Idea for AFK Legendary Survivor
I believe you may be getting confused on the different scrolls - because the hunter's insight is NOT based on supply/demand, as it is from a merchant at a set price. The blue scrolls have set, fixed prices. The gold scrolls are based upon supply/demand, and the Beserker's insight (3x exp, enemy killed every 30 seconds) were 800gold apiece, as I bought several of them in the process of trying this. I'm gonna afk it tonight after my calc test <_<
I'll post the results tomorrow, ofc. Team is stable enough, just need to get the timing right as to keeping a scroll active yet not overwhelming the team.
I'll post the results tomorrow, ofc. Team is stable enough, just need to get the timing right as to keeping a scroll active yet not overwhelming the team.
Originally Posted by Plutoman
Been exploring this too with my team (dillway). I've swapped out the smite monk for a monk line similar to use, but with just life barrier, life bond, succor, and blessed. I use life barrier/bond on myself and the BiP, and succor on the BiP because he sometimes has issues (even as a necro) with energy and the extra +1 is good. I also put life barrier on the ST rit. That's the extent of energy considering the loss from succor, though I could experiment with essence bond/balthazar's on the monk (taking from life bond) and adding more life bonds.
Seems to work extremely well. I've had poor luck clearing out all 4 portals, and had much better luck just clearing out the first portal on the left, and sitting there, with the prot monk flagged back. Had no deaths at all in that position, though I haven't had the chance to just sit around and test it for hours. When clearing out the 4 portals, I had the problem of getting to the right position.. Too close, and the moment you clear out the first 2 titans, they spawn new ones which hit the group, and I usually would have 2 madness titans or so left. After a little while that added up till the group wiped. Stay back too far, and you wipe them, and it takes too long for the next group to come that a scroll wears off.. Or in some cases, the next group misses you and moves on past <__<
I'll report my results and any modifications (though I think any reasonable team build can do this, that monk idea was brilliant with the bonding to keep the main player alive however). Tlam's build worked well for me. I have only made minor modifications to it for myself. You don't need the ST defensive rit, but you need to dedicate as much damage as possible after the 2 healers and the monk bonder. Killing fast enough is the key to success, otherwise the titans can overwhelm your team.
Life Barrier - on everyone except the bonder himself, of course.
Life Bond - on the BiP
Succor - on your character so he can cast an additional Life Attunement
Life Attunement - This depends on the energy regen of your character. But I used it on my own character, BiPer, SoS/Restore Rit, and bonder since I was using a ranger.
I replaced his curse necro with my mesmer merc for greater damage.
Got my LS title from this. Starting from 0, this should take about 10 hours at the cost of only 1 Scroll of Beserker's Insight if you do it right. Proper placement is important.
Seems to work extremely well. I've had poor luck clearing out all 4 portals, and had much better luck just clearing out the first portal on the left, and sitting there, with the prot monk flagged back. Had no deaths at all in that position, though I haven't had the chance to just sit around and test it for hours. When clearing out the 4 portals, I had the problem of getting to the right position.. Too close, and the moment you clear out the first 2 titans, they spawn new ones which hit the group, and I usually would have 2 madness titans or so left. After a little while that added up till the group wiped. Stay back too far, and you wipe them, and it takes too long for the next group to come that a scroll wears off.. Or in some cases, the next group misses you and moves on past <__<
I'll report my results and any modifications (though I think any reasonable team build can do this, that monk idea was brilliant with the bonding to keep the main player alive however). Tlam's build worked well for me. I have only made minor modifications to it for myself. You don't need the ST defensive rit, but you need to dedicate as much damage as possible after the 2 healers and the monk bonder. Killing fast enough is the key to success, otherwise the titans can overwhelm your team.
Life Barrier - on everyone except the bonder himself, of course.
Life Bond - on the BiP
Succor - on your character so he can cast an additional Life Attunement
Life Attunement - This depends on the energy regen of your character. But I used it on my own character, BiPer, SoS/Restore Rit, and bonder since I was using a ranger.
I replaced his curse necro with my mesmer merc for greater damage.
