Don't Fear the Reapers
Just go bone pits 1st, run there takes 5 min so you wont lose much time if you die and you dont need to pay 1k for this q.
Just save the influence for when you really need it. You can pretty much stomp your way through it with the 10 sec KD.
what!? I finished it in my 1st run. Those 4 skills are pure imba.
Yes, but there is no Local Area Network skill.
Dark Saviour
This quest was rather frustrating when doing it on my first character, but honestly it was fun as well... I like these type of quests where the gameplay is different from the "normal" game. Honestly, I'm rather sick of the typical stuff the game tends to throw at you, so these events are a nice break and I hope to see more like them...
Unfortunately now I'm just stuck with The Waiting Game and that... is not going to be fun...
Unfortunately now I'm just stuck with The Waiting Game and that... is not going to be fun...
Yes it WOULD be fun if not for the freakin Lags which make it impossible to finish... >.<
I did not find it FUN to lag, pay yet another plat and die in the same place over and over and over again due to either not hitting keys fast enough, lag, rubberbanding, etc....its not fun when you are so frustrated you want to break things! (and yeah I would go to the pits first since I knew that was the main problem area).
That being said, I am not about to even try it this year, the amount of frustration caused by it last year ruined my FUN was not relaxing, it was very annoying and yeah, not everyone is great at playing ...some of us are very causal players and just arent capable of doing such a quest (or completing it), thus not allowing us to continue on the quest chain (also very frustrating).....solo quests are not fun (dont like the wintersday ones either, but at least they are doable). Not to mention the reward is not worth it....dont need xp, have plenty of tot bags and no reason to impose this onto my FUN this year.
once again I will ask that the new quests NOT be solo....UW or any where else!
That being said, I am not about to even try it this year, the amount of frustration caused by it last year ruined my FUN was not relaxing, it was very annoying and yeah, not everyone is great at playing ...some of us are very causal players and just arent capable of doing such a quest (or completing it), thus not allowing us to continue on the quest chain (also very frustrating).....solo quests are not fun (dont like the wintersday ones either, but at least they are doable). Not to mention the reward is not worth it....dont need xp, have plenty of tot bags and no reason to impose this onto my FUN this year.
once again I will ask that the new quests NOT be solo....UW or any where else!
Thanks to MisterB for getting my link up. And for anyone who needs help feel free to send me a PM.
But you don't have to pay for the two solo quests. You get sent to UW for free for those. No Favor, no scroll, no pay. Free. (Unless you're paying 1k for Transmogrifier tonics.)
Oh, yay, it's this quest that's not worth the frustration. Not everyone knows the UW and I'm not about to sink money into cons and tonics meticulously plotting it's completion only to come out with some treat bags.
Big reward day for people who don't bat an eye at this stuff, the rest of us will wait, again.
Big reward day for people who don't bat an eye at this stuff, the rest of us will wait, again.
yes my tonics are all gone (finished up party animal on 2 characters, no need for a 3rd)...and very happy the new quests ARE NOT solo, YES!!!!!
well 10 tries and still cant do bone pits so ive had enough of the halloween event already. cya anet
essence of celerity makes it a TON easier and can shave it down to a 17 minute run. Money wise it's worth it if you intend on doing the waiting game later.
I live in Australia so I'm graced with having 300-400 ping as normal yet I am able to do this quest with no issues. I don't use any cons either. The trick is to take your time in the pits and learn the patrol patterns and use your skills wisely. The rest of the runs are easy.
Things to note:
Sugar Shock has a quick recharge, in mobs of 3 or 2 in the case of the golems knock one down switch target nearest and knock the second down (then third) - they stay down for 10 seconds plenty of time to move past.
There are a couple of points in pits where you will use MKI, that will probably be the bridge area - you can knock down the single golems or the duo's with sugar shock then sprint across. a single hex wont kill you so don't freak out if that happens.
chaos plains has 2 mindblade spectre pops (one from the reaper to spawning pools and one from spawning pools to twin serpent) they use degen like the golems so be prepared to use MKI on them and sprint away.
large amounts of smites can be mass slowed using sticky ground.
coldfires hex as well so control them using MKI
Behemoths don't move so just watch where you run so they dont land to many projectiles on you and dont run close to them because of their piles of traps.
use MKI if you think you are getting beat up and also lagging then use /stuck
Also, do pits first it is the hardest part of the quest.
