Your Very First Character



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


My first char was an E/N named Stixxx Indamixxx
I got him to lvl 20 but i never ascended him. After a while i started my Warrior and deleted my Ele...

Now i got a Mo/Me, R/Me and a W/R all lvl 20 and ascended

Caged Fury

Caged Fury

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

Hearts Of Fury [HoF]

My first character was a mesmer. I found this profession difficult to play. I guess I was expecting high instant direct damage that most spell casters would do, without the damage only happening under certain conditions. I got frustrated with the profession that half way through pre-searing, I deleted it and started on a warrior class. After completing all the quests in pre-searing with just hacking & slashing with a sword, the mesmer profession still bugged me. So I decided to try mesmer again and this time I slogged away trying to get use to the profession and see what it was capable of. The mesmer is now my favourite character to play, and I feel it is the most powerful out of my characters.

(Avatar : Leona Dragonfell says "No!")

Characters are currently being worked through the PvE story, doing all the quests, missions plus bonus. Progression through story is some times slow as characters enjoy exploring new areas, taking in the sights and seeing what is around, and appreciating what the developers have done. Rather than completing the game with one character first, I'm working 3 at the same time - swapping characters when I fancy a change and reaching what I consider a milestone/waypoint.

I now have 3 level 20 characters in Riverside Province - Mesmer, Warrior and Ranger. These characters are female and all have the first name of 'Leona' - taken from the lead character of the Anime 'Dominion Tank Police'. I have an Ele in Ascalon City, but after leaving pre-searing with this character I don't have the desire to play this profession atm.

When taking a break from progressing the PvE story, characters tend to hang out in main towns and answer any question that other players ask. If someone is after crafting/collector items then, depending on their mood and the quantity, they either sell or give them away for free. If characters fancy some fighting then they visit mission areas that has already been done, join a random pug to make up the party number and help out. Even though they've done and know the mission and bonus, they don't lead as they don't want to spoil it for any mission first timers who want to work it out for themselves. They just provide the support in fights. Only if the party is struggling with where to go and what to do, then the direction will be pointed out and advice offered.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



I only read the first page of this thread and wow none of you guys are brave enough to start with a Mesmer.

My first character was a me/no Nadeen The Purple.
She now goes between me/e, me/n and will never be deleted.

I created and deleted a number of elm and necros after but none going further that Ascalon. They were just storage people.

Now I have 4 full charcters done the game with all skills for my primery professions unlocked.

Darth Phobos Male warrior
Darth Psp Male Necromancer
NADEEN Felmale Monk

I never gotten into elms that much, I deleted so many of them.



Dun dun dun

Join Date: Aug 2005

Reddit Guild


Any more takers?
I'm pretty curious.
*mummbles off*


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005


My first Character was a N/Me ie:Ill Minded he was recently deleted because i got bored of him the end...

Elrond Afil

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


r/ele with some stupid elf name

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

1st N/E Malice Black now he's N/Mo

2nd W/Mo Im a grunt still a w/mo trying w/n right now

i'd make another but pre-searing bores me to death

yet to complete the game lol after 6months might switch to eve/WoW til chapter 2 arrives



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

In my parent's basement


When I finally got the game after months of waiting for it to go on sale, I had already done tons of research and decided that my favorite characters were rangers and necros. I had played maplestory and had wanted an archer instead of my assasin which I wasted my summer on. So my first character was a ranger/mo named "Radioactive Cheese" because rangers rock and I wanted some decent healing capabilities as well.
Got to 8 before searing. I tried keeping a pet but didn't like the space it takes on my bar. So I tossed my pet and finished the game. Then I went and got a lizard pet who is now a hearty lizard named Old Cheese. Currently my r/mo runs around pwning everything in sight. Especially versus undead mobs using my lizard, barrage and judge's insight. Currently saving for 15k Drakescale armor because it looks the best. Although as soon as I got the chance, I bought druid's for the sweet energy boost. And with 13 expertise, that extra 7 energy lasts for quite a few barrages. Other favorite combos of mine include poison arrow+kindle arrows and trap builds. Quick shot's fun, but in pve, barrage has so many more uses.
2nd/3rd characters are my n/mo and mo/me started both about a week ago, both lvl6 or so. Radioactive Decay and Radioactive Monk are there names.

