Update - Thursday, July 7, 2011
One thing I noticed... there's a new Imperial Guardsman named Lei Jeng that's in the Dragonguard armor as opposed to the Ministry of Purity guy.. he offers a new quest(s) too but they reward Imperial Commendations rather than the new Commendation...
Is that WAI? Imperial Commendation, the same ones you use to buy like ID kits and salvage kits?
Is that WAI? Imperial Commendation, the same ones you use to buy like ID kits and salvage kits?
Apollo Smile
Concerning weapons... Keep this in mind.
(Off the Winds of Change FAQ on GW Website)
"Players will be able to acquire weapons from two new sets, including the never before seen Imperial weapons."
So don't worry, these purples are just some fun goodies for the time being!
(Off the Winds of Change FAQ on GW Website)
"Players will be able to acquire weapons from two new sets, including the never before seen Imperial weapons."
So don't worry, these purples are just some fun goodies for the time being!
Scarlett Romanov
Anyone know where the survivors are in Minister Cho's Estate? I reallly dont want to have to drag all over the map.
I wasn't aware there would be multiple parts, so I guess this is just mechanism to let people get inscribable versions of uninscribable faction weapons. That's kind of cool I guess, but it will still tank the price of uninscribable fans (didn't realize the jitte was a dagger), which could be good or bad depending on how you look at it.
Are the Imperial weapons in this part, or coming at the end?
or do we have no idea =p
or do we have no idea =p
Cheap 20/20 Domination paper fan, here I come! I happen to like the new costumes too, thinking about buying the double pack since it's limited.
Some one post when they find these...
Inscriptable Shields: Echovald, Outcast, and Gothic
or other rare canthan skins like dragon staves, outcasts, etc.
Inscriptable Shields: Echovald, Outcast, and Gothic
or other rare canthan skins like dragon staves, outcasts, etc.
id still like to know if this will end up like wik. where if you want more weapons and run of chars to do it on..you end up having to buy from people. which will make the price for them rises and stay high.
Fans arent foci, but wands !
bleh... why did it have to bring us to minister chos estate... hate 4 party groups.
So you could have dual fans!!! ... pwn those hot summer days.
Because it all started from Cho's estate i guess

how is the quality of the costumes... any white AA lines or clipping?
id still like to know if this will end up like wik. where if you want more weapons and run of chars to do it on..you end up having to buy from people. which will make the price for them rises and stay high.
That said...will the Imperial Weapons fit in the HoM as well?
HM-ing these quests is going to be tough

hard mode is kickin' my butt :V i like it
I'm really happy for dual batons. But I'm scared of spending my commendations since I might miss out on the more expensive items!
Are there any means of obtaining them outside the primary quests?
Are there any means of obtaining them outside the primary quests?
More costumes. Really, I understand Anet needs to make some money and I am thankful for the free actual content we do get, but at some point you'd think people would get tired of buying these dam overpriced things.
Many players seem to enjoy the costumes. It's win-win, really.
I know almost any 7 hero team works in NM but what are you guys using in HM with your heroes? There must be some great hero teams for HM!
Minister Cho's is kick my butt ten times over
So many people buying commendations at 100g, lol.
not only the hom but in the fact it took so much to make the medals to be able to craft them too
Struggling even on nm to do the quests

the quest in hardmode is fun

Charlie Dayman
I don't like limited party quests

Just an update to say, the new costumes dye really well, and it's recommended to wear the helm with the dragon costume at all times, otherwise.. tiny apple head.
minister chos estate is a nightmare, the last survivor runs and agros another group so it becomes 5 vs 8-15 depending on minions.
I sooooooooo want that sword!
we just finished his first quest..then gives the option of hm..
its loong boring and seems completly pointless..
reward is imperial commendation..which have been in the game for a while have they not?
Soothing, ancestor's visage?
Or some new and hideously annoying passive monster skill? |
I have found only 3
Done up to the 3rd mission HM so far. Seems balanced (for sufficiently broad post-NF measures of balance that is). Needing to finish the NM quest to do the HM one is a PITA though, can't we combine both of them and just have it like the Zaishen stuff is?
Nomme Moon
This update so far isn't that fun...it's just go here, kill afflicted, rinse, repeat. The only difference now is that even on normal mode they hit like a freaking truck.
I already did this, it was called beating Guild Wars Factions and vanquishing Cantha.
I already did this, it was called beating Guild Wars Factions and vanquishing Cantha.
This is Lei Jeng. The guy with the quest that nobody seems to be noticing and hasn't been added to Wiki yet. |
So how are primary Dervishes faring? I'm going through the quests on my Assassin and it's impossible to keep SoH up for more than two attacks.
Oh, and does the DLC dragon armor look alright on normal sized characters? I don't want to waste money if it acts like the Shining Blade costume.