Your Very First Character
First and ONLY character (besides PvP monk) is-
Inure Face
Rangers are too much fun to play as anything else except maybe mes or monk. Still play him alot, earlier I created a PvE monk which I still have but get bored of REALLY fast.
Inure Face
Rangers are too much fun to play as anything else except maybe mes or monk. Still play him alot, earlier I created a PvE monk which I still have but get bored of REALLY fast.
Good old Dakhmet Xenrath for me, Wa/Mes (remained so through almost all the game, first char to complete it too). Still active at around 2 mil xp, though not playing so much at the moment, done pretty much everything. Rumours are he knows Supertank's secret identity


My first character was a ranger, i choose necromancer for her second class. At first i used a pet and mainly marksmanship & blood magic, and now she is a ranger/monk. I do a few runs with her using expertise, wilderness survival and healing prayers, but i mainly use her for farming and I dont use my pet very much anymore..

IGN:Silhouette Eyes
Effendi Westland
First character, a Wa/Mo, liked the way he looked and his healing capabilities (PvE), he's currenty deleted, cuz i needed the pvp slot.
His only use now is to serve as my avatar
Ah how I remember the good old days of getting the entire map and finding neet little towns tugged away in some hidden spots. Really liked being a newb.
His only use now is to serve as my avatar

Ah how I remember the good old days of getting the entire map and finding neet little towns tugged away in some hidden spots. Really liked being a newb.
My first character from the days of Pre-order was a War/Ele named Myth Randir. I still have him, just never had the heart to delete him after all the time I put into him.
First char's name was Thanato Dividicus. I remade him after making a few other chars. He was an R/Mo, just like he is in the remade version. Now he's a runner, trapper... well he's a ranger. He's my main char pretty much. Personality? The character doesnt' have a personality other than that which I have for all my chars.

Swampgirl Inez
Originally Posted by chris_nin00
1. In Game Name of your First Character. 2. Profession of your first Character. 3. What your character does in Guild Wars now. Ie. Farming, Running, Pack mule. 4. Telling a little bit of your personality A screenshot of your character may be added. Maybe armor also determines your personality. |
2. W/E - wearing gladiator's armor, saving for 15k
3. Still my main character and I'm still playing through the story with her.
4. Her original concept was to be a cute little girl who could kick butt. She does that, but I also like to help out my friends a lot, so that's one reason she hasn't finished the game yet. I agonized for a while about her profession because I never thought I'd have more than one character (I now have 4). I still love this character.
My first char was a Me/Mo. Lothar Osprey by name. It's(he?) still the character I play with most, except now he's Me/N. He's the only char I've ever taken to Ascension, and I'm just finishing up the last little bits of the game with him. I guess that explains that he's mainly PvE. I like the courtly armor, but I'm saving up for the Noble armor for him. He's mostly health degen and curses, but I've occasionally tried anti-healer and shutdown with him. I've done alot of switching of my other character slots, but I don't think I'll ever delete my first char... He's my favorite.
heh, my first character was a e/mo, deleted her at lvl 6.
First character was a N/ called Vhayr Daeshir, never got a secondary 'cause I rushed too much hehe. Deleted after an hour or so. Second character, a N/Me called Vhayr Daeshir (oooh) who made it to Yak's, then I deleted him 'cause he sucked. Third character was/is an E/Mo who has 260 something hours on him, Dhayr Aeshir (see the pattern?). I never really use him except for when the Guild needs him. Fourth character, my Mo/W, is my favourite character (Aeshir Vhaal). I use him 90% of the time, for farming and UW/FoW trips, or for helping Guildies with missions. Plan to get him Fissure (got the sandals). Currently in the middle of the Titan quests, which is the furthest I've ever been with a character.
*sniff* my first char was a warrior named Bloody Vengance(yes i know its spelled wrong..didnt know it till she was lvl 15..). oh well it added to her character. she was awesome, and had 15k glads..then i had to delete her for a pvp slot. currently making a new warrior on my second account.
her screen shots are all over the forum...lets see..ah, heres on of her:
her screen shots are all over the forum...lets see..ah, heres on of her:
for me, my first char was a mo/me. I see not many ppl have there first char as a mo/.
My first char was from the WPE. He was a Me (can't remeber name or if he even had a secondary) because I had seen all the other classes in some form or another on other games, and the Mesmer prof. looked like it would be new and exciting...loved every minute of it.
After I bought the game I made a ranger. I couldn't figure out how to dump that stupid stalker pet...deleted.
I then reinvented my first char, Me/E named Obi Lou Kenobi (obviously I am a star wars fan). Obi has, by far, been my most played char but still haven't beaten the game. Actually I never finish games, I just stop playing them.
Since then I made a W/R (hated/deleted it), W/Me (love it), Mo/N (not bad), E/R (not bad). My favorite is still the Me/E, which I use for everything (except getting closer to finishing the game), but my W/Me comes in a close second for amount of fun per time played.
After I bought the game I made a ranger. I couldn't figure out how to dump that stupid stalker pet...deleted.
I then reinvented my first char, Me/E named Obi Lou Kenobi (obviously I am a star wars fan). Obi has, by far, been my most played char but still haven't beaten the game. Actually I never finish games, I just stop playing them.
Since then I made a W/R (hated/deleted it), W/Me (love it), Mo/N (not bad), E/R (not bad). My favorite is still the Me/E, which I use for everything (except getting closer to finishing the game), but my W/Me comes in a close second for amount of fun per time played.
Lord Scoopula
My first char was lost to the sands of time and will not be mentioned, for he was a really crappy N/W...*closes file and turns off lights*
i created a monk cause some friends needed a monk, i eventually deleted it a day later because i did the the searing as a level 2 and i hated healing.
Mathias Deathwater
My first character was an e/me named... Mathias Deathwater!!! (who didn't see that coming)
I figured that at the time I made him there was absolutely noone playing a water ele, so I decided I would. Now he is a e/n for the simple fact that his elite is no Feast of Corruption. He has every elementalist skill, all non-elite mesmer skills, and 3 necro elites unlocked. I still use him from time to time, whenever I feel like it.

