Initially, dishonorable got introduced to do 2 things:
-Stop leechers in JQ and FA
-Stop leaving in matches if the team-setup isn't right. (RA without Monk)
So several years later, what did dishonorable actually achieve in practical situation? Overal, not so very much. As a matter of fact, it probably did more bad than good. Please let me elaborate on several aspects of PvP why dishonorable is one of the worst impementations yet in the lower end PvP arenas. (Or PvE arenas, whichever you please) I also realize that the majority of the PvP community understood these things early (as did I), and just accepted them, but a large part of the PvE-community don't understand why Dishonorable got implemented and don't understand the true implications of such a system. Therefore, I'm still going to lay them out one by one so everyone should be able to understand what I'm talking about.
The inherent flaw with GW is that you need some sort of healing -From now healing both protection and healing prayers fall under "healing"-. Health bars go down, naturally they need to get pushed up. However, in Guild Wars healing is implemented in such a way that profession specific healing (Heal Sig, Life stealing, Ether Feast -altough better than most others-, aura of restoration, ...) are vastly inferior to Monk healing. (Or to a lesser extend rits, but why anyone would wanna run a heal rit over a Monk, when effectiveness is the cause, is beyond me)
As such, one can state that it's almost mandatory to have a healer in your team to be succesfull in both higher and lower end PvP games. In practice, there is offcourse several exceptions (BYOB GvG that still works), but those builds only work because of completely different parameters -split and spike capability- and not because healers aren't mandatory. The same thing goes for Random Arenas where teams without a Monk can still win, but that is not contributed to them not having a Monk, that's contributed to them being alot better (Be it through bars or skill) than the enemy team.
The bottom line is that there's nothing that keeps the team alive like a Monk, and therefore they're mandatory in PvP. The odd case where you can win GvG without a healer, or get 25 consecutives in RA in no way invalidate this statement. It only prooves really good players can beat lesser experienced players regardless of build.
Random Arenas
So then, the first stop from higher-end PvP to PvE is Random Arenas. Anyone with some RA experience will tell you that a healer is necessary. Anyone who doesn't either doesn't have enough experience, is just a casual player or is just someone who likes to go in, brainlessly smash some buttons untill he looses and go in again. Whatever the reason, anyone with the slightest insight in PvP should be able to understand why and how a healer is necessary even in lower-end PvP arenas such as RA.
So what happened in the early days of RA? People simply left their randomly signed up team untill they were matched up with what, in their eyes, looked like a good setup. (Pretty much a 1 Monk team) A practice I didn't approve of either, but looking back a better alternative than forcing people to play a game which leads to no points, only to leave afterwards anyways.
People often argued that it's called Random for a reason, but that statement holds as much value as saying you have a good chance of winning with a 2-7 hand in Poker. The truth is that the chance of winning (Which ultimately still is the goal in PvP) without a Monk is alot lower than winning with one, let alone getting 5 or more consecutives. The only natural reaction to bad hand is to fold it, preferably as early as possible.
So rather than fixing the flaws of the format with alternatives, they chose for a system which punishes people trying to circumvent the natural flaws of the format.
Alliance Battles
The next stop is Alliance Battles, which luckily I can keep really short. There is far lesser abuse in Alliance Battles and the natural flaws of the game get circumvented by the fact there's 24 people on the map, aswell as the fact it's more of a byob playstyle where you can survive by good positioning rather than raw healing power.
The issue with Alliance Battles, aswell as JQ/FA but I'll come to that later is that it often happens a game is already won or lost in the first few minutes of the fight. What happens is one side manages to get a 100 point lead, and from there on, it's downhill 99% of the cases. However, as with JQ/FA, when Anet implemented dishonorable, they indirectly forced everyone to keep on playing, even if the match was already lost. In RA, this usually isn't a big problem because matches last no more than 2 minutes on average, but AB-matches can last up to 10 minutes of which you'll sometimes spend 5 minutes litterealy just moving around to avoid getting reported or auto-reported for standing still.
And you can argue all you want, the bottom line is that playing a game which you know you're going to loose simply is not fun. The sole fact that Anet had to force people to stay in the map (And not just stay, MOVE aswell, actively play) when they lost shows there is a clear need to rework the /resign system.
Jade Quarry/Fort Aspenwood
The format closest to PvE, if not already concidered PvE is JQ and FA. Both can be exciting to play at times, but both get ruined just as much by the dishonorable status for anyone playing the least bit competitive.
The main issue with FA is that there is such a severe map imbalance, you can already tell wether or not you're going to have a shot at winning (as Luxon) if you count the opposing healers. I won't go into this much deeper, as again anyone with reasonable amount of experience would understand the clear issues with this format.
As for JQ, the only real issue I can bring forward here is also true for FA, which is that shrines simply should NOT be insta capped by killing all the people there. This only leads to redicilous gimmick builds (N/A bomber, RoJ Monks, Mesmer nukers, ele nukers) which are completely brainless, completely boring and simply don't belong in any PvP format, regardless of how close to PvE it leans.
On to the more underlying issues with FA and JQ is that you can enter these outposts straight from PvE without any form of education or explanation towards the PvE crowd on how to play it. This results in experienced players being able to tell what kind of meat they're working with the second they load in, and already tell wether or not they're going to loose or win.