Griff Mon

Griff Mon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In the Elfen Forests of Washington State

Damage Radius


My first char is Grif Mon a W/E (yes, I mispelled my screen name and can't figure out how to fix it) He has completed the game and I use him for farming and when my guild needs a meat shield in FoW, UW, or SF. He does some PvP and has most elites and skills. Some I just won't buy for 1K each because they seem pointless.

I have also brought along two others who are ascended and decked out with some capping yet to do, a Monk known as Little Miss Rowie, and a Elementalist known as Fire Nub. I have since activated a second account and am working on the other three characters so I will hopefully have all six possible primary professions fully ascended and ready to be called upon as the situation warrants.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


First Character I ever made was during the WPE. His name was Delicious Dan, and he was a R/Me. Note: This was pre-rangers-getting-beat-into-the-ground-with-a-nerf-bat era. So I was basically as effective as an elementalist.

My first post-release character was Keyboard Commando, a R/Mo. He remains the only character that I made it through all of the missions with, because I'm too lazy to get those 3 extra skill points once I get to ember light camp. I deleted him to make room for a 4th pve character since I've always saved one spot for pvp.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

my first char is a lvl 20 w/mo named balrog jones. he is big black man with a mohawk like me.

mr jones helps out my other chars now, expirements with builds, and continues to help me learn the game.

im now running a female n/me and am happy as a clam - she's hot and she has an exciting job



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mountain West

Xen of Onslaught[XoO]


My first character was a Mo/W named Morangen Dromere. I made him during the last BWE and I loved the idea of this short bald monk guy running around with a giant maul (and when I got the war pick as part of the pre order deal it was even better). He started out mainly hammering and smiting with the occational heal to those other weaklings that got hurt That build did pretty good for until I got to lions arch, then I decided that I died to often from tanking and should switch to more of a healer because thats what groups needed anyways. I actually beat the last few missions with him last month so he still sees alot of action.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Gold Coast, Australia


My first character was an Elementalist/Ranger. I deleted him after a few days. I then tried the Warrior class, it didn't work out for me. I then started my Monk. She worked really well, I could easily get into groups, I had a talent for healing and things were rosy, apart from the odd bit of verbal abuse which was soon squashed by lack of healing said abuser.

I got sick of looking at red bars.

I now have a R/W, whom is my favourite character to date. I use him for running and general day-to-day activities. I have had him run all through the game up to Ice Caves of Sorrow and I am getting my droks armor now. Seeing as I have already finished the game on my monk I feel no shame in doing this.

The history of my GW account.

Blessed Winds

Blessed Winds

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

I live in Panda Land. It's wonderful.

PLU (Panda Lovers UNITED)


Name: Shadow Artemis
Class: Ranger/Monk
Level: 20
Status: @Hell's Precipice
She made it to the ring of fire with a crappy skill bar with stuff like powershot and stuff, then I started updating her build =P Love to have her trap in UW =)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005




Sarak Layghlin - he's my very first! A ranger - I had a hunch that I'd love playing this class despite everybody else dissin' them. I was right. Depiste having othre 3 characters which I do enjoy playing, Sarak is still my favorite.

I love this guy and will never delete him. Fierce and cunning in combat, loyal to his friends, have a sense of humor, strict code of honor and will never break his word, and he can be stubborn to the point where it's really ridicilous.

Despite being a ranger he seems always ending up being the leader of groups he's in.

Ninjutsu Honor Code

Ninjutsu Honor Code

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Sidon, Order of Assasins


My first character was a warrior/monk because i love fights where i can get up close and personal (im a closecombat guy in every game i have ).
Second why i choose him was because of PLATE yes thats what i mean baby Full plate mail muhhaaahahaha... ahum. I named him Hieronymus Morius Cause my real name is Jeroen Hieronymus Matilde Phillipus Moritz. I always wanted to make a Hospittaller knight, for the ones wich dont know who or what they are they are like the knights templar but were skilled in the healing arts aswell so i made him a supportive warrior with watch yourself and some other healing spells rebirth. Hes still alive wears knights cuirass and rest plate cept the boots all dyed silver, he can be found a lot around ascalon and the krytan jungle cause i like helping people.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005


My first, and my only character, Hammer Ranger/Warrior, Hyun Sai.
Probably will stay my only character, and will never delete him...
Currently in the desert waiting to do the coops while farming some holy griffons near Camp Rankor...


