Fort Aspenwood...Unbalanced survey?
I know for a long time, Fort Aspenwood has been long unbalanced.
Before the Luxon Paradigm (where everyone decides to farm Luxon Faction over Kurzick Faction), Fort Aspenwood was favored in the Kurizcks, due to how easily the seige turtle can be interrupted.
Being a Kurzick follower, I didn't mind it too much, though Fort Aspenwood was easy to win thanks to this. A ranger could just sit on top off of the highest point on the fort and interrupt below.
Now, with post-kurzick paradigm, it is seemingly unbalanced to the luxon side. The seige turtle takes more than 3 interrupts to stop (which can't be done from one class except mesmers). Due to this, the Luxon's have an advantage because the kurzick gates get destroyed with ease...or at least in my opinion.
My question is, do you think Fort Aspenwood will always be unbalanced? or do you think it is/was balanced now/in the past?
My opinion: always unbalanced, when it favored the kurzicks and now favors the luxons.
Before the Luxon Paradigm (where everyone decides to farm Luxon Faction over Kurzick Faction), Fort Aspenwood was favored in the Kurizcks, due to how easily the seige turtle can be interrupted.
Being a Kurzick follower, I didn't mind it too much, though Fort Aspenwood was easy to win thanks to this. A ranger could just sit on top off of the highest point on the fort and interrupt below.
Now, with post-kurzick paradigm, it is seemingly unbalanced to the luxon side. The seige turtle takes more than 3 interrupts to stop (which can't be done from one class except mesmers). Due to this, the Luxon's have an advantage because the kurzick gates get destroyed with ease...or at least in my opinion.
My question is, do you think Fort Aspenwood will always be unbalanced? or do you think it is/was balanced now/in the past?
My opinion: always unbalanced, when it favored the kurzicks and now favors the luxons.
Don Zardeone
If I were Luxon I'd go /N for gaze on every build and always win.
But I'm Kurzick so I spend most of my time blanking people's bars with divert in the hopes the Luxons don't have more than 3 monks, which they usually do.
It would be more balanced if the luxons had to carry jade to their base too. Just mirror the map, this is just weird. I never get to play offense unless I change guilds :/ (for dumping faction)
But I'm Kurzick so I spend most of my time blanking people's bars with divert in the hopes the Luxons don't have more than 3 monks, which they usually do.
It would be more balanced if the luxons had to carry jade to their base too. Just mirror the map, this is just weird. I never get to play offense unless I change guilds :/ (for dumping faction)
Agreed. The luxons have a refined amber mine, and both raw amber mines at the start. It order to resurrect their downed turtle, they need to run amber to the corresponding commander. the amber can be of any kind. Of course, there can still only be one turtle per commander active at once.
Another balance idea I had was more juggernauts. Rather than just one at the green gate. Have at least 3 total, or 5. one at every gate in order to help stop the turtle's movements. I see 3, one green and 2 (1 inner purple and 1 inner orange) would be even.
Another balance idea I had was more juggernauts. Rather than just one at the green gate. Have at least 3 total, or 5. one at every gate in order to help stop the turtle's movements. I see 3, one green and 2 (1 inner purple and 1 inner orange) would be even.
Luxons don't have to run amber to commanders. Don't know where you got that idea. They only have to speak to commander after turtle and warriors have died to get new set.
I maxed both titles doing FA exclusively. It was always easier to defend than it was to offend, lol. Although the wins on the luxon side were much sweeter and wait times were much smaller.
I maxed both titles doing FA exclusively. It was always easier to defend than it was to offend, lol. Although the wins on the luxon side were much sweeter and wait times were much smaller.
In my experience playing both sides Kurz have a huge advantage, what with turtles that constantly get stuck and refuse to push in if there are people in agro range. Playing from kurz side was so easy as to be boring.
Luxons don't have to run amber to commanders. Don't know where you got that idea. They only have to speak to commander after turtle and warriors have died to get new set.
I maxed both titles doing FA exclusively. It was always easier to defend than it was to offend, lol. Although the wins on the luxon side were much sweeter and wait times were much smaller. |
imo.... Want a Kurz victory? roll a pvp monk and prot. roll a rit and resto. Or my favorite N/Rt w/Well of Blood,Well of Power and the rest some resto.
There are so many bugs with the AI this map can never be balanced. Overall the map still favors the Kurzick side, but they focus more on killing Luxon players then winning.