Got my LS title from this. Starting from 0, this should take about 10 hours at the cost of only 1 Scroll of Beserker's Insight if you do it right. Proper placement is important.
Not *too* close, of course. :P I understand how that'd be a problem though. Following the route, there's basically 3 stops where they do a u-turn back towards the first left side portal. If I caught them at the first stop, it'd fail, at the second, the scroll would run out. Adding a hero and the first stop's fine. Couldn't do much to help it though, so I'll just be running it for myself, I guess.
I'd like to give this a try, but I'm not familiar with all of the different builds. Could someone who has done it list out the template codes?
In Tlam's youtube video, he provides build codes inside the info section.
(second or third post on the second page of the thread)
(second or third post on the second page of the thread)
I'm really interested in giving this a try. Been getting my rit though nightfall and am almost there!
Does anyone have a screenshot of the map? That would be awesomely helpful.
Does anyone have a screenshot of the map? That would be awesomely helpful.
Thanks Plutoman. I watched the video but never noticed the builds there. Doh!
Originally Posted by Starlet
I'm really interested in giving this a try. Been getting my rit though nightfall and am almost there!
Does anyone have a screenshot of the map? That would be awesomely helpful. As for the map of how to get to the area with the portals,
Just follow the blue line till you get to the area with the 5 purple dots. When you are in this area, clear 4 portals clockwise until you reach the spot where you see the video being taken by following the green line. The Titan spawning portal is circled yellow. One of Tlam's video has a mini map:
Use the trick of letting the Shirokens move up while you enter the gate that they come out from (refer to the wiki if you dont know what I am talking about), the portal spawning the titans would be immediately to your right upon entering. When you enter, move quickly straight ahead and clear clockwise (refer to the green line on the map).
If you have mercs you can go for a more aggressive build like the one I used:
Ineptitude mesmer: OQhkAoB8AGK0LQeGC4KwEgJACwFD
ES mesmer1: OQhkAoC8AGKzJAnmDMd3UBHC4iB
ES mesmer2: OQlkAgC8AaezJAnmDMdFBBHCoGD
ES mesmer3: OQlkAgC8AaezJAnmDMdbABHCoGD
BiP necro: OAhkQoG4hEyzdQ4JNncDzdXVt6B
Bonder monk: OwIT8W4ixxhEPoJBk76KJl4cA
Does anyone have a screenshot of the map? That would be awesomely helpful. As for the map of how to get to the area with the portals,
Just follow the blue line till you get to the area with the 5 purple dots. When you are in this area, clear 4 portals clockwise until you reach the spot where you see the video being taken by following the green line. The Titan spawning portal is circled yellow. One of Tlam's video has a mini map:
Use the trick of letting the Shirokens move up while you enter the gate that they come out from (refer to the wiki if you dont know what I am talking about), the portal spawning the titans would be immediately to your right upon entering. When you enter, move quickly straight ahead and clear clockwise (refer to the green line on the map).
If you have mercs you can go for a more aggressive build like the one I used:
Ineptitude mesmer: OQhkAoB8AGK0LQeGC4KwEgJACwFD
ES mesmer1: OQhkAoC8AGKzJAnmDMd3UBHC4iB
ES mesmer2: OQlkAgC8AaezJAnmDMdFBBHCoGD
ES mesmer3: OQlkAgC8AaezJAnmDMdbABHCoGD
BiP necro: OAhkQoG4hEyzdQ4JNncDzdXVt6B
Bonder monk: OwIT8W4ixxhEPoJBk76KJl4cA
Monk GW
I would like to share some info with you guys, I tried that build and this method from last Friday till Sunday (BTW this is really good build for NM/HM mission with bonus), but no great success, my team was wiped after 15 minutes. Anyway I was watching 15 minutes and I saw that after you kill Titan Abominations, Titan Abominations will spawn a Pain Titan when killed, which spawn two Madness Titans upon death, but after you will kill Pain Titan another 2 Titan Abominations will come to you in mean time I could not deal with Madness Titans and kill them fast, and I ended with 8-10 Madness Titans around me, plus Titan Abominations group was on their way ..., Help...
