Name the dumbest thing you've done in GW.
go cubs
I guess I could see LDoA cause now its not anywhere near as time intensive, I can kinda see drunkard but hey, no big deal. But how survivor? How does it make it dumb to get it before the update?
Failing with Survivor = money/time. Back then if you really wanted survivor and accidentally died you would have to start over by creating a new character (armor/weapons/skills etc.).
Logged in for the first time in years, just to post in this thread.
Wanted to cap the Black Widow for my HoM. First time I tried it, I zoned into FoW and cleared to the cave before realising I was in the wrong zone. Second time I cleared UW to Vale and realised I had Comfort Animal rather than Charm Animal on my bar. Third time I did everything right but then forgot to flag my heroes away from the reaper whilst charming.
Still don't have that spider!
Wanted to cap the Black Widow for my HoM. First time I tried it, I zoned into FoW and cleared to the cave before realising I was in the wrong zone. Second time I cleared UW to Vale and realised I had Comfort Animal rather than Charm Animal on my bar. Third time I did everything right but then forgot to flag my heroes away from the reaper whilst charming.
Still don't have that spider!
Deleted a 3-month old Necromancer about two weeks after Factions came out. Minion Master was boring, Spiteful Spirit too, and I thought he couldn't farm at all and Ritualist was better... Also I had a spirit bonding monk to farm :/
Would be my oldest character, 6 years.
Would be my oldest character, 6 years.
Matirion Maeronta
Having 1 minute to go for drunkard title the moment the patch comes after not sleeping for a day to get it up...
Failing to capture an single elite skill over 50 times due to many stupid mistakes (forgetting h/h, forgetting cap, changing to wrong secondary, forgetting to cap, killing and capping from the wrong boss, capping a non elite... worst mistake was going in the wrong zone, clearing it completely on hm (doing vanq at the same time) and checking wiki to see why I didn't find the boss, just to find out it's the wrong place which I had already vanquished...). I still dont have that skill...
Failing to capture an single elite skill over 50 times due to many stupid mistakes (forgetting h/h, forgetting cap, changing to wrong secondary, forgetting to cap, killing and capping from the wrong boss, capping a non elite... worst mistake was going in the wrong zone, clearing it completely on hm (doing vanq at the same time) and checking wiki to see why I didn't find the boss, just to find out it's the wrong place which I had already vanquished...). I still dont have that skill...
a year after i started playing, i remade my 2 main characters because i didn't like the way they looked. now they're a year behind on the minipets. i think that's all, i'm sure i've done stupid things but none that i can particularly recall.
Davros Uitar
Failed the Trial of Zinn - yes it is possible 
Went afk during the cinematic and when I came back I was dead and the quest failed. Yup - it is a cinematic in a town - but it gets treated as an explorable area so I was done in by my vamp sword
. I am sure there won't be too many that managed that
On the topic of vamp weapons a mate of mine described how he was doing the final halloween UW quest on his Dervish and was so happy about getting back out of pits alive. Then he found he was slowly degening and he couldnt stop it. He was panicking and racing to get to Frozenwind before his health ran out and died in wastes almost there. Realised later amidst much cursing that he had weapon swapped accidentally to his vamp scythe.
Went afk during the cinematic and when I came back I was dead and the quest failed. Yup - it is a cinematic in a town - but it gets treated as an explorable area so I was done in by my vamp sword

On the topic of vamp weapons a mate of mine described how he was doing the final halloween UW quest on his Dervish and was so happy about getting back out of pits alive. Then he found he was slowly degening and he couldnt stop it. He was panicking and racing to get to Frozenwind before his health ran out and died in wastes almost there. Realised later amidst much cursing that he had weapon swapped accidentally to his vamp scythe.
Zahr Dalsk
Most games frustrate me a lot so I tend to take it out on people in the game.
Like warriors who run a "tank" build (even though aggro in GW doesn't work like it does in WoW and enemies just ignore the "tank" and go straight for the weakest party members, leaving the tank to sit there uselessly while I try to keep the party alive) and then get mad when I point out that warriors are supposed to be damage dealers.
