A pre-searing data gathering expedition...
Captain Bulldozer
After hitting both GWAMM and 50/50 I have recently shifted my attention to one of the only things I have never accomplished: Legendary Defender of Ascalon. Now I know it's actually not that hard to get now, especially with repeat farming of the daily quests over and over, but this bores me. Instead I have been heavily farming charr, at least until I reach lvl 15 or 16, then I will turn my attention to hard core vanguard missions. Anyway, the point is I have farmed a lot of charr. I mean A LOT. Thing is, I still have yet to ever even see a charr kit drop.
Yes I know they're rare and all, but I've gotten more than 20 runes, a similar number of purples, several black dyes and 7 charr bags without so much as seeing one.
Thus my question to the GWGuru community is: What is the largest number of charr bags you have obtained as drops without obtaining a charr kit as a drop?
I'm trying to gather info on just how rare they are in comparison to bags. My thinking is that, while a pre-char has use for 2 bags, the demand on charr kits is somewhat more, while the drop rate seems to be MUCH lower in my experience. The current market price of a kit is in the 9-10k range, which is an huge amount for pre-searing (not to say that there aren't plenty of people who can afford it)...
My second question is: Should a change to either the number of uses or the drop rate of charr kits be made? I seriously doubt anet will bother with this, but I am curious about other players' opinions at least.
Yes I know they're rare and all, but I've gotten more than 20 runes, a similar number of purples, several black dyes and 7 charr bags without so much as seeing one.
Thus my question to the GWGuru community is: What is the largest number of charr bags you have obtained as drops without obtaining a charr kit as a drop?
I'm trying to gather info on just how rare they are in comparison to bags. My thinking is that, while a pre-char has use for 2 bags, the demand on charr kits is somewhat more, while the drop rate seems to be MUCH lower in my experience. The current market price of a kit is in the 9-10k range, which is an huge amount for pre-searing (not to say that there aren't plenty of people who can afford it)...
My second question is: Should a change to either the number of uses or the drop rate of charr kits be made? I seriously doubt anet will bother with this, but I am curious about other players' opinions at least.
Warrior: solo charr farming 9-15. Got 7 bags and 1 kit
Monk: solo charr farming 10-15. 3 bags and 3 kits
Drop rate is fine imo. I have never gotten a black dye in pre though, and I've raised two chars to 16.
Monk: solo charr farming 10-15. 3 bags and 3 kits
Drop rate is fine imo. I have never gotten a black dye in pre though, and I've raised two chars to 16.
go cubs
On my character, I farmed charr up until level 15. At that point I stopped and waited until the day I would bring him up to 20 from D-Leveling. (the new quests changed all this though).
During my days of farming, I received 3 charr bags and 2 charr kits. I never got a black dye so honestly, I think it is just luck. I would assume that the kits might drop a little less than the bags, but they arnt extremely rare comparatively.
During my days of farming, I received 3 charr bags and 2 charr kits. I never got a black dye so honestly, I think it is just luck. I would assume that the kits might drop a little less than the bags, but they arnt extremely rare comparatively.
I have a necro and an ele in Pre and farmed charr between levels 8-14 with a friend (pre-Langmar). I got about 10 charr bags, but only 1 salvage kit.
My friend leveled several characters with charr, I think he got a couple kits. Yes, the drop rate is low.
That said, I don't think there needs to be a change. 2 kits would fully outfit a character. If you're in it to sell the runes/insigs (which probably means you're perma and pretty high level, so the bosses shouldn't pose much challenge), then you should have to work to make that profit.
My friend leveled several characters with charr, I think he got a couple kits. Yes, the drop rate is low.
That said, I don't think there needs to be a change. 2 kits would fully outfit a character. If you're in it to sell the runes/insigs (which probably means you're perma and pretty high level, so the bosses shouldn't pose much challenge), then you should have to work to make that profit.
My Monk recently got LDOA today.this was my process
ele quest in foible fair...till lvl 6 I think...
Then Charr at gate till I got only like 16xp per kill so I stopped and
Then farmed charr across the Gate,and Vangaurd quests till level 19.
Then I did all quests. and the last bit of XP from Vangaurd quests.
In all that I only got three bags and one Kit. (2 of those bags were that double drop rate weekend)
ele quest in foible fair...till lvl 6 I think...
Then Charr at gate till I got only like 16xp per kill so I stopped and
Then farmed charr across the Gate,and Vangaurd quests till level 19.
Then I did all quests. and the last bit of XP from Vangaurd quests.
In all that I only got three bags and one Kit. (2 of those bags were that double drop rate weekend)
The Mountain
Had a fairly even ratio, myself, until I started DLing seriously. Then after killing the lvl'd charr, I'd run over and kill the bosses quick. Got like 5 kits and two bags...gogo luck.