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

i think a lot ppl in this thread misunderstood the OP's "telling a little bit of you personality". She asked u to describe YOUR personality, not your character's

King's Spectre

King's Spectre

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Syracuse, NY, USA

The Amazon Basin (AB)


My very first was a W/Mo named Camaris Spectre (although he's rarely a /Mo these days). He was my first experiment with the character creation screen and came out a little homely, but full plate mail is the great equalizer in that regard!

I've had him since May and he's done the full game. I suspect that his monthly color make-over has cost more by now than his armor!

Cam goes everywhere and hunts everything. His first real "farming" targets were centaurs in maguuma. There's hardly an area in the game that he hasn't solo'd a little just to see if he could.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Northern Ireland


My first character was a N/W named Migad Something or other, he got to Nolani academy and I realised I wasn't having fun with him. So I created an Elementalist and 150 hours later he's still with me and soon to complete hells precipice mission....hopefully.

Evil Hypnotist

Evil Hypnotist

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

I Dragon I [PAIN]

Oskar De Deus (a name that has had me telling many dutch people I'm British )
started in June '05

Healing Monk, boy did I jump in at the deep end!

After completing the game and getting all the elites I enjoyed a good few trips to FoW and not so many to UW before SF was released. After doing all the quests there I farmed greens til I had enough money for my black dyed 15k set and Brohn's Holy Rod. Left him for a bit until I found out about the Titan quests, done 2 out of the 4. Finally acheived my last target with him 2 weeks ago; 1 million+ xp He is now retired until I need extra cash I guess.

Being a monk means its usually not hard to find a PUG. I tend to let other people lead the way unless they have no idea about what we are supposed to be doing, but it doesnt stop me from agreeing/disagreeing with other peoples ideas if I feel I need to. I will come under some flak just because monks are held responsible if things don't go smoothly, I accept that but I won't tolerate abuse from anyone, resulting in me leaving or just not healing/rezzing those jerks who think they can get away with treating people like crap. I'm friendly and throw in a few jokes with people usually, just wanting to have a good time



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


My first character was Jet Wardoc, a Warrior/Monk that I was playing exclusively up until a couple of weeks ago. I've done every possible aspect of the game with him (PvE, PvP, GvG, HoH), which made him extremely enjoyable. I'll still use him every once in a while for the heck of it, to capture a few elites that I didn't care for, and maybe to even farm, etc. Otherwise, he'll be my pack mule.

By the way, I'm enjoying the heck outta my second character, a N/Me. I have a feeling this character will provide me a few MONTHS of enjoyment as well, and might tide me over until Chapter 2 comes out.

Shen Xi

Shen Xi

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

London, UK

Laziness Appreciation Society [LaZy]


My very first character was a N/W, Talena Ravenclaw, back when agme first came out. i soon discovered that hitting things over the ehad and suing blood skills si not actually that bright an idea so in a got pissed off and deleted her.

Next was my monk Shen Xi, whom i still use now and has all the secondaries unlocked (with any skills from them i might use on my monk) and whom i have now outfitted for pvp so he still gets usage today as i have mainly stopped pveing for now



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005


My first character was an Ele/Mo which I started back in May of 05... she lived until just the other day when I deleted her. I miss her but I'm having a lot of fun with her replacement, a Me/E of the same name RuthAnn. I was definatly a newbie with her, getting all the way to Oasis before realising there was collector armor lol. But I didn't do to bad with her, got through the desert, ascended... did a lot of farming with her as well against the charr back in ascalon. They hated her I know... I was killing lv8 Charr with 1-2 casts of fire magic. All before the nerf of course. I even had 15k geomancer dyed orange on her. But then I created a warrior, used that a lot. Got her further then my Ele in less time. Also have a ranger and a necro. I began to play my Ele less and less... so I deleted her the other day... oh well. Fond memories and a saved screen folder full of memories.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005




Originally Posted by sunh3h3
i think a lot ppl in this thread misunderstood the OP's "telling a little bit of you personality". She asked u to describe YOUR personality, not your character's
I don't know about others but i believe your choice of class and how you play him tells a lot about yourself. I know mine does.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005


Phantom Commando


My first character was my N/Mo Shala Jarias.