Banin Galori
My first character was named, surprisingly enough, Banin Galori. He was a R/Mo with no clue whatsoever about what he was going to be. It was a character I agreed to play only when my friends were around... so when my friends drifted off, he got stuck on the backburner shortly after arriving in post-searing. My first experience through the game was with an E/Me.
What's he doing now? Well, tromping happily through Ascalon, poking holes in Charr with pointy sticks and having the same done back to him. Yes, I finally did break that agreement...
What's he doing now? Well, tromping happily through Ascalon, poking holes in Charr with pointy sticks and having the same done back to him. Yes, I finally did break that agreement...
My first char was my monk, Dhana Ne Niero, who's still around.
Mostly though, I play her if I want to get into a team, or to help someone out. Turns out, I really don't like monking all that much due to the stuff up factor.
And oh.. how I remember how insanly long it took to get her the 15k armor.. so no, not someone I wanna delete. Besides, there are lots of things this heal monk can learn about prot. and smite. lines
Mostly though, I play her if I want to get into a team, or to help someone out. Turns out, I really don't like monking all that much due to the stuff up factor.
And oh.. how I remember how insanly long it took to get her the 15k armor.. so no, not someone I wanna delete. Besides, there are lots of things this heal monk can learn about prot. and smite. lines
death fuzzy
My first character was a Mo/N, Death Fuzzy (Name/Class contradiction?)
I made it nearly 7 months ago and played over 200 hours on him.
He has died over 600 times.
His total XP is low, but his healing ability is great.
He is currently learning how to protect.
He is known to be unlucky and has quit Sorrows Furnace just recently.
I made it nearly 7 months ago and played over 200 hours on him.
He has died over 600 times.
His total XP is low, but his healing ability is great.
He is currently learning how to protect.
He is known to be unlucky and has quit Sorrows Furnace just recently.
My first char was a E/R. He was fun and all. I thought having a pet while casting AoE woul've been cool. Changed his second prof to Me for evho nuking of course. Deleted him cause i thought he was getting useless. Stupid me forgot i had 5 HoD swords and about 20k on him. DAMMIT!! Replaced him with my mm which farms SF now. My nuker was stuck in ember light camp.
EternalTempest, Ele/Mes fire mage, and doing various things to help out adventures and explore area's she messed the 1st time through. Waiting for futher adventures in other countries and currently pondering Ele/Mo to be able to be a secondary healer.
Have it from day 1. There's no way I am deleting this char.
Mighty ****
More or less idling atm
Mighty ****
More or less idling atm
My first ever character. w/mo Wonton balls.
- 926 deaths
- 642 hours 47 minutes played
- 2,965,747 exp
- 200 attribute points
- all warrior and monk skills unlocked
- 15% damage while enchanted fellblade, 15>50 longsword, razorstone, all customized
- 4 sets of fully runed 15k armor (5 silvers, 14 black dyes used)
- all missions completed
- 1,337 faction. (i'm not a pvp'er. Was hard enough to get exactly that much faction and I don't think i'll ever PvP again to freeze it that way)
I use him for running/farming/anything PvE related. I'm also proud to say that if you've partied with me before you'd know he isn't the typical mending+aggro+whine-at-monk warrior.
The only thing I wish to do with him now is get him FoW. But i'm piss broke

