Do you still play NM?
Ever since 7 heroes update, HM is EZ mode. I don't see any point of playing NM anymore even for title points anymore.
im kinda done with NM was only really playing so i could move all my chars through all the campaigns
The reason it's taken so long to implement 7 heroes is because Anet initially felt this would be overkill for pve, as all the nm mission and quest content can be completed with henchmen, and more easily with 3 heroes, while elite areas could be done with two people and 6 heroes with a little challenge if they were well prepared.
There's been several instances when overpowered game mechanics swept through gw and heroes were one of the biggest methods of player power-creep, allowing everyone to have more control over how they interacted with the game, and therefore making the game easier in a lot of instances.
In several cases, Anet said that implementing 7 heroes would not be good for the game and they refused for so long because they knew the challenge would be eliminated at this point.
In fact, the sheer speed of reactions that heroes have when using skills are why they were eventually kicked from HA.
By bringing in the 7 hero capability, Anet seems to be saying that they're satisfied that the majority of people have exhausted the bulk of the game at this stage and they're simply giving everyone the fredom to blast through the game to get whatever they want/need from it.
It means they're comfortable that GW has met their expectations and they're happy that GW2 is coming sooner rather than later, and that there's enough there now for players to keep themselves occupied til the new game launches, even though it probably won't be this year.
There's been several instances when overpowered game mechanics swept through gw and heroes were one of the biggest methods of player power-creep, allowing everyone to have more control over how they interacted with the game, and therefore making the game easier in a lot of instances.
In several cases, Anet said that implementing 7 heroes would not be good for the game and they refused for so long because they knew the challenge would be eliminated at this point.
In fact, the sheer speed of reactions that heroes have when using skills are why they were eventually kicked from HA.
By bringing in the 7 hero capability, Anet seems to be saying that they're satisfied that the majority of people have exhausted the bulk of the game at this stage and they're simply giving everyone the fredom to blast through the game to get whatever they want/need from it.
It means they're comfortable that GW has met their expectations and they're happy that GW2 is coming sooner rather than later, and that there's enough there now for players to keep themselves occupied til the new game launches, even though it probably won't be this year.
i wish hm gave you credit for normal mode too
i do nm on survivors, my mains pretty much done with nm apart from dungeons D:
i do nm on survivors, my mains pretty much done with nm apart from dungeons D:
I've done everything in HM before NM, but NM missions are required for protector titles and NM dungeons are required for Master of North title. Skill capping in NM is much more comfortable.
Even prior to the update NM, aside from title based needs, was pointless, HM isn't even THAT much of a challenge prior to the update, so theres especially no need to play NM for recreational purposes at this point.
The reason it's taken so long to implement 7 heroes is because Anet initially felt ........they're happy that GW2 is coming sooner rather than later, and that there's enough there now for players to keep themselves occupied til the new game launches, even though it probably won't be this year.
Prior to the 7 hero update, there were the casual gamers out there, like myself, who liked to pop in NM from time to time just for fun with oddball builds. I don't see that fact changing for casual gamers now. 7 heroes NM is the perfect time waster if you don't care about drops.
And as ever, we have people assuming that since HM is easy for them, that everyone ever finds it incredibly easy blah blah blah.
I mostly do HM stuff now (because I'm working on vanquishing), but only with my main. All of my other characters I play with in NM, because they haven't finished everything yet and why waste time and effort doing stuff in HM when I haven't yet done it in NM and need to do it NM anyway?
Plus certain things - like skill hunting - are just stupid to do in HM. Why make it harder for yourself than it has to be?
I mostly do HM stuff now (because I'm working on vanquishing), but only with my main. All of my other characters I play with in NM, because they haven't finished everything yet and why waste time and effort doing stuff in HM when I haven't yet done it in NM and need to do it NM anyway?
Plus certain things - like skill hunting - are just stupid to do in HM. Why make it harder for yourself than it has to be?
S00per Dave
I utilize NM to do the initial unlocking of outposts and heroes...everything else is done in HM.
yes I still mainly play in nm....I like to try out builds that just wont work in hm. (eg I like to have FUN and RELAX while I play--why I bought the game).
and I have some accounts that have yet to complete any chapter so no hm for them (mostly mules and nic gift getters)
and I have some accounts that have yet to complete any chapter so no hm for them (mostly mules and nic gift getters)
Really I only use HM when its needed. That said I also refuse to use any of the mata/gimmicks (SoS, Discord ect) and mostly play in NM but make the game harder via the builds/team make ups I use. Eg team with no healers ect. Call my crazy but the game is just more fun to me that way and I avoid becoming that guy who goes on forums, finds a uber HM team make up then goes around thinking hes 1337 while using the same thing everyone else is using. HM never really was hard, its more annoy imho in that it pigeon holes the variety of game play, which NM doesn't do. Basically if I wanted a challenge I'd go PvP, PvE will always be easy once you find a uber team build and you may as well set your goal to be what the challenge is (team of all rangers anyone?) instead of relying on lackluster AI to percent you with said challenge.
