You need to replace the assassin's build with A/Mo. I find A/Mo faster.
A/mo varient is there... chose the a/me vid b/c the mo/a vid is the same as the a/mo.
15 Mar 2011 at 02:01 - 12
I personally have found the Monk 55 build -> OwcVAH39U/8ZqegHRnBBaU0V0tUeA
to be significantly faster than the one posted once you gather up all 60 vaettirs and wedge them.
But might just be personal preference.
15 Mar 2011 at 05:03 - 13
OAdUQ2iZkPT8I6MHQCCbh0BjiFCA (Alkar's version)
OAdUYEyWsPT8I6MHQCCbh0BulFC (Rad field version)
OAdUYEyWsPT8I6MHQCCbh0BgNFC (Oppresive gaze version)
Necro variants to the above using Masochism for more Dark Aura aoe damage per sacrifice and only 1 pve skill (alkar's or rad field) or no pve skills (oppressive gaze). makes runs even faster...just add in a superior soul reaping rune to keep masochism up at all times.
Still uses a bonder. No consets needed at all.
Originally Posted by Pluisje
16 Mar 2011 at 19:45 - 14
I use this on derv:
31 Mar 2011 at 05:04 - 15
paragon build is good but would change a few things. the template has like 6 leadership and 11 comand but you dont need comand so put all on leadership for the energy boost + 4 more seconds of burning.
03 Apr 2011 at 16:09 - 18
For Dervish:
A lot faster than the D/A builds - imo even faster than the A/Me build.
08 Apr 2011 at 19:38 - 19
At the mesmer one, there are 3 diffrent build used in the video, template code, and PvX. Which one should i use?
Edit: I ran the one from PvX with kinda crappy stuff, and it works good.
You might want to change the video/code
09 Apr 2011 at 23:18 - 20
I've been playing with the Mo/A 55hp build a little, and found the acid/storm/radfield (r9 delver, r8 asura) option was taking a good 5mins using the 60 pull tactics. Going back to 3 smites I timed a run at 3:15 door to door using this: OwcV4wXCJ/85pewj0ZIws49AiIPA (+4 prot, +3 smite) While not as fast as the A/Me or Me/A, still acceptable I guess.
15 Apr 2011 at 20:39 - 21
I wanted to say thanks, great thread, awesome that they're all in one place! Very helpful!
I'm using the secondly-referenced machochism build for necromancer, and it is very safe (err7's nonwithstanding):
Bonder OwkkAdN5DbajDJeIPEJ/jSSKZHD
Lemme telllya.. I got a grip of lightbringer scrolls and netflix... a few episodes of my favorite tv series later and I finally died at 1,250,000 xp. Great farm for survivor title. Gonna do it again tonight, but this time I won't outrange my bonder.
Thanks again!
PS: Does it annoy you when Nick gives you merchant stones in your weekly presents? Here's a great place to use them. Having a merch handy to sell crap to, or to buy salvage/id kits = great! And he vanishes when you rezone!
17 Apr 2011 at 14:56 - 23
i obtained my "legendary survivor" using this farm + scrolls. Very efficient...
23 Apr 2011 at 22:33 - 24
Well, since this thread is around... Here's a query.
I use an E/Me with the usual build. I've noticed 2 things tho. 1- Arcane Echo/Crystal Wave/Tenaii's aren't really necessary with tab-spamming the wastrels.
2- If i die, its due to not getting obsidian flesh up fast enough, and im hexed to death.
Okay, so if I were to want to change from general Golds/Drop farming to a Survivor Farmer, would exchanging the 2 skills (A.Echo, C. Wave) for 2 hex removal skills not be in my best interest?
24 Apr 2011 at 09:50 - 26
I think holy veil would be quite a good skill in this situation for hopefully obvious reasons. It also requires no skill point change.
24 Apr 2011 at 17:05 - 27
No running skills! Use P/Rt hero with the usual stuff to give you enough 33% IMS to aggro 36 northern vaettirs. Flag hero at the entrance, out of drop-steal range, obviously.
For ultimate efficiency use a doorman (a 2nd account is ideal), to zone out after you kill the 36.
Get your routine right and it's about 1min 30secs from start of one run, to start of the next (More like 1min 45secs when event items are dropping, due to more time spent picking up)
I usually time myself, and farm for exactly one hour at a time.
I have farmed for eggs/bunnies for exactly two hours this year (so far).
In those two hours I got 212 Golden Eggs and 260 Bunnies.
They were non-consecutive hours BTW, and I stopped to use a merch summon stone and sell all my junk once in each hour.
Is anyone doing significantly better than that? If so, please say which build.
