What do you spend your budget on in guild wars?
X Placebo
OR What do you save your money up for.
So i'm just wondering what everyone spends their money on in this game. As for me I buy rare mini's when I can, and if not that then items to power trade till I can afford a certain Mini.
So i'm just wondering what everyone spends their money on in this game. As for me I buy rare mini's when I can, and if not that then items to power trade till I can afford a certain Mini.
Zanagi Kazuhiko
I give it away.
In hope of finnishing my Bo Staff collection.
Got all Q9 20/10s thanks to all who made it possible.
Trying to fill up the 20/20s and got Earth + Communing but still missing a lot. Not enough sexy skins I would like in GW.
Got all Q9 20/10s thanks to all who made it possible.
Trying to fill up the 20/20s and got Earth + Communing but still missing a lot. Not enough sexy skins I would like in GW.
I give a good bit away...
besides that...whatever I feel like really :\
besides that...whatever I feel like really :\
currently lockpicks...working on that dumb title. (no I dont have a lot of money either--so that is about all I CAN afford)
I don't really know... I try to find things to buy, but most things I want are either worth millions upon millions of gold, which I will never have, or I just waste it all on armor sets I never wear :P
lockpicks and saving up for Nine Ring
I try to keep around 300-500k in my storage and everything above that is for making others happy.
And getting my friend from 0 to 30/50 cost me a fair chunk of cash
And getting my friend from 0 to 30/50 cost me a fair chunk of cash

Arieon Ito
Right now it's all going to maxing HoM which means a massive gold sink anyway since I need FoW Armor and 20 more minis. Also trying to get GWAMM on one char which means buying up tonnes of consumables to get 2 more titles.
Apart from that, I'm feverishly waiting for the Cathan New Year to arrive so I can spend more gold on Nine Rings, for some reason, I really like the Luck titles.
Apart from that, I'm feverishly waiting for the Cathan New Year to arrive so I can spend more gold on Nine Rings, for some reason, I really like the Luck titles.
I buy anything that I want really. Right now I had 500e(my bf farmed them for me for my bday) and I could finnish off my 'obsidian' collection. Well almost anyways. I miss for my ele. But I'm considering not buying it for her as I don't use her alot, and find ele's boring to play. So yeah, I use my money on gear.
I kinda want to farm myself a crystalline sword thought. I really adore the skin
BTW Arieon Ito: You don't NEED consumables for any titles, I'm guessing your VQ'ing. Well it can ALL BE DONE without consumables.
I kinda want to farm myself a crystalline sword thought. I really adore the skin

BTW Arieon Ito: You don't NEED consumables for any titles, I'm guessing your VQ'ing. Well it can ALL BE DONE without consumables.
Net The Nabi
You need cons for sweet points.
Lockpicks right now. I spent few 100 ecto on some weapons, BDS's, obby's, silverwing and tormented stuff. I dont think I need anymore weapons and getting the lucky/unlucky and wisdom title is quite the money sink.
trying to get r9 zaishen...
Crom The Pale
I used to blow my money on swords. At one point I had 50 different skins, many very rare with great mods and even a couple R8.
Currently I have sold off most of my swords, down to a single storage pane, and I have begun to max out my HoM. Picked up 2 sets of armor I shall never wear. Now I am looking for my last 4 mini's to max out that display. Then I need to start buying up Hero armor and items for sweet/party titles.
Currently I have sold off most of my swords, down to a single storage pane, and I have begun to max out my HoM. Picked up 2 sets of armor I shall never wear. Now I am looking for my last 4 mini's to max out that display. Then I need to start buying up Hero armor and items for sweet/party titles.
I make it rain.
Tender Care
Buy new weapons i like, armors and work on some titles that need money like Skill Hunter and Treasure Hunter.....
BTW Arieon Ito: You don't NEED consumables for any titles, I'm guessing your VQ'ing. Well it can ALL BE DONE without consumables.
OT: Buying weapons and crap for my warrior, gradually replacing all my gear with nicer looking, more expensive stuff. Recent purchases include an Eternal Blade and a Voltaic Spear, currently saving for a Crystalline.
hmm, last oct/nov/dec I spent alot on armours (for char's and hero's) and mini's for HoM.
Atm, it is Lockpicks.
Atm, it is Lockpicks.
Mostly i buy armors, weapons and fancy headgear for all my chars

I'm still comparably new and have never been rolling in the dough (I clearly need to get a boyfriend who will farm stacks of ectos for my birthday
). So none of it is impulse shopping for shinies -- it's all about the titles/HoM. I've only just recently, reluctantly, started buying elite armors that I'm not crazy about...minis that I thought I could earn enough of on my own (wrongo!).... I'm farming materials, consumables, z-keys, etc., myself.
Other than that, Skill Hunter, Lockpicks, and saving up for 9 Rings.

