There is no a subscription fee of any kind, anywhere in the world and there are no hidden fees. You do not have to pay for the streaming updates that will take place on a regular basis, nor for additional content that we will provide between the campaigns of Guild Wars. |
Is it acceptable that we now have to pay for these updates even though they were supposed to be free?
This is not just about Merc's, it's about the whole shebang. Since release they have added an awful lot of content features that were paid for. It was just during the discussion about Merc's that we came to the realisation that the business model had changed and from this, it is quite alot and started a long time ago. Yes, to jump in here, content is anything added to the game be it Merc's, Xunlai Storage Panes, or Costumes. The response that oh there are no more campaigns is valid in a way yes, but to me the next campaign is GW2 as far as i'm concerned(but thats opinion). Is all the content we have had to pay for acceptable after going back and looking at this statement?