I've been playing GW since maybe just a week or two after Factions was released. I STILL don't have a single birthday gift.
Why? Because I was one of the players that would constantly delete chars and create new ones. I have a full page of belt pouches and bags in my storage because of it lol.
Why? Because I was one of the players that would constantly delete chars and create new ones. I have a full page of belt pouches and bags in my storage because of it lol.
The stupidest thing I've done lately: my Paragon had a gold spear that had the vampiric side-effect of constantly draining her health, so I stripped it down to components. A day later, I realized I could have just stripped out the vampiric spearhead and kept the spear intact otherwise. Well, at least I reused part of the spear, but I'll know better next time.
A guildie and I were vanquishing & mapping Snakedance/Dreadnaught's/ Lornar's last night. We were working our way up Snakedance and when we reached the portal to Grenth's Footprint, I got just a little too enthusiastic about mapping and accidentally zoned. 200 enemies killed and half an hour's work shot down in flames!
Deleted a 3-month old Necromancer about two weeks after Factions came out. Minion Master was boring, Spiteful Spirit too, and I thought he couldn't farm at all and Ritualist was better... Also I had a spirit bonding monk to farm :/
Would be my oldest character, 6 years. |
Earlier this year I was going to trade all my Gemstones after Mallyx to get an Armbrace. Got to Mallyx, beat Mallyx, forgot my gems. >__<
I was VERY fortunate to be able to trade them instead with another player for no loss.
I was VERY fortunate to be able to trade them instead with another player for no loss.
Selling blue q7 and q8 shields because i didn't think there was a market it for it.
Merch a q7 ar15 tactic woven shield a few days ago by accident, I hate the fact that this game doesn't have a buy back feature.
Merch a q7 ar15 tactic woven shield a few days ago by accident, I hate the fact that this game doesn't have a buy back feature.
Refusing to bring stance removal vs shiro in the gate of madness - ended up loosing 5 times in a row XD
Not dumbest but dumb, 2 days ago.
I teamed up with someone to do a pre Vanguard quest in the Northlands.
Halfway i discovered i didnt get the quest myself /facepalm
I teamed up with someone to do a pre Vanguard quest in the Northlands.
Halfway i discovered i didnt get the quest myself /facepalm
i tend to auto run alot when i do things so ive been know to run into walls mobs (die) and into another zone while out in vanqs. you think i remember not to do this but i keep forgetting.

Mr Dinkleberg
I probably merched some good items since i never looked at the mods etc.
The Tallest Man
Countless times I have vq'd an area, wondered where the last group is then realize I'm in NM.
Or not changing secondary when capping a skill/not being SoC.
Or not changing secondary when capping a skill/not being SoC.
Way back when, before Factions release. I bought an unidentified Storm Bow back when that was all the craze. It was req 8, ended up being 15^50. I sold it for only 40e. Granted I was trying to sell it for quite a while with no luck but still..kinda worth much more.
I'm also pretty sure I deleted a pvp character with 100k on him, though I can't recall 100%. I do remember that I was upset cause I lost 100k randomly and didn't remember how.
Not dumbest, but funnest. During one of those double glad weekends 2 yrs back in RA, I ran an assassin build that had various shadow arts mixed with WoH and Patient Spirit. We went on to get 10 wins with me being the sole healer. I thought it was pretty hilarious. Not many people expected it.
Way back when, before Factions release. I bought an unidentified Storm Bow back when that was all the craze. It was req 8, ended up being 15^50. I sold it for only 40e. Granted I was trying to sell it for quite a while with no luck but still..kinda worth much more.
I'm also pretty sure I deleted a pvp character with 100k on him, though I can't recall 100%. I do remember that I was upset cause I lost 100k randomly and didn't remember how.