Imho, there is no "absolute advantage" towards any team in FA. If kurz has more healers, kurz win. If luxon has some healers + a well of profane +damage or some anti heal(a more balance setup imo) , luxon win. It all depends on the team set up.
However, I think kurz simply have more healers from my experience. Luxon side often has some idiots running defy pain or chasing defy pain.
Anyway, the "map" is balanced. Same for JQ, absolutely balanced map, but imba "players"
However, I think kurz simply have more healers from my experience. Luxon side often has some idiots running defy pain or chasing defy pain.
Anyway, the "map" is balanced. Same for JQ, absolutely balanced map, but imba "players"
I do agreee that the map isn't unbalanced but the players are. I've played both sides. As a luxon my kill count is bout 4-7/game and as a kurzick it is bout 7-10/game (and as a kurzick I always start by running amber till the luxons are at the inner gate, while as a Luxon I start killing almost directly. The kurzick players are on average harder to kill and I see luxon teams (again on average) being less organised.
Some examples:
Very often Luxon teams split to the left and the right while most of the times kurzicks always go first to the left amber mine.
When playing as a luxon after I kill someone who picked a fight with me, he/she only tries it once or twice more and then decides to leave me alone and pick a different target. When playing as a kurzick some players are (trying) to kill me and go on for sometimes 8 times (being defeated 8 times in a row). And when they eventually manage to get me killed (e.g. by ambussing me without energy) they even go bragging bout it in all chat.
I've seen a team of kurzicks with no monks win from a team of luxon's with 3 monks cause of a lack of tactics and monks not doing what they supposed to do (keeping the turtles and the team alive and at the last gate in the fort)
So if there is an unbalance it is imo cause luxon side has a higher amount of inexperienced players then kurzick side.
So in short imo if there is an unbalance it is cause luxon side has more inexperienced players then kurzicks. (though there are some very good luxon players too off course).
-edit- I mean off course the luxon's playing in Fort Aspenwood
Some examples:
Very often Luxon teams split to the left and the right while most of the times kurzicks always go first to the left amber mine.
When playing as a luxon after I kill someone who picked a fight with me, he/she only tries it once or twice more and then decides to leave me alone and pick a different target. When playing as a kurzick some players are (trying) to kill me and go on for sometimes 8 times (being defeated 8 times in a row). And when they eventually manage to get me killed (e.g. by ambussing me without energy) they even go bragging bout it in all chat.
I've seen a team of kurzicks with no monks win from a team of luxon's with 3 monks cause of a lack of tactics and monks not doing what they supposed to do (keeping the turtles and the team alive and at the last gate in the fort)
So if there is an unbalance it is imo cause luxon side has a higher amount of inexperienced players then kurzick side.
So in short imo if there is an unbalance it is cause luxon side has more inexperienced players then kurzicks. (though there are some very good luxon players too off course).
-edit- I mean off course the luxon's playing in Fort Aspenwood
So in short imo if there is an unbalance it is cause luxon side has more inexperienced players then kurzicks. (though there are some very good luxon players too off course). |
In FA, the odds favor the luxons on paper. They have mass-damage, enchant-stripping turtles, 4 awesome warriors pr turtle and durable rangers who move out of AoE damage at the mines. The kurzicks have stationary spirits and squishy rits who are just asking for a Searing Heat or Spiritual Pain.. Luxons also start with all three mines.
The Kurzicks are supposed to defend a wanding warrior, who along with his two sidekicks don't move out of AoE. They do however sometimes run out of the green gate to chase down someone, straight into the luxons. However, the Kurzicks still know what they're facing, and they only have two objectives; run amber and stall the luxons.
A single Kurzick warrior can stall both turtles if he knows what he's doing, as can a Soul Twisting Rit who know where to place the spirits. I'd say the odds favor the kurzicks.
I keep hearing about turtles "getting stuck" but so rarely see it happen.
I was on a Kurzick team that lost in 90 seconds, because two organized sins followed the amber caravan in and out, took out Gunther in a New York Minute.
It's always easier to defend in GW, given the plethora of defensive buffs and heals available to almost every class.
However the turtles have enchant removal, massive damage, and hard to interrupt. A single luxon monk can keep a turtle alive indefinitely.
The gameplay allows for many luxon gimmick builds like EoE bombing. This is advantage to the luxons because outside of the lame gate guards, Kurzick NPCs dont' respawn automatically every 2 minutes.
