Saves a skill slot
What do you think is the best update to GW1?
For me it has to be ressurection scrolls.
Saves a skill slot
Saves a skill slot
Marty Silverblade
Sorrow's Furnace perhaps. Lots of good memories.
Ursan nerf ;]
"Mwhahaha where is your god now, r10 lfg"
"Mwhahaha where is your god now, r10 lfg"
Miss Merryweather
best update was when they changed guild bibs to capes

Missing HB
Best update : sorrow furnace
Worse update : codex arena
Worse update : codex arena
The introduction of the ZQs was quite a nice update imo.
Better Than Koss
Probably the mesmer update

Raven Wing
The ability to save builds and load them with just a few mouse clicks instead of manually having to change every skill. I still remember all the times when i got in new team and changed skills and forgot attributes. From bip to mm and went in with 12 in blood and 0 in death as a mm etc
bitchbar player
the update that gave pvp characters the same amount of weapon slots as pve characters
Bright Star Shine
Skill templates, perhaps? Most utile I can say, perhaps not the best, but one of them. I remember a time where you had to ping your builds, and all you got was in Team Chat, the skills listed as on your bar. You just had to hope the person actually had those skills, and attribs, was a guess..
Worst update, by far, the worst idea Anet ever had, is still the inscriptions. They screwed over the entire weapon market, made every green weapon redundant and causes retards in kama that call me a noob when I ask if they happen to have any uninscr shields, because, of course, inscr shields are far more valuable.. Ffs..
Worst update, by far, the worst idea Anet ever had, is still the inscriptions. They screwed over the entire weapon market, made every green weapon redundant and causes retards in kama that call me a noob when I ask if they happen to have any uninscr shields, because, of course, inscr shields are far more valuable.. Ffs..
went in with 12 in blood and 0 in death as a mm etc |

Sorrow's certainly was a fore-runner for the EotN dungeons.
The Gwen/Thackeray story is also a good inclusion, if somewhat over-complicated in the past.
Raven Wing
Oh yes I still forget to change headgear. Its even worse now when I usually wear a costume over my armor, so I don't see the actual headgear. I wish anet could include it in the skill templates so you could assign certain armor and weps to the builds. Ofc it wont do anything if that specific piece is not in your bag, so if you copy a build you would have to edit and assign your own equipment to it.
Sorrow's Furnace started it all for great free updates. I think it spoiled a lot of people out there.
Im a latecomer, so didn't experience many of the updates as they happened.
In retrospect, my favorite would have to be whatever update introduced HM. I love playing out in the world, I am so burned out on dungeons after years of Eq2. I appreciate having more challenge without having to resort to dungeon crawling.
In retrospect, my favorite would have to be whatever update introduced HM. I love playing out in the world, I am so burned out on dungeons after years of Eq2. I appreciate having more challenge without having to resort to dungeon crawling.
Fay Vert
Best: Sorrow's Furnace
Worst: Loot nerf
Worst: Loot nerf
Saint Scarlet
Best: Sorrow's Furnace
Worst: the Inscriptions that came with NF
Worst: the Inscriptions that came with NF
Thrilla Killa
The best update by FAR was the introduction of heroes with nightfall release, anything was better than those horribad henchies and even worse trolls joining groups just to screw you over.
Well, I don't count that as an update, but do consider heroes to be the best feature ever introduced.
I would have to say Wisdom title track being account wide, with a close second as alcohol turning to points rather than minutes.
Absolute Destiny
The ability to save builds and load them with just a few mouse clicks instead of manually having to change every skill. I still remember all the times when i got in new team and changed skills and forgot attributes. From bip to mm and went in with 12 in blood and 0 in death as a mm etc
I'd never considered assembling multiple builds for a single character until after this update came out.
Now I can't imagine trying to play without it, especially on my Elementalist (who has a build for each element), my Necromancer (MM and Discordway), my Warrior (Warrior's Endurance dagger, Earth Shaker) get the idea.
The addition of inscriptions and the PvP item creation panel, and when they upgraded all armors to insignia.
It's not complete, though. There are still some upgrades missing in the item creation panel, and areas to update to inscriptions.
It's not complete, though. There are still some upgrades missing in the item creation panel, and areas to update to inscriptions.
The one that fixes the guild bug.
The forth fly
Sorrow's Furnace:New area,new bosses and new items Green weapons
Best ones: Templates / No skillpoint reduction with attribute changing / Duration meter to skill effect-icons.
Worst: There's not rlly any that terrible updates to mention as "worst". Some did not please me some did. The game is free, so, think about that.
Worst: There's not rlly any that terrible updates to mention as "worst". Some did not please me some did. The game is free, so, think about that.
mr monk rupsie
Best update was probably when you knew how long a hex/enchantment/stance lasted (that minibar under your icon). Or the skill templates. (cant really choose between the 2).
besides sorrows furnace. the best update was being able to change characters without having to log in again. (I was also a fan of the attribute points going away as well)
worst: nightfall.--or does a chapter not count as a bad update?....if so then eye of the north---with its half finished armor, half finished areas (just count the norn side vs the ebon) as well as the rerererererereused dungeons. and stupid poly*&%$
worst: nightfall.--or does a chapter not count as a bad update?....if so then eye of the north---with its half finished armor, half finished areas (just count the norn side vs the ebon) as well as the rerererererereused dungeons. and stupid poly*&%$
Guild Wars 2.
Sorrow's Furnace was fantastic. I remember running it with my guild on day one, getting a Shadestone and being all "WTFOMG GREEN?!" Sure, the templates update was awesome and probably provided my with more convenience and net joy than SF, but for sheer fun-factor SF was awesome.
Sorrow's Furnace
i guess for me it would be WiK. first new content. xD worst: loot scaling
Best:Hero System
Worst:Loot Scaling
Worst:Loot Scaling
Don Zardeone
the one that removed the attribute refund point thingy stuff
I agree with the dumbing down of the weapon system with inscriptions ( For armour it's perfectly okay and rational). Sure it's a bit elitist, but it rendered nearly everything without value. If they didn't completely f*ck over the loot system and actually returned to the early days of HM (when golds were like candy everywhere) then that'd balance it out. Huzzah for shiny stuff.
The worst: 3 Heroes
The best: 7 Heroes
It won't make sense to some ppl.
The best: 7 Heroes
It won't make sense to some ppl.
The Best: Sorrow's Furnace
The Worst: Embark Beach (waste of time), Codex Arena (just a bad, bad idea).
The Worst: Embark Beach (waste of time), Codex Arena (just a bad, bad idea).
The organization of the heroes in the party search window, was the greatest thing ever done! No more wasted time looking for that name I just can't find.
Sorrow's Furnace because it set the stage of all the other elite areas to be added to the game. Which just got better and harder. Of course now things are a little overpowered on the players side but, 2005-2006 these areas presented a real challenge.
Daily quests (Zaishen), which in turn gave of us Equipment Bags, more storage! Now we just need a book bag for all those books we have.
Sorrow's Furnace because it set the stage of all the other elite areas to be added to the game. Which just got better and harder. Of course now things are a little overpowered on the players side but, 2005-2006 these areas presented a real challenge.
Daily quests (Zaishen), which in turn gave of us Equipment Bags, more storage! Now we just need a book bag for all those books we have.