I still play Guild Wars because...
Rocky Raccoon
Please continue the sentence.
Lord Mip
.....I like the PvP and I'm close to my GWAMM
I enjoy it.
Is there really any other answer?
Is there really any other answer?
I want GWAMM. On 7.1mil Kurz at the moment, then all of Luxon to do :'(
Rocky Raccoon
I need 30/50 for my HoM, and I want my r3 KOABD title.
Bright Star Shine
I have a great guild and good friends in there I wouldn't want to leave..
Got GWAMM, 50/50 and a little pile of ecto's (nothing special), so there is nothing left to do than have fun with my friends.
Got GWAMM, 50/50 and a little pile of ecto's (nothing special), so there is nothing left to do than have fun with my friends.
I have GWAMM and 50/50 but still manage to find something entertaining each time a log on.
I still play Guild Wars because...
- I find more entertainment knowing ANet banned 3700 accounts, yet can still go to Great Temple of Balthazar and listen to people tell me, in local chat, to visit some website in order to buy stacks of Ectoplasm and Zaishen Keys for prices I could buy a new PS3 controller with.
- I have yet to beat Underworld.
- I am still working on my Hall of Monuments and reaching 50/50 because I can and I want to do so.
- I recently made a new kind of Assassin build for Anton and Zenmai that actually works quite well for getting/farming items for Nickolas The Traveler. Yes, I found something useful for Assassin heroes. Bragging rights indeed keep me playing.
- I met someone, introduced this game to her and she enjoys it as much as I do. Getting minor things like a green drop makes her happy and I find it rather amusing and fun too.
Concise description: I still play Guild Wars because I enjoy it and didn't act like most people and breeze through the game as fast as possible.
- I find more entertainment knowing ANet banned 3700 accounts, yet can still go to Great Temple of Balthazar and listen to people tell me, in local chat, to visit some website in order to buy stacks of Ectoplasm and Zaishen Keys for prices I could buy a new PS3 controller with.
- I have yet to beat Underworld.
- I am still working on my Hall of Monuments and reaching 50/50 because I can and I want to do so.
- I recently made a new kind of Assassin build for Anton and Zenmai that actually works quite well for getting/farming items for Nickolas The Traveler. Yes, I found something useful for Assassin heroes. Bragging rights indeed keep me playing.
- I met someone, introduced this game to her and she enjoys it as much as I do. Getting minor things like a green drop makes her happy and I find it rather amusing and fun too.
Concise description: I still play Guild Wars because I enjoy it and didn't act like most people and breeze through the game as fast as possible.
I have been an achievement fiend in every game I've ever played and I'm almost at GWAMM.
im working on drunkard to get GWAMM. But honestly, if it wasn't for the fact that it is a great messenger program with a wonderful GUI I wouldn't bother doing that.
because it's my favorite game. Coming up on five years and I still find fun things to do.
Erik Fox
It's something I have time for in my busy schedule(1 hour here, 2 hours there). I'm working on 30/50 for my HoM, just found a decent active guild, and I enjoy playing still(gasp!).
Lord Dagon
becuase i still have some freinds that haven't quit and i have a preety cool ally that keeps me entertained. and for the first time im preety finacially secure so i can do fun stuff like skill capping and VQing.
because it's my favorite game. Coming up on five years and I still find fun things to do.
I'd have to agree, but then I curse whoever at Arenanet decided to pander to the lowest playerbase whenever I look at cons, reputation ranks, and PvE skills that are linked to them. The game was a game of skill before PvE/PvP split. Now it is who packs all the consets and PvE-only or PvE versions of skills. (see DoA and FoW with Shadow Form and UA)
I still play because whenever I go through a zone I remember the good times. That's why I hate playing EoTN or being in it.
Because it pays for my movie collection.
Also, because I like being someone.
Also, because I like being someone.
because its free and I'm poor.
just to fill hom to 50 like most ppl, the game is crap now, but it was good long time ago....
Wrath of m0o
..it's easy to keep playing.
because it is that damn good. i left to play other games, then came back to see many things updated, yet playing was still free as advertised
i enjoy playing a game that is truly free to play (unlike shaiya where it is free to play, but pay to win), and (even after 5 years), still has updated content that is interesting
i enjoy playing a game that is truly free to play (unlike shaiya where it is free to play, but pay to win), and (even after 5 years), still has updated content that is interesting
Theres always something to do in this game (for me at least).
because after 6 years almost this game makes me want to play it like day 1 even though ive got GWAMM and 50/50. That must say something very good about it. Also the fact they still add new things for us even now to keeps things interesting.
... because I do enjoy the storylines and that it is the only game which doesn't need me to 'go kill 50 of such and such monsters'.
I'm not sure why people think it's crap, have they tried anything else in the market? Guild Wars is still pretty good compared to almost every other game (except EVE), both gameplay and content wise.
Maybe that's why I still play it.
Maybe that's why I still play it.
Defiling Treekiller
i play cause its the most fun i can have in a video game right now nothing else has the entertainment that GW does. ive got 2400 hrs in my 27 months and have kinda given up on other games because of the replayability of things . Despite all the bitching consets and PVE skill ranks give an incentive to do areas and get better at them to maximize results and clever play is rewarded by shorter VQ times and such in short GW freakin rulz
...because it's a video game in my collection that I play whenever I want.
...because my computer crashes if there's no game on (seriously... games keep something busy that freezes the desktop alone in minutes...) and GW is a stable game. Plus, I can just order the group to attack the nearest target and go do something else for 5-10 minutes while GW is in the background.
Nemesis of God
...I haven't still maxed all titles and not have filled my HoM.
I took a little break after I reached 45/50, and don't realistically expect to reach 50/50 anytime soon, but am still doing my best to play my way there anyway, because I can.
to be 30/50 and coz its the best PvP i've seen on a MMORPG
when I get 30/50 I'll quit PvE
when I get 30/50 I'll quit PvE
Ascended Furling
.. i like this game(3,5 years with no break). I got my HoM full and almost maxed titles on my second char and working on a alt account. But doing Zm/Zb/W/DoA/FoW.... with my guild is awesome.
PvP is something i dont like.
PvP is something i dont like.
It's free.
12 chars
12 chars
Martin Ross
For these reasons (after my first toon just received her 5th years present):
1) Getting 30/50 or close to.
2) Playing through unknown content like The Underworld, end content for all three campaigns, different arenas, Hearts of the North and maybe even PVP at some point.
3) Get to know professions better. I still have very little clue on Elementalists, Monks, Necromancers and Dervishes.
4) Making masterplans for my account. "Let's see, this toon should do this, because then this toon gets this, which opens up for these possibilities on these two toons".
5) Dressing up my toons. How come noone ever notes, how girly it is for grown ups to dress toons as if they were dolls? Anyway, I like.
6) I don't know if it's a playdamage, but a lot of other games seem awfully short and shallow. I really tried to play and like Fallout 3, Starcraft 2, Tomb Raider Underworld, several demos of well-reviewed games, random indiegames on Steam, Metroid Trilogy, Wii Sports and Wario Ware. Nothing of it really kept my interest, it either misses simple fun, is too flawed or is just too short.
6a) There are still very good games out there, they just doesn't last that long. Try Cave Story Deluxe, Today I Die, Plants vs. Zombies, The Art Of Theft, Braid, Goblins 3, Fury of the Furries and Okami (Wii) for fantastic gems and a break from Guild Wars.
1) Getting 30/50 or close to.
2) Playing through unknown content like The Underworld, end content for all three campaigns, different arenas, Hearts of the North and maybe even PVP at some point.
3) Get to know professions better. I still have very little clue on Elementalists, Monks, Necromancers and Dervishes.
4) Making masterplans for my account. "Let's see, this toon should do this, because then this toon gets this, which opens up for these possibilities on these two toons".
5) Dressing up my toons. How come noone ever notes, how girly it is for grown ups to dress toons as if they were dolls? Anyway, I like.
6) I don't know if it's a playdamage, but a lot of other games seem awfully short and shallow. I really tried to play and like Fallout 3, Starcraft 2, Tomb Raider Underworld, several demos of well-reviewed games, random indiegames on Steam, Metroid Trilogy, Wii Sports and Wario Ware. Nothing of it really kept my interest, it either misses simple fun, is too flawed or is just too short.
6a) There are still very good games out there, they just doesn't last that long. Try Cave Story Deluxe, Today I Die, Plants vs. Zombies, The Art Of Theft, Braid, Goblins 3, Fury of the Furries and Okami (Wii) for fantastic gems and a break from Guild Wars.
Ratson Itamar
...because my computer crashes if there's no game on (seriously... games keep something busy that freezes the desktop alone in minutes...) and GW is a stable game. Plus, I can just order the group to attack the nearest target and go do something else for 5-10 minutes while GW is in the background.