Things to note:
Sugar Shock has a quick recharge, in mobs of 3 or 2 in the case of the golems knock one down switch target nearest and knock the second down (then third) - they stay down for 10 seconds plenty of time to move past.
There are a couple of points in pits where you will use MKI, that will probably be the bridge area - you can knock down the single golems or the duo's with sugar shock then sprint across. a single hex wont kill you so don't freak out if that happens.
chaos plains has 2 mindblade spectre pops (one from the reaper to spawning pools and one from spawning pools to twin serpent) they use degen like the golems so be prepared to use MKI on them and sprint away.
large amounts of smites can be mass slowed using sticky ground.
coldfires hex as well so control them using MKI
Behemoths don't move so just watch where you run so they dont land to many projectiles on you and dont run close to them because of their piles of traps.
use MKI if you think you are getting beat up and also lagging then use /stuck
Also, do pits first it is the hardest part of the quest.
I managed to get to the bone pits, but died on the way out. Almost made it!
Tom Swift
I can understand how lag would be a killer in the pits with all the twists and turns of the route.
Only thing I could suggest would be to go ahead and use and essence of celerity. MKI can then be used constantly with no down time. At least if you rubber band you can keep the mobs nearby friendly.
Not a great solution but it seemed to work for me with mild rubber banding.
Only thing I could suggest would be to go ahead and use and essence of celerity. MKI can then be used constantly with no down time. At least if you rubber band you can keep the mobs nearby friendly.
Not a great solution but it seemed to work for me with mild rubber banding.
Lag? Sounds like it might be time to replace your acoustic coupler. Obviously I've been really lucky. With rare world-wide exceptions, I've never suffered lag that wasn't my ISP's fault.
I finally got through it! The Bone Pits was the worst. x_x
I just knocked down the small groups of 1 or 2 and saved my shout for that one turn where you go over the bridge (and emergencies).
I just knocked down the small groups of 1 or 2 and saved my shout for that one turn where you go over the bridge (and emergencies).
I completely forgot that the quests reset, i did that dont fear the reapers last night and today i have to do it again?
I did it too, but I picked up Every Little Bit Helps and The Waiting Game after I finished and the quests are still showing as active. I'm hoping this means I can still complete them >_> If I go up to the Steward I can accept Something Wicked again.
Edit: Mind if I host this on my website for guildmates? I'll give you full credit.
Here ive done an route discription, i ran the quest a couple of times with the same route, most efficient in my opinion.
-image- |
I modified your image a little; hope you don't mind. May I use it in my thread?
Very cool! I now feel motivated to go through this quest again. Much appreciated.
Edit: Mind if I host this on my website for guildmates? I'll give you full credit. |
To any other members here, use this image where ever you need to.
I just tried 20 more times...
It is impossible, because the lags make it unable for me to use the knockdown, because either mobs are too far away or I can't time it properly...
Please fix either the lags or the quest
It is impossible, because the lags make it unable for me to use the knockdown, because either mobs are too far away or I can't time it properly...
Please fix either the lags or the quest
Fix your internet? 
I managed to complete it on my first try. No lags at all.
The only "hard" part is Bone Pits. But if you concentrate, even that is easy! Because you can also KD tab KD 2 targets within a few seconds. On my way in i only had like 36hp left. But before i went out, i took my time to check the patrols, and managed to get out without getting any damage!

I managed to complete it on my first try. No lags at all.
The only "hard" part is Bone Pits. But if you concentrate, even that is easy! Because you can also KD tab KD 2 targets within a few seconds. On my way in i only had like 36hp left. But before i went out, i took my time to check the patrols, and managed to get out without getting any damage!
Fay Vert
Red rock candies make this a lot easier, haven't tried other consumables. The only tricky bit really is the bone pits, do that early and the rest is a doddle.
