Post your sexy Mesmer - Part I
lol my twin! Lozza yours look just like mine, face, hair. I even had the standard green collector armor to. I kinda liked it actually since the whole front of the chest piece is see through. That middle netting is a different colour if your skin is a different colour.
Murder In China
Finally someone posted a sexy mesmer
Here's my mesmer in Drok Performers.
Lol someone should post a male mesmer No please dont!
Vermilion Okeanos
Black+Blue dye
All 15k noble except glove.
Komfortably Numb in all her glory.
someone got me in a pic at LA! Its on page 1. where someone says they are apparently a pimp. didnt know how to copy it into my post.
someone got me in a pic at LA! Its on page 1. where someone says they are apparently a pimp. didnt know how to copy it into my post.
Now...If only male the male mesmer's FoW looked better I would get it. But...nah.
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Arcanis Imperium
Love the new load screen..
Love the new load screen..
Kago Seirei
Suprised Leslie (Charles Whitson) hasn't posted here yet. :L Anyway, heres my Mesmer, should've posted awhile ago, just lazy.
IW cast emote ftw. xD
IW cast emote ftw. xD
Post your sexy Mesmer
Ya... ugh
Jiao Yang
looks great!
not sexy.. but great.
Will be getting my male mes FoW soon theres more ugh to come
not sexy.. but great.
Will be getting my male mes FoW soon theres more ugh to come
Originally Posted by Kago Seirei
Suprised Leslie (Charles Whitson) hasn't posted here yet. :L Anyway, heres my Mesmer, should've posted awhile ago, just lazy.
IW cast emote ftw. xD Male Mesmer fow is better looking than the ugly male necro fow or the cheese shredder warrior fow armor.
Sometimes I'm just tempted to create another Mesmer and make it a male to get fow male.
IW cast emote ftw. xD Male Mesmer fow is better looking than the ugly male necro fow or the cheese shredder warrior fow armor.
Sometimes I'm just tempted to create another Mesmer and make it a male to get fow male.
Mistress Smooth
Stalker Haras
Here's Mine.
She looks nice there Mistress Smooth
I'm going to have to host the pics I have of my mesmer and post them
I'm going to have to host the pics I have of my mesmer and post them
the sexiest of the sexiest
nice red X there Sickkk
Originally Posted by Mavrik
nice red X there Sickkk
refresh page lol for some reason it works after refreshing
Originally Posted by boxterduke
Male Mesmer fow is better looking than the ugly male necro fow or the cheese shredder warrior fow armor.
Sometimes I'm just tempted to create another Mesmer and make it a male to get fow male.
Ive only actually seen male mesmer fissure in towns in game, and this screenshot so makes me want to make a male mesmer again.
I dont know what it is, the armour just seems so..stylish.
Then again, everyone to different tastes, as i love necro fissure and hate warrior
Sometimes I'm just tempted to create another Mesmer and make it a male to get fow male.
Ive only actually seen male mesmer fissure in towns in game, and this screenshot so makes me want to make a male mesmer again.
I dont know what it is, the armour just seems so..stylish.
Then again, everyone to different tastes, as i love necro fissure and hate warrior
Forget male FoW female FoW is the best looking armor in the game... Mesmer that is
@Veneficus everyone hates fow warrior armor.
@Veneficus everyone hates fow warrior armor.
Famous? wait where's Avarre Mnestris?
Originally Posted by ShazBo
Forget male FoW female FoW is the best looking armor in the game... Mesmer that is
@Veneficus everyone hates fow warrior armor.
Also there are a hell of alot of female mesmer fissures around..
Male mesmer = rare, *waits for people to say "its rare because it sucks"*
@Veneficus everyone hates fow warrior armor.
Also there are a hell of alot of female mesmer fissures around..
Male mesmer = rare, *waits for people to say "its rare because it sucks"*
Originally Posted by Cartoonhero
oooh. nice fissure. heres mine, just got her the 15k enchanters top, everytings dyed red:
Nothing like leaving your Valentine's Day date alone while you run off to save the world.
Nothing like leaving your Valentine's Day date alone while you run off to save the world.
Speaking of twins... (I'm the tall one)
Caged Fury
My mesmer with her new 15K Noble Attire and Droknar Enchanters (dyed black).
Originally Posted by ShazBo
I don't have any good screenshots of my mes (Except maybe the one I posted a few pages back), so here's a random one:
Originally Posted by Veneficus
Male mesmer = rare, *waits for people to say "its rare because it sucks"*
It's rare because it sucks
(The whole reason I made a female mesmer is because I really don't like the male mesmer design and armor. Male characters should not be spinning in the air, firing pink magic bolts!) jciardha
Originally Posted by Avarre
(The whole reason I made a female mesmer is because I really don't like the male mesmer design and armor. Male characters should not be spinning in the air, firing pink magic bolts!)
Haha. That may be so, and I agree with you that most male mesmer armor doesn't have much variety. But I still think my male mesmer has a nice ass.
Originally Posted by Avarre
(The whole reason I made a female mesmer is because I really don't like the male mesmer design and armor. Male characters should not be spinning in the air, firing pink magic bolts!)
that's so true
Well each to their own =]
Originally Posted by jciardha
But I still think my male mesmer has a nice ass.
*cough* Maybe only in the opinion of other male mesmers
Jiao Yang
i made a male mesmer beacuse the FoW set looks very different to all the droks and 15k armours. With females.. u can see when someone is wearing thier FoW but its not all that distinctive from the others.
Just my opinion... oh and male mesmers look stupid and funny. SO i made one. Queen
This is my mesmer with Enchanter's Armor (15k)!
I had a female mesmer, but you cant go to one town without someone also having a female mesmer (90% of the time with fissure) with the same face or hair.
It seems female mesmers are up there with the most bought fissure now. I prefer to be different, and i actually love the male mesmer set, not *that* far from getting it now. Although, i do admit, ALOT of male mesmers give male mesmers bad names (if that made sense ) Avarre
Muahaha, almost nobody has the same face/hair as Avarre.
I used to see a LOT more black noble/courtly robes than FoW... but female mesmer FoW is just so awesome, people have to buy it. Decent picture of Avarre sitting by the beach.. Veneficus
Originally Posted by Avarre
Muahaha, almost nobody has the same face/hair as Avarre.
Because thats a wig
Nah, not seen too many with your hair, but you have to admit Female FoW is as common as say Warrior Droknars Plate (lol maybe not that bad) Here is Raeyu: boxterduke
Originally Posted by Avarre
The whole reason I made a female mesmer is because I really don't like the male mesmer design and armor. Male characters should not be spinning in the air, firing pink magic bolts!
Hahah soo funny.
Lady Lozza
Originally Posted by Avarre
(The whole reason I made a female mesmer is because I really don't like the male mesmer design and armor. Male characters should not be spinning in the air, firing pink magic bolts!)
LOL true, but honestly malle mesmers are the best looking male characters in the game, some of them are even hot. I can't wait for Factions to see what faces and hair the established professions will have access to.
Yeah female mesmer FoW is very common lately, probably because of the drop in ecto price. I don't think I'll get my mes FoW any more, well not till I've seen the new armour in factions. In the mean time I might have to get her 15k rogues. |