I would like to share some info with you guys, I tried that build and this method from last Friday till Sunday (BTW this is really good build for NM/HM mission with bonus), but no great success, my team was wiped after 15 minutes. Anyway I was watching 15 minutes and I saw that after you kill Titan Abominations, Titan Abominations will spawn a Pain Titan when killed, which spawn two Madness Titans upon death, but after you will kill Pain Titan another 2 Titan Abominations will come to you in mean time I could not deal with Madness Titans and kill them fast, and I ended with 8-10 Madness Titans around me, plus Titan Abominations group was on their way ..., Help...
I managed to use this to get the majority of my title (about 1,1 mil experience) I did however have to redo the run several times. I found that when flagging my heroes as Daesu and Tlam did I eventually found my heroes overran by Madness Titans and my heroes starting to die, or they kited into the Wraiths and closed the portal. Both cases are exceptionally annoying when they happen. In both cases I'm somewhat confident it was a matter of me lacking the proper damage output, which was most likely because I didn't feel rich enough to equip all heroes with Superior runes for more damage.
To solve the problem I simply only cleared out the first Portal to the left and flagged my heroes so that they would intercept the patrol about halfways between the portal they spawned from and their first stop during their patrol. Where exactly to position the heroes is a matter of damage output from your heroes, the faster you kill the closer to the portal to not let the experience bonus drop and the slower you kill the further away.
My suggestion is that if you got problems with being overran try flagging them a little further away and see if it works better. Pay attention for the first 30 minutes or so and see if it goes smoothly, if you got no major hiccups during that time it should be smooth sailing to your Legendary Survivor.
To solve the problem I simply only cleared out the first Portal to the left and flagged my heroes so that they would intercept the patrol about halfways between the portal they spawned from and their first stop during their patrol. Where exactly to position the heroes is a matter of damage output from your heroes, the faster you kill the closer to the portal to not let the experience bonus drop and the slower you kill the further away.
My suggestion is that if you got problems with being overran try flagging them a little further away and see if it works better. Pay attention for the first 30 minutes or so and see if it goes smoothly, if you got no major hiccups during that time it should be smooth sailing to your Legendary Survivor.
this is a video linked to a page here in the threads, cant put my finger on it right now but will shoot it to you when i do, however, in the description with the video, you'lll find what you need to do it. im getting my ducks in a row to try it out myself.
Originally Posted by Monk GW
I would like to share some info with you guys, I tried that build and this method from last Friday till Sunday (BTW this is really good build for NM/HM mission with bonus), but no great success, my team was wiped after 15 minutes. Anyway I was watching 15 minutes and I saw that after you kill Titan Abominations, Titan Abominations will spawn a Pain Titan when killed, which spawn two Madness Titans upon death, but after you will kill Pain Titan another 2 Titan Abominations will come to you in mean time I could not deal with Madness Titans and kill them fast, and I ended with 8-10 Madness Titans around me, plus Titan Abominations group was on their way ..., Help...
You don't need the ST defensive rit, but you need to dedicate as much damage as possible after the 2 healers and the monk bonder. Killing fast enough is the key to success, otherwise the titans can overwhelm your team.
You need to rune your heroes properly. Use at least a major rune on each of your mesmers, major blood rune on Biper, and a superior protection rune on your monk bonder.
Did this just get nerfed in the update today? I tried the run and I am getting nothing for it.
EDIT: NM, forgot to run it in HM I guess ScienceXReason
i've been having an issue with this, my team just dies before i can clear out all the portals, the team takes so long in taking out just the portal wraiths that some other group comes up and wipes my team out before i can kill everything.
Edit: nvm, i managed to finally get set up. you have to be real careful there and just slowly move up one portal at a time >.> edit 2: so my team was able to hold for maybe 25min before we got over run. the heroes kept scattering after i positioned everyone and eventually we were overrun my madness titans ScienceXReason
i was using tlam's set according to his vid, and my team normally held fine, it was just that my front line scattered way too much so the ESurge was only hitting 1-2 things, and madness titans would run through to my healers and eventually my bonder.