My first character ever was Findariel Quesserel, a W/R. I figured that an archer with thick armour would be a smart idea 
The first half of the game I played her as half ranger/half warrior, pulling with apply poison, which also charged adrenaline, and then switching to sword.
After finishing the game (with less and less ranger sklills) I used her mainly as farmer (she farmed my mesmer FoW set) and sometimes to help friends and guildies.
Equipment: Drok platemail with 15k ascalon helmet (although I switched all headgear off after the Sf update). She's still active, although I mainly play my mesmer.
some old pics:

The first half of the game I played her as half ranger/half warrior, pulling with apply poison, which also charged adrenaline, and then switching to sword.
After finishing the game (with less and less ranger sklills) I used her mainly as farmer (she farmed my mesmer FoW set) and sometimes to help friends and guildies.
Equipment: Drok platemail with 15k ascalon helmet (although I switched all headgear off after the Sf update). She's still active, although I mainly play my mesmer.
some old pics:
I pwnd U
ok my first guy was a W/R Scorpio the Mighty. ya he kidna got deleted since i got a new account. so on my new account it is Warmaster Scorpio (couldnt use the same name
) he is a W/Mo but can switch to W/R or W/Me if needed. i use him mostly for farming and exploring as he has beat the game and has 15k ascalon armor. took awhile to get it but i did and it looks sweet died silver. he is my main guy and the guy i go back to when i just need to relax and not be so challeneged.

my first ever character was a E/?. made her in pre.. named Mahal Kita.. then soon after decided i didn't like the name or her look.. did a remake.. named Miss Temptress, currently E/Mo. and she will forever stay
my first ever character was a E/?. made her in pre.. named Mahal Kita.. then soon after decided i didn't like the name or her look.. did a remake.. named Miss Temptress, currently E/Mo. and she will forever stay
Mimi Miyagi
1. In Game Name of your First Character
Mimi Miyagi (and Minka the wonder Spider)
2. Profession of your first Character
Originally R/E but I switched to R/Mo just to get Rebirth a few months ago once I started to do UW trapping runs. With rangers, your secondary skill is almost a non issue, as there almost isn't anything the ranger primary can't do.
3. What your character does in Guild Wars now. Ie. Farming, Running, Pack mule
Still active - I look for reasons to play this character whenever I can. Mostly doing UW trapping runs, but is used a lot to help Guildies out on missions as needed. With six characters (every profession) sometimes it's hard to play them all regularly, but I manage.
4. Telling a little bit of your personality
Old fart, married with kid(s). My nickname is "Grumpy". Don't need to say much else. Obviously nothing like my character's name, profession (IRL), etc.
Juicey Shake
My very FIRST character was a Monk/Ranger named Juice Shake [I went ranger becuase as soon as I started, another 1st-dayer whispered me saying we should team up]
We ascended together and stuff, and I went /R because he heard they can have pets and I wanted a pet....
I got to Piken at level 8 and I deleted the character to restart with my brother,
I made a Monk/Mesmer named Juicey Shake. She is now 7 months old, has 2.6mil XP, enjoys warm baths and is smeckzy.
We ascended together and stuff, and I went /R because he heard they can have pets and I wanted a pet....
I got to Piken at level 8 and I deleted the character to restart with my brother,
I made a Monk/Mesmer named Juicey Shake. She is now 7 months old, has 2.6mil XP, enjoys warm baths and is smeckzy.
My very first character was Me/E Jasmine Joymind. Played her all the way to Droknar's Forge and then got very disappointed to her thanks to my friends tremendous advices how to make her even better in PvP. I deleted her...
She was fun to play, being expert at Fast Casting and using only Ele-spells... quickest Meteor Storm on Tyria
But then I was insisted to turn her into more conventional Mesmer, which also meant using skills I had never used and didn't like to use.
Now she's only a memory... atm I have char #120 or something
Oldest of my present characters is my Mo/E, Anilya Alabaster. She was the very 2nd character I ever made and she is still actively adventuring around Tyria, helping friends and strangers alike, farming here and there and just hanging around and chatting.
Worth of mentioning about her would maybe be the fact, that I have managed NOT to use a single Ele-spell with her, ever. And never will
She was fun to play, being expert at Fast Casting and using only Ele-spells... quickest Meteor Storm on Tyria
But then I was insisted to turn her into more conventional Mesmer, which also meant using skills I had never used and didn't like to use.
Now she's only a memory... atm I have char #120 or something