Edit: 3rd hour, 93 bunnies and 99 Golden Eggs
Edit: 4th hour, 98 bunnies and 112 Gold Eggs
I'm done for this year - my average: 113 Bunnies + 106 Golden Eggs per hour
Oh, and I got a 20% "Forget Me Not" in that last hour. I was actually convinced vaettirs could only drop 19%, because this is the first time one's ever dropped for me there.
25 Apr 2011 at 03:21 - 29
Originally Posted by Verene
I love this build. Very fast - I find it faster than the A/Me and A/Mo builds as well, and while you pretty much have to hit the first three skills at the exact same time, I also find it far more forgiving than the Assassin builds.
I found that Feel no Pain is perfect as the optional because of my norn rank(+6) it gives so +3 health regen, so even if im a tiny bit slow and get hit with -5 degen, the feel no pain and +2 regen from the other enchant covers it perfectly.
I can also switch to a vamp scythe and keep my hp up when im hitting the monsters in the ball.
if I mistime it and get it with like phantom pain or something, or maybe my hp drops JUST below the 600 mark, i pop an emergency alcohol and hit feel no pain, and im fine again.
tl:dr if you bring FNP and some emergency booze, i think this build is pretty easy mode.
ps i got max survivor on my derv because of this build in a few hours. I love it.
25 Apr 2011 at 03:49 - 30
I maxed Survivor on my Dervish using that as well, was easy. I use Enchanted Haste as the optional to make getting there faster. With my Norn title active and Intimidating Aura I'm usually at about 730hp, and if any damage gets through armor and IA, it's like 2 damage every ten seconds or so. Nothing to worry about at all.
Once or twice I spaced out and didn't recast VoS fast enough and a vaettir got a hex in on me, but I managed to hightail it to the portal and zone before it killed me (it was, of course, Conjure Phantasm that managed to get through). My bigger issue is forgetting to switch to my totem axe while casting IA for the 20% longer enchantments
25 Apr 2011 at 05:41 - 31
Strange how obsessed people are with farming both sides at same time.. IMO A\Mo is best, just run up on right side. Aggro everything and kill where you are, no need to control aggro, no need to group up mobs. Just aggro and kill on spot.
2min 10 sec per run, no chance of loosing aggro, no problems with getting stuck inbetween mobs. No point stucking mobs in place, no chance of fail..
25 Apr 2011 at 20:13 - 32
I used the A/Me with dark escape, and echo wastrals for damage and survived 2.5mil xp with no scrolls, around 2mins with a 2nd account for para shouts to ball the south and zone.
Just been rethinking the mo/a build a little.. 55hp zealots fire.. surely not? deals 5 + EBSoH and does times under 4mins at the door with r7 vanguard and 60 pull tactics. OwcU4yX6nPT1D8I6M5iPEzEQEyDA
25 Apr 2011 at 21:01 - 33
For elementalists:
A friend wanted to go farming, so I set her elementalist up for vaettirs. She used the E/Me build on page 1 (glyph of swiftness, obs flesh, stoneflesh aura, mantra of earth, w.demise, c.o.pain, aura of resto, storm djinn's haste).
However, all Geomancer insignias were sold out at the trader. So were Blessed. She had to use Sentry's insignia instead.
It worked fine, and she still got 0's for damage.
She had:
- a Sentry's insignia on each piece of armor
- Totem Axe
- Wintergreen shield with a Fortitude handle and a "Like a Rolling Stone" insignia.
No Geomancers/Blessed insignia required!
26 Apr 2011 at 13:05 - 34
^ Not necessarily. You do need them if you're not using a shield. The shield gives you +18 armor vs. earth damage, which is almost as much as the +20 the insignias give. They both work... but I think it's good to go with geomancers if you can find them, because then you can bring a +30 energy staff too. It's good to be able to cast everything twice without having to stop and let them refill your energy. So you can get them all at once without getting bodyblocked.
Anyways, sins are faster than eles at killing vaettirs. I never would have believed it until I tried, but they are. Even with shadow form's damage cap, they're faster, because they don't constantly have 4 seconds of doing nothing where they're recasting all their spells. So, they can spam their damage skills with very little interruption.
Paradox + Shadow form = 1 second cast time
Glyph + Obsidian + Stoneflesh = 4 second cast time
And on top of this, the sin builds are a lot easier to use. No precise timing, no running in zigzag patterns to avoid bodyblocks, no rubberbanding... it's just a lot better.
So... make an assassin if you want to make your holiday farming experiences a lot less painful.
26 Apr 2011 at 15:22 - 35
^ I agree!
That friend I mentioned plays an ele as her main. She asked me to help set her ele up when she saw me farming vaettirs with my assassin!
She: "O hey, wut's that you're doin over there?"