In the end it boils down to teamwork. I rarely see Luxon rits healing or protting anyone but themselves (guy with Xinrae's this weekend, only used it on himself while the turtles died).
It's that and luck of the draw. I don't care how good you are individually and how well you work together. You get 4 paras on a team, you are lost.
I was on a Kurzick team that lost in 90 seconds, because two organized sins followed the amber caravan in and out, took out Gunther in a New York Minute.
It's always easier to defend in GW, given the plethora of defensive buffs and heals available to almost every class.
However the turtles have enchant removal, massive damage, and hard to interrupt. A single luxon monk can keep a turtle alive indefinitely.
The gameplay allows for many luxon gimmick builds like EoE bombing. This is advantage to the luxons because outside of the lame gate guards, Kurzick NPCs dont' respawn automatically every 2 minutes.
In the end it boils down to teamwork. I rarely see Luxon rits healing or protting anyone but themselves (guy with Xinrae's this weekend, only used it on himself while the turtles died).
It's that and luck of the draw. I don't care how good you are individually and how well you work together. You get 4 paras on a team, you are lost.
Kurzicks have a huge advantage in FA. Due to the defensive nature of the Kurzick's objective having players with defensive traits (Non-RoJ Monks, ST rits) is a significant advantage. In games where Kurzicks have 3+ monks Luxons are screwed from the beginning or 1 monk when the Luxons have none.
Kurzick players should run these builds:
Necro - MM or contagion bomber to quickly cap mines
Monk - WoH
Ele - MoI, or invoke
Rit - Resto
Mesmer - Illusion
On the Kurzick side just stall the turtle and you win as long as you can keep the juggernaut alive. Don't worry about self heals, it is a waste of time.
Luxon players should only run these builds:
Monk - healing burst or RoJ
Ele - invoke or mind blast
Necro - contagion bomber or pain of disenchantment
Ranger - incendiary arrows
Mesmer - Illusion or E-surge
Always bring enchant removal or a way to bypass prot. Healing burst is obviously better off going /p.
Necro - MM or contagion bomber to quickly cap mines
Monk - WoH
Ele - MoI, or invoke
Rit - Resto
Mesmer - Illusion
On the Kurzick side just stall the turtle and you win as long as you can keep the juggernaut alive. Don't worry about self heals, it is a waste of time.
Luxon players should only run these builds:
Monk - healing burst or RoJ
Ele - invoke or mind blast
Necro - contagion bomber or pain of disenchantment
Ranger - incendiary arrows
Mesmer - Illusion or E-surge
Always bring enchant removal or a way to bypass prot. Healing burst is obviously better off going /p.
Delete HB Already
I think kurzicks are favored heavily. I had a 7 hour win streak (short wait times too) while monking on the Kurz side. It just seems to easy especially given how often the turtles glitch. It is very easy, if desired, to stall either if the turtles by standing behind the wall and possible to stall both turtles but I never do that stuff cause it gets boring but these turtle glitches need to be fixed if fort aspenwood is going to be balanced.
Fay Vert
I agree they overbuffed the turtles (they were too weak before though) but places like FA and JQ will always be unbalanced until leechers and bots are removed. And even then, it depends on the players. You basically get a good game one in every three or four.
Have not played for awhile since Crysis 2 came out ~ questions
1. Can you still get turtles stuck? (advantage Kurzick)
2. Can you still npc heal from behind gates out of range (advantage Kurzick)
3. Can you still snipe from out of range (minor advantage Kurzick)
4. Do people still think a hammer is the only way to put a nail in a piece of wood ? (Focus on objectives win this map not optimal builds)
1. Can you still get turtles stuck? (advantage Kurzick)
2. Can you still npc heal from behind gates out of range (advantage Kurzick)
3. Can you still snipe from out of range (minor advantage Kurzick)
4. Do people still think a hammer is the only way to put a nail in a piece of wood ? (Focus on objectives win this map not optimal builds)
Have not played for awhile since Crysis 2 came out ~ questions
1. Can you still get turtles stuck? (advantage Kurzick) 2. Can you still npc heal from behind gates out of range (advantage Kurzick) 3. Can you still snipe from out of range (minor advantage Kurzick) 4. Do people still think a hammer is the only way to put a nail in a piece of wood ? (Focus on objectives win this map not optimal builds) |
2 - Yes
3 - Yes
4 - Depends on player
Hanok Odbrook
From my years of playing FA, I would be hard pressed to definitively say whether it is unbalanced or by how much. As several players here have stated, it really depends on the luck of the draw and what type of players are playing at any particular time. I've never really tracked my wins/losses, but I would have to say that my overall w/l is equal for each side.