On my current Pre Char.. 9 Bags, two kits. 3 of the bags were on two runs yesterday.
Im currently grinding the mobs during Footman Tate to get to level 20, and I think I've had 3 or 4 charr bags and 2 or 3 salvage kits. I'm under the impression the charr bags, even though I'm only level 16. Will continue with Footman Tate/grinding charr (and charr bosses) north of the gates til I hit 19.
no bags, no kits....but I get dyes....(made a brand new mesmer--2nd drop BLACK dye...she left pre with it as this was a while ago)...got another black dye with my perma pre yesterday or the day before (her first black).
When getting to lvl 20 i got ...
1 black
1 white
1 salvage kit
4 Charr bags
and 600 Charr Carvings (whatever im proud of it =p )
Must have done about 200+ runs of the bosses. So the kits a rare or im realllly unlucky.
1 black
1 white
1 salvage kit
4 Charr bags
and 600 Charr Carvings (whatever im proud of it =p )
Must have done about 200+ runs of the bosses. So the kits a rare or im realllly unlucky.
Lvl 17 at the moment
Got a black Dye just yesterday on my pre character. That would make three in pre but farmed pre like crazy during the dye drop weekend so long ago.
I have gotten more runes than I know what to do with, at least 7 bags and a few kits. If I had to guess I would say at least 3. I would really like to see the kits drop more often. Did one of the northern vanguard quests the other day with a level 16 Elementalist. She had a kit and a bag drop for her on our first run. Dang lucky it seemed. We did the run twice. Just junk the second run.
Got a black Dye just yesterday on my pre character. That would make three in pre but farmed pre like crazy during the dye drop weekend so long ago.
I have gotten more runes than I know what to do with, at least 7 bags and a few kits. If I had to guess I would say at least 3. I would really like to see the kits drop more often. Did one of the northern vanguard quests the other day with a level 16 Elementalist. She had a kit and a bag drop for her on our first run. Dang lucky it seemed. We did the run twice. Just junk the second run.
Divine Ashes
I'm level 18 atm. I managed to get to level 16 by killing Charr (this was before vanguard quests), and I've yet to see a charr kit drop. But, I have managed to get 8 charr bags.
Also, I never even got a black dye until I was level 17, when I got black dyes from two consecutive groups of gargoyles in the catacombs...go figure.
Also, I never even got a black dye until I was level 17, when I got black dyes from two consecutive groups of gargoyles in the catacombs...go figure.
My guildy and I teamed up for pre searing for LDoA. So far we are level 14. She has gotten much better drops than me for sure.
Her: 4 Charr Bags,2 Charr Salvage Kits,1 Black Dye, and 1 White dye.
Me: 3 Charr Bags and 1 Charr Salvage Kit.
Her: 4 Charr Bags,2 Charr Salvage Kits,1 Black Dye, and 1 White dye.
Me: 3 Charr Bags and 1 Charr Salvage Kit.
hmmm, my perma has been in pre more than 5 years, I think she was a pretty high level before the bags/kits were introduced. Until recently she has not had any reason to spend much time around the charr bosses, so I am not sure how useful my info is but I have had around 9 bags and 4 kits (and about 17 black dyes).
I never realised how are Charr Kits are, I went one on run to The Northlands with a friend as a GM, of the 4 Charr bosses he got a Charr Bag and I got a Kit. Perhaps I sold it too cheap.
You are going to make so much money when Nick collects carvings
(gotta get them out of pre though...)
Anyway, I only had the patience to get a character to level 15 in pre-searing (this is before vanguard quests) and didn't get a single charr kit. Got 2 bags though.

Anyway, I only had the patience to get a character to level 15 in pre-searing (this is before vanguard quests) and didn't get a single charr kit. Got 2 bags though.
I have a perma-pre character that's about a year and a half old. I admit that he hasn't done much charr farming so he hasn't got a single bag or kit, But he has 5 black dyes right now and sent 4 to post-searing thru a mule. He mostly farms for nick gifts and vanguard quests. I think he'll get LDoA in a month.
I got something like one or two black dyes in 6 months of playing in Pre, one kit, one bag. That's it. Got various runes and purples, but mainly from low-level Charr. The bosses don't drop anything good for me; they drop whites (salvage armor and silly weapons).
I've had many, many bags drop. I have 2 for myself (obviously), I gave 2 guildies 2 bags each when they started a pre character, and I've sold lots of them, once even 6 in a few minutes when I was cleaning up my inventory. I don't have an exact number, but I can't have had any less than 20 of them by now. Just had another one now when I cleaned out the bosses while doing the champion quest.
And charr kits? Never had one drop.
And charr kits? Never had one drop.
Between me and 3 other guildies (all now lvl 19 or 20) we have gotten 6 black dyes, at least 20 bags and just 2 kits.