Oldest of my present characters is my Mo/E, Anilya Alabaster. She was the very 2nd character I ever made and she is still actively adventuring around Tyria, helping friends and strangers alike, farming here and there and just hanging around and chatting.
Worth of mentioning about her would maybe be the fact, that I have managed NOT to use a single Ele-spell with her, ever. And never will

1. In Game Name of your First Character.
Killashandra Ree
2. Profession of your first Character.
3. What your character does in Guild Wars now. Ie. Farming, Running, Pack mule.
Finished Hell's Precipice - ocaasionally plays Warder/Prot in UW/FoW
4. Telling a little bit of your personality
Hmm...I am astrologically a Cancer born in the Chinese Year of the Rabbit. I once found a book that looked at both your Western sign and your Chinese sign and profiled you. It was damn near dead-on for me. Nurturing, homebody, moody.
Killashandra Ree
2. Profession of your first Character.
3. What your character does in Guild Wars now. Ie. Farming, Running, Pack mule.
Finished Hell's Precipice - ocaasionally plays Warder/Prot in UW/FoW
4. Telling a little bit of your personality
Hmm...I am astrologically a Cancer born in the Chinese Year of the Rabbit. I once found a book that looked at both your Western sign and your Chinese sign and profiled you. It was damn near dead-on for me. Nurturing, homebody, moody.
1. Isaiah Kingsley. I chose the name originally for my avatar in a friend's comic, who was supposed to represent the more serious aspects of my personality. I wanted something that sounded a little austere, and uncommon but not foreign.
2. Originally N/W, changed to N/Me when I realized I could be much more effective as a pure caster. Now switches between /Me, /Mo, and /R
3. I now use him as a runner for Thirsty River, and occasionally as an Underworld farmer. I do most of my trading on him as well. Would do more Underworld exploring/questing, but it's pretty impossible to find groups for that.
4. I'm eighteen, and a freshman in college. I'm usually pretty quiet, usually friendly but prone to dramatic mood swings.
As far as appearance...I'm too lazy to take screenies now, but I switch between three sets of armor on him. For Curses and Blood I have black 1.5k Fanatic's armor, for Minion Mastering I have pink 15k Necrotic armor (this is what I'm usually in), and for 55hp builds I have light blue 1.5k Bonelace lower body with upper body scar patterns.
2. Originally N/W, changed to N/Me when I realized I could be much more effective as a pure caster. Now switches between /Me, /Mo, and /R
3. I now use him as a runner for Thirsty River, and occasionally as an Underworld farmer. I do most of my trading on him as well. Would do more Underworld exploring/questing, but it's pretty impossible to find groups for that.
4. I'm eighteen, and a freshman in college. I'm usually pretty quiet, usually friendly but prone to dramatic mood swings.
As far as appearance...I'm too lazy to take screenies now, but I switch between three sets of armor on him. For Curses and Blood I have black 1.5k Fanatic's armor, for Minion Mastering I have pink 15k Necrotic armor (this is what I'm usually in), and for 55hp builds I have light blue 1.5k Bonelace lower body with upper body scar patterns.
1. In Game Name of your First Character
Ultimate Gaara (Tried Sabaku no Gaara, but it was taken)
2. Profession of your first Character
W/N, started off as just random skills but turned into more of a blood warrior afterwords.
3. What your character does in Guild Wars now. Ie. Farming, Running, Pack mule
Reminds me of when i was a newbie, sometimes helps out with my guild mates and does pvp every now and then