Not dumbest, but funnest. During one of those double glad weekends 2 yrs back in RA, I ran an assassin build that had various shadow arts mixed with WoH and Patient Spirit. We went on to get 10 wins with me being the sole healer. I thought it was pretty hilarious. Not many people expected it.
old gray dude
man in 4+ years ive done countless dumb things but the best or worst depending on your view is
1 turned down a q8 crys a guy wanted to trade for my thornwolf cause it was a purp
2 broke a tormy axe using the wrong salvage kit
3 merched a q8 14^50 stormbow
4 sold about 500e off when prices dropped to round 3k each when sf first started
5 and my personal fave fell for the ol item drop scam on my q9 obby edge
1 turned down a q8 crys a guy wanted to trade for my thornwolf cause it was a purp
2 broke a tormy axe using the wrong salvage kit
3 merched a q8 14^50 stormbow
4 sold about 500e off when prices dropped to round 3k each when sf first started
5 and my personal fave fell for the ol item drop scam on my q9 obby edge
Sold a kuunavang i got from a friend quitting for 4k
Quit for 3 years and gave my password to guildies, who no longer play.
Needless to say, I had to start from scratch. Though my guild leader was nice enough to loan me 20k.
(My account had 1mil+a few hundred more plat on the other goodies. My fault for quitting, though, so I'm glad I even got the 20k! And Chu is a GO RED ENGINE GO awesome guild leader anyway. <3 )
Needless to say, I had to start from scratch. Though my guild leader was nice enough to loan me 20k.
(My account had 1mil+a few hundred more plat on the other goodies. My fault for quitting, though, so I'm glad I even got the 20k! And Chu is a GO RED ENGINE GO awesome guild leader anyway. <3 )
haven't done the math so idk what was worse...
but back when eotn was new and onyx's were high (8-10k ea), I farmed or bought over 2 stacks of them. thx to hom im down to 60 or so!
last year (b4 hom) instead of buying a sem-rare mini i bought a dozen kuuns for around 90 ectos each. i still have some of the pms to remind me lol.
and all those travellers gifts, wik gifts, lunar fortunes, wintersday, etc... ive yet to get a mini or anything valuable out of. this could have gone either way, but the others were bad decisions.
almost forgot about selling my max r7 blue felly (13 stance i think) can't find any max r7 fells now.
but back when eotn was new and onyx's were high (8-10k ea), I farmed or bought over 2 stacks of them. thx to hom im down to 60 or so!
last year (b4 hom) instead of buying a sem-rare mini i bought a dozen kuuns for around 90 ectos each. i still have some of the pms to remind me lol.
and all those travellers gifts, wik gifts, lunar fortunes, wintersday, etc... ive yet to get a mini or anything valuable out of. this could have gone either way, but the others were bad decisions.
almost forgot about selling my max r7 blue felly (13 stance i think) can't find any max r7 fells now.
I was about to buy lots of stacks of tonics for my title. I was in a hurry at the trade moment and I needed some space in my inventory so I just destroyed everything I didn't need and in the hurry I deleted a stack of ecto's:S
Sam Kiener
Just merched a Mo Zing mask. <3 Nothing compared to the above post... But kinda hard to find someone selling carvings in bulk. >.>
Necromancer was my first character when I started Guild Wars. I ran through Pre as fast as possible, not spending my time in there or doing any side quests. I was pissed off when I got to post-searing Ascalon, it's so boring and it was also kinda hard for me, since I was level 3 or 4. And as a newbie-necromancer, I didn't know what Soul reaping was for. No skills were linked to it, so I didn't put any attribute points in SR. And then I cursed when my energy was at the zero all the time...
In addition to the topic question, let me ask another one: which of these things do you STILL regret even a long time?
Strangely, I seem to have gotten over all of them. Had my share of all the usual blunders: destroying the wrong stuff, using regular salvage instead of identify or expert salvage, breaking items, selling under market price, giving away stuff I wanted later, buying the wrong/duplicate stuff, seeing in the log "creature dropped a black dye" after rezoning etc. etc. And I remember how mad I was at the time at my own stupidity, how I was cursing, trying to tell myself "what's done is done" and still couldn't help but feel bad and so on. But now, after time has passed, I can't even remember the specific details of some of the blunders. I vaguely remember breaking an axe and how bad I felt... I vividly recall how bad I felt... but what were the mods or the skin? Don't know, don't care.
