Make Ghastly Stones A random UW drop

Jette Antral

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

I support this. I'm sick of having to pay 4K for one RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing dream rider. They're worth it, but I shouldn't have to pay that much for them. Even Oni are cheaper, and they're almost as good for Barbs builds.

Edit: If the meth fiends that run these groups can't get the Florida predatory stinkbug out of their RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOs about being experienced, add a pointless drop to the end chest that does nothing except exist, and can't be traded or sold. Better yet, remove end chests from the game entirely. People who legitimately enjoy speed clears can keep playing them, and the incentive for people to act like terminally autistic assholes is removed.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2010

Unda da Sea

Club of a Thousand Pandas[LOD???]


Originally Posted by Jan Breydel View Post
ffs this discussion is so old and so stupid.
Yes the system of showing stones is far from perfect and flawed in ALOT of ways.
But srsly you can keep repeating the same old boring line 'showing stones does not prove experience' as much as you want, it wont change the fact that the system statistically works.

There are obviously 2 kinds of people who have stones:
-The ones actually experienced who have a bigger chance to succeed than people from practise runs.
-The ones who bought a part/all of their stones and which probably proves they are motivated and took the time to learn what they want to do. So also better than the random guy from a practise run.

If you disagree and say a 250+ statistically has the same succes rate and speed as a 50+ run you're either ignorant when it comes to pugging uw or a liar. In both cases you shouldnt've posted in this thread.

If you want to pug underworld gather your stones the hard way like I did or take the effort/time to buy them, both of these will get you further than complaining on guru.

If it wasnt clear already: /notsigned
Couldn't have said it better myself.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2011

Already to late in the game for this to be changed. Just join an uwsc guild, you'll get stones in no time, and you'll stop complaining and will be able to join a 250++ pug group.

Lawliet Kira

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006


just start your own uwsc groups and say 100+ stones, they never ask the leader to show his stones, i do it all the time, and i suck at UW therefore i emo