4. Telling a little bit of your personality
Hmmm... Very boring, I don't like many things, and i hate a lot of things. I would go insane with no internet and video games. I don't know much about myself because I really don't pay attention nor do I care about myself.
This is the first screen shot I ever took in GW so this is my first character as young as i can remember.
Ultimate Gaara (Tried Sabaku no Gaara, but it was taken)
2. Profession of your first Character
W/N, started off as just random skills but turned into more of a blood warrior afterwords.
3. What your character does in Guild Wars now. Ie. Farming, Running, Pack mule
Reminds me of when i was a newbie, sometimes helps out with my guild mates and does pvp every now and then
4. Telling a little bit of your personality
Hmmm... Very boring, I don't like many things, and i hate a lot of things. I would go insane with no internet and video games. I don't know much about myself because I really don't pay attention nor do I care about myself.
This is the first screen shot I ever took in GW so this is my first character as young as i can remember.
Katari Starfire/Katara Fatali
E/R, used a bow from presearing to Hell's Precipace (barrage+conjure). Deleted to make a Necromancer. That necro (got to DF through quests) was deleted to make, a Ranger. That ranger finished Hell's Precipace, got every ranger skill, and 15k studed armor. Then I finally decided that I couldn't put up the fact that her skintone and haircolor clashed with her armor, she was deleted, and I replaced her with a better looking ranger.
Calista Fatali
Mo/W melee/smite (reached Thunderhewad). Deleted to make a ranger (also reached THK), that ranger, was deleted to make a normal monk (Who sucks considerably less that the first one!) Calista is the tallest (tied for tallest at least
) female monk around. Compaired to all the other tiny monks she's freakishly huge.
Mirax Fatali
W/Mo, used swords, and mending. Fustrated with this, I deleted her (Just before she asscended), and made a E/Mo, who I still have.
Kayt/Arya Fatali
Me/N, got to Sancum through questing, deleted for a Me/E, who got to hell's precipace (and 15k enchanter's), before I deleted her to make a warror, who I still have.
As my chars get older, secondarys become unimportant, I typicaly only use a few skills from my secondary, so changing secondarys is not a problem.
None of my chars were ever run to DF. A few were run to Sancum Cay, but none had ever been run to LA, and they were all ~lvl13 by hitting sancum. The majority of them finished every mission between Ascalon and DF, and got from mission area-to mission area with henchies.
Moral of the story? Looking back, we were all pretty darned clueless at some point
(Mo/W in melee, with a sword, wth was I thinking!?). And for gosh sakes, 4 char slots isn't enough.
(I'm now wishing I had a mesmer, a necro, or both, having been a while since I've played them. But to get one, I'd have to delete a char that I love, or buy another copy for a reason I don't like. Bah.)
E/R, used a bow from presearing to Hell's Precipace (barrage+conjure). Deleted to make a Necromancer. That necro (got to DF through quests) was deleted to make, a Ranger. That ranger finished Hell's Precipace, got every ranger skill, and 15k studed armor. Then I finally decided that I couldn't put up the fact that her skintone and haircolor clashed with her armor, she was deleted, and I replaced her with a better looking ranger.
Calista Fatali
Mo/W melee/smite (reached Thunderhewad). Deleted to make a ranger (also reached THK), that ranger, was deleted to make a normal monk (Who sucks considerably less that the first one!) Calista is the tallest (tied for tallest at least