I utilize NM to do the initial unlocking of outposts and heroes...everything else is done in HM.
^^^^^ This, because I'm usually in a hurry to get a character through a campaign for one reason or another (like my mesmer for DoA) so I just dash through it all NM. I also cap most elites in NM unless I'm doing it during a vanquish or HM run in a dungeon. Quests are also done in NM unless I'm pairing them with a vanquish/dungeon.
Really I only use HM when its needed. That said I also refuse to use any of the mata/gimmicks (SoS, Discord ect) and mostly play in NM but make the game harder via the builds/team make ups I use. Eg team with no healers ect. Call my crazy but the game is just more fun to me that way and I avoid becoming that guy who goes on forums, finds a uber HM team make up then goes around thinking hes 1337 while using the same thing everyone else is using. HM never really was hard, its more annoy imho in that it pigeon holes the variety of game play, which NM doesn't do. Basically if I wanted a challenge I'd go PvP, PvE will always be easy once you find a uber team build and you may as well set your goal to be what the challenge is (team of all rangers anyone?) instead of relying on lackluster AI to percent you with said challenge.
THAT said, it irks me when people think they're superior for not using the "leet" or "meta" builds (whatever you label it/them). In itself that attitude is a bit elitist. Personally, I use whatever will get the job done. If that's discord then I'll use it. If discord doesn't work, I won't use it. If I need a team of mesmers, I'll load that up. I like to use the tools the game gives me to my advantage, that's not lazy, that's playing smart and knowing your areas. Do you use a hammer when a wrench is better? No. Because that's dumb. And if you prefer to ignore the right tool for the job, don't stick your nose up at people who don't.
I've been trying to get through NM in the UW with just me and my seven heroes just to explore the geography and become familiar with it on my own before trying to learn with a group of real people. A lot of the quests are overwhelming for me even in NM. I can't imagine getting anything done at all in HM there.
THAT said, it irks me when people think they're superior for not using the "leet" or "meta" builds (whatever you label it/them).
Personally, I use whatever will get the job done. If that's discord then I'll use it. If discord doesn't work, I won't use it. If I need a team of mesmers, I'll load that up. |
Do you use a hammer when a wrench is better? |
No. |
Because that's dumb. |
Why is it dumb to do things wrong way if its fun doing so? Some one once said to me "In itself that attitude is a bit elitist."
And if you prefer to ignore the fun for the job, don't stick your nose up at people who don't. |
Its a game, if you only want to use the right tool for the job maybe you'd have more fun doing math problems
I'm not saying I think people are leet for not using mata, just that I get Lolz from bad players who cant come up with their own builds and think they're awesome because they can use a forum.
and if its boring using those builds do you still use them? Maybe no I said maybe Dumb can be very fun Why is it dumb to do things wrong way if its fun doing so? Some one once said to me "In itself that attitude is a bit elitist." fixed Its a game, if you only want to use the right tool for the job maybe you'd have more fun doing math problems |
Yes, it is a game, people should be able to play how they like. What erks me is when people get all righteous when they think their way is better. "Oh, well, I'm sooooo much better because I refuse to use discord or SoS". Maybe that wasn't your intention, but that's exactly how you came off.
Of course dumb can be fun. Some guild mates and I like to do Urgoz runs while drunk with the post-processing graphics on. It's silly and ridiculous, utterly stupid. The other day we did a bogroots run and the only requirement was to use a character that you are horrible at playing. Two of us playing monks were the suckiest monks ever with awful builds, but still managed to keep the team somewhat alive (most of the time... sorta). Giving each other loads of shit for sucking had me laughing until I cried.
Boring is subjective. What bores me may float your boat. So don't even go there.
The math analogy is wasted on me, and so far off base that you're in a ball field in another galaxy light years outside the milky way.
i like doing NM because like my friend Homer Simpson says
"i felt like a big man pushing that little kid around" lol
"i felt like a big man pushing that little kid around" lol
The reason it's taken so long to implement 7 heroes is because Anet initially felt this would be overkill for pve, as all the nm mission and quest content can be completed with henchmen, and more easily with 3 heroes, while elite areas could be done with two people and 6 heroes with a little challenge if they were well prepared.
