Closed: Closed
Closed . . .
Bump . . . !
50k on the Q9 15^50 os broadsword
ign: Do Om Bringer
ign: Do Om Bringer
Bump . . . !
Bump . . . !
Tyreals Aether
I have a plagueborn scepter q13 divine halfs recharge time of domination spells 20% half casting time 10%....
IGN Tyrials Aether
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
IGN Tyrials Aether
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID
- Post a bid or do not post
- Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email
- In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Bump . . . !
Bump . . . !
Wika Sham
Hi there, I know you'd like to sell in sets, but I am starting a collection of q9 15^50 hammers and axes and need those!
So, 20k on each of those, let me know if you think of a B/O
So, 20k on each of those, let me know if you think of a B/O
Bump . . . !
S/B's and B/O's on most posted. Request for bids on sets skipped.
S/B's and B/O's on most posted. Request for bids on sets skipped.
Wika Sham
I'll take b/O on the hammer and one of the axes
Bump . . . ! Sold items removed, some new inserted.
Bump . . ! Removed sold IG, 3 new inserted.
Plagueborn shield
Q10 Str 60wh -3wh <- kappa
20e on this
Q10 Str 60wh -3wh <- kappa
20e on this
buildabong thorton
Q10 Str 41we -2we s/b 5e-plagueborn shield
private message me b/o plz or pm b/o
ign-shades of rain
private message me b/o plz or pm b/o
ign-shades of rain
Bump . . ! Removed sold and added a few new.
B u m p . . !
B u m p . . !
Removed sold
Removed sold
Aco Assasin
Plagueborn Axes
15^50 b/o 7e
IGN Aco Assasin
15^50 b/o 7e
IGN Aco Assasin
B u m p . . . !
Added 3 between bumps.
Added 3 between bumps.
Added a few.
Added a few.
Added 3, EM scroll, FC focus, Q11 str -5 19%, DF +1 20% shield
Added 3, EM scroll, FC focus, Q11 str -5 19%, DF +1 20% shield
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Bump . . . !
Bump . . . ! Added
Bump...! Added several.
Bump . . . !
Bump - updated, added a couple and removed.
Aco Assasin
Plagueborn Staves 20/10
Smite 20/10 b/o 5e
DF 20/10 b/o 10e
SP 20/10 b/o 10e
Curses 20/10 b/o 5e
Death 20/10 b/o 5e
Water 20/10 b/o 1e
and for plagueborn bows i will do s/b on all of the following
Hornbow 15-10 b/o 2e
Hornbow +5E s/b 5e
Recurve Bow 15-5E s/b 10e
Recurve Bow 20wb
Hornbow 15-5E s/b 5e
Hornbow 15vs hexed b/o 1e
and for your daggers
+5E 5e
+5E 5e
b/o ^
my IGN is Aco Assasin Pm me anytime to make these trades
Smite 20/10 b/o 5e
DF 20/10 b/o 10e
SP 20/10 b/o 10e
Curses 20/10 b/o 5e
Death 20/10 b/o 5e
Water 20/10 b/o 1e
and for plagueborn bows i will do s/b on all of the following
Hornbow 15-10 b/o 2e
Hornbow +5E s/b 5e
Recurve Bow 15-5E s/b 10e
Recurve Bow 20wb
Hornbow 15-5E s/b 5e
Hornbow 15vs hexed b/o 1e
and for your daggers
+5E 5e
+5E 5e
b/o ^
my IGN is Aco Assasin Pm me anytime to make these trades
Bump updated.
Bump - added new items.
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Bump . . . !
Bump . . . !
[EDIT] Removed a couple of sold shields.
[EDIT] Removed a couple of sold shields.
Coffee Man
Butterfly Knives 15^50 b/o 2e
I'll take those.
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
I'll take those.
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
Been having several internet related issues as of late, due to this trades are not going through smoothly both in game and through guru.
Feel free to bid, I'll try to be on during the new year event as much as it can handle.
Feel free to bid, I'll try to be on during the new year event as much as it can handle.
Aco Assasin
Q10 Tac 10/dragons +28 <- dragon offer of 5e
Aco Assasin please tell me the B/o
Aco Assasin please tell me the B/o
Mystic Reaper
ill take buyout on hornbow 15^50 for 5e, and 1 sword 15^50 for 9e plz. ign mystic reaper.
2/3 Guru trades complete, thanks.
Bump . . !
Bump . . !
Bump . . . !