Experience Milestones
ill teach you to solo for 10 ectos.
Murder In China
^ Why pay when Racthoh and teach you for free?
Heh, not your build, what gives you the right to ask money for it?
(is it an LBS thing?)
Someone was in american districts charging 100k to solo fissure too

Someone was in american districts charging 100k to solo fissure too

wow 30k for a droknar forge run, i hope he doesnt get payed for his overpriced services
Originally Posted by Anarion Silverhand
Saw a guy who was offering to run from Beacon's Perch to Droknar's Forge for *insert drum solo* 30k....
Though I agree that LBS slightly overcharges on most of their runs, 30k is not bad at all for a droks run, since they charge by the PARTY, not the person.
Please try not to derail the thread though... The topic is EXPERIENCE MILESTONES, not LBS flaming, nor farming training, or even a thread to flame those who "farm too much."
Keep it on topic guys...
Please try not to derail the thread though... The topic is EXPERIENCE MILESTONES, not LBS flaming, nor farming training, or even a thread to flame those who "farm too much."
Keep it on topic guys...
Had about 400k when Racthoh had 6 mill, think I've done ok since then..
792 hours over 5 months on Ava, 1250 hours over 5 total... 3025 deaths on Avarre.
Most of my xp isn't from farming (maybe 1M at max) the rest is from FoW. Spend alot more time using Ava for PvP/afking now though.
It's not much, but not too bad for a mesmer

Originally Posted by Avarre
Had about 400k when Racthoh had 6 mill, think I've done ok since then..
792 hours over 5 months on Ava, 1250 hours over 5 total... 3025 deaths on Avarre.
Most of my xp isn't from farming (maybe 1M at max) the rest is from FoW. Spend alot more time using Ava for PvP/afking now though.
It's not much, but not too bad for a mesmer
um i think that is more then not bad it is great. its fun to get away from omonk or war bulds and have alot of fun and exoo from them.
792 hours over 5 months on Ava, 1250 hours over 5 total... 3025 deaths on Avarre.
Most of my xp isn't from farming (maybe 1M at max) the rest is from FoW. Spend alot more time using Ava for PvP/afking now though.
It's not much, but not too bad for a mesmer

