and now i feel like a sucker".
More work done in GW1 should carryover equally in GW2. It has nothing to do with money! |
There is one thing I wish they would have use as reward that wasn't there, Divine Aura |
Now we can find that dedicating very rare minis to HoM was pointless, cuz its only necessary to add one "green" and one "gold" pet to get points, so Varesh and Rurik are good enough. It was no need do dedi Panda or Kanaxai
Most of us knew all along that it wouldn't be like that.
Sure maybe different tiers of minipets from white/purple/gold/unique but between a moa chick/dhuum/kanaxai... it's not like Anet to do something like that, besides, there are just too few to reward those players, and its not about rewarding the richest.
Sure maybe different tiers of minipets from white/purple/gold/unique but between a moa chick/dhuum/kanaxai... it's not like Anet to do something like that, besides, there are just too few to reward those players, and its not about rewarding the richest.
Divine Ashes
pretty much true lol. Unless they change something so that you can bring minis you've dedicated in your HoM to GW2