There have been days where I went Kurzick and couldn't buy a win, and vice versa for Luxon. When I'm in FA, I'll play a few matches to try and get a feel for which side seems to be the more dominate on that particular night, and just switch sides. It helps that I am still working on both title tracks, so I don't really loose anything by doing so, but the only time I felt one side had an advantage over the other all depended on the players in those matches on that particular night.
I've seen it a few times. It is quite a pain when it does occur, but I don't consider it an advantage as this is a glitch that needs to be fixed and not by design in the mission. Overall, I probably see it at least once or twice when I am putting in 3-4 hour sessions in the mission.
There have been days where I went Kurzick and couldn't buy a win, and vice versa for Luxon. When I'm in FA, I'll play a few matches to try and get a feel for which side seems to be the more dominate on that particular night, and just switch sides. It helps that I am still working on both title tracks, so I don't really loose anything by doing so, but the only time I felt one side had an advantage over the other all depended on the players in those matches on that particular night.
I keep hearing about turtles "getting stuck" but so rarely see it happen.
Despite the minor flaws on both sides, the imbalance is mainly cause by the players on your team and the fact that one side is defending and the other is attacking.
However, one flaw on the Luxon side that needs serious attention is the turtle getting stuck. I don't feel it's fair for them when their turtle gets stuck in 2 out of 3 matches.
However, one flaw on the Luxon side that needs serious attention is the turtle getting stuck. I don't feel it's fair for them when their turtle gets stuck in 2 out of 3 matches.
Missing HB
Despite the minor flaws on both sides, the imbalance is mainly cause by the players on your team and the fact that one side is defending and the other is attacking.
Most problems come from Eye of the north skills and some updates right after , which kinda completly ruined the point of JQ/FA and RA. Skills change, builds change , players behaviour change , but arenas remain unchanged for 5-6 years.... here's clearly the problem...
Your team must really suck if you lose as a Kurzick at Fort Aspenwood.
Hanok Odbrook
Your team must really suck if you lose as a Kurzick at Fort Aspenwood.
Fay Vert
Remember, don't feed the trolls

If you lose as a Kurzick, it's because you asked for it. (Except for that one great luxon team that comes once every ages).
You think turtles are too powerful ? Take a ranger a kill the orange turtle before it even reaches the orange gate.
You think the luxon warriors are too powerful ? Really ? I don't think too many luxons would mind if they were removed : they glitch the turtle and if a single one of them is kept alive (by the kurzick not killing them), the turtle doesn't respawn...
You think monks are a trouble ? Roll a mesmer with the pvx build.
You think Gunther gets killed too quickly ? Roll a monk or a rit.
You have amber and the green gate is getting killed ? Wait for them to break it, and the moment it's down, repair it
If everyone did that on the kurzick side, they wouldn't have any problems
You can try and to the same thing for luxons but :
When a kurzick dies, he spawns 5 seconds away from Gunther, when a luxon dies he has to run for 30 seconds.
Luxon win in 90 seconds ? Use logic and don't open a gate when you see a red dot next to it.
Both team have there share of players that don't really know what to do or that have bad builds, but a bad build on kurzick side can always be useful, while a bad build on luxon is almost like having 7/8 players.
You think turtles are too powerful ? Take a ranger a kill the orange turtle before it even reaches the orange gate.
You think the luxon warriors are too powerful ? Really ? I don't think too many luxons would mind if they were removed : they glitch the turtle and if a single one of them is kept alive (by the kurzick not killing them), the turtle doesn't respawn...
You think monks are a trouble ? Roll a mesmer with the pvx build.
You think Gunther gets killed too quickly ? Roll a monk or a rit.
You have amber and the green gate is getting killed ? Wait for them to break it, and the moment it's down, repair it
If everyone did that on the kurzick side, they wouldn't have any problems
You can try and to the same thing for luxons but :
When a kurzick dies, he spawns 5 seconds away from Gunther, when a luxon dies he has to run for 30 seconds.
Luxon win in 90 seconds ? Use logic and don't open a gate when you see a red dot next to it.
