7 Hero Glint's



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


I don't see anyone running this, so I've been trying to put together a 7 Hero build that would allow me to do it alone.

The problem is I just recently picked up Guild Wars after a long break (have maybe been playing it a month after a few years of not playing) so I'm not too keen on acronyms for builds and the "metagame" for typical PvE builds.

Seeing as the 7 Hero update is recent, I haven't found any solid builds that would allow me to do Glint's easily (different rules apply to Destroyers such as no Burning, etc.)

Right now I'm running builds off PvX Wiki:
I'm a Paragon running a variation of the Imbagon build (Added Acid, removed Burning related skills, etc)
3 Discordway Necros
2 SoS Rits - 1 Resto variant, the other Channel
1 RoJ Monk
1 Panic Mesmer build I read off one of the threads here for general PvE (Secondary Necro with Rip Enchantment, Defile Defenses, Weaken Armor)

Runs are dicey with the first two waves (which is mostly where I wipe), usually because of how the AoE spikes end up.

I'm looking for advice on if either some of these builds are just bad for this particular mission, or just general advice in general on how to tackle this Mission with Heroes. Most of what I've read on this mission walks you through as if you had 8 players, but I'm sure there's a way to solo this mission if there's nobody ever running it.

If you're going to suggest a particular build, please don't use the acronym, as I said earlier in the post, I recently started playing, so I'm somewhat out of the loop in terms of current strategy.

Thanks for reading, sorry for it being so long.

Divine Ashes

Divine Ashes

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006




2 SoS rits is not going to work. You can't have 2 of one spirit within a certain distance of one another. Switch one of the SoS rits to a Signet of Ghostly Might Rit, and replace RoJ monk with an Ineptitude Mes.

Also, I don't know if you are splitting your heroes up or not, but don't. You'll be much more effective taking out a side at a time.

Personally, I never had any trouble with doing this with 7 heroes. I ran Save Yourselves and Barrage on my ranger, had an Ineptitude Mes, a Panic Mes, a SoS rit with some resto, a Signet of Ghostly Might rit, a Jagged bones Minion master, an Unyielding Aura monk with some heals, and a Cultist's fervor necro with Dark Fury and Order of Pain. The first two waves never posed any problem; just switch sides as necessary to take out the groups. Third wave just hang out by the dragon. Fourth wave just use same tactics as second wave. The only problem I had (but still never resulted in a wipe), was how to approach the fifth wave, but once you get the hang of when the Destroyers pop up, and which side the groups come down in which order, it's fairly easy. The sixth wave after that is just a joke.

EDIT: Display your Deldrimor title, too. Will make things easier if your rank is high enough.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ign: Miniature Julia

Teh Academy[PhD]


Is this NM or HM?

Since you wount move alot, spirits are great, and as post above me said, spirits doesnt stack (imagine 7 sos with all spirits+1UA?)
So you cant have 2 copies of SoS.
try this build on one of your rits:
Though, without the pve skill.

If your spirits die to quickly,try one round where you got no minions on your heroes(they can eat your spirits health in one spike)
GL, and if u need more questions answered, just ask


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2009

Satu Mare, Romania



I did it in NM alone with H/H this way back before 7 heroes. Me a ranger with SoS + 3N: Sabway+ henchies: Lo Sha, Talon Silverwing, Mhenlo and Lina. Now with 7 heroes it is much easier.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


I've been afk'ing Glint's lately, with the hero update.. It's not hard.

Protip; don't use discord.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


I got it down for the most part, thanks for everyone's help.

Also thanks to all the people bragging about facerolling the mission. If you read my initial post, it said I hadn't played for years, so I apologize for not instantly realizing meta builds for a mission at the end of a campaign.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


What, you think I use meta builds?

You can't afk it with meta builds, or at least not just the meta teambuilds.

It's relatively common sense; you need effective AOE damage. Skills such as ineptitude, splinter barrage I've found are nice. An E/mo protector is useful to keep damage down, and a MM with para buffs (SYG) to help against the destroyer of lives.

The hardest wave to afk is wave 5, because you can't move your heroes around to get to the destroyers of lives that spawn. You also can't prioritize them, so that makes it hard. After that, it's wave 1. You need massive AOE damage for it to go smoothly - I run ineptitude, keystone, and a barrager + a channeling/resto rit. I run an e/mo protect with ether renewal, an N/Rt due to all the deaths and energy denial, and a few other builds added in. I might run another keystone instead of the ineptitude and use a blinding surge ele. Still debating on it.

