Originally Posted by Gli
So people can only worry about one thing at a time nowadays? And seeing as how the OP was online to post this thread, it seems his electricity worries are over anyway, so that leaves room for a new worry, even by your severely limited worry-allowance.
You must look at your priorities in life. I would worry about my life occurrences rather than a video game. The world must truly be a marvelous place to live in if the OP's biggest worry is a finale that would give him a novelty item (which was sub par at best, mind you) for a video game.
Please do not imply my message as a sole statement saying that he should worry about power outages. While he cannot control weather, or the problems that will occur from it, I much rather be striving for power so I can use water to bath, heat to keep warm, and electricity to cook decent meals.
But of course, life has more problems then that. I am happy that I prepared and dealt with the issues I come into trouble with on a daily occurrence. I got ahead in my academic and personal studies, reached out to old friends, and even read part of a nice book when I lost power. There is much more problem(s) [because you oh so believe I was directing my post at one problem] in the world that should be dealt with before we contemplate where we should direct our frustration at.
Edit: Plus, there is a good saying out there: you should not worry about the events you can't control. If losing power was out of the OPs control to handle, then it was meant to be. There is no point in getting worked up about changing the past, what happened has happened. For a more real time example, I may not agree with what the people at OWS are doing, and I may disagree with them, but does that mean I want to stop them? No. I can't because that's what they believe in and I can't stop that.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Nope. The hats will never be available again. Not from Thorn, not in the GW shop.
If they were in the GW shop, those that couldn't get them for free could at least pay for them to get them.
It won't solve the troubles for everyone, but at leasy it would be something.
We've also ruled out that you must participate to get a hat, since some festivals have collectors after and some people just keep farming and them buy the tokens for the collector after. And some people is just AFK during the festival.
BEing AFK or coming when the party is over is NOT participating.
We also ruled out that all those that participate get to keep the hat, since it's not directly unlocked and accidents may happen. You may have left the guy AFK, forget to give the hat of have a mindslip that made you think you already showed the hat, delete it and... gone, forever. Even if you did participate.
If you may have the hat without participating, and you may not have the hat even after participating, why is people sticking to that?
We should keep only what's is really true: When you get them in-game, you get them for free.
Just putting them in the GW shop would be welcomed be many players. We already got them for free, so what if they can get them too? I won't enjoy my free hats less because more people have them, newbies have the right to enjoy all of GW, even those silly deer horn hats, and if Anet gets more cash to do more GWBeyond in the process, it's a situation in which everybody wins. Making hats that will be sold later would also ensure they make better hats more people would like.
I think more content for all should prevail over some anal fixation of a few.
To defend my honor, I feel offended that you would berate and blindly answer my post in such a manner. Mind you that I never specified hats. The OP mentioned the subject of events first which is what my post addressed. By the time this is posted, only more time will have past since the hats were released. Seniority is prevalent in the world around us. We see it because we humans are naturally social creatures. We have that instinct to create that hierarchy of a social tier. I disagree to making all hats available because then it defeats the point of having it in the first place. "Oh, I may have missed X hat on this date, but I can get it on Y date" is essentially what you are proposing. Where is the player loyalty in that? This is ANets game and they choose how to distribute rewards. A hypothetical scenario that I bring up shows that choices can create a trend of laziness. Laziness begets reward more than constraints. The rarity of items should be upheld and I see no reason why ANet would incorporate anything different.