How long have you been playing?
Lord Dagon
eh my first account i had was made around the time of factions.
the account i got because i had a friend that quitt adn was really awsome is a little less then 3 years old.
the account i got because i had a friend that quitt adn was really awsome is a little less then 3 years old.
Raven Wing
I started in June 2005. Unfortunately I deleted my first chars unaware of the gifts to come so my oldest is from October 2005.
6 months... started playing in October 2010.
I started playing around when Factions came out, 59 months ago. I almost quit GW until Nightfall came out; heroes really made this game a lot more interesting.
70 months now Started in June 2005
I remember back then GvG'in aways never wish for a korean guild
always played as gale warriors if not OoB monks. Wammo was kinda the fashion statement with 15k gladiators and 15k asclonian helmet back then
Before sorrow furnance i had always farmed trolls Griffons and Minotaurs if not rune farming from the ettins, UW is farmed with 55hp monks alongside with Fire Nukers
Tombs of Primeval Kings was the "Old Heroes Acent", Iway EoE bombers
Droknar Forge ID1 was pretty much the "Black Market" of guildwars
good times
I remember back then GvG'in aways never wish for a korean guild
always played as gale warriors if not OoB monks. Wammo was kinda the fashion statement with 15k gladiators and 15k asclonian helmet back then
Before sorrow furnance i had always farmed trolls Griffons and Minotaurs if not rune farming from the ettins, UW is farmed with 55hp monks alongside with Fire Nukers
Tombs of Primeval Kings was the "Old Heroes Acent", Iway EoE bombers
Droknar Forge ID1 was pretty much the "Black Market" of guildwars
good times
53 months,with breaks while i tried other games.
63 months, on and off. I've played a ton but I never was interested enough in making money to get all rich. Just made a bunch of alts and ran a bunch of missions, really. Had a blast doing it, too.
Only thing I really miss is how the harder proph missions felt. Seemed like an actual accomplishment when you got a nice team together and got through some of them.
Oh, and minion masters without limits.
Only thing I really miss is how the harder proph missions felt. Seemed like an actual accomplishment when you got a nice team together and got through some of them.
Oh, and minion masters without limits.
I started playing in july 2007, so they are 45 months
On the release of Prophecies so 72 months give or take. 5.5k Hours in total
Still the young kid on the block though. TFC has nearly 12 years on the go and must be close on 12-15k hours played
Still the young kid on the block though. TFC has nearly 12 years on the go and must be close on 12-15k hours played

You guys are all Short timers, Now remember Im retired so i got all the time in the world but I started in 2004 during the first Beta over 80 months ago.
I have 24200hr on all chars and Rota has 22000 hrs on my main char and only one person Ive chatted, had i think 500hrs more then me, and he is AFK while at work i believe. If you notice im also one of the oldest on Guru if you check start times of Guru. its May of 2005 took me awhile to discover its existance and would have been here sooner if i knew. Ive outlived most of the Moderators here and Auction house.
I have 24200hr on all chars and Rota has 22000 hrs on my main char and only one person Ive chatted, had i think 500hrs more then me, and he is AFK while at work i believe. If you notice im also one of the oldest on Guru if you check start times of Guru. its May of 2005 took me awhile to discover its existance and would have been here sooner if i knew. Ive outlived most of the Moderators here and Auction house.
Been playing sing shortly before Factions came out. I deleted all my toons a few weks after EOTN went live because it had become a chore doing all those quests multiple times. Now i only have my monk, who i gave a lot of love over the years.
Fate Crusher
June 2005, 70 months... Seems like quite a few who post here (Even Marty!) started around the same time as me.
For the past year and a bit, me and my guild have died and don't play as actively in HA as we'd want to. Maybe making an appearance a couple of times a week. But still rolling around in PvE like it's 2005
Start times here on Guru really don't mean much, unless you're Rota :P. I might have joined in Sept '06, but I was using guru from the moment I started Guild Wars. I just saw no reason to sign up until I wanted to post (didn't want to post my newbie opinions until I understood everything lol).
For the past year and a bit, me and my guild have died and don't play as actively in HA as we'd want to. Maybe making an appearance a couple of times a week. But still rolling around in PvE like it's 2005
Start times here on Guru really don't mean much, unless you're Rota :P. I might have joined in Sept '06, but I was using guru from the moment I started Guild Wars. I just saw no reason to sign up until I wanted to post (didn't want to post my newbie opinions until I understood everything lol).
Couple of days after release. I hate getting the new pets a few days behind everyone else
. Only have 2 chars from release though.
Well you're member #13780 (check userpage member number), but yeah, we are quite old
If you notice im also one of the oldest on Guru if you check start times of Guru. its May of 2005 took me awhile to discover its existance and would have been here sooner if i knew. Ive outlived most of the Moderators here and Auction house.