She started off as an Battery but now is able to switch between Battery, MM, SS and Order Necro.

I got her almost all the 15k armors (Except the cultist one) and still have the 1.5 tormentors and 1.5k scars.. (and i just realised that has cost me a damned lot of money )

I got most skills unlocked with her and she has the best items then my 3 other characters.. she is my baby..

[email protected]

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2006


My first was/is W/Mo Name: Barbarian Monk Who is my current Farmer and Runner and "Quest assistant" I guess my attitude is helpful, if you catch me on a good day I'm willing to go to any extent to help you out.. My gear is all Green dyed gear, matches my guild Cape. Ascalon Gloves/Boots Glads Armor/Legs and Plate helm, it all doesn't match up, but seeing as it gives me the best stats, I'm fine with it.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

1. In Game Name of your First Character.

Carinae Dragonblood. It was serendipity that gave me that name. Normally I can't think of good names to save my life, but Carinae sprang out at me. She wanted to live!

Carinae Dragonblood
Queen of the Snowball Arena

2.35M Experience Point
1085 Hours played over 7 months

Has unlocked:
EVERY Necro spell
All Elementalist spells, except 3 Elites
Most Messmer spells
Most Monk spells

4 sets of Armor: Fissure, 60k Necrotic, 32k Scars, and a 55 build Scars. She still wants to get her Collectors armor, but NEEDS MORE STORAGE!!!
5 VERY VERY fine Necro Wands

2. Profession of your first Character.

Originally Carinae was N/E, and for a long time, FLARE brought home the bacon! She was a Soul Reaping powered Elementalist for a long time. But, by the time she got into Kryta, she had discovered Blood Magic and had the attribute points to use it effectively.

More recently, she has played as N/Me and N/Mo. And just two days ago, she decided to try N/R. Soon she'll have a spider.

3. What your character does in Guild Wars now.

Mostly, she just plays around with friends. Completed the game, all the milestones, UW/FOW/SF. She just got her FoW armor, so she's broke now.

She's working on the last three Titan Quests, and can *almost* do DNK with henchies.

Carinae also like to explore! She plans on taking guildies deep into The Falls before long. And also on visiting Grenths Castle in Lornar's.

4. Telling a little bit of your personality.

She likes taking long walks with her undead, while wiping whole maps.

Carinae's truely a Necro, and sometimes played with all 8 slots devoted to Blood Magic. (Who needs a secondary?) She remembers a time long before Necro's were popular, when she was only sought for her sexual prowess, that's a different story.

Lately, she's been trying to play match-maker with some of the girls in her guild.

"I have Hidden Rock on Me!"



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by sunh3h3
i think a lot ppl in this thread misunderstood the OP's "telling a little bit of you personality". She asked u to describe YOUR personality, not your character's
I don't think YOU understand, we project our personality into the toons, wether we consider/treat them as extesions of ourselves, our children or our significant other. The presonality we project onto them is ourself, it is ,for either good or bad, what we really are or what we want to be but are to controlled/reserved/shy to act out.

I guess my favorite one would be my R/E Diana Dragonhart (I believe she was my 3rd or 4th, my first few no longer exsist), I have bought her 3 sets of 15k armor (I don't like the drakscale and I am considering FoW), and have spent as much on bows and upgrades, so I guess she would fall into the "significant other" category.

The next one would be my W/M Aslan he is stalled in Frost Gate. He would be an extention of me. I don't buy him as much stuff, but I do make sure he has the good stuff.

Both also have bits of my personality in them. Even though Diana has the +8 druid bikini, I will threaten with becoming a pin cushion any one that asks her to dance.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


my first char was an elementalist female named Laila Seth. i deleted her in pre searing coz i didn't like the hair style and remade her again with a different 1.