There simply needs to be a better explanation than the hard-to-understand cinematic you get upon loading in, which isn't even clear at all. Allow people to observe JQ and FA matches similar to how observer works now, so that people atleast have the option to learn the map, learn the builds from an overview perspective. The truth is that a majority of people playing JQ and FA simply won't improve because they're not seeing the larger picture. A wammo going in will notice that he's killing stuff, capping some shrines, dying alot, but ultimately still win or loose which he will most likely contribute to unrelated actions he made. (Oh nice, I killed a necro, and we won, therefore killing all necros = winning JQ) Allowing people to have an overview while swapping between players (read: observer mode) would make alot of people understand why certain builds aren't effective, and others are. -same for tactics-
And also here, dishonorable is something that ruins both formats alltogether for me. I find myself getting dishonorable for standing afk in the last 30 seconds of a won or lost match (So when it really doesn't matter anymore), I find myself getting dishonorable for reporting other people standing afk as the only one reporting them, I find myself getting dishonorable for leaving after 2 party members have already left, and there's no possible chance we could overcome a 6v8 handicap, pretty much whatever I do after 2-3 hours of JQ/FA I find myself with dishonorable status despite me being one of the few people who tried really hard to carry my team to victory.
The matter of fact is that dishonorable failed on every possible level it got implemented. The amount of leechers that got reduced only got replaced by people running bots (Often not even compicated scripts, but rather solely scripts to "fake" not being afk), and the amount of good people kept getting pushed back by these redicilous dishonorable statusses that get dished out for the most random actions. Simply mentioning someone was playing bad was enough for him and his guildy to report me, and give me a 15 minute dishonorable.
If I was allowed to make up percentages, I'dd say that 95% of all the dishonorable reports in GW are purely out of spite, anger and rage whereas only 5% would truly be to report leechers.
This system needs to go, and instead the actual issues need to get adressed. The issues that I've explained in this post.
Pointing out issues with these formats is easy, creating solutions, however isn't. Especially knowing the extremely limited resources Anet have dedicated to GW1. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to fix, or atleast improve the playability of these formats.
Increase Faction compared to PvE-farms
Anet always claimed they're against grind, yet to achieve ranks in these titles one needs to do a redicilous amount of MQSC's or DTSC's. For years on end, people actually botted both titles, and noone simply cared, because deep down, everyone (including Anet) realized the these titles simply take too long to get.
I'm suggesting to create a large influx towards PvP (Which is good for reasons much more than to reduce grind. Think more people playing RA, GvG and HA) by increasing the rewards of Alliance Battles and JQ/FA so that they're superiour to Speed-Clearing.
Luxon/Kurzick titles should never have been so hard to get in the first place, so I see no reason to atleast double the current rewards for PvP matches. Right now, it's double JQ/FA weekend, and I find that I'm still barely scraping the bottom-end faction I would have been getting if I was Speed-clearing. Luxon/Kurzick titles initially got introduced as PvP titles and I think it's time to take a step in the right direction again. Double, or even triple JQ/FA and AB faction rewards. There's no such thing as making a grind title 'cheap'.
Improve player mentality/capability
Upon entering JQ/FA for the first time, there needs to be a forced cinematic (Forced, yes. After all, JQ/FA is the step between PvE and PvP which makes for a drastic difference) which quickly and clearly explains the goals of these formats. Doing this would take no more than a day's work as all the material is already there.
Allow people to observe matches. If observer mode isn't possible (for resources or mechanical issues), create an articificial game which can be viewed by talking to an NPC standing in the respective outposts.
These self-made observer matches should contain clear tactics and bars so that someone without GW experience should be able to understand what are the goals of the format. Give the different (made-up) players recognizable names, such as Nuker, Shut Down, Healer, so that people can click on one of these "players" and immediatly understand what they're trying to do (Nuke, shutdown or heal) while observing them.
Rework "/resign"
/Resign works in HA and GvG because you got 8 coordinated people with the same goal in mind. In lower-end formats, there's always going to be that one player who is too busy killing useless targets for him to understand everyone else already resigned, forcing everyone else to wait in frustration.
Either lower the benchmark for a /resign to through (50% of the team as opposed to 100%) or rework it in another way. I don't have adequate experience in other games to see how it's done right, but I'm fairly sure there is far better options than the one we have now, which is utterly useless in JQ/FA/AB.
RA Monk Problem
Add either an environmental effect which heals players for certain actions (Killing someone) OR an NPC similar to the Priest with target heals. There will always be an advantage to having a Monk in your team, but the difference between 2 Monks - 3damage dealers vs 1Monk (NPC) 4 damage dealers is alot less severe than 1 Monk - 3 damage dealers vs 4 damage dealers.
RA consecutive problem
As a whole, the gladiatory title needs another rework. Since TA got removed, it's unlikely anyone will ever max it, or even come close for that matter. Points are gained at too slow of a rate, aswell as at an inconsistent rate. Awards a set amount of points for every win (1 points) and every 5th win increases in increments. (So: 1-1-1-1-5-1-1-1-1-10-1-1-1-1-15...) This would give incentive to consecutives wins, while at the same time not making single wins useless.
Leeching problem
Punishing leechers will always be a double bladed sword because there will always be "innocent" leechers who got forced to afk because of real life circumstances. I don't have an ideal solution worked out, but I do believe the current system needs to get rework.
For starters, punishment for long-term leeching need to get severly increased. If someone leeches on a daily basis, for whatever reason, it's a clear sign he simply isn't very competitive to have in your team, and thus he shouldn't be there. Individual cases, however, should get punished as few as possible, because real life in the end still is alot more important than a game.
It's pretty hard to pinpoint the ideal ratio, but it's pretty easy to realize where we're at now is far from that ideal ratio. (Way to much innocent people get reported)
I might add more in the future, and I sincerely hope changes get made to these formats, because I would love to be able to play these formats, even if casual, without having to fear getting dishonorable every time I click "Enter Battle".