21 months old.
First 7-8 were almost no play tought.
First 7-8 were almost no play tought.
Cale Roughstar
Christmas 2005. So about 64 months. Probably about 12 months worth of breaks in there.
A couple of people in my "clan" played the Beta, so, when the game was officially released, and on their recommendation, I started playing within about a week of release. I deleted my first character and started over after about 1.5 months, so I always have to wait an extra 1.5 months to get the first of any years b'day presents.
38 months according to /age, but for the first year I didn't play much because I was stuck on a laptop that could just barely handle the game. Got a new computer one year for Christmas and immediately bought Factions/NF/EotN for my account and I've been hooked ever since.
Count Kenrill
I first played Guild Wars during the E3 for Everyone event in spring 2004. I also played during a couple of the beta events leading up to the release of the game.
But my main character was created in june 2005, 70 months ago...
But my main character was created in june 2005, 70 months ago...
Another one who has been playing since day 1 of release here. Started in high school, and I'll still be playing in Law School (and trying to log in from mainland China...><).
Played a friend's account during a beta event, but my own accounts only dates to release.
3 year+ break during college though. Kinda regret that.
Played a friend's account during a beta event, but my own accounts only dates to release.
3 year+ break during college though. Kinda regret that.
Eight months. When GW 2 is released I'll probably just have GW 2 installed, but until then I'm working through the Trilogy edition and EotN.
I began playing 2 days after GW came out. So around April 28th, 2005. I didn't buy the collector's edition because I didn't think I'd really get into the game. Some friends had urged me to buy it. So to get them off my back, I bought the game
The rest is history ...

Just for general info, guru's first members joined 16 December 2004. The first three members are still active.
3,300 hours (65 months)
i want the ce from prophecies so badly, too bad they impossible to get anymore

2,000 hours and 71 months.. off and on for months at a time.. My son is finally old enough to play games like this, and he created his frist char about 2 weeks ago. He is really anxious to play finally as he has been watching me all these years..
Can someone help me with the timeline for the beginning? I didn't play beta, but I have the bonus items on my account from the very beginning that I still use whenever I start a new char, especially the Ithas Bow which works great in presear. I have always thought these were preorder items, but since my char is not as old as some others, maybe not.
Can someone help me with the timeline for the beginning? I didn't play beta, but I have the bonus items on my account from the very beginning that I still use whenever I start a new char, especially the Ithas Bow which works great in presear. I have always thought these were preorder items, but since my char is not as old as some others, maybe not.
I started in March 2006, had a few breaks from the game while finishing my medical degree, but have been happily enjoying the game since then to this very day

World Preview Event, before the betas.
2,000 hours and 71 months.. off and on for months at a time.. My son is finally old enough to play games like this, and he created his frist char about 2 weeks ago. He is really anxious to play finally as he has been watching me all these years..
Can someone help me with the timeline for the beginning? I didn't play beta, but I have the bonus items on my account from the very beginning that I still use whenever I start a new char, especially the Ithas Bow which works great in presear. I have always thought these were preorder items, but since my char is not as old as some others, maybe not. |