Monk GW
My heroes were setup correctly with proper runs and dmg skills (i read your posts a few times make sure they are fine, watch videos a few times as well), the issue is when you flag 4 mesmers away from healers they will start scattering and madness titans will go thru and hit your healers or bonder. it stars after 15 or 20 minuts (scattering ), like I said I will have a little bit time on Saturday and Sunday and will redo it again with some changes, btw I run as Monk so I can take extra bonds for heroes, and I have a few ideas. I will share them after a few tests. Monk Asia Daesu
Originally Posted by ScienceXReason
from what i saw on tlam's vid he disabled winter and mantra on all the mesmers and let bip do all the energy work.
the issue with the bonder was that my bipper died from gettign chased around out of range of the bonds, so i had to rez her manually (gwen was fighting for her life) and call the bonder up to re bond her, which was when the madness titans started going after him. You should flag your Bipper beside your character. All your heroes should be flagged with mesmers right in front, SoS between you and your mesmers, and Bipper beside you. Bonder should be far behind you so no monsters should enage her. If you follow the build and the instructions, you should not be having so many problems. I have my third Legendary Survivor now using this process. I overdid this guy and had my guild wars client running until it crashes with 2,454,157 XP since last death. untitled2005
This is very neat. I basically copy & pasted Tham's hero build and followed his tips. Set it up last night, and got LS this morning after 9 hrs. Thanks OP for the idea & Tham for the build!
il Priscilla il
Originally Posted by Daesu Just follow the blue line till you get to the area with the 5 purple dots. When you are in this area, clear 4 portals clockwise until you reach the spot where you see the video being taken by following the green line. The Titan spawning portal is circled yellow. One of Tlam's video has a mini map: Use the trick of letting the Shirokens move up while you enter the gate that they come out from (refer to the wiki if you dont know what I am talking about), the portal spawning the titans would be immediately to your right upon entering. When you enter, move quickly straight ahead and clear clockwise (refer to the green line on the map). If you have mercs you can go for a more aggressive build like the one I used: Codes: Ineptitude mesmer: OQhkAoB8AGK0LQeGC4KwEgJACwFD ES mesmer1: OQhkAoC8AGKzJAnmDMd3UBHC4iB ES mesmer2: OQlkAgC8AaezJAnmDMdFBBHCoGD ES mesmer3: OQlkAgC8AaezJAnmDMdbABHCoGD SoS Rit: OACjEyiM5QXTMTeTlTciDTSTTO BiP necro: OAhkQoG4hEyzdQ4JNncDzdXVt6B Bonder monk: OwIT8W4ixxhEPoJBk76KJl4cA Works perfectly. 4 legendary survivors already :] If your heroes are not specifically setup you can simply clear the first portal to the left and sit there as the titan pathing will be long enough to not be overrun with madness titans, however you may or may not lose the scroll depending how close you are able to flag your heroes. Starlet
So after many disconects and many deaths I am now Luna the Legendary Survivor! I never want to look at that mission again. Thank so much to everyone who posted in this thread with your helpful advice. <3
Amnel Ithtirsol
Gz Starlet
Btw: I also managed to get LS a few nights ago using the tips in this thread, so thanks to everyone who posted here! Daesu
Thanks to this, now all my playable PvE characters are legendary survivors. That is a total of 20 legendary survivors comprising of all the professions.
All I needed is about 15 minutes to setup each character and spend the rest of my time doing something else (e.g. sleeping/eating/working), so effectively, it only costs me 15 mins of game time to get LS. Just be sure to flag your heroes so that your bonder is definitely protected and also minimize monster contact with your BiPer. Sophia Kallistate
Originally Posted by Daesu
Thanks to this, now all my playable PvE characters are legendary survivors. That is a total of 20 legendary survivors comprising of all the professions.
All I needed is about 15 minutes to setup each character and spend the rest of my time doing something else (e.g. sleeping/eating/working), so effectively, it only costs me 15 mins of game time to get LS. Just be sure to flag your heroes so that your bonder is definitely protected and also minimize monster contact with your BiPer. Is there a way to do this if you don't have access to mercenaries? Showtime
3 ways discussed are all good imo.