Here ive done an route discription, i ran the quest a couple of times with the same route, most efficient in my opinion
Anyway, good map, nicely done.

Riot Narita
Red rock candies make this a lot easier, haven't tried other consumables. The only tricky bit really is the bone pits, do that early and the rest is a doddle.
I always managed Don't Fear the Reapers at 1st attempt in the past... but I've been hit by severe lags too, the last day or so... and they reset the quests so I had to repeat it on my Legendary-Survivor-To-Be. I failed 3 times at Bone Pits because of lag, casting your Sugar Shock KD's or Mad King's Influence 1 second late... is FTL -_-
Good thing failure in the solo quests doesn't add to your death count.
Yeah, I had a rough time with this one in the Pits too. After a few tries, I just did the Pits first and did the rest which I knew I could do. After a few tries, I got a feel for where the groups were and where they were patrolling. Got it after about 6 tries, done and done.
Thanks MisterB and Miss Presler. I tried this last night, but died while running OUT of the Bone Pit. I think this map will help me navigate. I'll give it another shot tonight.
You do get surprisingly better at Bone Pits though when you do it on like 10 characters twice lol, it is the easiest place to crew up so despite being slightly less efficent i would still start with this area and head clockwise
The forth fly
I could do it np last year but this year i died in pits twice,so i went and crafted a essence perma Mad King's Influence ftw.Takes 25 mins max
Well I got a full stack of trans tonics so I guess thats enough potions to eventualy make it through

I just tried 20 more times...
It is impossible, because the lags make it unable for me to use the knockdown, because either mobs are too far away or I can't time it properly... Please fix either the lags or the quest |
I did it first try this morning, no cons. You've just got to play carefully. Use Mad King's Influence to neutralize as many as you can, or save it so the second you see a damage number hit you, use it. The knockdown skill is only good where you see a solo enemy hanging out where you'd like to rest, keep spamming it on them. Even sticky ground can save you. Really it's about looking at the skills very carefully and making the best of them and their recharge times, with a big focus on Sugar Rush, and Mad King's Influence.
Charlie Dayman
Yeah, thanks a whole bunch for those maps. If it weren't for those, I definitely would not have known what directions to take.
I wiped on my first try at the Bone pits near that goofy little turn-about. Finished the quest on my second go-around. Though I got rubberbanded for a second when running back to the labyrinths and up to Frozenwind. Got very close to dying from a small wimpy group of phantoms.
Good thing I had the Influence skill ready to mash.
I wiped on my first try at the Bone pits near that goofy little turn-about. Finished the quest on my second go-around. Though I got rubberbanded for a second when running back to the labyrinths and up to Frozenwind. Got very close to dying from a small wimpy group of phantoms.
Good thing I had the Influence skill ready to mash.
For some reason I haven't been able to post in this thread, so if it will finally let me post just some quick points
You don't need consumables for a fast time. I've managed 18 minutes without consumables for this quest.
If you are failing at all consistently you should probably stop trying, because other then lag as an excuse, you're not going to be anywhere near good enough to do a PUG Waiting Game without getting some help from friends which comes after this.
The "efficient" route is the most efficient, but it doesn't really matter which order you do them in, although saving the ice wastes reaper for the end would save some more minutes than doing the others last.
You don't need consumables for a fast time. I've managed 18 minutes without consumables for this quest.
If you are failing at all consistently you should probably stop trying, because other then lag as an excuse, you're not going to be anywhere near good enough to do a PUG Waiting Game without getting some help from friends which comes after this.
The "efficient" route is the most efficient, but it doesn't really matter which order you do them in, although saving the ice wastes reaper for the end would save some more minutes than doing the others last.
Dosearius Takerius
wow...had no idea there was a problem here. Did not get a chance to run this last year, did it no trouble on my first attempt. Experienced no lag issues at all, and I was in there WAY longer then need be because I'm unfamiliar with UW and got mad lost a few times.
Guess I just got really lucky? And that was on a dial-up connection...
Guess I just got really lucky? And that was on a dial-up connection...