I'm about to hit 70 months. My wife made me wait a month and a half so she could get the game for my birthday. :P
Can someone help me with the timeline for the beginning? I didn't play beta, but I have the bonus items on my account from the very beginning that I still use whenever I start a new char, especially the Ithas Bow which works great in presear. I have always thought these were preorder items, but since my char is not as old as some others, maybe not.
A pre-order from EB Games got you that gem. Perhaps you didn't start playing immediately. My son received the game about a week before he started playing it (Christmas Day 2005).
Hanok Odbrook
I started with the last Beta weekend event before the game went live - Forget exactly when that was, but I remember I was still on Dial-up with a dog slow system. I ended up building a system just so I could play the game when it was released. I bought a second account about a month after the release, and have been playing with both regularly since that time, even after my main account was cleaned out about a year and a half ago in that rash of hacking incidents.
PS I'm number 6426 - now I really feel old!
PS I'm number 6426 - now I really feel old!
Oh i just ment in this Thread we were doing just noticed another 5-2005 in this group. But I bet that out of the 13780 that registered before us on guru that 90% are inactive accounts so that pushes us way up. BtW all i suck at this game too!!! no amount of time makes me any good, lol, I have not seen any of the old gang that use to be on guru forums in a few years there use to be a group that was always on remember Nef and Tony Blair
I hardly reconize any of the Moderator names from that period they are all gone.
I hardly reconize any of the Moderator names from that period they are all gone.
Ku Ku
I'm on 67 months - 4423 hours so far.
I've taken several long breaks over the years mostly due to internet or computer problems that prevented me from playing... so I would say the amount of time i've actually played for is closer to 3, maybe 4 years.
I remember the fateful day the server had to be rolled back after the economy crashed... I remember the sorrow's furnace update, 55hp farming griffins and hydras. I remember when factions came out and the jade brotherhood were ninja-death artists and owned you at every turn... and I remember the first christmas event on guildwars (and still have a screenie from it!)
Good times!
I've taken several long breaks over the years mostly due to internet or computer problems that prevented me from playing... so I would say the amount of time i've actually played for is closer to 3, maybe 4 years.
I remember the fateful day the server had to be rolled back after the economy crashed... I remember the sorrow's furnace update, 55hp farming griffins and hydras. I remember when factions came out and the jade brotherhood were ninja-death artists and owned you at every turn... and I remember the first christmas event on guildwars (and still have a screenie from it!)
Good times!
I bought the original game the day it came out, so I guess I'll be looking at some 6 year anniversary gifts soon. Just came back from a 4 year break from GW (basically when I started college, I stopped playing but now that I'm about to graduate and am waiting for GW2 I started again).
My first character just turned 3. So about 36 months.
I have to say, The average age (at least on guru) is older then I thought.
I think the only reason I started play GW on release was because I learned of the game 1-2 weeks before release as a subsitute for FF11.
As of now I have some where around 2800 hours of play, not a lot compared to a lot of people
I think the only reason I started play GW on release was because I learned of the game 1-2 weeks before release as a subsitute for FF11.
As of now I have some where around 2800 hours of play, not a lot compared to a lot of people
Less than 2 months 
Can you imagine the amount of information overload i've been forced to deal with, trying to grasp all the game concepts, both big and small?
I downloaded the trial account, played the free week, bought prophecies, later bought the triology, faced the fact that one cannot add the triology to an account that already have one of the expansions registered, created a new account and installed all the expansions and started over.

Can you imagine the amount of information overload i've been forced to deal with, trying to grasp all the game concepts, both big and small?

I downloaded the trial account, played the free week, bought prophecies, later bought the triology, faced the fact that one cannot add the triology to an account that already have one of the expansions registered, created a new account and installed all the expansions and started over.
June 2005 here
Started at the end of June 2005 here. My oldest character got created a week after that about. I take breaks here and there, these past couple of years, more breaks than not. I'm at about 13k hours though..lot of time played 2005-2007.
Alot of people started June 2005 it seems =D... thats just enough time for the anniversary gifts to lose value haha. aww just had memories of my monk venturing out of ascalon and using his wand to kill skales, it was a heroes life...hey look a flute! Lvl 3 is surely ready to fight on, what do you mean i can't go back, i'll ignore this. Next second "HOW DO I GET BACK TO THE OLD ASCALON".
just did the /age and it goes back to dec 2005.... wow...