Me: "gettin rich with my assassin <3"
She: "QQ i don't have an assassin!"
Me: "that's ok, there's a build for an ele!" And the rest was history!
(i didn't know how hard the ele bar was to run till i saw her do it... much love for the a/me bar, so much easier!)
26 Apr 2011 at 16:16 - 36
Originally Posted by Aly Lightningstorm
Even with shadow form's damage cap, they're faster, because they don't constantly have 4 seconds of doing nothing where they're recasting all their spells. So, they can spam their damage skills with very little interruption.
Paradox + Shadow form = 1 second cast time
Glyph + Obsidian + Stoneflesh = 4 second cast time
If you are constantly having to cast those with your E/Me, you're doing it wrong.
I cast Glyph -> Obsidian once before I start to aggro.
Glyph -> Stoneflesh -> Obsidian after I aggroed everything, when I stop to let the Vaettirs to ball up around me at melee range.
(you'll take some hits while you're casting Stoneflesh, no big deal)
Twiddle thumbs, then cast Stoneflesh again just as Vaettirs finish balling up.
Then let off my nukes. Normally, all are dead before I need to cast glyph/obsidian/stoneflesh again.
So, only 2 casts needed for each of those skills. A third cast of Obsidian is only needed for safety eg. if I messed up my nukes or the vaettirs took too long to ball up. (No glyph needed by that time)
No worries about body blocking while casting Obsidian or Stoneflesh
No need to interrupt nuking to recast Obsidian or Stoneflesh
See video in post below.
Edit: The above relates to item farming - disregard if you're farming for rep points.
I am sceptical that assassin is any easier - I find E/Me extremely easy. But I confess haven't tried Assasssin, so I don't know. But by the same token, it sounds like you never saw an E/Me with an efficient routine either.
Also, is Assassin any faster than the times I posted above? (bear in mind I use a doorman for rezoning). If it's significantly better, I do have an assassin that I could try it with.
26 Apr 2011 at 16:56 - 37
Being a user of both sin and ele i can give my views.
A big difference thats noticable when using both is the way dp+sf have a very short cast time and the ele has gos+obby which is longer - the sin will have speed advantage and a sec or 2 of freedom of movement.The ele has to stop to cast thus having to be a bit more carefull so not to be stuck with a few vaetires who bodyblock.
Timewise - ele i found to be slightly faster consecutively say an avg /age of 3 mins due to more dmg output , a/me and me/a i used and avg times was 4 mins mark altho i dont really push it ( switching targets between wastrels demise ) so maybe 3:30 would be got .
In a nutshell - either way theres not much difference at all and we go with what feels working to us.
26 Apr 2011 at 20:11 - 38
Hmm. Hard for me to compare... but taking over 3 mins to kill 60 doesn't sound so good.
I am killing the 36 northern Vaettirs in about 1min 10secs.
Here's a video showing one of my typical runs.
36 Vaettirs dead in 1min 7secs.
Total turn-around-time is usually about 1min 30secs to zone in, kill, zone out (doorman!), and zone back in again. Takes longer during events of course - more time spent picking up drops.
27 Apr 2011 at 07:06 - 39
Ok - the reason ppl say do bottom then top is partially for rep farming as well as mob farming.
If you kill top mob first then its 36 kills and you get first bonus - if you farm all and do bottom then top you do 24 kills ( 1 below bonus ) then 36 which gives the first 25 bonus and instantly you get the 50 kills bonus as well - 24 + 36.
Doing half the run and at the top - firstly you miss several secs of balling bottom mob and then you also miss the trip upwards ( also you never bothered with bounty on video )
In a nutshell theres 2 approaches - normal farmer who does all and farms the rep as well ( slightly longer runs ) and the farmer who has max`d norn title so bounties unneeded and they do top or has no wish.
Personally i prefer doing both top an bottom even with my title max`d.
One a side note - has anyone ever compared vaetires ( all 60 ) to snowmen 1st 2 waves , using a/ra it works out roughly over 1 min a run for 25 snowmen and say in just over 3 mins ( matching avg 60 vaetires time on ele ) - so 3x snowmen run can be done in 1 ele vaetire run.
I actually found out i was gaining more eggs/bunnies than my ele wife.
27 Apr 2011 at 07:43 - 40
Spiritz, yeah I already maxed the Norn title on that char, so I only do Vaettirs to farm event items.
I see the attraction of doing all 60 if you're after the rep points - the random bonuses should make it worthwhile on average. But for item farming only, kills/sec seems a lot higher just doing the 36.
I'm interested in your snowman run, cupcakes are dropping Real Soon Now - what build is that A/R? Is there a vid somewhere? (Can you PM me? Since it's off-topic here?)