Other than that, Skill Hunter, Lockpicks, and saving up for 9 Rings.
Collect Demon shields!!!!
Depending on how you look at it, I'm either the richest poor person or the poorest rich person in the game.
I have some elite armors here and some rare weapons there, but that all comes from luck. I have no budget. Most more "rare" items are because I get some lucky drops and my armors come from money I make just from completing everything.
I have some elite armors here and some rare weapons there, but that all comes from luck. I have no budget. Most more "rare" items are because I get some lucky drops and my armors come from money I make just from completing everything.
Currently buying sweets, party items, and minis for the HoM. We'll see what comes after that when I'll be at 45/50.
Shiny oldschool stuff.
Why do people buy and keep pets? Just for a collection?
I keep cash for the elite armor i want.
I keep cash for the elite armor i want.
I have a handful of cheap things <100K I buy from other players (i.e. Superior Vigors, Enchanting mods, Aptitude not attitude,vamp mods ... rarely, spear mods in general).
Everything else is from drops. Still looking for a gold inscribable sacred staff (nobody has gotten one....that's the Yakslapper skin if you are unaware of PvP skins).
I stopped at 8th armor set. There's no room for armor I can't use. Obsidian will probably be the last thing I get for HoM even though I have had the resources for ages (bland color palettes except for mesmer...which is the same as the Monument set).
Everything else is from drops. Still looking for a gold inscribable sacred staff (nobody has gotten one....that's the Yakslapper skin if you are unaware of PvP skins).
I stopped at 8th armor set. There's no room for armor I can't use. Obsidian will probably be the last thing I get for HoM even though I have had the resources for ages (bland color palettes except for mesmer...which is the same as the Monument set).
Voodoo Rage
I'm addicted to new characters so I usually blow my money on necessities like runes for heroes and luxuries like a single elite armor set for each. Speaking of that, I'm really bummed out because I'm been leveling up all these characters (a total of 27 or so I think) in preparation for the Canthan New Year and realized that I'm going to be completely out of town and away from a computer for the whole thing....

Arieon Ito
Give it to guildies who still need 30 points in their HoM.
Horace Slughorn
personal cons mostly
and um, little things here and there to improve my characters, like weapons, runes, skills etc.
i'm also saving for a certain tonic, but will likely never be able to afford it lol

and um, little things here and there to improve my characters, like weapons, runes, skills etc.
i'm also saving for a certain tonic, but will likely never be able to afford it lol
Skills and new character gear.
I have 2 character slots left, one of wich might be a second (deletable) PvP char, the other is changing depending on my mood. I keep deleting it whenever I want to play something else than Mo/Me/Rt.
(2 other slots are taken for ranger and necro I keep to play with friends)
Other than that? building up some 40k before I have a big expense to lower it. That's generally the cycle.
I have 2 character slots left, one of wich might be a second (deletable) PvP char, the other is changing depending on my mood. I keep deleting it whenever I want to play something else than Mo/Me/Rt.
(2 other slots are taken for ranger and necro I keep to play with friends)
Other than that? building up some 40k before I have a big expense to lower it. That's generally the cycle.
I've been playing for 4 yrs and have never had over 300k total in my account. I have no budget because I haven't got enough money. I did buy my main norn elite armor because it's the only armor I ever felt looked sweet enough to shell out the cash for.
And for those of you saying you "give it away" I'd just like to say, "Hi!"
And for those of you saying you "give it away" I'd just like to say, "Hi!"
Farmed wintersday like crazy! Finished party & sweets now slowy doing alehound
Spent most of the money earned on Obsidian for my Para! Now going back to 1000k slowly (800 at the moment) and will spend it on Gemstones cause I still needs an tormented
Spent most of the money earned on Obsidian for my Para! Now going back to 1000k slowly (800 at the moment) and will spend it on Gemstones cause I still needs an tormented
Mostly spending on HoM stuff.
Spent it on signets of capture for skill hunter titles. Will probably spend more gold for more ectos/shards for FoW armor.
Spent it on signets of capture for skill hunter titles. Will probably spend more gold for more ectos/shards for FoW armor.
Minis, armor, weapons, cons, basically all the money titles for the HoM. Still got a fair bit to collect, too.
Right now, saving up the coins, for Obby armor. When 7 hero party is a go, will start farming materials. I have yet determined which heroes I will use, but will probably need to rune up one or two.
Until then, working on Alehound and farming Nick in pre for sweets.
So, saving, not spending.
Until then, working on Alehound and farming Nick in pre for sweets.
So, saving, not spending.
I tend to hoard much more than I spend. I splurged a week or so ago and bought myself an Everlasting Boreal Tonic. Aside from that I mainly spend it on armor and other necessities. Next on my list is an Oppressor weapon to add to my Hall. Or maybe I'll man up and actually do WiK, who knows...
BTW Arieon Ito: You don't NEED consumables for any titles, I'm guessing your VQ'ing. Well it can ALL BE DONE without consumables.
Sooo you get what 30-35$/stk?
I mean...what?