I find this site very useful for what current prices people are looking to buy/sell
http://argos.soft.free.fr/GwEstimator/ |
Definitely have to bookmark it.
I find this site very useful for what current prices people are looking to buy/sell
http://argos.soft.free.fr/GwEstimator/ |
Wrath of m0o
go cubs
Just to speak for myself here: I most of the time say offer because I don't care too much anymore about ingame money. Most of the times I go with what the person offers me, if its not a rediculous price, simply because I don't want to bargain for every little platinum or ecto. So I just say hell give me what you feel like giving me, and most of the time they get it for that price. So not everyone is trying to get an outrageous offer..
go cubs
It is the same reason behind why people ask others how to spell a particular word or how to perform a certain task. They want the results without putting forth the requisite effort themselves.
Demigod Heracles
I do it because I rarely pve/sell items, so if I want to sell anything I just do it that way to get it out of my inventory faster. I regularly get lowballed and sell voltaics for 50k or ectos for 2k just to get them out of my inventory, I don't care about the money.
go cubs
Sure it does, at least in my view as a trader of hundreds of items for more than five years. Yours obviously differs and that is fine.
go cubs
Originally Posted by Rehnahvah Gahro
And I agree that GW has a terrible trading system, in fact it doesn't exist. Most of my playtime is occupied by trying to get rid of things for a reasonable price.
Originally Posted by StormX
I dont see how standing around for half an hour spamming WTB WTS can be remotely fun.
Originally Posted by StormX
These days if I have something I dont need I just go to spamadan and say "first person to open trade with me gets free XYZ" and instantly all the trade windows pop up.
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