There's been several instances when overpowered game mechanics swept through gw and heroes were one of the biggest methods of player power-creep, allowing everyone to have more control over how they interacted with the game, and therefore making the game easier in a lot of instances. In several cases, Anet said that implementing 7 heroes would not be good for the game and they refused for so long because they knew the challenge would be eliminated at this point. In fact, the sheer speed of reactions that heroes have when using skills are why they were eventually kicked from HA. By bringing in the 7 hero capability, Anet seems to be saying that they're satisfied that the majority of people have exhausted the bulk of the game at this stage and they're simply giving everyone the fredom to blast through the game to get whatever they want/need from it. It means they're comfortable that GW has met their expectations and they're happy that GW2 is coming sooner rather than later, and that there's enough there now for players to keep themselves occupied til the new game launches, even though it probably won't be this year. |
And to the OP, no, I don't run HM all the time, and I seriously doubt the majority do. I doubt that many who still find the game challenging even bother to post here, as they are immediately pounced upon by the "baw gawd I vanquished Tyria with frenzy, mending, and just Alesia" crowd.
And frankly.. to that point, why not feel a bit proud not using the meta's, since the general attitude is that meta hero groups make this fisher-price. You all created the attitude that using meta builds made the game facerolling easy..
Hm...I only really play NM in FoW/UW/DoA, if only because my shard/ecto drop rate is usually higher in NM than it is in HM...and I don't like playing with elitest jerks in DoA that force you to bring DwG or GTFO. No thanks, I'll just take my heroes and clear it my own way. -.-
Everything else is done in HM though, and was already not hard before 7 heroes.
Everything else is done in HM though, and was already not hard before 7 heroes.
Twisting my words make you feel clever? Don't be obtuse. You know exactly what I mean.
Yes, it is a game, people should be able to play how they like. What erks me is when people get all righteous when they think their way is better. "Oh, well, I'm sooooo much better because I refuse to use discord or SoS". |
Which is why I said
Call my crazy but the game is just more fun to me that way |
Boring is subjective. What bores me may float your boat. So don't even go there. |
I play normal mode for Carto (if I already VQ'd and missed some spots) and Protector titles (obviously the latter) but if I haven't already VQ'd an area then I just VQ + Explore at the same time. The only problem with NM is that I find it mind-numbingly easy and I would much rather just have some sort of a challenge in HM. I also do some dungeons in NM when I'm bored because its fun and still worth the effort.
I still play in NM, though I am in HM more frequently now - high on my list of priorities at this moment is vanquishing, and I was doing as many of the ZB's and ZM's in HM as I could because I was saving up for my heavy pack.
My husband and best friend still have to get through EotN & NF, so I do those with them in NM. Anything like FoW/UW/DoA is all NM for me, and actually, I haven't even attempted DoA yet, or tried doing the actual quests in UW.
There are still a few things I'm doing in NM for myself as well... I realized the other day that I'm at the point where if I did 2 NM books of Hero's Handbook, Master Dungeon Guide, Shiro's Return & Flameseeker Prophecies... plus 2 HM books of same plus YHoT and Nightfall... and turn them all in at once (in the correct order so I don't cross the magical rank in EotN stuff where I can't turn in NM books for title points)... then I can max all of my title ranks, get my Kurzick to 4, AND get enough XP in one shot to get Survivor. So I've been working on filling those books.
So yeah, mixed bag for me between NM & HM.
My husband and best friend still have to get through EotN & NF, so I do those with them in NM. Anything like FoW/UW/DoA is all NM for me, and actually, I haven't even attempted DoA yet, or tried doing the actual quests in UW.
There are still a few things I'm doing in NM for myself as well... I realized the other day that I'm at the point where if I did 2 NM books of Hero's Handbook, Master Dungeon Guide, Shiro's Return & Flameseeker Prophecies... plus 2 HM books of same plus YHoT and Nightfall... and turn them all in at once (in the correct order so I don't cross the magical rank in EotN stuff where I can't turn in NM books for title points)... then I can max all of my title ranks, get my Kurzick to 4, AND get enough XP in one shot to get Survivor. So I've been working on filling those books.
So yeah, mixed bag for me between NM & HM.
Qing Guang
I NM for easy skill caps, and with my new baby sin. Oh, and whenever there's new content (WiK, etc). That's about it.
I play whatever I remember to click, unless I'm doing Vaettirs I always remember to click hardmode for Vaettirs, but that's besides the point. Honestly the only difference at this point is the little red helmet. With 7 heroes the difficulty curve has gone right out the window. Only the elite areas still hold their luster and even those have been gone over.