Mirax Fatali
W/Mo, used swords, and mending. Fustrated with this, I deleted her (Just before she asscended), and made a E/Mo, who I still have.
Kayt/Arya Fatali
Me/N, got to Sancum through questing, deleted for a Me/E, who got to hell's precipace (and 15k enchanter's), before I deleted her to make a warror, who I still have.
As my chars get older, secondarys become unimportant, I typicaly only use a few skills from my secondary, so changing secondarys is not a problem.
None of my chars were ever run to DF. A few were run to Sancum Cay, but none had ever been run to LA, and they were all ~lvl13 by hitting sancum. The majority of them finished every mission between Ascalon and DF, and got from mission area-to mission area with henchies.
Moral of the story? Looking back, we were all pretty darned clueless at some point

My first character was E/R by the name of Katerina. She was tall, beautful, smart and she knew it. She had a tendency to set things on fire, and would perhaps spare you a glance if you had something of interest to offer her. Packing both dodge and her trusty troll ungent she was often the sole survivor in a group. She fought valiantly with many lvl 20's in an attempt to cross Lornar's Pass to the mythical town of Forge, but like many others of her time, ended up completing all the missions and quests to finally destroy the evil lich. Ah, those were the days, when the world seemed to be ever larger than you thought. After ascending and fnishing the game, she spent most of her time farming w/ groups and helping others skill cap. After finishing all of UW and capping all ele elites she shortly retired. Quite wealthy w/ hoarded pink globs, treasure, 15k armors, and bored with over 4 mil xp she explored some gvg and tombs. She participated in some PVP but finding herself a often the soft, punching bag of dirty old men, she decided instead to take a long vacation.
Her favorite armor was 15K hydro dyed in gold/yellow colors, and would change to 15K aero dyed deep red when necessary. Soon after discovering that fow ele was no more than a glorified spikey wetsuit, her hoard of ecto was inherited by my monk.
My other characters: N/mo minion necro, Mo/w heal monk (w/ fow armor), R/n interrupt ranger
Finally, after languishing unplayed, Kat the ele was kille... um, deleted to make room for my Mes/n who owned in PVP and knocked up many a poor nuker.
These days I'm mostly on my monk, healing confused pugs in UW.
Suffice it to say, my personality has nothing to do w/ my characters. If i had the room, I would want to create the War I never had.
Her favorite armor was 15K hydro dyed in gold/yellow colors, and would change to 15K aero dyed deep red when necessary. Soon after discovering that fow ele was no more than a glorified spikey wetsuit, her hoard of ecto was inherited by my monk.
My other characters: N/mo minion necro, Mo/w heal monk (w/ fow armor), R/n interrupt ranger
Finally, after languishing unplayed, Kat the ele was kille... um, deleted to make room for my Mes/n who owned in PVP and knocked up many a poor nuker.
These days I'm mostly on my monk, healing confused pugs in UW.
Suffice it to say, my personality has nothing to do w/ my characters. If i had the room, I would want to create the War I never had.
Daemon Dremora
name: Daemon Dremora
class: Warrior/Necro
Level: 20
Status: beaten game
I still have him seeing as i only have 3 chars. him a r/me and an e/n. DD has full 15k plate armor dyed red soon to be silver. I still play him alot he is just alot of fun. i didnt start any of my new chars until DD had beaten the game. I always have to beat a game before i start over with someone new. but my r/me is in the process of beating the game and my e/n has just now gotten his 2nd prof. but DD is still my favorite and will never be deleted.
class: Warrior/Necro
Level: 20
Status: beaten game
I still have him seeing as i only have 3 chars. him a r/me and an e/n. DD has full 15k plate armor dyed red soon to be silver. I still play him alot he is just alot of fun. i didnt start any of my new chars until DD had beaten the game. I always have to beat a game before i start over with someone new. but my r/me is in the process of beating the game and my e/n has just now gotten his 2nd prof. but DD is still my favorite and will never be deleted.
My first char was Severus Udall, a wa/me -- primarily because I wasn't quite sure what I was doing and for some reason wa/me looked good at the time. He never made it past the Ruins of Ascalon series of missions but I did had him for quite a while as a pack mule.
Eventually, however, I found that I needed the room and deleted him...
Eventually, however, I found that I needed the room and deleted him...
My first character was/is a ranger/warrior. Oddly enough, the ranger got me to the ascension (inside the rock) but the warrior got me to the lair by defeating my double.

My second character is a Monk/elementalist...still haven't played much with her yet. Just got to piken.