AFK might a take a while. Could wake up and find him dead. But no biggie, not like you are putting effort into it. Farming works, but is risky. Anything goes wrong and you are dead. Look for the QQ so close to and lag or something stories. It takes some luck imo. I can't concentrate that long. FoW with heros is the best imo. It's only 10 runs. Do 2 a night for a week and get ok drops and gold. There's only one area that could mess up a well made team. Just have to pull and be ready to run if it goes to shit. REZ scrolls help. I did 4 in HM and the rest in NM. It was my final nm run that gave me the most problems. Burning forest got super aggrod when my defend monk ran out. Like the game knew lol. Griffs came out once in 10 runs. So I flagged my heros forward and tagged far behind. Also you could try a few SC's 1st. Do 3 or 4 and then go to heroing in NM for the rest. RoJ'd it with my Ranger SOS. Flagging is key and clear out anything that could be a problem. Not worth saving time over safety. il Priscilla il
If you don't have access to a merc slot I would take norgu Gwen raza (mes) and either a curses or blood nec, you probably wot e able to do it in hm without the mes merc, but I'm not positive.
Well of blood or suffering depending if you need more defense or offense. There's most likely a better solution than the extra nec, even taking the paragon hero could be useful, but you should go for as much armor ignoring damage as u can muster to make sure the madness titans are cleared before the next wave is aggrod or you will be overrun. With proper flagging I have not once had any issues with any deaths or wipes while afk. Daesu
Originally Posted by Sophia Kallistate
Is there a way to do this if you don't have access to mercenaries?
Of course, you can use Tlam's build shown here
il Priscilla il
Just as an aside, holiday drops do not drop from the second and following waves :c
This really worked for me. Had to try a couple of times Died 2 times not paying attention to place ment.
Thanks again. Tlam
I have been improving my team, achieving LS in 4 hours 48 minutes on the last attempt. That time could be improved by using a single damage dealer, and I have an idea for such a hero but doubt it'll work
Anyway, I have written up a team build in my sandbox on gwpvx, hopefully it covers everything and is easier to read than a forum post. YouTube video and screenshot of the /age. @Plutoman, I tried taking additional leechers on an earlier attempt, its time could be better (using the set up similar to above) - 3 AFKers. Hephaestus Ram
For everyone that would like to try the "Gate of Madness" way, but doesn't want to go
through the process of re-runing (is that a word?) your character...not a problem. I wanted to do it Tlam's way, but decided to try it "as is" first because I just didn't feel like changing my runes and weapons all around. I didn't even really want the title, it just sounded like a fun quest. So the only thing I did was convert Razah from ritualist to mesmer. I needn't have worried, everything worked out great. Only things that I worried about, other than Livia sacrificing herself to death was that the spawns might die so fast that the next group wouldn't arrive before the scroll expired. The fact that my character was a warrior (basically dead weight) concerned me, but I had enough energy to enchant Livia and one mesmer with Life Attunement. That was good enough. So if you don't want to make a lot of changes... not a problem.Even with minor runes and less than ideal weapons it's still pretty easy even in hard mode. comes out to around 1 level (15,000 points) every 9 minutes. il Priscilla il
With succor, I am able to cast life attunement x4 as warrior primary and the BiP will keep your energy up while afk (remember to hold a non martial weapon).
tempest thyme
Does this still work? I went AFK at 0130 and came back at 0630 today. No points were added to the survivor title since I left.
Rather interestingly, I was not stuck on the map, was still in HM, all the team including myself still were +10. I had enchanted three heros and that was still active.... and heros and the foe were still moving, but not displaying any points to show kills. To test this wierdness I started to move and at first I saw no points when I killed the foe. Very swiftly afterward the whole dynamic of attacks changed and the bonder was actually in danger so had to save him fast. All the foe movements I had studied earlier had changed. After about two minutes of fighting for survival / fixing flagging, I began to see display on kills. Quite possibly this is me, I have a really bad connection and it's horrible around event times. (Which is why I have never considered doing this title until now, it would be insane to predict a ping bounce of between 100 and 200 ping several times a minute with an average ping of 500. Hopefully it all works for everyone else and thanks to all for their advice. It has been a very large and interesting learning curve and fun, which is very rewarding in itself. |