Silent Sh0tt

Silent Sh0tt

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006

Nellis AFB, Nevada


used discord with 1 sos, syg para, inept mes, and panic mes......did the challenge in 20-30 min nm. ineptitude works great there

Tender Care

Tender Care

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2008

Blackwater Park



u can do Glint Challenge with 3 necros and henchies without problems....just make a bunch of exploding minions and send them to die

the rest is all optional...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Stockholm, Sweden

Wolffestar Clan - WSC


i tried afk, lol dead within 2min, please share if you find a build that will survive the first waves if you go afk



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007



This should Help

Destroyers are immune to burning and have (at least) +20 armor against fire damage; they have a -20 penalty against cold damage.
There are enough corpses for at least 2 Minion Masters. Several Death Magic skills deal cold damage.


I am at work and haven't tried Glint's yet.

Haggis of Doom

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2009



^Their casters have 80+ armor vs cold, and their physicals have 100+.

Just bring armor-ignoring damage.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2011

Now make me a build that allows me to AFK with 2 accounts in same instance =P Mass minions + spirits is win anyhow, and EoE for first wave is a very cool idea


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009


got it down to constant 20-21 minute afk's. pass on the cold dmg and just use mass shutdown/aoe.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007



Mind sharing your builds?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Stockholm, Sweden

Wolffestar Clan - WSC


lol still failed hard after a few minutes, tried to figure out what sort of builds you put on your toons

marvellanius h

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Club of A Thousand Pandas [LOD倧]


Same here :P

I went with 3x mes, PI, Ineptitude and Panic... but i guess 2x Ineptitude would probably do better (one flagged to the one side, the other to the other side)
1x SoS rit with displacement (damn deeds.)
1x WoH Monk, redbar pusher yey
1x that Martyr necro thingy, nifty bar btw
and 1x Emo infuse prot

But failed at the second wave, and must say the first wave didnt go smoothly either
even while i was there, playing xD i'm a monk, but went with an oddball bar, with EoE...but yeah, any tips?

*edit: maybe he's just screwing with us on the mesmers :P i mean, its 2x Me/N, he could be just running SS :P


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


Can't seem to beat 24-25 minutes.. I died once, too. Ah well, pretty reliable now. And that's my imp sanctum running build, never bothered changing it. EoE may make it smoother in the beginning.

Edit: Heck, my deldrimor title should make it faster and smoother. Just noticed that -.-

Silent Sh0tt

Silent Sh0tt

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006

Nellis AFB, Nevada


like i said.....3 discord plus sos+sogm, panic, and w/e u want for shits n giggles=win....didnt really say that but all in all discord+rit+mes=win


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


Can't afk it with discordway. >_>


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



ive come to the conclusion that this is a odd mission, as i remmber doing it back in the day without a problem, tried it recently and got owned abit at first :|

might try out those builds tomorrow, silly idea, but could you chuck succor/mending etc on a couple of characters before u go afk?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007



What do you suggest if we dont have an extra mesmer?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009


He didn't afk but at the same time he didn't say he did afk. if he did try to afk with that half of the bonds would be gone after the first round and that build would fail. He did lie about the times though which i don't understand why you would even bother doing. I've gotten 2120 afk and its still not 18 minutes.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2010

Yeah 1954 is about 21 minutes.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2010

Wolffestar Clan


i've AFK:ed it few time and it works from time to time for me..


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


I run on a good time 20 minutes, but I sometimes get 24-25 minutes AFK now. The main difference was the aggressive change and a slightly wider flagging to catch destroyers of lives that spawn a ways away.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Stockholm, Sweden

Wolffestar Clan - WSC


Originally Posted by greenough
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He didn't afk but at the same time he didn't say he did afk. if he did try to afk with that half of the bonds would be gone after the first round and that build would fail. He did lie about the times though which i don't understand why you would even bother doing. I've gotten 2120 afk and its still not 18 minutes. YES I do afk i checked my times last evening and the max time i got was 22min in 10 trials, the most common was 19/20min!
I will see if i can get a screen of the times and i will put a blank bar skill next time *sigh*



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2010

19min with similar teambuild, I pretty much only spammed eoe and pestilience.. will try afk later.

EDIT: 21-23 min afk... sometimes failed and sometimes with dp.