I don't think this is ANet deliberately sabotaging the game as one person suggested, but I think it is more likely that the game has gone from the phase of the designers saying "this is what I want in this game." to the designers saying." Ok lets give the players what they want in this game." They haven't abandoned the game or sabotaged it, as evidenced by the continued skill and balance updates.
It's just the life cycle of a game like this. Blizzard did the same thing with Diablo 2. After it's initial run, when people still played it but other, more advanced offerings were on the market, they started introducing ridiculous power creep because screw it. The players wanted it and since they weren't selling any new copies there was no harm in it.
Whatever you play HM or NM and however you play it, some odd build or a metabuild, the fact is you still play because the game offers you something you want. I don't see the point in drawing distinctions between different brands of fun, as some have. Some people, myself included like to win with as few complications as possible. The journey isn't important it's the destination. Those are your meta build players. The ones who like to blow through content. Other people like to try new things, experiment, no matter how long it takes. To them the journey is more important than the goal. Those are your non meta players. It isn't until you start looking down your nose at one group or the other that you start to become "elitist."
I don't think this is ANet deliberately sabotaging the game as one person suggested, but I think it is more likely that the game has gone from the phase of the designers saying "this is what I want in this game." to the designers saying." Ok lets give the players what they want in this game." They haven't abandoned the game or sabotaged it, as evidenced by the continued skill and balance updates.
It's just the life cycle of a game like this. Blizzard did the same thing with Diablo 2. After it's initial run, when people still played it but other, more advanced offerings were on the market, they started introducing ridiculous power creep because screw it. The players wanted it and since they weren't selling any new copies there was no harm in it.
Whatever you play HM or NM and however you play it, some odd build or a metabuild, the fact is you still play because the game offers you something you want. I don't see the point in drawing distinctions between different brands of fun, as some have. Some people, myself included like to win with as few complications as possible. The journey isn't important it's the destination. Those are your meta build players. The ones who like to blow through content. Other people like to try new things, experiment, no matter how long it takes. To them the journey is more important than the goal. Those are your non meta players. It isn't until you start looking down your nose at one group or the other that you start to become "elitist."
I play whatever I remember to click, unless I'm doing Vaettirs I always remember to click hardmode for Vaettirs, but that's besides the point. Honestly the only difference at this point is the little red helmet. With 7 heroes the difficulty curve has gone right out the window. Only the elite areas still hold their luster and even those have been gone over.
I don't think this is ANet deliberately sabotaging the game as one person suggested, but I think it is more likely that the game has gone from the phase of the designers saying "this is what I want in this game." to the designers saying." Ok lets give the players what they want in this game." They haven't abandoned the game or sabotaged it, as evidenced by the continued skill and balance updates. It's just the life cycle of a game like this. Blizzard did the same thing with Diablo 2. After it's initial run, when people still played it but other, more advanced offerings were on the market, they started introducing ridiculous power creep because screw it. The players wanted it and since they weren't selling any new copies there was no harm in it. Whatever you play HM or NM and however you play it, some odd build or a metabuild, the fact is you still play because the game offers you something you want. I don't see the point in drawing distinctions between different brands of fun, as some have. Some people, myself included like to win with as few complications as possible. The journey isn't important it's the destination. Those are your meta build players. The ones who like to blow through content. Other people like to try new things, experiment, no matter how long it takes. To them the journey is more important than the goal. Those are your non meta players. It isn't until you start looking down your nose at one group or the other that you start to become "elitist." |
The Domain of Anguish is usually the only place I do anything in Normal Mode.
Unless, of course, I'm helping someone in a mission or anything and that person doesn't have access to Hard Mode yet, or needs it in Normal Mode for some reason.
Unless, of course, I'm helping someone in a mission or anything and that person doesn't have access to Hard Mode yet, or needs it in Normal Mode for some reason.
I still play a fair bit of NM for build testing and to try and solo missions or areas.
I quite enjoy seeing if I can clear something with minimalistic assistance and personally enjoy it more than HM, which in my opinion is one of the biggest cons ever pulled in MMO history.
I'm just suprised so many actually fell for it.
I quite enjoy seeing if I can clear something with minimalistic assistance and personally enjoy it more than HM, which in my opinion is one of the biggest cons ever pulled in MMO history.
I'm just suprised so many actually fell for it.
Good stuff. People looking down on others in a game is freaking absurd.
I admit, this doesn't affect me because I'd rather play with heroes than other people in all but the most unusual circumstance, but there is a reason for that....