Plus, all their promises for future content; Dervish update, 7 heroes, Embark Island and Winds of Change.
Doc Zenith
Because some genius in the past decided that player's cannot delete their accounts..ive played this game from 2005..quitted atleast twice..deleted all characters and swore to never coming back..and still kept coming back to max Hom since my account was always there..
thou it was bit overwhelming to start from scratch knowing what's ahead of you before even dreaming of Gwamm and such
..it almost didn't happen but im glad it did.Today im happily with 50/50 and looking forward to the sequel..ive enjoyed every bit ive played this game and never gonna quit again..atleast before Gw2

I enjoy it, its fun, i have a great guild, i like to run around the world on all my different chars. Imo this is the kind of game that doesnt rly get that old even tho i have a whole bunch of chars it still hasnt got boring

I returned because I love to solo and I can use henchman and they NEVER loose connection, have to walk the dog, attend a baby/child etc etc. There is never any waiting while they get organized to join the group.
Also because it is still a challange - I like to keep learning new things as I play and once I have done something 48 times it is not fun any longer.
Also because it is still a challange - I like to keep learning new things as I play and once I have done something 48 times it is not fun any longer.
Its free to login and very easy to play on your own.
because (in no particular order).....
It's free to play, has tonnes of content (with new stuff still being added), and even after five years of playing there's still stuff I haven't gotten around to having a go at. Plus, I love the art style/graphics and the depth of the background/lore.
It's free to play, has tonnes of content (with new stuff still being added), and even after five years of playing there's still stuff I haven't gotten around to having a go at. Plus, I love the art style/graphics and the depth of the background/lore.
I have GWAMM and 50/50, love the game, love my guildies, love my GW friends, love the community (yep even the trash talkers in pvp) and especially love that there are STILL rangers with Legolas in their name