So... how deep are the scars?
Strangely, I seem to have gotten over all of them. Had my share of all the usual blunders: destroying the wrong stuff, using regular salvage instead of identify or expert salvage, breaking items, selling under market price, giving away stuff I wanted later, buying the wrong/duplicate stuff, seeing in the log "creature dropped a black dye" after rezoning etc. etc. And I remember how mad I was at the time at my own stupidity, how I was cursing, trying to tell myself "what's done is done" and still couldn't help but feel bad and so on. But now, after time has passed, I can't even remember the specific details of some of the blunders. I vaguely remember breaking an axe and how bad I felt... I vividly recall how bad I felt... but what were the mods or the skin? Don't know, don't care.
So... how deep are the scars?

Miss Isolde
While I don't kick myself over it anymore, at the time I was PISSED.
I managed to delete a character without moving over my Ilyana's Staff OR my Rose Focus. I've since regotten the rose focus, thank goodness.
These days I check that the bags are empty before deleting/remaking.
I managed to delete a character without moving over my Ilyana's Staff OR my Rose Focus. I've since regotten the rose focus, thank goodness.
These days I check that the bags are empty before deleting/remaking.
Deleting my Mesmer back in 2005.
And now I regret it, although I didn't think much about it at the time. I wish we had additional character slots and skill unlock packs back then. I needed to unlock ele skills on my account for PvP, but in the end I never really got to playing the elementalist I had created. He got deleted at some early point I guess, because I have absolutely no recollection of the event.

There was this time I was going for an Ooze Pit speed run, then typed /resign instead of /age ... on the plus side, I wasn't going to break any records anyway so it wasn't that bad.
Oh and I just clicked the "x" button instead of minimize, might've cost me a few Gladiator points.
Oh and I just clicked the "x" button instead of minimize, might've cost me a few Gladiator points.
Can't remember how, I guess it was one time I was drunk (I remember opening GW)...but yesterday when I checked my characters, found out I'm missing one with norn armor and a lot of equipment on it. Guess It was a black out of 10 minutes where I accidentally deleted it? god damn still can't figure that one

Tender Care
there's was someone posting the same bug in Bug section some days or week ago! check it out!
Just searched for it, and I cant find it...can you send me link if you could?
because honestly, i dont think i deleted it, but i just saw yesterday how there is no character -.-
because honestly, i dont think i deleted it, but i just saw yesterday how there is no character -.-
Sir Mad
One night, I felt the urge to test if my beloved 2 years old pre-searing char could /resign or map out to pre-Ascalon during the mission with Rurik to get out of pre (and yes, I was completely drunk). I don't remember why - I think I wanted to map the whole place. She spent two months in this mission, and she's still in post-searing Ascalon now, working on a time-travel device. Fortunately, I now have another pre-toon, almost level 20.
When Factions came out, I also bought several sup absorption runes for +/- 10k before I realize Anet had changed the drop rate of those runes, that went from 40k to 8k. I still remember my 2 minutes of happiness when I thought I had just scammed an ignorant player - not to say a noob. That was before I checked their price at the trader.
When Factions came out, I also bought several sup absorption runes for +/- 10k before I realize Anet had changed the drop rate of those runes, that went from 40k to 8k. I still remember my 2 minutes of happiness when I thought I had just scammed an ignorant player - not to say a noob. That was before I checked their price at the trader.

Well if you deleted a character you should have an open character slot (or a newly created character). If not, are you sure the order of characters isn't just jumbled?
Miss Isolde
I remembered another very stupid thing I did. I deleted so many characters, the oldest character is now approximately a year and a half younger than the account itself. That's a lot of minipets I never saw.