Both team have there share of players that don't really know what to do or that have bad builds, but a bad build on kurzick side can always be useful, while a bad build on luxon is almost like having 7/8 players.
Missing HB
Useless post. Theorical stuff does work when you got a proper team , but when it's random it's not at all the same you know...Arguments like this are such as " you usually get as many monks on kurzic side as one luxon one " .. Well if this was true , it would be true in RA too no?
It can help if you can make your team win alone, but that's not really the case here...
It can help if you can make your team win alone, but that's not really the case here...
Useless post. |
Luxons can't bring a build that is made to counter a certain build a kurzick player would have due to random teams. Monks aren't always there, enchants aren't always used. Even bringing a monk can be bad on luxon side : too much monks and not enough damage can be a real problem and is often one.
Dervish Kid
this is balanced. its the teams that make it seem unbalanced.
Mike Jack
this is balanced. its the teams that make it seem unbalanced. |
-They rez 5 seconds away from the person they are supposed to protect and they have a portal that can bring them to the place where the battle takes place for the most time (in most games), Luxons rez 30 seconds away from both.
-They can repair a gate the second it is destroyed, Luxons need to wait for the whole squad to be killed.
-The kurzick NPCs are completely anti melee and the kurzick mesmers are anti casters. The luxon warriors are almost useless at protecting the turtle (and they aren't even troublesome, except for runners).
-Between the gates, if you are too close to the walls a caster can kill you and if you are too far a ranger can hit you.
Dunno, FA seems "balanced", meaning that you can win or lose no matter on which side you play. It's more about your teammates and your opponents than about the map and the NPCs. I've played plenty on both sides.
The whole thing is clearly better for kurzicks.
-They rez 5 seconds away from the person they are supposed to protect and they have a portal that can bring them to the place where the battle takes place for the most time (in most games), Luxons rez 30 seconds away from both. -They can repair a gate the second it is destroyed, Luxons need to wait for the whole squad to be killed. -The kurzick NPCs are completely anti melee and the kurzick mesmers are anti casters. The luxon warriors are almost useless at protecting the turtle (and they aren't even troublesome, except for runners). -Between the gates, if you are too close to the walls a caster can kill you and if you are too far a ranger can hit you. |
Think about it:
If the kurzicks have no healers - disadvantage
If the kurzicks don't run amber - disadvantage
If the luxons let the turtles die - disadvantage
If the luxons have healers - advantage
If the luxons bring bad builds - disadvantage
If the kurzicks bring bad builds - disadvantage
I can go on and on. All the advantages and disadvantages for both sides (except bugs) are a result of the players.
All of these problems can be solved by monks. |
A monk has an effect on the distance each side has to run to get to the battlefield ? (except of course, keeping people alive and well it's not that easy when 7 persons are running around)
A luxon monk can prevent kurzicks from chain repairing the green gates ?
What I talked about are things that will always be true because they are designed like that. I didn't get into builds.
Of course having a useful build a having someone that makes little red bar goes up is something good.
But having too many persons that make those bar goes up and not enough that make the enemies bar goes down isn't an advantage for the luxons.
And if you have a bad build while playing kurzick, you can always somewhat be useful by at least stalling the turtle.
Of course, this isn't to say that winning on luxon side is totally impossible unless you are facing a team with bad builds (or players that don't know what to do), but that kurzicks have a real advantage in FA.
On kurzick side you will always have to protect Gunther and on luxon side you will always have to kill him.
If you are tired of losing on kurzick side, play a healer.
If you are tired of losing on luxon side, change your build or take a break.
There will always be someone that'll say "take anti enchants and anti healing spells" : many monks and rits don't use enchantments and many of them carry more than one hex removal.
Yeah in other words
Best luxon team = a mix of disruption, monk killers, npc nukes, and healers.
Best kurzick team = as many healers as possible. Often 2 is enough.
Simply running defensive stuff on kurzick side dramatically improves your win chances, because defense is the only thing kurzicks need to win. Luxons need a good mix so it's much more of a crapshoot no matter what role you play.
Best luxon team = a mix of disruption, monk killers, npc nukes, and healers.
Best kurzick team = as many healers as possible. Often 2 is enough.
Simply running defensive stuff on kurzick side dramatically improves your win chances, because defense is the only thing kurzicks need to win. Luxons need a good mix so it's much more of a crapshoot no matter what role you play.
