01 Feb 2006 at 16:42 - 115
Before I got Guild Wars I spent weeks (seriously) researching it... Yet, the day I got it I still could not decide what type of character to make. I made four within the next twelve hours, and guess what? They're all still kicking around... I play them rather lopsidedly, but I've never forsaken any of them as I'm quite attached to all of them. Plus, I just couldn't bear to discorporate any of them. The sad looks my necromancer throws me every time I consider replacing her with a mesmer do more than enough to stay my hand... Here they are, in order of creation:
The first was, if I recall correctly, a mighty paladin by the moniker of El Pardak. I had yet to discover the truth about W/Mo's, but I'm still attached to him. He's been well supplied, but I can't drum up the will to play as him for any length of time. El Pardak is currently languishing in Beacon's Perch, miserably drunk on dwarven ale, trying to drown his sadness at the fact that I never play him.
Character number two was my lovely, if diminutive ranger/elementalist, Alyssa Kintara. Although she proved more interesting to play than stolid ol' El Pardak, she has a hard time making friends in the game (people don't seem to want her kind around most places) and is currently wandering the lush landscapes of Kryta with her good companion Wolfy (who is a wolf, by the way). She made it to Druid's Overlook, but it was so barren she turned around and went back to the Ascalon Settlement.
Third out of the gates was my stately, regal elementalist/mesmer, Aayla Darana. While people often spell her name wrong, they do seem to want her company. Must be the dancing... She was the first I took out of pre-searing, and by far the most played out of my virtual... children? proteges? disciples? She remains the only one of my characters to have completed the storyline. She had a little trouble coping with the AoE nerf but still is quite capable of dishing out the damage. Aayla Darana is currently engaged in the futile struggle to complete all quests and bonus missions before the release of chapter two... 8 bonuses, the Titan quests, and Sorrow's Furnace are all the remain.
Last is the poor, lonely Kalia Dena, my necromancer/mesmer. A mere thirty hours old and just out of Ascalon, Kalia often gets the short end of the stick in terms of playing time. Her future looks a little brighter, though. I no longer see burnt-out ruins looming behind her in the character selection screen, so perhaps I might play her more. Demand for necromancers is picking up, too. Time was I couldn't find her a group in hours. Now it only takes twenty minutes!
Now, I do kind of regret not having a free slot for PvP. Aayla is more than capable of holding her own with any PvP-only Ele, but shes' the only one viable and it's a little annoying to be that limited. I'm totally unwilling to part with 30 (at the minimum) hours of work on a character, though, so until such time as Alyssa catches up in terms of competitiveness (which seems to be most likely, in view of the other three's status) Aayla has been my only experience in PvP. Enough experience to earn 4,444 faction, though.