Laila's original secondary is e/me and it's also the first char i finished game with. she's now lvl 20 of course and and i still farm fow with her. i also use her when i nedd to pvp with an ele.

i'm quite fond of this char since it was the first1 used to discover all the gw missions which quickly became boring after the 3rd..4th..5th char.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

Helsinki, Finland

Slaves of Doom [SOD]


My First character is my Elementalis/Mesmer Kawazoe Tzeentch, I use him all of the time, theres just something about that mighty elementalist, I play'd with him pre searing to lvl 9 or so, got to lions arch, until someone just boofed it up for me "Want a free run to sanctum?" so of course I said yea. Then at sanctum I got a run through the mission to desert.. where I did a thing coupld of my friends and I, and some guildies thought was impossible but I proved em wrong! I ascended at lvl 14, as a guess what? Earth elementalist. Now his at ember light camp doing elite capturing. I use him all the time though I have other characters. Theres just something about that an ele since I first made it, always keep'd it, always used it, never deleted it, MIGHT add screenshot later.. The personality is an anything for teamwork kind, he plays alot of teamwork, solos very litte, unless its necessary, his somewhat-flirty with gal's dunno if its cuz of me or just.. hell Iono.. maby its me >.>, aaanyway I help when its needed. After I got to lvl 20, I was doing a mission, one of the ascensions, again.. there was a lvl 16 lil' ranger gal who everyone dissed at no one took her to the party, I did.. now shes a good friend of mine and hangs out with me. I first got dissed at taking her that she will ruin but believe me.. she did nothing but good ^_^ Dont underestimate low lvls.. this is my first character, Kawazoe Tzeentch, pleased to meet you.

His armor is just an red dyed collectors, im saving up and gettin elites at ember light camp to get 15k aeromancer as they look awesome, after that I want fow, but its a dream of the future.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Lightning strikes twice


My first charachter was a monk called Morgan Zahadum aka The wanderer (can you guess what armour he wears lol)

He's started out life as a Mo/ra. When I was a Mo/ra I really enjoyed the odd combo's you could put together and especially enjoyed making a 'running' monk. My pet was just a stalker and I used a bow ALL the time when i was but a little newbie.

Now things are differant, Morgan learned the ways of inspiration, domination and illusion. Using the abilities of mesmers to turn would be attackers against themselves. He spends most of his time in the halls of Balthazar designing odd builds that most people mock because they aren't cookie cutter but that matters not. If not in PVP I'm helping guildee's in quests/missions and other assorted tasks, due to my experiance at being a monk and the fact our guild has few dedicated monks I am called on quite often

I have dabbled with other charachters, w/n, e/me, me/e but I have always gone back to my monk. My only other charachter I use regularly is a beastmaster (Morgan Cole) r/mo, mainly because its a fun way to pass the time in gw's and a good challenge. His task is to solo as many ofthe main missions as much as possible, some i know are impossible but I'll try whatever


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005




- My first character was a r/me
- Nik was Sentinel Wrath

- I liked the idea of attacking from range and manipulating my foes at the same time. I used to play AoM/T - hades player, and he was very defensive. Also 'sentinels' where a skill he got - You could summon four sentinels to protect a town centre. Basically I like to play defensive and counter. It got to the point where I was using heavy mesmer skills and now my main character is a mesmer.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

My First Character was Zidon Kook. He was a R/E (Not a good combo, but I created him on Day 1 of release, so who knew - LOL) Got him all the way through the game, opened up 100% of the map with him and had a great time teaching people the value of having a skilled ranger who knew how to use a longbow to pull.

He also worked with his pet bear, Monte, very well - for the most part. Monte reached level 20 and was a cantankerous brute who could be a bit reluctant to join the battle. But once he did, look out!

The story of Zidon ends on a sad note. Monte went into hyperphasia (in preparation for hibernation) and turned on Zidon and ate him. It's been rumored that Monte is still roaming the southern Shiverpeaks feasting on dwarves and the occasional human that passes by. So, if you're ever wandering in those parts and come across an uncommonly large bear, be carefull - it could be Monte looking for his next meal


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Before I got Guild Wars I spent weeks (seriously) researching it... Yet, the day I got it I still could not decide what type of character to make. I made four within the next twelve hours, and guess what? They're all still kicking around... I play them rather lopsidedly, but I've never forsaken any of them as I'm quite attached to all of them. Plus, I just couldn't bear to discorporate any of them. The sad looks my necromancer throws me every time I consider replacing her with a mesmer do more than enough to stay my hand... Here they are, in order of creation:

The first was, if I recall correctly, a mighty paladin by the moniker of El Pardak. I had yet to discover the truth about W/Mo's, but I'm still attached to him. He's been well supplied, but I can't drum up the will to play as him for any length of time. El Pardak is currently languishing in Beacon's Perch, miserably drunk on dwarven ale, trying to drown his sadness at the fact that I never play him.