Hanok Odbrook
Monks don't save all. As I have said before, I've been on Kurzick winning teams that had no monks, and I have been on Luxon winning teams when the Kurz had two or three monks.
It's been said before, and I'll say it again - I don't see the imbalance in the mish, I see it in the players who are playing at the time.
It's been said before, and I'll say it again - I don't see the imbalance in the mish, I see it in the players who are playing at the time.
Mike Jack
I heard personal, anecdotal evidence was good evidence.
I've played solo on my wammo build consisting of Frenzy and Unyielding Aura (PvP) when 7 people ragequitted against Kurzick syncers with multiple defensive builds meshed and synergized perfectly and then I proceeded to solo'd Gunther in under 15%.
Kurzicks clearly have a huge disadvantage since they lost obviously. After all, its only my experiences that count.
I've played solo on my wammo build consisting of Frenzy and Unyielding Aura (PvP) when 7 people ragequitted against Kurzick syncers with multiple defensive builds meshed and synergized perfectly and then I proceeded to solo'd Gunther in under 15%.
Kurzicks clearly have a huge disadvantage since they lost obviously. After all, its only my experiences that count.
I've been on Kurzick winning teams that had no monks, and I have been on Luxon winning teams when the Kurz had two or three monks. |
A monk, isn't always healing. Some monks carry RoJ (on both sides).
A great evidence of the fact that this map is advantageous for Kurzicks : look how many people are waiting on the kurzick's side and look how many are on the luxons' side. Would there be such a gap if there wasn't an advantage for one side ?
Bluntly, you're beyond terrible if you're unable to recognise the massive advantage defense has in FA. I can't tell if you're trolling, you seem legitimately confused enough to think that offense has an advantage.
Monks don't save all. As I have said before, I've been on Kurzick winning teams that had no monks, and I have been on Luxon winning teams when the Kurz had two or three monks.
All of that amber running can be done fine by healers that use dash. Kurzick can play something other than healer but they are just gimping themselves in doing so. The more defense you have the better, as killing luxons is not ever a required part of the mission. In other formats, excessive defense earns you draws or very slow defeats. In FA, it wins.
FA is almost clearly one sided. You need a group of players that know what they're doing on the Luxon side in order to win, and they need to be better than the Kurzicks. Everytime I roll FA, I have no monk. When I roll a monk, I have no DPS. It always turns out that way.
The fact that both the gate keepers are monks, and that you can put every enchantment/heal on Gunther makes it ridiculous. And, once you finally kill the 3 monks, they spawn again in 5 seconds. All it takes is 3 monks on the Kurzick side to win in reality, and that generally is the case.
The map, as been said, is balanced, but the way people play is not. People know that all it really takes is a monk to heal Gunther and it's basically a free win, so they roll monk. And yes, the turtles do get stuck, a LOT, and Luxons really hardly ever have any monks, and when they do, the DPS from the turtles and the warriors doesn't make up for the amount players are getting healed.
This map is heavily favored by the Kurzick side with the way players play.
Maybe they could fix this by putting the gate masters outside of the green gate. All it takes is a sneaky assassin or someone to take out the 2 rangers and bring in amber to repair a gate, instantly turning the tides of the battle. Also, make a new area for Kurzick players to spawn. They have teleports to anywhere on the map basically and spawn next to gunther, so killing the monks just gives you about 5 seconds of freedom to kill him, and a lot of the time that's not enough.
The fact that both the gate keepers are monks, and that you can put every enchantment/heal on Gunther makes it ridiculous. And, once you finally kill the 3 monks, they spawn again in 5 seconds. All it takes is 3 monks on the Kurzick side to win in reality, and that generally is the case.
The map, as been said, is balanced, but the way people play is not. People know that all it really takes is a monk to heal Gunther and it's basically a free win, so they roll monk. And yes, the turtles do get stuck, a LOT, and Luxons really hardly ever have any monks, and when they do, the DPS from the turtles and the warriors doesn't make up for the amount players are getting healed.
This map is heavily favored by the Kurzick side with the way players play.
Maybe they could fix this by putting the gate masters outside of the green gate. All it takes is a sneaky assassin or someone to take out the 2 rangers and bring in amber to repair a gate, instantly turning the tides of the battle. Also, make a new area for Kurzick players to spawn. They have teleports to anywhere on the map basically and spawn next to gunther, so killing the monks just gives you about 5 seconds of freedom to kill him, and a lot of the time that's not enough.