Update - Thursday, October 20, 2011
Do these new costumes have the anti-aliasing problem that all the recent costumes have (white pixels appearing along the edges when AA is selected)? I can't get in-game at the moment to check them....
At least on my paragon wearing the ravenheart costume, on maximum zoom distance, there's some clipping on the... er... rear of the costume when moving. Strange how some clipping only appears at distance and is fine at close...
It's to do with the fact that the models simplify as your camera moves away, this is to increase performance. There's a technical term for it but I can't remember it at the moment.
Phoebe Poison
Really? I'm one of the people who wanted pirate costume, and since I saw Ravenheart Witchwear I've been wondering if dying female version red and adding a bandana would make it look like one :x
Essence Snow
Really? I'm one of the people who wanted pirate costume, and since I saw Ravenheart Witchwear I've been wondering if dying female version red and adding a bandana would make it look like one :x
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