Character number two was my lovely, if diminutive ranger/elementalist, Alyssa Kintara. Although she proved more interesting to play than stolid ol' El Pardak, she has a hard time making friends in the game (people don't seem to want her kind around most places) and is currently wandering the lush landscapes of Kryta with her good companion Wolfy (who is a wolf, by the way). She made it to Druid's Overlook, but it was so barren she turned around and went back to the Ascalon Settlement.

Third out of the gates was my stately, regal elementalist/mesmer, Aayla Darana. While people often spell her name wrong, they do seem to want her company. Must be the dancing... She was the first I took out of pre-searing, and by far the most played out of my virtual... children? proteges? disciples? She remains the only one of my characters to have completed the storyline. She had a little trouble coping with the AoE nerf but still is quite capable of dishing out the damage. Aayla Darana is currently engaged in the futile struggle to complete all quests and bonus missions before the release of chapter two... 8 bonuses, the Titan quests, and Sorrow's Furnace are all the remain.

Last is the poor, lonely Kalia Dena, my necromancer/mesmer. A mere thirty hours old and just out of Ascalon, Kalia often gets the short end of the stick in terms of playing time. Her future looks a little brighter, though. I no longer see burnt-out ruins looming behind her in the character selection screen, so perhaps I might play her more. Demand for necromancers is picking up, too. Time was I couldn't find her a group in hours. Now it only takes twenty minutes!

Now, I do kind of regret not having a free slot for PvP. Aayla is more than capable of holding her own with any PvP-only Ele, but shes' the only one viable and it's a little annoying to be that limited. I'm totally unwilling to part with 30 (at the minimum) hours of work on a character, though, so until such time as Alyssa catches up in terms of competitiveness (which seems to be most likely, in view of the other three's status) Aayla has been my only experience in PvP. Enough experience to earn 4,444 faction, though.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Dallas Tx

Taboo Knights [TABU]


My first player was/is a W/Mo

IGN is Texas Slayer
Hes now my account cash cow. he makes the money for my other characters. he made the money for my 15k armor on all characters(4) and the runes and everything for my 55hp monk.

Hes a farmer, and a runner now. Hes stuck at abaddons mouth Cant find a decent group.

Ive been through many chars. And hes always stayed with me.

My personality? Im a complete smartass.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



My first characters is the beautiful Nadeen The Purple.
She started as a Me/Mo
Even before I got GW I knew that I wanted to create a mesmer.
I played the E3 public beta and created a number of characters till I settled down on a mesmer and played the 3 days with it.
I never played her as a mesmer and finished the game that way.
I then played after the end of the game as a fire nuker.
But these days you see me as a full mesmer.
I farm with her sometimes and WILL NEVER delete her.

Here she is:


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Gathering of Friends [GoF]

My very first character was Sledge Underhill a W/N that never made it past level 11. I fondly remember hunting Charr with Mark of Pain. I deleted him to make room for a necro.

Since then, his name came back for a PvP character.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Dena Grimm
Minions (since back before they were popular)
Right now I'm unlocking E and Me skills with her

Kai Nui

Kai Nui

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Behind you with a knife

Celebrity Gangsters [FamE]


1. Kai Nui (Kainui is my middle name. I would have named him Kainui, but it had to be 2 names)
2. Me/Mo
3. Farming and finished collecting skill points and money for all /N skills..
4. I am a caring person, I like to debate, I'm a slacker in school, but only because I don't apply myself, I'm athletic, I'm addictively funny, and brilliant. At least that's what I hear.

Also, I chose mesmer because I knew I'd be having fast casting, and that kind of intruiged me. It actually altered the game instead if just giving you a bonus. I'm all about skill, and I like to complete EVERYTHING. I am collecting skill points to spend on Ritualist in Ch.2, but if it doesn't work out, I'll just start buying Elementalist and Ranger pet skills and maybe even get a spider for the hell of it. I chose monk secondary because I thought that'd be a good support class for healing, and I was right. Monk has been very useful to me, not as much any more because I've met some great monks, but when people sucked at monking and I had to sustain my own life and stuff. Plus, now I can farm with monk skills.

Also, I play with this character as if it were a PVP character. It doesn't seem right making a PVP mesmer. Must be why I've never done it.