My pre monk is about 3 weeks old, got one char bag and one kit in the second day of char farming with a friend. Got several runes(10 I think) and one white dye. It's only lvl 11 so have not farmed char a lot.
Level 18 now. No black dyes, 1 charr bag and no kits. Beat that!
I think it's ONLY Charr bosses that actually have a chance to drop a kit.
8 bags and 2 kits from L13-17.
Loads of blacks since L1 - I'd say around 12.
Loads of blacks since L1 - I'd say around 12.
Levels 9-12 as elementalist. Zero bags, two kits.
And yeah, it's only bosses that can drop either.
And yeah, it's only bosses that can drop either.
Captain Bulldozer
I think it's ONLY Charr bosses that actually have a chance to drop a kit.
From the info provided so far, it seems to support a conclusion that bags are dropping somewhere around 2-4 times as often as kits (perhaps even more... we have a pretty limited sample of info here). Yet, the fact remains that no character ever needs more than 2 charr bags while a character would need a minimum of 2 kits to fully equip runes and insignias.
Currently the market price of a charr nag is around 500-600g, while the market price of a kit is around 9-10k. That, perhaps, says a lot about drop rates as well.
So here's a third question to consider: With the introduction of the vanguard quests in pre, we've seen higher level foes to fight, including bosses. However, these new foes have no drops whatsoever (not even gold). How would you feel about these bosses having the possibility of dropping a charr kit equivalent item?
As I see it, farming these bosses wouldn't be much easier than farming charr bosses, though you'd no longer need a gate monkey (if you needed one to begin with... I have a 2nd acct char for that purpose). It would also be nice if the chance of dropping such an item were to increase as the level of the boss increased.
1 bag and 1 kit in 1 run. Bonza!
Fay Vert
Firstly, this is pre, forget stats and farmming, just chill out, do a daily quest and accept whatever comes there.
Second, they are rare, very rare, they will drop or not.
Finally, to date I have got 2 bags and 1 kit.
Second, they are rare, very rare, they will drop or not.
Finally, to date I have got 2 bags and 1 kit.
I was wondering if the charr bag drop was affected by the green drop weekend. That's when I got my one and only bag.
R/W14 here. I farmed the Northlands from L9 until I hit 14 and have just been doing dailies since then. So far I've had 6 or 7 bags drop but no kits.
I've also landed a single black dye, but that was from a gargoyle in the Catacombs (lol).
I've also landed a single black dye, but that was from a gargoyle in the Catacombs (lol).
After starting a new toon a month ago, I've gotten a white dye, 4 bags and 1 kit...barely farming the charr, mostly farming other areas when no gate monkey is required.
I'm a very casual pursuer of LDoA. My necro is a lvl 14. I may log in here and there and farm the quests and/or the charr. In that time I've received 2 charr kits, 2 charr bags.
In all that time, I've had 0 black dye drops and 0 white dye drops. =\
In all that time, I've had 0 black dye drops and 0 white dye drops. =\
Hugh Jarse
4 Kits up to level 16, although one came courtesy of a level 5 GM who refused to leave and ran in at the bosses, died and then dropped a kit.
That was an interesting 10 minutes waiting for the timeout on the kit
That was an interesting 10 minutes waiting for the timeout on the kit

I've had a pre-toon for a couple years now that I play off and on. Level 17 currently. In all my time playing i've found about 10 bags, and 5 kits... and then three black dyes.
Sliaf Susej
my latest venture in ascalon was created something like 37 days ago. since that time i have had 15+ kit drops, 1 black dye, and more charr bags than i can count, oh and also a 17% bow mod vs charr, and a 16% sword mod vs charr. i am not doing too bad i think...DONT CHANGE A THING >.<
I can average 1 Kit a night..either dropped for me or for a partner.
Might not get a bag though and my toon.. Imnotyourmother got the LDoA BEFORE there was this easy peasy good for nothing way to get LDoA. makes me puke.
I kept a lvl 16 monk in pre for the heck of it and after these new quest she got LDoA in less than 5 hours...its lame and worthless now.
So 1 lvl 19 with Fire imp and a LOW LEVEL partner = 1 Kit a night in 3 hours playing.
Might not get a bag though and my toon.. Imnotyourmother got the LDoA BEFORE there was this easy peasy good for nothing way to get LDoA. makes me puke.
I kept a lvl 16 monk in pre for the heck of it and after these new quest she got LDoA in less than 5 hours...its lame and worthless now.
So 1 lvl 19 with Fire imp and a LOW LEVEL partner = 1 Kit a night in 3 hours playing.
all the time ive been in pre. ive been in and out of it, and now im finally making a loda. i had like 5 bags 2 black dyes 3 whites and 2 kits over my time spent in pre but its very very spaced out.

You're luckier than me then. My level 16 has had 2 black and 3 white dye drops.