Ok here we go:
This is a WARRIOR SPECIFIC hero make up. So if you wanna run it on ur sin or dervish, you might need to change some things:
The 2x Smiter monks are standard. Note i don't bother macro RoJ because most things go boom w/o the need to micro it. The key skills in here are the 2x smite hex/condition and SoH and balthazar's spirit.
- Balthazar spirit makes a huge difference on a warrior because it gives you 2 resources that are naturally scare AT THE SAME TIME. It is also the reason why i have YMLAD in here and am able to use it on cooldown if im being constantly hit. Note that there is no internal cooldown on the "proc" for balthazar's spirit, so lets say you are at 10 energy and are focused by a group of mobs for even a slit second, you will be back to full energy and adrenaline. Also keep in mind that a lot of mobs use AoE skills in this game, which further fuel balthazar spirit.
- Also note the 2 AoE heals on the smiter monks. at 13 Divine favour, you are looking at 100 hp PER PARTY MEMBER...you have 6 of those total. OP?
Moving on, UA monk, standard. has 6 attributes in inspiration magic for a minor e regen but mostly server as an interrupt too. UA is the most superior elite a healing monk can bring to the table so its a no brainer.
AotL necro with some prot in it works as both a dmg dealer due to nova, and as a dmg mitigator due to minions and the prot skills. The minions offer a good buffer zone during the timeframe shelter is down. I did go into it on my previous posts.
Mesmer is standard dom. I have shatter enchantment and shatter hex because i find that prot enchantments are the most annoying to deal with on mobs and shatter hex because it has a nice AoE component. Could take spiritual pain, or something else, doesn't matter. or even hex eater signet if you dont like it, but again, shatter hex is there for the dmg component. Also note Drain enchantment on the mesmer, which again serves the purpose of e-management and enchantment removal.
SoS/heal rit, is standard so not much to comment on this one.
ST rit with shelter, union and DISSENCHANTMENT. Why did i pick those 3 skills? Well the first 2 are fairly common, but the 3rd one serves 2 purposes.
1) it is there to fuel signet of creation. I found during my play tests that the e management on this rit was superior with 3 spirits compared to 2 since the AI had the tendency to use signet of creation on cooldown. The third spirit is there so at all times, at least 2 spirits are out and so the signet does not go to waste.
2)) Dissenchantment is godly when dealing with those pesky lvl 40 destroyers who like to spam prot bond and prot spirit on their allies and i found it invaluable when doing those quests. And since the spirit does dmg and is of the communing line, i figured i might as well use it for everyday use.
Another thing you might notice is that im using superiors on every single one of my heroes and i believe the 40/40 set would be the ideal weapon set but are not really needed.