08 Mar 2012 at 19:09 - 2
A few ideas :
- remove the ST rit. Except if you are doing really hard areas, you probably won't really need it since you have SY to keep your heroes alive. If needed, switch the MM to N/Mo and give him a few prots (SoA, Prot spirit...).
- as you said, the illu mesmer isn't great for damage. You can switch him to Esurge or take an other nuker.
- for general play, you can switch Panic to Esurge too.
- if feeling brave, take RoJ instead of UA. Or make the Monk Mo/N and give him weaken armor (not a huge investment in curses needed), and enfeebling blood if you like.
Never tried Dwayna dervs, so I can't help on this point.
Also, your warrior build needs an IAS, it will dramatically boost your damage. I also find that you don't really benefit from Warrior's Endurance with only one energy attack skill. You could fetch power attack or something like that in the build.
08 Mar 2012 at 19:11 - 3
I hope you realise that JI is cancelling out OoP.
08 Mar 2012 at 19:52 - 5
2 Dom mesmers are fine, i've seen no real problem with hex stacking and such when using them. Some people out there run 3 mesmers with cry of frustration and it seems to work great, so it should be ok.
The illu mesmer is good against physical, but with enfeebling blood most of them won't be a real threat any more. Shared Burden is nice for really dangerous mobs (I use it in my DoA hero team for safety), but otherwise not needed imho.
It also depend on your playstyle. If you bother with pulling/blocking/balling mobs and such, you won't need the same defence as if you just charge into mobs and let some escape on your heroes. You will need more AoE damage and targeted prot (on yourself) in the first case, and so on...
08 Mar 2012 at 21:06 - 6
Do you have either mercenary heroes or Zei Ri (WoC Ritualist) available?
08 Mar 2012 at 23:41 - 11
ST is awesome, but MM deals more damage period. So you should only bring ST if minions are not available and youre facing strong AoE damage. Otherwise you're usually better off with another RoJ, Esurge, EA or whatever, if you don't need ST don't bring it!
You can, contrary to popular beliefs. Bring both, in some situations it's not an all bad choice either.
SoS, SoGM and AoTL are, like it or not, undefeated champions of PVE. Nobody's been able to anywhere near prove that they can outrun spirits or anything such as that yet. They might outrun them for a few seconds but the ridicilous damage spirits put out is still going to prevail over time. Same with the AOTL minion bomber.
I use spirits regardless of whether I play melee or caster.
11 Mar 2012 at 03:22 - 13
Use a RoJ Monk, replace IAU with YMLaD, SY with Flail, and use Dash instead of Echarge
12 Mar 2012 at 17:37 - 20
Protecting minions is counterproductive because the whole point of it is for them to die and trigger death novas. "Hero mm" is one of the greatest misnomers in the game, along with the typical pug definition of a "tank/tanking".
In normal mode, it's usually more than sufficient to just have continuous/chained SYG and a biggie like prot spirit.
12 Mar 2012 at 18:06 - 21
Well thanks for the responses but lets not derail in into a ST vs MM thread

Also the questions by me made in post 16 weren't only directed to Hunter, if anyone else would like to give his/her opinion on one of those matters I would appreciate it a lot aswell!
12 Mar 2012 at 18:48 - 22
Originally Posted by Dblazer
Hehe well thanks for your input aswell.
I have to say I love the ST rit a lot too. I am using both a MM and a ST.
I do wonder about your 'don't bring a lot of mesmers' theory.
I've heard of several people that they are running such as 3 Esurge mesmers to solo the most hardest HM area's.
Also I am now using the inspiration mesmer with a few rit healing spells together with the sos (chann/resto) as the 'healers'
I am aware of the fact that UA monks are pretty damn good, but I am hearing a lot of different statements about the "dedicated healer VS hybrid".
Could you please elaborate a bit on the info, as it sounds you are pretty enthusiastic about it.
Thanks in advance and I will aswell try the setup you mentioned (meaning removing one mesmer and bringin an extra monk)
PS: I am using a SoGM rit aswell atm, don't you think the lack of spirits will have a big impact? I find them to be pretty OP in HM in combination with minions to have a gigantic body blocking wall.
PPS: As someone recommened, I've been trying out Shields+spears setups on my casters with 5e/+30hp on spear and +30hp/10armor against fire on shields for more defense.
I actually noticed their survivability increased aswell as rit's now putting spirits closer to mobs (in actual range). BUT my SoS rit started casting splinter on them aswell because they wear a martial weapon. Would you say it's a problem?
I'll try to answer these as best as I can and that I'm aware of I have put your main questions in bold to help me to answer
1st: Depending on your class etc is all dependant on synergy, warriors and mesmers don't really gel that well anything past 2 mesmers seems to go awry.
2nd: The UA VS Hybrid question is as old as the hills the main main reason for hybrid is more damage can be brought while the UA has 2 key points but is from a more defensive point a strong uber elite and powerful healing that intern means you would require only 1 healer and 1 hybrid PROT ie off the MM bomber.
3rd: When Heros use martial weapons and if the team have splinter it will be cast upon them whether or not this is effecting your team or your self is a judgement call. I always take 2 copies of splinter weapon for a near perminant splinter weapon for mass AoE destruction
Hope this clears some of your questions up. Later on when I get on-line I'll screen shot my builds for heroes that I use in the 8man areas and I'll post them.