Meanwhile, on topic, I do (or did*) a lot of stuff in NM. For example, I use an SoS build to solo farm the items for the Traveler in NM.
I do most of the WiK/HotN stuff in NM since there's no extra reward for doing HM. I've tried doing it in HM for the better drops and chests, but there's so few drops and chests that it's not worth the bother.
Also, like others, I normally use NM when taking an alt to a new area.
*I say "did" because I've gotten to the point where there's not much to do, again.
Note, I'm not referring to the daily wanted quests in the WiK, just the primary "storyline" quests.
I do most of the WiK/HotN stuff in NM since there's no extra reward for doing HM. I've tried doing it in HM for the better drops and chests, but there's so few drops and chests that it's not worth the bother.
Also, like others, I normally use NM when taking an alt to a new area.
*I say "did" because I've gotten to the point where there's not much to do, again.
Note, I'm not referring to the daily wanted quests in the WiK, just the primary "storyline" quests.
i play both mods. thought i prefer nm only for the fac my heros seem to be smarter and it lets me run off to do other things. and i wouldnt be mad if i died out of a zone in nm then if i did in hm. plus for some Zaishen things like in eotn you get the same points title wise in nm/hm so why do hm unless i want more coins then its hm. And capping skills which im doing for survivor is soooooooooooooooooooo much easer in nm. xD ^ and like others said you need nm mission to go with hm ones to get the one mission title.
The Domain of Anguish is usually the only place I do anything in Normal Mode.
Unless, of course, I'm helping someone in a mission or anything and that person doesn't have access to Hard Mode yet, or needs it in Normal Mode for some reason. |
But most other things I do in HM unless I have some need to do it in NM. I don't think NM is for chumps though. Lets you get an entry level into content and complete tougher content without the sometimes unnecessary disadvantages you have in HM.
Then again, people being insulted when you want them to run a meta build is absurd. Why should a group double the time it takes to do anything because some prissy monk just won't run something that actually works?
Meta builds are not the only things that work. And while heroes are computer programs, humans aren't.
Some areas are more fun in NM.
Maybe they don't have all of the skills required for it. Maybe they don't like the build. Maybe they know that they, personally, cannot run the meta build very efficiently but have other builds they can run better.
But if you're expecting to do "high-end" content, it's a reasonable expectation that you can run the meta and play it fairly well. Most people doing that content are farming it, so faster will always be better for them because they've done it 5000 times already.
Which is precisely why heroes > humans.... unless they're melee.
October Jade
I am sorta particular about my heroes, in an aesthetic sense. I don't give them secondary professions because imo it just feels ugly. As you can imagine, this has a rather limiting effect on the builds I can create for them. Some bars are easily adopted while others (e.g. Sabway) I have never tried. And I'm okay with that.
Ayuhmii Shanbwa
i do alot HM lately, but thats only if i do Z quests, vqs and/or wanteds
i enjoy NM dungeons, and i wish we'd have more content like WiK which i could do NM, as i dont have much to do for fun (not to get everything there is)
so yea, i do NM, although i wish i could do more new stuff in NM
i enjoy NM dungeons, and i wish we'd have more content like WiK which i could do NM, as i dont have much to do for fun (not to get everything there is)
so yea, i do NM, although i wish i could do more new stuff in NM
I play NM for:
Killing Mallyx himself/WiK/HotN anything that doesn't give increased rewards in HM.
Farming for items for Nick (usually)
Skill Capping (almost done with this)
Protector Titles (done a long time ago)
Dungeons for Legendary Master of the North (ditto)
Farming for items for Nick
Filling in little tiny areas I didn't map while VQing.
Will play it again if I ever feel the need to start a new character ^^
Killing Mallyx himself/WiK/HotN anything that doesn't give increased rewards in HM.
Farming for items for Nick (usually)
Skill Capping (almost done with this)
Protector Titles (done a long time ago)
Dungeons for Legendary Master of the North (ditto)
Farming for items for Nick
Filling in little tiny areas I didn't map while VQing.
Will play it again if I ever feel the need to start a new character ^^
Raven Wing
I just did the deep nm with 3 guildies and 8 heroes. None of us were hardcore deep experts and 2 of them needed it for the HoM (meaning they had no knowledge of the deep). I have myself made a few HM trips where i let other people lead so I didnt remember all the details. But with some wiki reading we actually made it. It was very satisfying and relaxed, and with the people we had available HM would have been too hard. we used no cons except for a load of clovers and summon stones.
Apart from that I almost always farm lots of nicky stuff, thats always in nm.
Apart from that I almost always farm lots of nicky stuff, thats always in nm.