Originally Posted by BeatWolf
That just says to me your farm all your life, why dont you become a sweat shop farmer and earn REAL cash weather it be next to nothing.
Farming 24/7 is not much of an achievement, it's more of an obsession.
Here's mine anyway:
....That picture just proves how someone can controdict themselves ENTIRELY in one paragraph.... farming isn't much of an acheivement but playing pvp all day and insulting people on guru is a huge one. Nicely thought out reply. GG.
Farming 24/7 is not much of an achievement, it's more of an obsession.
Here's mine anyway:
....That picture just proves how someone can controdict themselves ENTIRELY in one paragraph.... farming isn't much of an acheivement but playing pvp all day and insulting people on guru is a huge one. Nicely thought out reply. GG.
Originally Posted by Amsterdam
Originally Posted by Avarre
Had about 400k when Racthoh had 6 mill, think I've done ok since then.. 792 hours over 5 months on Ava, 1250 hours over 5 total... 3025 deaths on Avarre. Most of my xp isn't from farming (maybe 1M at max) the rest is from FoW. Spend alot more time using Ava for PvP/afking now though. It's not much, but not too bad for a mesmer ![]() sno
Originally Posted by xcutioner
Wow. Very Nice Avarre! I expect to see high end war/monk/necro's, but you're mesmer is really inspiring.
Agreed, very impressive. seut
very old milestone from January 2005 beta
for some reason, i tend to keep my skill points at this number...
Here's my current faction. I might not pvp for a while!
![]() N19h7m4r3
I don't really have that much xp since I never have a character for more then 2 months. I'm always making new PvE ones. Don't really know why.
Mr D J
Originally Posted by striderkaaru
for some reason, i tend to keep my skill points at this number...
rofl, that matches my avatar Dralspire
I am not going to bore you with my XP as we all know how it has been obtained ... UW, FoW, SF, and wild farming.
As such, my XP milestone was when I had all the skill points to complete my E, Me, Mo, N, R, W skill/elite skill collection on my one character. ![]() PS: The rest came from quest rewards. sno
I missed my all 5's milestone
![]() didn't notice till i was at 5.56. meh, 1mil to the next one! ![]() gimpy wimmer
Originally Posted by Racthoh
My warrior finally got his 300th skill point in reserve for chapter 2. Provided that there are 300 new skills as I've read, he's all set. He already has every skill from Chapter 1, took 373 skill points.
![]() 1,208 hours 47 minutes on Racthoh... 1595 hours 59 minutes in total over the past 8 months. Yes, I play warrior too much. lol kinda dumb but do u have 300k to buy them? Avarre
He bought a req7 +15% stance longsword just because he felt like it, of course he has 300k
![]() Where the rest of my XP goes, nothing special at all (but when combined with Ava's current xp, I just hit the 5,000,000 mark ![]() Guess I'll have to brave some more PuGs and get the rest of the skill points for mes ![]() shadowfell
Originally Posted by Lozza
Not exactly a mile stone, but check out the faction xD Couple thousand faction? Big deal, I raked up 1k just screwing around with henchies on pvp weekend. Anyone can do that. Sk8tborderx
Originally Posted by shadowfell
Couple thousand faction? Big deal, I raked up 1k just screwing around with henchies on pvp weekend. Anyone can do that.
I think Lozza was refering to her faction because it is at 2,006 and the year is 2006.
Ahh ok then... in that case, I retract my snarky comment =D
Originally Posted by gimpy wimmer
lol kinda dumb but do u have 300k to buy them?
Of course he does... he solos UW and FoW! He probably has around 900k spare cash lying around somewhere...
Murder In China
Karunpav, I think Racthoh has more than that....
gimpy wimmer
was a joke but whatever
Nawn Centz D.E.V.i.A.N.C.E
trolls... about 1,200g profit per skill point (using scrolls; 3 runs)
if you strictly do lets say 900 runs; should have ballpark ~360K I know I'v got 90 some ecto to cash in just incase... also I'v been using my 2nd accnts nec to goto uw... and keeping my monk @ last distric keeping grenth out... Skuld Not quite so impressive :P disarm76 Racthoh
Originally Posted by disarm76
Aren't you going to show us your exp total?
![]() Despite my exp total, I have very little to show for it in funds. My warrior's two fow pieces, my monk's pants, two items that might fetch a little under 100k, and 600k in stash. The bulk of my gold has come strictly from just merchanting what I find, so to anyone who doesn't pick up everything they find... it adds up over time. Lichtenberg yes i play to much and i havnt farmed or pve'ed on my war for a longtime boxterduke
Originally Posted by sno
Here is my mesmer with 2 mil which I thought was special untill I saw the 3 mil one. My warrior that shares the 69 number with a couple other here. And my monk that I do not use much since I can 55 with my mesmer and necro. MMSDome
Originally Posted by sno
Agreed, very impressive.
i agree also because you have that much with a mesmer which is REALLY hard to do
Originally Posted by boxterduke
Here is my mesmer with 2 mil which I thought was special untill I saw the 3 mil one. Not to worry, you can likely surpass me quickly... I honestly haven't done anything with my mesmer for the last few weeks besides the occasional (ie: like 3) uw/fow runs. I simply cannot be bothered to hunt for a PuG for FoW (since I mainly use my necro for guild fow trips) ![]() temp
yay 1 million xp and FoW armour =D now im happy
HellKite I also have a warrior, Mini Hell Kite which is exceeding 3 mil. Pvp is not my style as of yet so many of you have me beat there. Ensign
The really impressive part is managing to get 5 million XP on a character, while still being too lazy to get the last 30 attribute points.
Indeed. I also didn't have my Sup Healing rune on and I also had the other skills high to test something. I usually have 16 heals 11divine and randomness.
Woot got my 1 million exp on my monk no to finish it up on my warrior