I think my third character may be a warrior..haven't decided on second profession yet..any suggestions?

My second character is a Monk/elementalist...still haven't played much with her yet. Just got to piken.

I think my third character may be a warrior..haven't decided on second profession yet..any suggestions?
My first character was Chaotic Justice, a R/W. More specificly, a melee R/W. I always intended him to be like that. Guess I was a bit enchanted with Drizzt Do'Urden when I got into Guild Wars. I've always liked the idea of a finess swordsman over a brute strength swordsman. If I could get a rapier for Justice, I would. [NOTE] And if what I'm hearing about Chapter 2 is right, then Justice may get a Wakazashi soon =3
Now, he's usually a R/Mo (because no one wants a R/W no matter how much you pwn with him) using Barrage and either Prot or Smiting skills as needed. He's my favorite character, and I'd never delete him for anything. There's pictures of him around here all over the place, so I won't bore you with another. Currently, he's at 100% quest completion (including the Titan quests). I've got about 8 of the Bonuses left for the Mission areas. He's sitting on about 750,000 exp.
As for my own personality, I try to be hospitable, and I try not to be a jerk. Sometimes, I think I try too hard, and it frustrates me when I don't succeed or when I get ignored. I'm kinda odd when it comes to swearing (you could say I've sworn off swearing :P), but I'll pepper my language when it comes to it. I've tried to be a staunch defender of the newb from the n00bs (and there IS a difference, and a big one), and I try to foil scammers whenever I see them. A lot of people say I'm too serious. Sometimes, I wonder how right they are...
Now, he's usually a R/Mo (because no one wants a R/W no matter how much you pwn with him) using Barrage and either Prot or Smiting skills as needed. He's my favorite character, and I'd never delete him for anything. There's pictures of him around here all over the place, so I won't bore you with another. Currently, he's at 100% quest completion (including the Titan quests). I've got about 8 of the Bonuses left for the Mission areas. He's sitting on about 750,000 exp.
As for my own personality, I try to be hospitable, and I try not to be a jerk. Sometimes, I think I try too hard, and it frustrates me when I don't succeed or when I get ignored. I'm kinda odd when it comes to swearing (you could say I've sworn off swearing :P), but I'll pepper my language when it comes to it. I've tried to be a staunch defender of the newb from the n00bs (and there IS a difference, and a big one), and I try to foil scammers whenever I see them. A lot of people say I'm too serious. Sometimes, I wonder how right they are...
Lets Get to Healing
Originally Posted by Sagaris
My first character was Leatio Sagaris, an E/Mo. He got to Ascencion and then I deleted him for my Ranger. As for the personality, he was dumb and didn't know what he was doing. That sums him up pretty much. :P
Numa Pompilius
1. In Game Name of your First Character:
Numa Pompilius.
2. Profession of your first Character:
W/Me. That's about the worst combination there are for PvE, so after finishing the game he has been respecced to W/N and presently to W/Mo.
3. What your character does in Guild Wars now:
Farming mainly. Testing builds from time to time. Some PvP. Gathering gear for the kids (the new characters). Will probably never retire.
4. Telling a little bit of your personality:
Very powerful and experienced warrior, with over 800000 exp, but a loner. Has soloed every mission in the game more than once, unlocked almost everything, and has solo-farmed pretty much everywhere, including the FoW. This is the guy I bring out when the shit really hits the fan, and something, somewhere, absolutely positively needs to die.
A screenshot of your character:
He hates the way his glads armor looks, but he needs the energy.
Numa Pompilius.
2. Profession of your first Character:
W/Me. That's about the worst combination there are for PvE, so after finishing the game he has been respecced to W/N and presently to W/Mo.
3. What your character does in Guild Wars now:
Farming mainly. Testing builds from time to time. Some PvP. Gathering gear for the kids (the new characters). Will probably never retire.
4. Telling a little bit of your personality:
Very powerful and experienced warrior, with over 800000 exp, but a loner. Has soloed every mission in the game more than once, unlocked almost everything, and has solo-farmed pretty much everywhere, including the FoW. This is the guy I bring out when the shit really hits the fan, and something, somewhere, absolutely positively needs to die.
A screenshot of your character:
He hates the way his glads armor looks, but he needs the energy.